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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest skeezeee

Duong Tu Anh ?


It looks guyish o__o"

english; Cindy Ann Duong.

yeah, you better stick to that :D

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Guest teruteru_chan






LOL i didnt expect so many Vietnamese ppl here xD




mine is Chu Hòa An xD. very very very unique, rite? even though i saw couple of Ans here and there but anyway, i love my name <3




only 3 syllables =) and it looks short and very simple, neh? xD




Chu: my last name. it's a very weird surname in Vietnam, i suppose :lol:. somebody thinks that it must have something to do with the Chinese, but NO, i'm a PURE Vietnamese xD.




Hoà: my middle name which means harmony :*)




An: my first name which means peacefulness :">. it's pronounced as [a:n]. i hate it when ppl call me Ann [e:n] ew~~ ><




my parents, my grandmas and my relatives dun call me An, they've been calling me Ti for 17 years <3. no relation btw the 2, eh? :blink: . but i love it cuz it's my nickname given rite after i was born by my parents <333




English name: NO x). as i assume my name is such a-piece-of-cake to pronouce, i dun adopt any English name for myself ^_^. and yeah~! its true! all of my new classmates can read out perfectly my whole name xD. even one of the guys in my class sounded like my dad when he shouted my name :lol:




i prefer to be called either An or Teru xD [Teru is my cyber name, its Japanese ^^].




^ wat a long post for a name *rolls eyes*


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Guest random koohkie




















Since I was born in Viet Nam and lived there until I was 2, my name is Huynh Nam Khanh Uyen.
















Although I dropped the Khanh part because it got annoying.
















But I would never change my name! I like it being Vietnamese because people can't get you easily confused with someone else!



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LOL, you loser, like that's gonna help...

































































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Guest love.in.the.ice
































































































































































Thuy Vi is my vietnamese name































































































































































































































































































but anyways, i like my name









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My Vietnamese name:












Linh Truc Nguyen












My English name:
























because it sounds like Lynn so easy to pronouce.





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Guest hunterheart
































































Huynh Thuy Hong.
































my twin sister's is
































Huynh Thuy Van
































Yes, very boring viet names.

















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Guest JWonNie





A lot of viet names have n in them haha





like ng something something...





sorry... random :]





I love viet namesssss








your one & only







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Guest taylorkabaylor

viet:tran thuy tram

english: taylor(i like greeting myself better with english, shorterxDDD)

lol ahh all T's TT_TT

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Guest forevernever

Mine is Nguyen Anh Quyen.

Though if you were to put my saint name + English name, it would be

Teresa Nguyen Anh Quyen Catherine


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Guest pinkii












i like my viet name too...mine is Le Pham Y-Anh








i have two family name....Le is my dad, Pham is my mum...put them together Le Pham...








no middle name.....Y-Anh is my first name... its a different name so i like it....








some people dont even think its a viet name....plus cos i dont look viet ....people think my name is from some other asian country....the pain i have to go through explain my name to ppl....



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Guest rufflezz
































Most Vietnamese people have 4 names :$
























Mines: Lam Tran Bao Ngan, meaning money keeper! :)
























And .. I have english name too.





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Guest kneepops




































Viet-Huynh Nhu Bao =]]




























english-Nina Huynh =]]




























Bao if you saw it in viet sounds like a boys name but i like it




























yesterday some guy thought i was filipino cuz of my american name hehe





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