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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest NikiChow2



so many people have surname Nguyen .. but  its actually a chinese surname originally

Really!? I've never heard about it before! o.o'' Nguyen doesn't sounds like Chinese.

But I'm also a Nguyen :P


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full/birthcerty name: Nguyen Ngoc Elizabeth
















































































































home name: Thao
















































































































full homename: Linh-Thao
















































































































ermm.. there are so many meanings behind Thao.. ok well two. haha
















































































































1. Thao- obeying to parents/elders (i.e. hieu thao)
















































































































2. Thao- grass. (and for the instance of my name, Linh-THao= Healing grass- or so told by my parents. haha)
















































































































and Ngoc means diamond/jewel
















































































































But I like to go by Liz/Lizzy
















































































































but I don't care what people call me. lol.

















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Guest SouthernBelle82








































I think it's interesting and was wondering how do you find out this information?





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Guest NEYUGN93





ARGH!!!! lucky... you guys have viet names xP i guess cos it would not be used for me... well instead i have this weird retarded chinese name T.T



Anyways I'm a Nguyen eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ^^


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Guest tammy2012





ok my name in english is just plainly Tam Nguyen.. i have a middle name too but just dont include it in when i turn in stuff and such



and my viet name was suppose to be Minh-Tam Thi Nguyen



but when i was born they liked typed it in wrong or somethin...they typed it into *meaning my birth certificate* as Tam Minh-Thi Nguyen..



so yea it sounds all weird..i dont know for sure about my middle name ..cuz its just suppose to be Thi but then on the paper it says Minh-Thi..so yea i have no idea what to follow...



oh yea since i was born in america and around my friends and everything i noticed that in vietnam everytime u have a kid i dont think that kid would get a new nor different middle name...u just take what ur mom has..and if ur a boy then u take what ur dad has..



while in america they're all different...so is this part of our "culture" or all over in asia and is only different in america?


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rosemary thu hong dao






lol go daos









It's so close to a my friend's name. Her English name is Rosemary, she also have a Hong in her name, and her last name is Cao.





Some things I learned about Vietnamese names lately. It's usually four syllable. Thi is a common middle name for girls and Van for boy. My mom says its because Vietnamese names is mostly unisex, and the Thi and Van is used to differentiate girls from boys. There's two first name, the first one is the add-on to make it sound prettier but the real name is the second one. Americans don't understand this and always just call me by the first one and I got used to it. My mom gets frustrated sometimes, because she says that's not what she named me. I should either be called by my full first name, or if it's going to be shortened, call it by the second one.





I'm too paranoid to give away my full name. But my nickname at home is Luna but no one really call me that, it's always Na.

Nguyen and Tran are 2 of the 16 royal families who ruled. People have these last names are either descendents of royalty, might have changed it voluntarily to show loyalty, or they might have been forced to changed their last name to the ruler at the time. My mom told me there are a lot of Nguyens because the King wanted everyone to change to his last name (Nguyen) and whoever didn't do so, were killed. After his reign, some people reverted back to their original surnames. Few of you might be of royal blood. COOOOL!





There's many different royal families, but the people who are considered of royal blood right now are the Nguyens from Hue since they're were the last royal family in Vietnam.


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Guest GreenTurtlesEqualsLove
















































Truong Dan Khanh~































































i never liked my name, it sounded so much like a boys. =___=































































hahaha, but Dan Khanh; so originallll :]









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Guest myanh_tran

i dont have American name i want i to be Jane Tran

my vietnamese name is Tran Thi My Anh. ( Tra^`n Thi. My~ Anh)

i was born in the time that The USA and Britian had the war in Iraq, and my name is the combination of THE USA and Britian.

i tdont like the " Thi" i want to take it out

My: the USA

Anh: Britian

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My full name is Nguyen Ngoc Thien Anh
























sooo long.lol



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Ngoc Anh Christina Quach. I'm part chinese that's why my last name isn't very viet. o.o





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My full name is Yvonne Da Thao Ho




So Da Thao would be my viet name, which is also my middle name.




And my english name would be Yvonne (:




Haha, I don't like my last name >_>




People would be like, "HEY, HO!"




Me- =.=....




I can never tell if they're using it the wrong way, or they don't really know.




It's probably the first one, since most kids at my school are pretty... corrupted XD





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Guest -PaperSkies-



























Phan Kiem Nghiep.




































Blehh. So they call me Phan and the non-asian kids go, hey hey Phan would you like to FAN me? Good god D: But some people say Kiem is/would be a nice first name. Some actually call me that :huh:



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phuc dat bich


NO WAY. This dude's name is okay just as long as he doesn't come to any English speaking country, wahahaha poor guy.

I noticed that quite a few Vietnamese have "Nguyen" as part of their name. Why? What does it mean?


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