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Your Vietnamese Full Name?

Guest love_pixie

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Guest PowerPopJon
































































































































































*** anh vu.
















































































































































hate my viet name T_T









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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)




My name is weird :P


Last is Cao (as in tall)


Middle is Xuan (as in the season of spring)


My first name is Hieu (as in understand)


Omg "Phuc Dat Bich" LMAO :lol:


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Guest bubblexpffe
































































































































I don't have a Vietnamese full name. :3 My viet name is my middle name. =D
































































Julie Tuong Vi *insert last name here =D*.

































































































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my vietnamese name consists of four words all starting with "T" lol --> T T Trang T




























i dont wanna post it all up cause.. just because lol x)




























i kept my viet name because its more convenient for me and everyone around me :D





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Guest Tranny-ster
































































































































































































































































































































































































mine is Tran Thi My-Lien
































































































































lol Thi is such a typical middle name eh..so is tran..

































































































































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Guest Fizzlestickz



isn't nguyen & tran the two most powerful royal families back then? i could've sworn i heard something like that.. O.o

well mine is tran do ngoc quyen






i feel like it doesn't flow.. & it means precious burden. -.- lol






my english name is just pronounced quinn.











Nguyen and Tran are 2 of the 16 royal families who ruled. People have these last names are either descendents of royalty, might have changed it voluntarily to show loyalty, or they might have been forced to changed their last name to the ruler at the time. My mom told me there are a lot of Nguyens because the King wanted everyone to change to his last name (Nguyen) and whoever didn't do so, were killed. After his reign, some people reverted back to their original surnames. Few of you might be of royal blood. COOOOL!



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My Vietnamese name is Nguyễn Chu Thẵng. My English name is T-Dawg (seriously o.0) or Tang (like the drink). I love my Vietnamese name. I ain't my English names.

















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