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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest oh2am

my mom acts like she is proud i listen to korean music, she actually was the one who got me to listen to asian music...erm and my dad doesnt even know since i rarely ever see him

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Guest Stacy

My parents were a bit shocked when they found out, but after that they didn't say anything, they don't really care. My mom watches kdramas too.

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Guest Machuen

They don't mind that I watch korean series but they don't want me to spend much time with it. If i start watching 1st cd, i can't stop to finish it as soon as i can.

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Guest jun;MON

:mellow: My mom told me to marry a Korean guy instead (but choose wisely).

She kept complaining about why can't I learn Chinese instead.

She asked me to never speak to her in Korean. LOL

Oh yes, my family think's I'm a crazy obsessed fan & that I should also marry a RICH Korean guy.

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Guest birthdaycakes

Haha I am not Asian at all and I watch them. My parents don't really care. Why should they? They're not bad or anything, in terms of content. My parents were just like, "Well that figures, she listens to the music." They weren't really surprised to find out I listen to the music (mostly Chinese though) since I love the language.

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Guest shizukaryuu

lolz, itz all the same with me too, my mom didn't care before and usually watches K-drama and J-drama with me.. (just recently she's been thinking like the rest of my family..hmmm) but the rest of my family are quite bother-some. They'll say stuff like "why do you listen to chinese music" or "why do you watch chinese stuff" but itz not chinese and even so, so what*~!! oiii >.< it pisses me off sometimes and sometimes they'll say stuff like "you can't even understand it" or "your a wanna be" but i say so what. Just because one watches it doesn't mean you're trying to act like korean,japanese or chinese..etc.

I JUST LIKE IT~!!! OIII*~!!! >.< N ITZ STILL MUSIC*~!!! ITZ NOT LIKE ITZ TOTALLY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!~ N i wish it was alright with everyone else... o wellzz.. i still love it*~!!!!!! =D

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Guest KDramaFreak

my mom goes loco. She says that i shuldnt be watching kdramas cuz all they do is give u ideas abt love. And as for this age i shuld be focus on my studies not doodes. @_@ its way more then this

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Guest azn7cuti

first time they heard it..my parents was like..:"do you even understand it?" then after while they got use to it..and they dotn care..cuz my sister and i been listenin to korean music for the longest..kekekeke

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Guest desertseatingoceans

At the beginning my parents would bring it up here and there and make a comment such as "You don't even understand what they're saying." They would ask me why I wouldn't listen to Chinese music. Which I'd reply with the following, "Chinese music is boring." In my opinion, I do find it boring, mainly Cantonese music. I don't think there is much of a variety like there is Korean and it's a lot more catchy. It seems most Chinese music is made up ballads and sometimes slow songs bother me. Don't get me wrong, I listen to Mandarin music but when it comes to Cantonese, it's like there's no substance. Majority of Cantonese are actors anyway so I avoid it.

Whenever my mom sees me or my sister watching Korean movies, she'll recite some of the lines in a "mocking" voice. It's not that she doesn't like me watching it, she has gotten use to it. My dad hasn't said anything to me recently about it, I think he tries not to think about it. I use to get a lot of "You're Chinese. You should be listening to Chinese music. If you do you'll become fluent" -_- I doubt that will happen.

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Guest pucca1430262022

my parents thinks im weird.. i heard them talking about me once after they saw all the korean/japanese posters on my walls. they said im obsessed. three posters is not an obsession. they think im losing my vietnamese/chinese since i dont watch or listen to vietnamese music.

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Guest shawty_says

they dont care. they get mad when i pull all nighters watching them tho.

and some of my family members go "why do you listen to music you dont understand?"

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Guest cpopbaby19

at first, they got really annoyed. .___.

but later on.. (after a year..) they're okay with it. both of my parents watched a korean drama with me before.. lol. XD esp. when they're in a good mood. haha. it's so funny.

but when my dad has his PMs. holy.. :mellow: he'll blame the tv and computer. ._______.;

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Guest Jenni.Pho

I don't think they really care...but sometimes they get bothered by how much I like [obsessed] with it lol. I've been listening/watching Korean&&Japanese&&Chinese stuff for a really long time...and I dunno.

They think I'm odd, but I got my mom watching Chinese&&Korean stuff after I made her and my sister watch Full House with me lol.

They do get mad when I can't stop watching a drama though -__-''

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Guest Shortyyy126

my parents don't mind cause they loveeeeeeeee korean dramas. my mom cries like a pinkberry everytime. lol. as for music, she doesn't care. =)

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Guest Mar*dee

My parents join in when i watch krn drama, so it's nt dat big of a deal!

and they dun really care about wut music i listen to!

they one who actually said that im kinda weird for listen to music that i dun understand are my friends...

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Guest p33kab00

my parents ask me if i understand it and i just say yes(not realli) haha.

after tht they'll go on about how i'm going to marry a korean guy when

i get older -____-""

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