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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest renjitehsmex

my parents are perfectly alright with it. my mom watches / loves korean dramas and i think that that's a good thing =)

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my mum loves korean drama too.

when i listen to korean music.

my dad and mum think I'm crazy.

they say i'm listening to something which i don't even understand a word.

which is kinda true. :sweatingbullets:



i love k pop! :D

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Guest Love Virus

mehh not korean, but japanese

I was going through the awkward phase and listen to alot of rock music, then to japanese rock introduced to me by my drug friends

my parents hated it =__= since japanese rock music has weird noises in it XD ahahahaha

yeaaa..I dont' know what I was thinking back then eithr =T

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Guest yamaki_LOVE

hahah parents don't care, sisters uhh they would be like why do you like those kind of guys you know how japanese biys and korean boys look like girls...hahha but yeah me and my freinds are into japanese and korean doesnt matter the guy, dramas, or culture, cause we are hook to them...

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My mom gets a tad bit annoyed, I don’t understand why tho. But if I start talking about Korean things she’s like; *rolls eyes* Korean again

Lol its not like I tlk about it all the time, I just mention to her what songs and shows I’m listening/watching lol but I think she’s starting to get its not really a faze, I am really serious about learning it and stuff lol

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Guest Joanne <3

:mellow: My parents don't care at all. In fact, they watch Korean dramas with me. About the music, they disregard the fact that I don't understand it. I listen to a lot of foreign music, so I guess it's hard for them to differentiate from which languages I'm actually listening to anyway. ^^

:) I don't see why they'd be mad.

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Guest luvjunjin0819

i have yet to get them to watch or listen, but they just think i'm weird. but they understand that it's something i love, so they don't really say too much about it. and it's come to the point where if they see a korean ( or sometimes just asian) guy on tv, they'll point him out to me, regardless if he's attractive or not, lol. they know i like the culture & guys, it doesn't bother them too much.

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Guest chdairkld

My parents weren't too reactive, they were just like "oh new music huh?". It's probably because they watch tons of dubbed asian dramas already...

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Guest fairylight

My parents don't care ^^ my grandmother said that Korean's so beautiful and their outfit's courteous when she watch K-drama :lol:

But one of my aunt (a keen woman in my opinion) said that K-drama make viewers more romantic and lack of real thought, and Korean singer's just the idol who don't know how to sing, they only can get popularity by looking >____< (she saw many DBSG's media in my computer ^^) so she hate it and ban her daughter watch them.

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hahah actually they don't care.

my parents love watching korean dramas and

i think its wierd that they watch it like all the time

while i watch it about three times a week?

haha my dad even said Kim Tae Hee was hot,

when he was watching one of the dramas she was in

actually i think they like it better that i listen to more asian songs,

cause they think i would probably know the language when i'm older ><"

and become smarter. LOL

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Guest melonbun

My parent's don't really minds...

My mom, aunts, and grandmother really love to watch Korean Dramas...

but when they see my watching one of TVXQ, Super Junior, Rain, Se7en, or any male korean singer's music vids, they go "Are they girls, why do they sound like girls?!"

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Guest krylovx

i dont think my parents mind.

but sometimes theyre are like "why dont you listen to chinese?" or "you should learn chinese, not korean"

but i guess thats all they say.


its just my friends.

now thats a whole other story.

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Guest icedchaifufu

Generally they don't care. My dad though, because we have MBC and SBS from our satellite, when he comes to my room and he sees me watching School of Rock or w/e, he would just get really annoyed. I like watching Korean sitcoms and comedy stuff and he finds them really really annoying. And he was also weirded by me bringing Korean friends at home. But I guess they learned to just compensate now since they don't care.

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Guest pookstar

while watching my kdramas my parents usually walked in and sit down and watched with me. xD so they dont really care, and they also have their own korean series to watch. ^__^

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Guest Froxie_Proxie

They dont care. I was basting dbsk's tri-ange the other day and my mom was trying to dance to it...Quite funny.

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Guest callingTHEWORLD.

^ hahaha, if my parents told me to move out then i will. :D

they don't mind.

my mom watches korean dramas a lot too.

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