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Today I Am Grateful For _______. (list 5)

Guest iamstellar!

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1) not attending any of my classes

2) spelling my girl-friend name correctly (her last name)

3) drinking water when I feel hydrated

4) staying below 105 pounds

5) eating!

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Guest iamstellar!

today i am grateful for/to:

1) delicious cupcakes from "sugar sweet sunshine" (magnolia's is soo overrated!)

2) my mom, for calling me and making sure i woke up early today

3) my new passport finally came

4) the woman that helped me with the subway map

5) "yam yam" (a korean snack)

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Guest icedchaifufu

Today I am grateful for

1. recieving scholarship for my AP Tests (saved $350 for 5 tests!!!)

2. the Straberries and Creme Frappuccino I got for free but the barista lady flirts non-stop.

3. finally getting my Gatsby Hair Wax I bought from ebay.

4. having had found out that 3G tech is coming to the US this year.

5. for having enough money to buy a school for my cybernations (online game).

it's all material things but they're more important than they sound like ;)

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Guest toomuchsmiling

This is such a great topic/thread! It's not dumb or useless, but meaningful!!

I'm grateful for:

1) DBSK/DONG BANG SHIN Ki, they've been through a lot and they inspire me to do better. If they go through bad times, they laugh, make jokes, and move on. my heroes.

2) My mom, she's a great hero. Sometimes way over-protective, but I love her anyway. ^_^

3) LIFE! Sure, we go through bad and embarrassing times but there are many joys to love in this world. Don't wallow in self pity!!

4) Friends. Because when I had no one to turn to, they were always there. ^_^

5) Roof over my head and food to eat. That's a thing that a lot of people, including me take for granted sometimes.

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Today I'm grateful for...

1) Not having to dress in P.E. tomorrow. X3

2) Two reverse minimum days and two minimum days this week. Yay?

3) Having taken 5 and a half years of Japanese School when I was younger. Came in handy today. XP

4) Buying Five In The Black and not having to download everything I would have missed out on. <3

5) Staying up late with awesome people.

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Guest MaryMagdalin

1. the kiss i got in the morning

2. the dress i bought today... i`m materialistic suck it HAHA

3. the good talk i had with the employee

4. the look you gave me

5. the way you talked me out of going to a review session that could cinch my A in the class

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Guest xlush


1) the clothes my mom bought for me today =)

2) being alive

3) being able to spend time with a good friend.

4) my family

5) my bestfriend

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Guest saggiorpiioxgalaxy

I'm grateful for -

1. everything

2. everything

3. everything

4. everything

5. everything EXCEPT for the way my hair curls. It's damn ugly and I can't seem to tame it.

I'll be 1000Xs more grateful if I get to see ERIC MUN JUNG HYUK(!!) tmr. x)

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1) food to eat

2) a home to go to (with heat)

3) my bed, that i need right now

4) my friends

5) mp3 that i desperately need during class :P

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Guest iamstellar!

today i am grateful for/to:

1) free newspapers they give near the subway

2) finally finishing my essay

3) the guy on the subway that asked me for the time;he had the sexiest accent ever! totally made my morning.

4) delivery.com

5) post-its

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