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Today I Am Grateful For _______. (list 5)

Guest iamstellar!

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-my mum


-My mediaplayer (1000 songs and counting!) <3 <3

-my ex-friend for introducing me to Japanese music, even if we do hate eachother's guts now

-my posters on the wall that reassure me

-Youtube for having subbed Battle City episodes of YGO!

(okay, that was six, so sue me XD)

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Guest intoxicant

a bad day today.

but i'm grateful for:

1. my teacher who lets us use his room for dance practice and manages to cheer me up all the time.

2. my friends who supported me when i totally messed up on stage.

3. this friend who drove me home.

4. my best friend who listened to my ranting.

5. soompi that lets me get my mind off of homework.

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Guest ceinnoc

Why I'm grateful:

1- Little amount of homework

2- I'm going to Italy in 38 days

3- Tomorrow is Friday!

4- The wonderful dinner my mommy made (:

5- The wonderful people in my life

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Guest juki_love

1. i am grateful for knowing my hubby

2. i am grateful for spending time with him

3. i am grateful for eating yu darn fun ^o^

4. i am grateful for being able to wake up this morning

5. i am grateful for seeing my hubby

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Today, I'm grateful for:

1) KoreaTimes and Hollywood Bowl. X3

2) Teachers and their weird random meetings that cause minimum days. 8D

3) Fellow fans.

4) Good music.

5) Getting to meet Ash and Andrea this weekend. <3

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Guest livfree

1. talking to those guy friends that i haven't had time to tlk to lately

2. her. the girl i thought disliked me. she helped me when everything fell apart

3. that piggyback ride

4. that caring look you always give me

5. melly <3

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Guest iamstellar!

today I am grateful for/to:

1) my mom, who made ddukboki and kimbab for lunch

2) the new converse shoes i bought; my other one had holes

3) the woman who held the elevator door for me

4) stouferr's mac and cheese - delicious!

5) the nice apple customer service guy for helping me with my mac

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Guest anhy214

Today I am thankful for

-the beautiful weather! :D

-the ppl that i've met today (May God bless them)

-a smooth day at rotation (and I get to leave in 20 minutes! yay!)

-that I have a another student here at this rotation to keep me company (so I wouldn't be the only student)

-for the food I ate during lunch (and yes, I remember to not eat meat today :D)

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Guest x3jchu

i`m grateful for

- him being there for me at all times

- the fam & friends

- my parents for not beating the crap outta me for failing chem

- my english teacher giving me a passing grade

- being alive :]

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Guest pprMNTE

Today am grateful for

1) my friend who encourages me

2) my friend who has always been supportive

3) caffeine

4) the sunset

5) spring break

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Guest sunshine4ever

wow, thank you for opening this thread!

today, i'm thankful for:

1. a new day

2. all the women who came to the women & career conference, and gave us advices about career

3. a new friend that i talked to at the women & career conference

4. my former English professor (i saw her at the conference)

5. all the sponsors of the conferences who gave us breakfast and lunch

sorry, everything is around the conference lol...i really did only go to the conference almost the entire day. when i got home i was so dead-tired that i slept, and woke up and shower just now..hahaha.

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Hmmmm....today I'm grateful for...

1. two of my teachers being absent (I've been praying for that for MONTHS)

2. my internet FINALLY working (all that praying really worked, ha ha!!!)

3. the fact that the person I like hasn't broken up with his girlfriend yet (yes, you might think "isn't it supposed to be the opposite?")

4. my mom didn't blow up when I told her I lost something else, three days in a row

5. and that my cold is starting to go away

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Today I'm grateful for...


2) Passing the push-up test. X3 Which I thought I would so fail.

3) For basically only studying for this weekend's homework. :D

4) Anime show on Sundayyy.

5) Naps.

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Guest .moony.

a bad day T_T but still today i am grateful for:

1. The hw my teacher posted....kept making a mistake but i still did it 6 times even tho i never got full credit for it -.-

2. My sister cuz she cooked dinner for me....

3. youtube since i heard Naive and When the sun goes down for the first time today <3

thats it T.T

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