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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest Jnybou

I just wanted to know if someone said

Pourquoi êtes-vous parlant Français alors?

does it really means...

Why are you speaking French then?

Help needed. Thanks. XD

Meaning is ok but in French it's:Pourquoi parlez-vous (le) Francais alors ?

I'm French so if you need some help PM me ;)

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Guest kirstie

whoo!! french!!

haha. third year taking it [at high school that it]

will be taking it over at college in the summer :]

lol. but does anyone know any easy to make french dishes?

have to make french food for class. counts as a chapter test :o

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Guest eatadandelion

whoo!! french!!

haha. third year taking it [at high school that it]

will be taking it over at college in the summer :]

lol. but does anyone know any easy to make french dishes?

have to make french food for class. counts as a chapter test :o

Make "chevre chaud"

It's a salad and it's very well known in France.



Goat cheese


1 Baguette

all of these can be found at Trader Joes

Cut the goat cheese (usually looks like a cylinder, so just cut medium sized slices)

Cut the baguette into maybe 10 smaller pieces then slice each piece in half

Put a slice of goat cheese on each piece of break

Place in over until the cheese melts and the break is crunchy

Cut up the salad, place it on a plate

Place bread with cheese goat on top of the salad

Spread vinegrette

And there you go, a very very easy french dish :) Should only take you about 15 minutes to make.

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Guest gtsyd_love

^ you're in your third year of french ?

thats awesome [: LOL , by any chance are you good in translating ?

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Guest amyyboo

Can someone help me please?

So i'm trying to say " i think i'm falling for you" & this is what my sucky french comes up with "Je pense ______ pour toi"

I uno how to say " i'm falling.."

I want to say " I think i'm falling for you. I know this is such a rush, but i can't help it."

& how do you say "I miss you" ?

thnk you.

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Guest -x.smile.31

"I think I'm falling for you" should be "Je pense que je suis tomber pour toi"

it translates into: "I think THAT I am falling for you" though =P

I think that should be right, I'm taking French throughout high school so yea...

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Guest <3 for six seasons

can anyone translate this ? :

et après toute cette fois,

je fais seulement laisser une chose pour dire :

je ne peux faire ceci plus - je suis fait.

après tout j'ai été à travers ;

chaque fois que cela j'ont mes espoirs vers le haut,

je continue juste à devenir blessé.

et non, je n'ai pas voulu qu'il finît comme ceci,

mais je suis désolé - il doit simplement.

i ne peut rester ici plus, il blesse trop de .

thnks. :D

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Guest vip_gd

can anyone translate this ? :

et après toute cette fois,

je fais seulement laisser une chose pour dire :

je ne peux faire ceci plus - je suis fait.

après tout j'ai été à travers ;

chaque fois que cela j'ont mes espoirs vers le haut,

je continue juste à devenir blessé.

et non, je n'ai pas voulu qu'il finît comme ceci,

mais je suis désolé - il doit simplement.

i ne peut rester ici plus, il blesse trop de .

thnks. :D

i'm learning french at school so hopefully it makes sense, if not i'm sorry xD

and after all this time

I have only one thing left to say

I can do this over - which I have.

after all I've been through

whenever I couldn't get my hopes up,

I just continue to become injured.

and no, I don't wna end like this

but I am sorry - to put it simply.

I can't stay here no more, it hurts too much.

(wow, it's deep and profound)

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Guest the kite

Does anyone know how to say "short temper" in French?

I checked my dictionary but it only has an adjective, as in "she was a short tempered person".

I want to know if there is an equal term in French for "she has a short temper" (noun).

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no... i'm taking french class... and it's tu me manque..

il me manque = i miss him

tu me manque = i miss you

je te manque = you miss me

the french language is crazy i swear :ph34r:

"Wrong: "Je te manque" to mean "I miss you"

Right: Tu me manques

Explanation: Manquer is a weird verb, at least for English-speaking minds. We say "I miss you," and since the verb manquer means "to miss," we reckon that the French translation of "I miss you" is je te manque. Nope! There's nothing grammatically wrong with the phrase je te manque - it's a perfectly fine sentence, except that it doesn't mean "I miss you," but rather "you miss me." In French, "to miss someone" is manquer à, with the person being missed as the subject and the person who misses as the object - just the opposite of English. For example, "Jean misses Anne" would be Anne manque à Jean. So to say "I miss you," you have to reverse the subject and object, and there you have it: Tu me manques (I miss you)"

some proof from http://french.about.com/od/mistakes/a/jetemanque.htm

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Guest Tite_Lotus

How do you say "What are you talking about?" in French? XD

For example:

Girl: I think we need to talk about our relationship...

Boy: Why?! What are you talking about?!

In general : "De quoi tu parles?"

In that particular case

Girl: Je pense qu'on devrais parler de notre relation...

Boy: Pourquoi? Qu'est-ce que tu me raconte?

I hope that'll help you

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