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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest dyzxD

hey i have a few questions.

i'm actually french but i don't speak it fluently.

sure, i can communicate with people,

but that's VERY limited.

i was wondering how long it took you guys to learn french?

cause yes..francaise est tres difficile. c'est dur! lol.

and how long much did you practice during those years?


I think your question goes to everybody ? :sweatingbullets: ^^

As for me, I live in Quebec ;D but i was born in Cambodia

but i learned french very fast.. maybe it's because i was young

and that's probably why it was easy for me. And I know, french is so hard =/

I'm now in college and i've been to french schools all my life.. and I still

have mistakes in my essays and stuff.. -_- what a shame..

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Guest ginaaax3

^ oh thanks for asnwering my question.

you're lucky you learned it the easy way.

i learned korean, english, and some japanese when my aunt lived with us

the easy way, but i'm so mad because

they arent (except korean) my native language,

i wish my dad had the time to actually

teach me french. it's so hard..

i wish i learnt it the easy way! LOL!

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  • 4 months later...
Guest xquisite_

Hi, I need some help with my French homework.

Could someone please read through/edit this paragraph please.

I started each sentence on a new line to make it easier to edit.

Hopefully I didn't butcher the paragraph, I'm a n00b at French. =\

Ghislaine Dupont est une femme, elle a vingt-sept ans.

Elle n'est pas mariée, et elle n'a aucun enfant.

Elle est un compatable, elle traville dans une bureau à domicile.

Sa nationalité est français, et sa signe astrologique est Gémeaux.

Elle habites dans un condominium au centre-ville.

Ghislaine aussi a une chalet (bord du lac du Coeur).

Elle conduite une petite voiture avec deux portes.

Ghislaine aussi a une vélo de montagne.

Elle a une chat, s'appelle Napoleon et n'a pas une chien.

Ghislaine a blueues les yeux, blondes les cheveux, et elle est petite.

Elle est très sociable et généreux.

Sa passe-temps préféree sont quilles, voyages, et bricolage.

Ghislaine est aussi une présidente de l'Association de patinage sportif du Quebec.

Thanks in advance! =)

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Guest Lu.cile

Hi, I need some help with my French homework.

Could someone please read through/edit this paragraph please.

I started each sentence on a new line to make it easier to edit.

Hopefully I didn't butcher the paragraph, I'm a n00b at French. =\

Ghislaine Dupont est une femme, elle a vingt-sept ans.

Elle n'est pas mariée, et elle n'a aucun enfant.

Elle est un compatable, elle traville dans une bureau à domicile.

Sa nationalité est français, et sa signe astrologique est Gémeaux.

Elle habites dans un condominium au centre-ville.

Ghislaine aussi a une chalet (bord du lac du Coeur).

Elle conduite une petite voiture avec deux portes.

Ghislaine aussi a une vélo de montagne.

Elle a une chat, s'appelle Napoleon et n'a pas une chien.

Ghislaine a blueues les yeux, blondes les cheveux, et elle est petite.

Elle est très sociable et généreux.

Sa passe-temps préféree sont quilles, voyages, et bricolage.

Ghislaine est aussi une présidente de l'Association de patinage sportif du Quebec.

Thanks in advance! =)

Ghislaine Dupont est une femme, elle a vingt-sept ans.

Elle n'est pas mariée, et elle n'a aucun enfant.

Elle est comptable, elle travaille dans un bureau à domicile.

Sa nationalité est française, et son signe astrologique est Gémeaux.

Elle habites dans un condominium (?what does it mean?) au centre-ville.

Ghislaine a aussi un chalet (au bord du lac du Coeur).

Elle conduit une petite voiture avec deux portes.

Ghislaine a aussi un vélo de montagne.

Elle a un chat, s'appelle Napoleon et n'a pas de chien.

Ghislaine a les yeux bleus, les cheveux blonds, et elle est petite.

Elle est très sociable et généreuse.

Sa passe-temps préféree sont quilles(huh?), voyager, et le bricolage.

Ghislaine est aussi présidente de l'Association de patinage sportif du Quebec.

hope it help you.


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Guest xquisite_

Ghislaine Dupont est une femme, elle a vingt-sept ans.

Elle n'est pas mariée, et elle n'a aucun enfant.

Elle est comptable, elle travaille dans un bureau à domicile.

Sa nationalité est française, et son signe astrologique est Gémeaux.

Elle habites dans un condominium (?what does it mean?) au centre-ville.

Ghislaine a aussi un chalet (au bord du lac du Coeur).

Elle conduit une petite voiture avec deux portes.

Ghislaine a aussi un vélo de montagne.

Elle a un chat, s'appelle Napoleon et n'a pas de chien.

Ghislaine a les yeux bleus, les cheveux blonds, et elle est petite.

Elle est très sociable et généreuse.

Sa passe-temps préféree sont quilles(huh?), voyager, et le bricolage.

Ghislaine est aussi présidente de l'Association de patinage sportif du Quebec.

hope it help you.


For: Condominium

It was written on the worksheet like that, it means condo as in townhouses.

For: Quilles

Again, it was written on the worksheet like that. I believe it means 'Skittles' as in the game.

Quick question -

If you write 'a aussi', wouldn't it mean 'has also', or am I thinking too literally?

Yeah, that helped lots. Thanks! :)

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Guest ladee_bug

Il n'y a pas des français ici qui peuvent vous aider?

bon d'accord lol


I'm French and American.

I'll try helping xquisite_ first.

I bolded all the corrections.




ok, my help came way after other so I'll let them help you instead. XD

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Guest xquisite_

Il n'y a pas des français ici qui peuvent vous aider?

bon d'accord lol


I'm French and American.

I'll try helping xquisite_ first.

I bolded all the corrections.

Well, I'm in grade 11 but I'm taking French30.

Yeah, I know my sentences sound choppy, but my teacher said to write each point as a separate sentence.

So whenever I write 'aussi', is it suppose to (always) go at the end of the phrase/sentence?

And for: "Sa passe-temps préféree sont quilles, voyages, et bricolage."

I believe it's suppose to be for her spare time only, not daily schedule.


Edit: Oh no, I just realized you edited your post lol. I was looking to compare at least two people's edit

of my paragraph for reference, just in case the first person missed something, vice versa.

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You guys can come and ask me questions about both French of France and Canadian French.

Well Canadian French because we have tons of expressions and accents to the point that French people from France can't really understand us.

I grew up in different towns of Quebec and I know all level of Quebec expressions.

I also grew up 1 year in France so I know the whole difference and expressions they use.

Maybe I can help.

At the moment, here, it seems like everyone already got helped.

For personal help, come to me. Especially for extreme sophisticated Canadian French (Québécois)...

Je vois qu'il y a du monde Québécois ici comme moi... À moins que vous aviez tous immigré à Québec...

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Guest hellogoodbye765

wow this thread rocks

i'm in french 5 (junior year in high school) but i suckkkkkk at french

so i will definitely come to you guys for help when i need it!

oh yeah i've been having trouble with imperfect, future (like i will do this, je irais.. etc), and conditional.. i can't really tell them apart sometimes? whats the easiest way to learn tenses and endings?

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Guest tsukemene123

Haha honestly? Practice. I took French for six years and I still couldn't choose my verb tenses by the end of it. My teacher used to get so frustrated with me. But it was because I never took the time to practice, study, and learn.

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Guest shronie_x3

i`m in AP FRENCH V.. this year. my teacher keeps speaking in french. we can`t speak english in the class either. i don`t find french that hard... i like french ^^

i`m taking spanish too this year. i`m in a room with all freshmen though..

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Guest xquisite_

I'm back again. ><

With another question - how would you write: "She is a student at _____."

Would it work if I wrote: "Elle est une etudiante au _____."

Because I remember that you can't have vowels following vowels in a sentence.

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Guest tsukemene123

I'm back again. ><

With another question - how would you write: "She is a student at _____."

Would it work if I wrote: "Elle est une etudiante au _____."

Because I remember that you can't have vowels following vowels in a sentence.

That rule doesn't always apply. It's mostly to deal with objects, like "Je te l'ai donne" (I gave it to you). "Le" was shortened to "l'" so you don't have to say the awkward "le ai." Or, a more popular example, "Je t'aime" (I love you), where "te" is shortened to "t'". Sorry, I can't remember if there is a hard and fast rule for this.

But in the sentence you gave, "Elle est une etudiante au _____," even though there are vowels back-to-back, it would sound like, "Ellestunetudiantau" or "ellaytunaytudiantau" (haha that looks crazy) because of the liaison effect. All the words would string together.

Haha I just realized I didn't answer your question. In short, yes, your sentence works.

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Guest xquisite_

That rule doesn't always apply. It's mostly to deal with objects, like "Je te l'ai donne" (I gave it to you). "Le" was shortened to "l'" so you don't have to say the awkward "le ai." Or, a more popular example, "Je t'aime" (I love you), where "te" is shortened to "t'". Sorry, I can't remember if there is a hard and fast rule for this.

But in the sentence you gave, "Elle est une etudiante au _____," even though there are vowels back-to-back, it would sound like, "Ellestunetudiantau" or "ellaytunaytudiantau" (haha that looks crazy) because of the liaison effect. All the words would string together.

Haha I just realized I didn't answer your question. In short, yes, your sentence works.

Haha okay, sweet - thanks. :)

I have another question though :sweatingbullets:

Since "numero" is masculine when I write "her phone number is" I would have to write:

Son numero de telephone est ____.

instead of

Sa numero de telephone est ____.


Sorry for asking so many questions. :wacko:

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Guest tsukemene123

Yes, that's correct! In french, when you say my, his, hers, theirs, our, etc., the word is masculine or feminine depending on the object, not its owner. So in english you would say "her dog," but in french you say "son chien."

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