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[동방신기] Dbsg, Dbsk, Tvxq...


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JAe's contact is electrifying lol


God he looks as appealing as ever with those eyes... :mellow:

my, my... I'm gonna be going to school thinking about those eyes all day! :P I'd like to get a chance to stare at them some day... sigh.

thanks vicshi for that.

I hope someone can answer. I feel like I must've missed it. Has there been a fancam of Minnie's solo perf? I've heard a fan audio of his perf but it wasn't such a clear one. all I can say is that it's not something I'd expect Minnie to sing. I love how he's trying out different "genres" of music to perform.

Can't wait to watch the Concert's Secrets, both parts. I'm missing sooo much.

thanks dreamweaver for those fancams stuff.

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Guest simplicity05

just watched concert secret part 1. it's SO funny! laughed like crazy for e 10 mins. the boys really know how to cheer us fans up! HAHA. they really look like they're having fun. i guess in a way, they're taking a break from all their busy schedules. it's great! hope they'll get to do activities like that often! micky is as playful as usual. that silly boy never fail to crack me up with his actions. it's just so cute! it's so funny how yunho gave up after 15 mins.. his expression when he pulled out the side mirror was priceless!! i love it! when all of them came to help changmin remove the car door, i was like "awww..." haha. they tried so hard but failed to remove it in end.. LOL.

heard abt people commenting that changmin is the most good looking among the rest. acutally i feel that way too but maybe my love for yunho's too strong that im in denial. HAHA! but i love changmin as much too. anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me..

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Ahhh *pulls out hair*

I messed up on ordering the concert photobook from dvdheaven now they don't even have it listed and my order got cancelled *tears*

Does anyone know where else I can get the book? XD I'll be forever greatful.

They look too hot with those sunglasses.

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Guest simplicity05

and this thread is moving really really very fast! a few days ago(2-3days agao?), the thread just started.. and now it's alrdy at page 27! WOW.

great job girls! thanks for providing all the links!! really appreaciate it! :)

abt them gg to school. i made a bet with my friends, saying that all of them are in uni now. but i lost cos jj's the only one not in uni. have u girls wondered why? im just curious. hehe. why is yoochun in year 1 and changmin in year 2?

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Guest luluchan
halarious stuff!

someone please tell me that they're willing to sub the clip above..I want to know what they're all laughing about...and by the way, just a random thought..but you can totally see changmin's uneven eyes in this..even when he's not smiling...lol.

I just replied there !! but then suddenly the video became PRIVATE... i translated that Jaejoong part~~ i dun have time for more now but micky's part is so funny cuz his reaction is so slow ~ i might come bk after school if i have time~

J: OH can see Junsu too (in the camera)

(Junsu stretches)Host: Junsu u are relaxing? (didn't get 100% if this is right.. sorry poor japanese)

Junsu: I'm "giji"-ing? (i didn't really get what he said)

Host: ???

J: that's Korean

H: oh what does it mean?

J: (*stretches*) something like this

H: Oh sexy~~~~ (hahah)

J: haha(ugh he touches YH's thighs)~ Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you for the 1st time) I'm JAejoong from THSK.I'm reallyhappy to be on this show today. Today too yoroshiku onegaishimasu (that means something like "take care of me well")

H: so Jaejoong, do u have Japanese word that you like?

J: Yuuki (courage)

H: ohhh.. that's a good word!

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Ahhh *pulls out hair*

I messed up on ordering the concert photobook from dvdheaven now they don't even have it listed and my order got cancelled *tears*

Does anyone know where else I can get the book? XD I'll be forever greatful.

They look too hot with those sunglasses.

ack I'm sorry about that. but I have a feeling that if there are leftover books, gmarket probably will take over sell them

i think they did that for the Rising Sun goodie packet last time. So I guess you have to wait for a while but I think probably

a member mite be selling in the selling trade so you can check there once in a while

I jus watch the concert secret part 1 and I love it! especially Yunho haha he was so happy screaming he got the side mirror.

Do you think this Secret concert is cuter than the rising sun one or not? hehe :D

and do anybody got the link for part 2 on youtube yet? :D

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Ok…I really wanna see changmin in person now…I read so many fan encounters and most of them say changmin is soo good looking in person.

Since the day i became a dbsk fan, i always thought that changmin's alright. like he looks ok - more handsome than other average guys but still he's just...ok. But the moment i saw him at the Malaysia concert (i was somewhere near the front), i immediately turned to look at my friend, who turned to look at me too. We were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo speechless to see changmin! he's like 2398423543234 times better looking in real life. He's just so hot i cannot describe it. I turned right to see Yunho and like ok back to changmin. i just couldn't take my eyes of him and for a split second i forgot to even look left at junsu. jaejoong and micky (even though he's my all time favourite). My eyes were just fixed on him..stunned. And then sudenly i awoke from my gaze and was like heck where's my micky. hahar. So guys, I just wana confirm, yes he's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good looking outside TV ^^

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heard abt people commenting that changmin is the most good looking among the rest. acutally i feel that way too but maybe my love for yunho's too strong that im in denial. HAHA! but i love changmin as much too. anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me..

MEMEME!! I think he looks like Jerry Yen too!! ((: Used to, anyway, since now I find him more familiar to me. LOL I face DBSK every single day like on TV and on the Net. So yeah, lost that kind of "OH! Isn't he Jerry Yen!" kind of feeling. EH. I would say they are both good-looking in their ways but somehow, they just resemble each other. (To me.) But Changmin is like MUCH MUCH MUCH younger. LOL.

abt them gg to school. i made a bet with my friends, saying that all of them are in uni now. but i lost cos jj's the only one not in uni. have u girls wondered why? im just curious. hehe. why is yoochun in year 1 and changmin in year 2?

I think I replied about that in one of my last few posts. EHHH. From what I know/remember... Jaejoong said he wants to focus on his career now. Yoochun is in year 1 cos I think he stopped schooling for awhile. I think he took his uni entrance exams only last year?? So yup. He's in same school as Changmin and is Changmin's junior in school... (WAHAHA! While he's Changmin's hyung.) Not too sure, try not to quote me on this. However, hope this helps.

By the way, anyone has the answer to this... How do they school? Are they "home-schooling"(Not exactly home-schooling. More like on-the-road schooling.) Like on their way to different events/performances/whatnot. I'm pretty sure they don't turn up in school like normal kid right? They will be pestered to no end by fellow fangirl schoolmates, I suppose... My guess is, they have their private on-the-road tutors with them. LOL.


DSFFDIGefidkghklsdfieDFGERfs What's up with the concert photobook?!?!?! I want it!! I just wanted to wait for my pay.. Which is coming tomorrow, by the way. So I was right. It's limited. I so feel like cursing now. :X Any other way of getting my paws on it? (I'm like lusting after the pictures already. MWAHAHA.)


Pardon me for being a little perv... But I think Yunho's manboobs has gotten smaller. WAHAHA. Cos I can see a little of it in this...

2nd Concert - I Wanna Hold You (Yunho)

HOT. My sexy baby. HAHA.

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Guest love<3changmin
Hey guys, I found something interesting and decided to translate it.

It’s written by someone who’s seen the members of TVXQ, Suju, and SS501. *She’s so lucky* She (Im assuming it’s a she) rated them based on their looks in person.

DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY!!! Everyone has their own opinions.

20: Xiah Junsu (TVXQ)

On TV, he looks really cute. But in person, he is a bit…his expressions are too serious. I’m a little scared.

11: Micky Yoochun (TVXQ)

He is good looking too. The same as on TV. His lips…but he had make up on. He is the type the girls like.

7: Hero Jaejoong (TVXQ)

His face seems a bit big. But he is better looking than on TV. A little bit like a doll because he is too white. But he doesn’t look like a girl. He is very cool and manly.

6: Shiwon (Suju)

Wow!! He is like a sculpture. On TV, he is good looking. In person, GOOD!

5: U-know Yunho (TVXQ)

He is better looking in person. His face is really small. Very manly. His body zzang



He is really really really too good looking. The Changmin on TV and the changmin in person are like two different people. I already heard before that he is really good looking in person but to see it with my own eyes…WOW!! He is really tall. Very shocking!!!

Ok…I really wanna see changmin in person now…I read so many fan encounters and most of them say changmin is soo good looking in person.

I’m very much jealous of this person...she also used a lot "good looking" from the 14th person and down...haha...i got tired typing so many "good looking" and "better looking"


Credits: JJ Baidu Bar

Translations: keiko126@soompi.com

of coz.. minnie is the most handsome!!! (for me ^^:;)

coz i met him!!!! but in a concert only...

for dbsg face in reality

1. minnie (undescribable <3)

he is good looking in tv and pictures, but better looking in person.. <33 melted away

he's always smiling n shyly waves to the fans, i must remember to stand near the runway nx time.. im quite near the stage but not the runway

2. yunho (small perfect face!!)

3. jaejoong (perfect doll)

4. micky (i love his big brown bushy hair!!)

5. junsu (he looks very cool!)

again, this is only my opinion tho ^^ all of them are really good looking!

tht girl in the who wrote tht must be so lucky to meet suju.. i met them last years msia concert but because of too many members i couldnt always see their faces. (ahh my siwon heechul hankyung T^T)

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Guest d4rkang3l
1. contract fee from the company (yes, SM pays the boys to be in the company. all artists are paid like that)

2. advertisements and endorsements (i'd say this will probably be the boys' major income since they do A LOT of ads and endorsements. and this usually comes from popularity. so popularity = advertisements = $$$ :) )

3. appearance fees. (i'm sure artists get paid to perform at functions and stuff like when they were invited to the Asian Film Festival or something like that, they get paid. obviously the more in demand the artist the higher the fee.)

4. Concert sales (yes, they each make a certain amount from each concert they hold.)

5. Album sales.

so no, they actually make quite a lot. Fame and love is not the only thing that comes from being a celebrity. Why do you think it's such a coveted profession? :D

My comment is a little bit late but it's really hard catching up with this thread, it's like i need to use a running shoes for it.. :sweatingbullets:

Anyway, just feel the need to add something: usually the fees for any artists were distributed like X% for the company, Y% for the manager & Z% for the artists themselves which in the case of group, will be divided again amongs themselves (which makes me really curious about SuJu with 13 members LOL <_< ). Each percentages differ according to the contract/companies, can be more for the artists or vice versa. And Yes, they DO get paid for all the aboves, including for appearances in different variety programs, such as X-Man, Star Golden Bell, etc, again with percentages. We don't know (probably won't know ever) what DBSG really gets out of all their hard work, but considering their popularity throughout Asia even the smallest percentages are already a lot of money for them.

Let's not forget, the money that goes to SM will be used to fund all the props for making the artists famous themselves (such as the stylists, clothes, cars, living place, the ads to promote their albums, etc.) because without all of these, LSM won't be able to make them famous. The rumour about H.O.T & Shinhwa might or might not be true, some companies do treat their artists badly, i can name a few, but let's not forget, SM does make big names for them, so even though they didn't get enough money, they got Fame which helped them towards the next level. Why do you think thousands of people go to SM's audition every time? because they've seen what SM can do. (I'm totally not promoting SM but i've seen their proven records and it works).

I think the right question is "is it worth it (the money vs the hard work vs the fame)?"

So, i'll stop my ranting here before i turn this post into a dissertation paper LOL... :rolleyes:

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But the moment i saw him at the Malaysia concert (i was somewhere near the front), i immediately turned to look at my friend, who turned to look at me too. We were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo speechless to see changmin! he's like 2398423543234 times better looking in real life. He's just so hot i cannot describe it. I turned right to see Yunho and like ok back to changmin. i just couldn't take my eyes of him and for a split second i forgot to even look left at junsu. jaejoong and micky (even though he's my all time favourite). My eyes were just fixed on him..stunned. And then sudenly i awoke from my gaze and was like heck where's my micky. hahar. So guys, I just wana confirm, yes he's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good looking outside TV ^^
1. minnie (undescribable <3)

he is good looking in tv and pictures, but better looking in person.. <33 melted away

he's always smiling n shyly waves to the fans, i must remember to stand near the runway nx time.. im quite near the stage but not the runway

OHH MYY this made me really really want to see CHANGMIN in person!! From the previous post of the person who saw SuJu, SS501 and DBSG who commented on Changmin being absolutely good-looking in person, I saw it and I was "KYAAAAA" but there might be some doubts, like maybe the girl is a huge Min Fan or something so that's why she said Changmin was the best-looking. Okay but after you guys' comments I'M SO HIGH NOW!!

If they come to Singapore what wouldn't I give to meet them :/ Even better, I'll like to go to a concert in Korea cos that's where the boys are the most at home and where the fanbase is most passionate.

I read this fan account on Changmin some pages back too on Changmin, who said that Changmin was super cute cos he was soooooo shy and the fan made heart signs to him and he was so embarrassed. AW.

Anyone seen the ETN Entertainment Station news? There was this part when they were singing You're My Miracle or something and Changmin, Jae and some others walked down the runways and they were so close to the fans, they were all screaming like nobody's business and looking UP in adoration (cos thats how close they are, that they ahd to look up to see the member)


i want to see him in person! thats my lifelong wish!

him and jae and yunho and xiah and micky, of course ^^

anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me.. [/quite]

yeah i think a lot of people think this way too, except that Minnie seems more young and erm fresh-looking? Jerry yen looks too "tough" i guess...

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ahh, I'm not sure if this was posted. But, it is indeed Jaejoong who fell. This fancam clearly shows it. He was just real quick getting up. it [kinda] looked like Yunho pushed him. :lol:

Uruchai: Thanks 4 another fancam! Ive yet 2 watch it coz i need 2 go out again but i will watch it as soon as im back! :w00t:

Concert Secrets Part 2

Yunho like we've never seen before lol


credit: bestiz, reupped by me

Vicshi: Haha 2 people helpin Yunho sort his hair out! Thanks 4 sharin these! Cant wait 2 watch part 2 later ^_^

anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me..

Simplicity05: Yeh i remember we were discussin about this a while back in the old thread haha! He does look like Jerry from F4!

A younger version :P

I loved it when they were in Thailand.. They had an interview with the guys and they said that Changmins nickname was 'Jerry'.. They werent that sure who he was but Jaejoong said that he was cute and pinched his cheek ^_^ Changmin just said 'What does that mean'? Haha!was until some1 said Dao Ming Sei!! Hahaha :P And then Jaejoong was like 'Dao Ming Sei hahahahahah' :lol::P Changmin was so embarrssed! So cute! :wub:

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Just wanna comment on the Concert Secret 2...

This is prob. one of the most lovable clip so far this year...

Okay, the highlight's prob. that new little girl that got into SM who's getting some serious love from DBSK that she doesn't really have any idea about.

Yunho just lovesss her...first in the studio I thot he's kinda holding her; in which her head was bending towars him btw...

Then I assume he was saying hi repeatedly to her again *ok can someone give me her name blush.gif*


DBSK members surrounding her in the dressing room, AGAIN the girl asked for a hug to Yunho, he almost hugged back, but instead he carried her oh-so-lovingly

you guys should really see the way he holds her, sooo loving and fatherly

Anyway, glad she's a little girl...

Otherwise she's gonna get some serious damage from Cassiopeia hahahaha

even so I was rather a bit jealous lol, okay, jealous a LOT, Yunho Oppaaaaaa mellow.gif

and I forgot to mention how suave & handsome as ever Yunho's looking in this clip...both in black blazer and white shirt

can I ask a very silly question? :D:blush:

who is exactly the singer of the MV?

cuz all i see are hotshots stars & this little girl.

Don't tell me the singer is that little girl? :rolleyes::mellow:

anyway, my internet connect went crazy on me yesterday.

Couldn't log on at night :blush:

thank you for all the pictures & 988877895878379793 fancams!

I get giddy on clicking so much stuff! :lol:


Thanks for that cute little article! :sweatingbullets:

Yeah, I always heard that changmin is like 998687677 times better looking in real life.

Seems like plenty of stars' head sizes are small.

Probably their heads need to be, :sweatingbullets:

cuz TV always magnify everything :lol:

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Guest badstar
anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me..

yeah, i so agree!! he does look like yan cheng xu aka jerry yan sometimes..

I loved it when they were in Thailand.. They had an interview with the guys and they said that Changmins nickname was 'Jerry'.. They werent that sure who he was but Jaejoong said that he was cute and pinched his cheek ^_^ Changmin just said 'What does that mean'? Haha!was until some1 said Dao Ming Sei!! Hahaha :P And then Jaejoong was like 'Dao Ming Sei hahahahahah' :lol::P Changmin was so embarrssed! So cute! :wub:

lol.. i subbed that video.. if you guys want to watch it here it is:


20070227 MNET WIDE 2nd Asia Tour Concert Secrets Part 2 [Dopamine]


*it's kinda late so i'll just upload it tomorrow on YT, if no one has uploaded it yet. but i've started uploading it on my veoh account.

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Guest MiSs L.E

i love jaejoong's contacts. they are electrifying in a beautiful way. thank you for all the pictures and the links. i do have a question. i was watching the making of RISING SUN concert, and yunho had his right hand bandaged up - does anyone know what happened to it?

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Guest simplicity05


i used to think that way too!! before i liked them, i was like "omg! 2nd jerry *SCREAMS*" im a jerry fan too. hehe. yea, i agree both of them are gd looking in their ways. not forgetting HOT in their ways too! hehe.

changmin is definately a YOUNGER version. hehe. no no, he's not a verison of jerry. he's CHANGMIN. unique in his cute ways.

thanks for clearing my doubts. u helped ALOT! thanks babe!

i never knew yoochun took some time off and tat jeajoong wants to focus on his career. i mean. there isnt much info abt their education. as in where/what they're studying. OH OH! i heard abt yoochun n changmin being in the same school. then is yunho and junsu is the same sch? AND AND AND. u girls know what course are they in? :blush: sorry for asking so much. hehe

By the way, anyone has the answer to this... How do they school? Are they "home-schooling"(Not exactly home-schooling. More like on-the-road schooling.) Like on their way to different events/performances/whatnot. I'm pretty sure they don't turn up in school like normal kid right? They will be pestered to no end by fellow fangirl schoolmates, I suppose... My guess is, they have their private on-the-road tutors with them. LOL.

i guess so too. i think it's seriously hard to for them to focus on both their studies and career. as a normal student, projects and exams are alrdy killing me. can u imagine how they're feeling? i wonder how they cope..

if they do go sch like normal students, i'll TRANSFER TO THEIR SCH! haha. i'll LOVE gg to sch becos of them! :wub:

i think they have private tutors, or maybe they just study on their own. i heard changmin n yunho's quite gd in their studies. or maybe i'm wrong abt it. i dun rmb where but i read abt changmin's friend saying that changmin's very gd in his studies.

Simplicity05: Yeh i remember we were discussin about this a while back in the old thread haha! He does look like Jerry from F4!

A younger version :P

I loved it when they were in Thailand.. They had an interview with the guys and they said that Changmins nickname was 'Jerry'.. They werent that sure who he was but Jaejoong said that he was cute and pinched his cheek ^_^ Changmin just said 'What does that mean'? Haha!was until some1 said Dao Ming Sei!! Hahaha :P And then Jaejoong was like 'Dao Ming Sei hahahahahah' :lol::P Changmin was so embarrssed! So cute! :wub:

really? din know u girls talked abt it before. *sorry*

yea yea! i saw that interview too! only changmin's nick was a human! the video's freaking funny! the host gave them coconut too right? hehe. i was like nodding and agreeing that he looks like jerry too! love changmin's shy expression. nono, i love all his expressions. even his uneven eyes... did i phrase it correctly?


WOW! THANKS FOR THE VIDEO! im so gonna watch it again! :)

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Guest tachichan

oh yay chang min even hotter in real life!!

OMGAHH imma die now!! i wish i could see him =( and tallER too <3 my kind of guy

haha i love the 2nd concert pics....but cornrows for chang min? meh....hahaha

thanks for sharing all the linnks guys

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alow all

please help me

i download this file [H.264] 20070223 tvN Enews - 동방신기 콘서트 (Dopamine).tp

i can't open it

i try GOM i also can't see that

what should i do??

please help me

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This thread grows so fast. I had to read so much yesterday. :P Anyway, I'm glad the concert ended well for the boys. Are they back in Japan now?

About Jaejoong and Yoochun's tattoos... I don't know, all the pictures I've seen were blurry and weird... is there a video clip where I can see it more clearly? rofl.

sheilapiglet, thanks for all the clips and the fan account. It was very cute. The last clip has now been set to private though. Phooey I wanted to see some Jaeho moments. lol

Yunho looks so happy and dorky in those caps. Haha and oh my Jaejoong's eyes. Gah... intense. Love it. Thanks for posting vicshi!

Bwahahaha! I just finished watching the WIDE concert secrets subbed. It was hilarious! Yunho was like such a little kid with his license plates accomplishments! xD It was so funny how different Yoochun was before they started and after. Jaejoong looked embarressed when he couldn't get the license plate off. lol and Changmin! Hah. Poor thing couldn't get the door he wanted even with the help of his hyungs. :P Junsu was such a dork. There wasn't much of him in the clip, but I loved it when he kicked the wheel after seeing Yoochun do it. rofl. He was shaking his little ducky butt as he went after it :lol:

anyone notice from some views changmin looks like a F4's Jerry yan (taiwan star)? the younger verison i mean... or is it just me..

Haha actually I think that as well. When my mom and I first saw him we were like, eh? o.O Jerry Yan? lol, Changmin's a much much much more younger version of him though. At first I thought they were almost identical, but then I saw Jerry Yan on tv and it was like... erm, he's gotten older since I last saw him MT. xD

J: OH can see Junsu too (in the camera)

(Junsu stretches)Host: Junsu u are relaxing? (didn't get 100% if this is right.. sorry poor japanese)

Junsu: I'm "giji"-ing? (i didn't really get what he said)

Host: ???

J: that's Korean

H: oh what does it mean?

J: (*stretches*) something like this

H: Oh sexy~~~~ (hahah)

J: haha(ugh he touches YH's thighs)~ Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you for the 1st time) I'm JAejoong from THSK.I'm reallyhappy to be on this show today. Today too yoroshiku onegaishimasu (that means something like "take care of me well")

H: so Jaejoong, do u have Japanese word that you like?

J: Yuuki (courage)

H: ohhh.. that's a good word!

Thanks for translating! :D ... Too bad I can't see the vid though <_<

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