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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest V i V i

I gave myself a 4, I really don't think I am that pretty. I feel like I am below average but not like demented ugly for sure. I still look human, just not much a girl looking one.

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Guest mrsjaejoong

i seriously don't understand ppl that look in the mirror and think either

'im hot'


'ew... go away'

i've lived with my face and body my ENTIRE life (as you have), and I'm too used to my appearance to know if it's ugly. If it's ugly, I wouldn't know anymore. If you have to look the same face in the mirror everyday, it kind of numbs out your knowledge of whether you're hideous or not.

And for those that think that they're the hottest thing ever, can't they spot one flaw about themselves after looking at their reflection in the mirror their whole life? there's gotta be one thing atleast


I don't think I'm ugly, but I don't think I'm pretty either. I'm too used to myself to judge

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Guest tofu plushie

I gave myself a 5. I think I am just average. There's nothing that stands out from my features or anything. I think this suits me fine. I sometimes wish I am prettier lol but, I like just being average. I would change anything honestly if I could for now. I feel pretty comfortable in my body^^

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i gave myself a 3 but i think it could have been four or mayebe even 5..adults and other people (large majority are asians) tell me im really pretty/pretty but i think they're just saying that, being polite or have extremely low standards but that's just me

i really don't get why people compare themselves with people who have had plastic surgery like hyori lee..it's so stupid like i mean when people have plastic surgery their on a different scale..i think most girls should know this (but hyori lee has nothing on gong li, zhang ziyi, jessica alba, kate waterhouse or aishwarya rai....to me she tries to be a mix which i think is pathetic, sad and a slap to koreans..like i mean did she keep any korean feature of hers)

i think Jessica Alba and Aishwarya Rai does not epitomize 10 because they is so much more beautiful than that i think is they are an 11 if thats possible and if its not the scale would scale so much higher if their on 10...i think people who rate themselves 10 should be as good looking as them

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I never..ever considered myself pretty.

All of a sudden, people dropped random comments.. -_-;;; Like, "you're actually pretty." And "you're so pretty! @_@"

"omg pretty!" ... I even notice that I turn some heads... I have really big eyes O_O, and really thick and long eyelashes. I have a long nose bridge, and kinda plump lips.. o_O; And I was tan...5-6 years ago.. xD; I have olive skin right now. *next to a Filipina, I'm white, next to a Korean/Japanese I'm brown x3*

So I gave myself a 6. xDDD;

I never..ever considered myself pretty.

All of a sudden, people dropped random comments.. -_-;;; Like, "you're actually pretty." And "you're so pretty! @_@"

"omg pretty!" ... I even notice that I turn some heads... I have really big eyes O_O, and really thick and long eyelashes. I have a long nose bridge, and kinda plump lips.. o_O; And I was tan...5-6 years ago.. xD; I have olive skin right now. *next to a Filipina, I'm white, next to a Korean/Japanese I'm brown x3* Then I was told to try modeling, joining beauty pageants..and stuff. -_- *I never did though, all that stress and pressure of the mere thought scared me*

So I gave myself a 6. xDDD;

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some days i look pretty

some days i look blah

i'd give myself a 5

i was thinking of giving myself a 6.5

but i just thought about it from the

people's point of view

i'm average

i've seen way better looking girls

which brings down my self-esteem -__-

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Guest ueboprincess

honestly its not that i have a low self esteem...which i dont and i dont care if guys look at me of not.......but guys dont look my way...why is that? i ask that to myself some times.....i rated myself a 5..well cause i believe that im not PRETTY but im not SCARY to look at either.

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I think I'm a 6...or a 5? I dont know but I don't feel pretty. TT_________TT

Sometimes I just have those lucky days where I feel fab and don't care about anyone <3

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Guest asialover830

I'm just average. like i think my bad qualities are my legs?! idk really..... :wacko:

and the good are my eyes i guess lol....

but i hate my cheeks.... weird right?!?

I gave myself a 3, but i think i could be a 5. I mean idk if i have low self-esteem, but i just don't like my self in any pics either......lol :sweatingbullets:

i look ugh.....and my friends say i should have confidence in myself too haha...

idk if i'm pretty or not, but my friends say cute, but i think they're lying to make me feel better lol... :blink:

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Guest babiiqrlxT

I won't say I am pretty, but I think I can go pass decent. I rated myself a 7, but it all depends how guys look at you right? LOL, I don't wear make up much, but mascara, so is 7 a good thing? haha

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Guest ling_ling

i know with makeup i am pretty

without makeup i am so-so

it depends if im wearing makeup or not....with a little i am above average

lol so i jus said 6 :P

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Guest xxorphiee

without make up i'm pretty much a 8.

i get compliments asking me if i wear make up.

but meh, i don't (:

i guess, i am pretty.

for sure (:

bleh, with make up i look more like.. a 9 or something..

there are those moments where people ask if i'm a model..

bleh, with this face.

i don't think so ):

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Guest GuamUSA

Please be honest. and dont say things like "oh im so ugly" but then have pics of yourself all over soompi and in your sig and avatar just to get compliments. BE HONEST!

explain why you think you are pretty or ugly, your best assets, etc...

LOL i really like MaryMagdalin's interpretation of the ratings

Please vote accordingly

Edit: uh....i dont know what i did but i added MaryMagdalin's quote and now all i see is 0's. sorry

well honestley i would rate me a 3. i have no confindence and i always feel ugly and not very good about my self feels good to say that even if it isn't outloud

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Guest Tofu_Cloud

i only voted against soompiers.... on the outside world with white ppl and stuff i would turn my 10 into a 8

overall i love myself, im 5'4 and with heels (yes i can still wear heels without looking weird) and be around 5'7 =)

not being a midget or a giant freak is good enough for me

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Guest moosicISlove44

I gave myself a 6 >.<

I don't think I'm pretty, but many people say that I am, so I went from 5 to 6


I think a lot of people look at themselves a lot more critically than they look at other people, so theymight think they're uglier than they really are

^ ^

[if that made any sense..lol]

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Guest tian`tian


I would say I'm pretty average overall. 6? 7?

Mostly I'm comfortable with where I am. I almost never wear any makeup unless it's going out to a club or nice restaurant or some occasion like that. So I'm okay enough with myself to not feel the urge to wear makeup all the time.

I've heard that I have a high nose bridge although I don't know what that means...

I like my eyes and eyebrows although I don't pluck them or get them shaped.

I'm happy with my height around 5'6".

I DO wish that my boobs were bigger though, but I've come to accept that that's just how it is and it goes with my weight (BMI says underweight >.<)

It's taken me a LONG time to get comfortable with the way I look though. In high school up through most of college, I think/feel that I was always the one out of my friends that people would always overlook, I'd be the "support" for my friends in getting guys or whatever. I just started putting on makeup on myself the past year (I'm 22...) and I think it looks alright. Although I don't know how much more attractive it makes me...

But I think overall I just don't really care too much which is why I don't put on makeup on a daily basis.

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