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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest Vino de Jerez

woah! haha nice poll.

Erm, like most. at times i think i dont. But most people said that i grew up prettily. compared to my younger times.

And does it consider even though hot caucasian guys stare at me all the time??

I dont put make up. So yeah, its more of natural beauty.

GOSH! I feel ego!!

But even when i compare myself amongst my friends, only like 1, 2 of them are prettier than me.

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In some days, I find myself ugly while sometimes, I like how I look. But I'm still not happy with how I look. I hate my eyes, nose, lips and teeth T_T. After I finish college, I have plans of getting plastic surgery but before that, I'll get braces. My mom doesn't believe me when I tell her that I really need braces so I have to use my own money for my braces :( That really sucks..

Argh I hate my eyes because they are not even and symmetric :( I hate my nose because its big and flat :( and I hate my lips because its so thick :( .. What I don't hate so much in my face is my face shape. Its not that bad for me..but in pictures, it looks big :(

I don't think that I am very ugly but I don't think that I'm pretty either. When I have make up, I think my look improves..

Hence, I would rate myself a 3 if I just woke up and if I am tired.

In some days I would rate myself a 4; but when I like how I look, I would rate myself a 6 while when I have makeup, I would rate myself a 7 or 8.

Anyway, I gave myself a 5..

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Guest mr. lovely

I'd give myself a five.

My skin is too dark, my nose spreads when I smile, my upper lip is 10x thinner than my bottom one, and just...oh.

The only thing I like about my face are my eyes, and nobody notices them 'cause I wear glasses.

Over time, I'll get used to how I look though. It's all good =)

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Guest flyaway.

Sometimes I think I look decent and sometimes I think I look like the ugliest person ever.

So it really depends.

I'd give myself a 7 though for regular days without makeup.

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Guest I.♥_Y0U ;)

I gave myself an 8. Without makeup, I'd probably be a 7, but I usually wear makeup, so yeahh. I do think I'm pretty most of the time but there are those days when I think I'm really ugly. -_-

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Guest p1nchmycheeks

i used to feel pretty all the time until my pimples grow :P they started to break out like crazie since last year.

i look at those girls with really nice skin, and oops, there goes my self-esteem! haha

what backs me up is my height.

but whenever i go to the diamond bar area, those ulzzangs drag my self-esteem low again. ay yay yay

i rated myself a 6. :)

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Guest AppleLove

I'd pass as cute? But that's not pretty o.o"

Uh. I need a nose.. THEN.. I'll vote above a 6 LOL.

I've always recieved 'cute' or 'adorable'.. sometimes others. But i disregard it, since i know what i look like.

I've even had comments like 'omg you're a girl!' from people i haven't seen for the past decade. eh

lol i'm fine with the way i am however

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Guest cute-nesss

iuno... everything bout me juz sucks...

buh that doesnt stop me from feeling pretty, caus clothes are a good coverup =]

height, i think is okay.. 168cm'

weight, dont even wana tlk bout it

size, tummy, FATTT!!

got flub everywhere on my arms and legs

now, beauty.

i take real good care of my skin... so i think i'm not THAT ugly buh i'm alright.

i got a few pimple, buh notso much.

umm, besides my skin i dont really think my face is pretty; wishing to get surgery on my nose sometime in the future; chin is bit round and makes me look chubby but wont wana attempt to get surgery there

soo... i think i'll rate myself a 5

afta i lose some weight and learn how to put on makeup i might boost up my self-esteem and rate myself higher =]

so far i only put on simple make-up (mascara and eyeshades)

even though i dont think i'm pretty, it doesnt stop me from doing anything caus nobody's perfect, right?


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Guest KrazySchoolGirl

I'll pass off as 'young'. A lot of people tell me I look 14 even though I am 18. I guess it's because I also dress like I'm in High School; I haven't changed anything in my wardrobe. *I'm poor :(* I would rate myself as a 6. The only thing that's great about my face is that I have no pimples. Other than that, I think I'm too short, too chubby, too disproportioned. I'll try to think positive. I am happy with what I have.

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I gave myself a 5, but now that I think about it I would consider a 4?

I have average looks, I should shed a few pounds here and there,

make up, I prefer being natural, clothes? I wear whatever rocks my mood, haha.

I'm ok with me though, It's not to an extent that I would think of having surgery. ^_^

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Guest missxlinna

i gave myself a 5, im average... im not that ugly nor pretty, and semi cute

and a 6 or 7 if i i have make up on

im sorta of attractive with my boobs and butt in all, but that's it.

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Guest ephemeral.

I voted no and a 7. I think I have a decent face despite my big flat nose, but er.. it goes with my sort of chubby face I suppose, makes me look cute? xD I have pale skin, double eyelids, average eye size, a healthy/anorexic body type and have a young face (I'm thirteen, but look childish). I don't really think that I'm attractive, but ok looking. As I mature, maybe I'll look better? My friend told me that if I put a little bit of makeup (eyeliner) and acted girlier, I would be really pretty. But then again, I can't seem to take any decent photos of myself since I'm bad at photography and can't see the angle and so, it makes me look weird and I think I'm ugly. Most of the time, I think that I look ok, but then again, I feel bad about myself. I should have voted a 6 now that I think about it. >_<

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Guest asianami

hmm well lyke everybody else, i've got my days.

sometimes im lyke "wow i actually am cute XD"

and other times i look in the mirror&say,

"nah im not pretty/above average. whats to look at? =_="

but hmm maybe a 7 i guess? o_O

(i feel lyke i have such high confidence saying that nuuu T_T)

....... yeah sure 7 im sticking with that lyke glueee HAHHA XD

EDIT. YAAAAY I TOPPED A PAGE!!!!! *dances* x3 x3

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