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The Ideal Asian Girl?

Guest husssh

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Guest Wokeupsleepy

Hmmm... you know, I think there's a bit too much importance placed on the double-lidded thing. When I look at a person's eye, I usually notice the color first... but that might be just me. The head shape is less important than how the hair frames the face, so any problems with less-than-deal-head-shape can be easily be fixed with the right hair style. Oh yeah, and hair color... I actually don't like black hair as much as hair that's a dyed dark brown with some blond highlights or something.

A pretty face is always good, but that kinda depends on a combination of things rather than any one feature in particular.

As for skin color, I kinda like pale skin, but I'm not too hung up on that. As long as it's not orange or tanning-bed-baked, it's not that big a deal for me.

For me, the real deal-breaker/deal-maker is whether or not she's significantly taller than me... I'm 5'4" and I doubt I'll grow more than an inch (maybe), so... yeah... hahaha...

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Guest erika.march1993

lol I didn't realize how scary the picture could be until I read the replies that said it looked freaky.

No I'm not the 'ideal' Asian girl.

I have big eyes, big lips, small nose (eh maybe a little big? don't really know), round and chubby face, and my bangs are long. I do have fair skin though.

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Guest dearWY

Whoa, that's a great painting.

Well anyway, I think she has a really cute nose, but the eyes are the same as a lot of other Asian stars so she looks like the "average" pretty Asian girl.

It's sad that the double eyelid thing is so huge in Asia. I've know a lot of girls that have monolids that I think are pretty but they want double eyelids.

I have monolids as well and I don't know, I really don't mind having monolids lol.

So the importance of the double lid thing is blown out of proportion imo. It is pretty though on some people.

I think the high nose bridge and small nose are also things that an "ideal" Asian girl has.

And I know that a small face is something that guys really like.

But she is really cute (:

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Guest mimilovesf21

No, for me, esp. in socal, i'd want nice tanned skin [i cant stand milky white azn skin for some reason..], almond shaped eyes, whatever face idc, nice lips doesnt matter what shape, and idc about nose as long as its not too weird looking. :]

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Guest lunastelle

The new update with the first post showing every time I click the page

is making the picture show so much. It's freaking me out now.

I'm likescrolling down as fast as I can once I see it. \:

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Guest NEYUGN93

She looks fake,

like photoshoped.

The features of hear face don't match.

No s.hit

It's a painting ... LOL

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Guest `Koko

I think the girl is pretty,

but after awhile it scares the crap out of me..

I guess she can be / is the ideal Asian girl ?

I love her nose !!

I have double eyelids, and I don't see the huge deal about them,

plus, I think monolids are cute too on people

I also have a high bridged nose ..

the only thing though is that since i broke it, i have a bump. D':

And I love pale skin. I try not to tan. > >'

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Guest jDollyLove

To be honest, I'd kill to look like that (minus the hair). :unsure: Well, not literally kill, but you get what I mean. Gosh, what a pretty face that is. @________@

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Guest YumiJam

Although she is very beautiful. I would NOT call her the ideal asian girl.

Everyone has their own personel preferance. Some people like dark skin rather than light.

Some people like light hair instead of jet black. It's all on what you perceive as beautiful.

And most asian stars these days do not get surgery for that look, they try and obtain a more western look.

To each it;s own. I can find plenty of people who would find this girl unattractive.

It's all in what you see as "beautiful".

To keep it simple, if I were to walk past her on a regular day, I would not look back to get a second glance.

She would just look..average to me.

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Guest Nessa1430267983

i agree shes kind of gives off the average asian look thos flawless i don't think that is the ideal look

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Guest thesavanahplains

i 1st saw that pic at like 5:30 am becuz i couldnt sleep and when i saw it i totally freaked out, i was like "HOLY CRAP!! that is so freaky....!"

shes pretty but really fake/creepy

i like ran back to my room and hid under my blanket lol good thing my friend was sleeping over or i would hav had nightmares

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Guest FlowerofWisdom

She does look like the ideal asian girl (but she has the CREEPIEST stare lol)

I think it's kind of funny/odd that the ideal asian girl will tend to have western/caucasian features like light skin, double eyelids, etc.

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I think girls that look like Charlene Choi is ideal :)

I like her eyebrows xD

She's pretty but if I painted it, I would make her eyelashes longer, make her nose not so crooked, and I'm not a fan of straight bangs.

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she's scary looking to me. or at least the painting makes her so. :/

my ideal asian girl face is more flawed than perfect since i think flaws give a face more personality. she'd have wider lips and a bigger nose than the girl in the picture. lightly tanned skin also. i can't say i appreciate the typical asian standards of beauty much.

i think the girl in the picture is nice looking, but i definitely don't *love* her features as much as i probably should. :lol:

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Guest Tinateukbum

Hm, no thank you.

I don't know why an 'ideal Asian girl' has to be like pale,

i think paley skin is so...'go get a tan' & a small mouth ? that looks kinda weird, from what i've seen anyways.

& like a lotta people said, other than that painting being scary as crap, everyone has a different type of 'ideal'

I would say Lee Hyori for an ideal. [can't think of many celebs. at the moment]

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Guest xwinnie_lovex

omgosh the quote thing at the top is so scary TT_TT

i think she looks super cute as a kid

but as we get older

i think we wanna have like a longer face? with sexier eyes?

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