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Guest Inconnu

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Guest truffles14

i dont see how they're "fugly" but ok...

man isnt it annoying when people dont look half as good as the subjects they criticize. but who's to say :)

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well the last one of phuong anh is nice, but the rest are blehh.

freakk, bobs so skinny D: skinnier than I thought xD, I still love him though xP

the last two pics of HUYEN HOANG are pretty as! :D

.. van-di was someone who used to be posted here I guess

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Guest Inconnu

i dont see how they're "fugly" but ok...

man isnt it annoying when people dont look half as good as the subjects they criticize. but who's to say :)

Your opinions, my opinions. =] Phuong Anh's teeth looks extremely yellow

in her pictures. She should work on her photoshop in that aspect. I like

PA, just that I've seen better pictures of her.

It's also annoying when half of the people on here probably photoshop

100x more and plaster their faces with makeup compared to the people

that criticizes them. But who's to say. ;)

Reality bites you in the butt huh? Sucks much.

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Guest truffles14

sucks? ... why would it suck?

exactly my point, those are actually the less photoschopped pictures. i would say barely at all. thats why her teeth might be a little yellow. but seeEeeE, she still looks gorgeous. if it works for them, then so be it. its not like they have the ability to photoshop from a man to a woman. its also their style thats a plus. photoshop and makeup only goes so far. and then its just what you're blessed with.. "100x" though is a bit exagerated no?

but i mean, whatever floats your boat and keeps it floating.no harm in sharing opinions :rolleyes:

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I don't even want to start on Phuong Anh's giant bobble headed self.

I never thought she was net idol material to begin with.

I don't find anyone to be attractive on this page. Most of the pictures are either too blurry or too photoshopped.

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Guest Inconnu

sucks? ... why would it suck?

exactly my point, those are actually the less photoschopped pictures. i would say barely at all. thats why her teeth might be a little yellow. but seeEeeE, she still looks gorgeous. if it works for them, then so be it. its not like they have the ability to photoshop from a man to a woman. its also their style thats a plus. photoshop and makeup only goes so far. and then its just what you're blessed with.. "100x" though is a bit exagerated no?

but i mean, whatever floats your boat and keeps it floating.no harm in sharing opinions :rolleyes:

That's nice. :mellow:

Im sure youre very attractive yourself.

photoshop and makeup only goes so far.




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Guest jolie pomme

New Mat Minor



New Edison



New Andy

Hes certainly matured!











Japan has always been so freaky looking. I don't get why people like her.

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Guest truffles14

thank you for the reminder, but i am very aware of those -___-it is afterall very hard not to, if you have ever googled the word ulzzang.

like i said, to each his/her own, but as far as photoshop and makeup goes, it would stil be pretty obvious. esp. when you can see her pores and everything. haaha, now. nowhere on here did i say you were ugly. nor did i say i was attractive. but i dont have a problem if you chose to think so. why so fickle?


besides the point, i was just about to post that edison picture, then realized jolie already. i think everyone's pretty. and yes, even alice nine. moon just doesn't get through to me somehow.

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Guest Yunho<3

Loe need to update more.I like him<3.

No offence,but Phuong Anh is.....urrr.

Mat Minor first pciture is hot.

Edison is freaking fine.

Edward is freaking hot<3.

Tony is alright.He look so old though.

I thought Moon was the girl when i saw the first 3 picture.

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