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Guest saibee

haha she's using the face roller o_o, i wonder if her super tiny face is actually due to abusive use of the face roller :rolleyes:

joo ah is pretty, but she looks so much like a doll, : ) but yeah she's pretty : )

jung joo ah is so gorgeous.love her eyes >.<

New Park Sisters

credit :: cyworld

ngaww, the park sisters are wearing matching outfits? : ) haha they're probably the prettiest twins ever xP (wonder what camera they used, i love the effect .-.)

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Wah, my favourite!! Park sisters!! Yay!! They seldom take pictures together, so (for me) those pictures of them together are really precious, haha!!

I think somebody said before that they aren't twins, is that true?

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Guest tsubomichan

woot. thnx for the jung joo ah spam =)

shes lovely s2

& seok in hye and jung joo ah kinda give me the same vibe ^-^

both really pretty cute girls

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Guest bonjour

I actually mentioned that they werent twins but i think there was a mix up.. i think its somthing along the lines of they didnt register the same day so they dont have the same birthday's but they were born the same time.. cause apparently in korea it doesnt matter when you register... I guess.

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Hey guys. XD Which male ulzzang was it that recently went to the army? D: He had some tattoos and piercings, if I remember correctly. Saw his pictures somewhere but forgot his name.

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^ Lee Chung had a lot of tattoos, piercings but he finished training a while ago..

Another one with piercings is June, who has a lot of piercings on his ear, but not sure about the army thing

I don't remember any others..

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Guest kingmari

ohhhh i loooove the jungjin/jooah/whatever spam * w * she's my fav

also i think the guy with tattoos and piercings was sang june... i dunno if that was really recent but he did go to the army

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Guest flyxme.

Jang Joo ah spam

its JUNG jooah;]

Hey guys. XD Which male ulzzang was it that recently went to the army? D: He had some tattoos and piercings, if I remember correctly. Saw his pictures somewhere but forgot his name.

i believe youre talking about lee sangjune(:

his tattoo on his left arm

its a dragon, fish, and frog on a leaf pad




please dont hotlink!;]

three, why did the topic keep going?

why are you continuing it?


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tahaha i do agree Jang Joo ah is pretty....'naturally'. i think so. not one of my favs but she's getting there.

the whole "cleavage" thing is so stupid. the entire topic about it was clueless to me. why is it such a big

deal? i don't get it. first, i understand why you got all riled up about her showing cleavage but doesn't

some people? two, the "cleavage" topic turned into the "boobie" topic. three, why did the topic keep going?

and four, i'm not a genius but when you first noticed her "cleavage" in her photo and keep talking about it

non-stop that just screamed "lesbian" or "perv" :lol: just kidding :rolleyes: but even i'm keeping the topic

alive huh? whaha i'll stop here then. i did notice that she didn't look...too...urm...pretty without the ps and

contact lens on her.

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and thanks for FINALLY UPDATING!!!





^ he has a pimple. :D... and he blurred it. soo cute.

credits: LJH, Imageshack, Cyworld, me, UM thread.

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Guest tsubomichan

The thing I like about Jung Joo Ah is her piercings.


and most of them are clip-ons xD

but thats it? just the piercings :mellow:

i swear she made me turn bi s2

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Guest Namine

^ WEll thing I like most xD lmao

really? a lot of them are clip ons..??

then what about in this picture http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/de...n/Jungjin27.jpg


o.o;;;;;; im so confused.

i like quite a bit about her, but i dont really love her naturally eye glance, it seems.. like.. lazy eyes. im not sure what it is, but shes cute. :)

Can I request a spam of... Go Hye Sun back when she was an ulzzang?

Thanks a lot for making me interested alaina!!

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