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About the army

I ask my korean friend in cyworld

He told ...

some soldier go to the army all 2 years

but someone can come back home everyday.

maybe LSE will not go there all 2 years

He can off to back home^^ If he wants

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Guest 2partsvodka

About the army

I ask my korean friend in cyworld

He told ...

some soldier go to the army all 2 years

but someone can come back home everyday.

maybe LSE will not go there all 2 years

He can off to back home^^ If he wants


yay....he better because more pictures!!!

tehehehe...but....gah..his pictures looked soooo sad....*sniffs sniffs*

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Guest alicimoo

hehe I saw Dara's 10 reasons to love LSE.

that was absolutely adorable!! ^^

if there was war&bush...it wouldn't be that bad if LSE was sent over. xD

except for the fact that he'd be in danger. xD but he would be over! xD

i had this picture since the old soompi....i've been using her as my main girl for my fic and i was wondering if you guys can identify her, she looks kind of like solki to me but then again it might not be her


thanks to those who know!

it looks like the girl in the fanfic "the Chinese Girl"


the girl in the top left corner. "Lee RyangJae"

you can PM the writer CHUNGHEE to ask her who she used for the character?

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Guest alicimoo

--err whoops. double post..

i dont get it. how can it turn into a double post when soompi has the..thingy taht doesn't allow double posting??

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Guest touche`

LSE 's not gone to the army yet!!

(Or He's already gone to there...Arkkkk I'm not sure-_-)



he has been long gone hun..but he looks great in those pictures..

he is such a mystery guy. so hot B)

hmm i wonder how did he get those kind of mystery. o.o

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^gosh he's hott in the first picture!!

haha..if i saw a guy wearing that on the streets then i think i'd laugh!! but then again i'd look like an idiot once he reveals his face!! haha..then he'd probably be the one laughing at me!! :P

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Guest xiLLeNtz

Wow, Jung Roo looks way much better without PS, hate it when she PSes her eyes -_-

EDIT : So accidentally own a page

369 !!!

lol some of the pics are so scary;~

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Guest bigfatPANDA

Haha! There's like 6 or 7 pages straight of LSE! xP

JungRoo is hekka pretty. x3

What's her last name..? xD

*lame question but I'm curious! xP*

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Guest kiwi1430261477

I own this page!! GoodBye Lee SangEun T_T...I just looooooove 지승준(Ji SeungJoon). Does anyone watch him on Happy Sunday?






credits: his 싸이월드

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i don't know why, but i have the feeling that kid is going to be such a male diva when he grows up... or one of those washed out child actors.

cute though ^_^

Ooh, are they normal coloured contacts? Or circle lenseS?

circle lenses.. well to be more specific they're tear lenses, but they have the black outline thing that makes your eyes bigger


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Guest -- Nai xPc.

^^^lol i wasn't expecting the huge big red fonts after i read your other comments lol

seominwoo - conservative?

where did u get that from?

LMAO. he just seems kind of uptight IMO.

that's exactly why I'm anti-bush. >_<

and I don't like Im Da either lol. She's pretty though.

But how is Seo Minwoo conservative? lol. I dunt get that ?_?

ahh, I miss Sang Eun T_T

how old is LSE anywayss?

I`m not exactly anti-Bush; some of the stuff he does are crazy but what if you were in his position? I don`t think anybody could do a better job then him. To NOT fight the war and go out like a coward or fight the war and end up the bad guy? That`s tough.


seo minwoo has booshy eyebrow.s XP

LOL eyebrows; I think they`re ok.


*hands down no questions asked*

really he does?? hrm...but oh well...Seo Minwoo is still soo hwat... B)

Yeah, he`s hot :)

well im neutral buh i do have to point out that lse would have to go to army anywayy...bush or no bush. this is coming from a girl that lives in the state thats most anti bush too...buh yeah 0=]

I`m not anti-bush. Yeah, I knoe LSE would have had to go to the army anyways, but still, Bush is not helping the situation either ways.

^ I didnt know either until a south Korean got captured by those terrorists, and they threatened to behead him if they didnt remove all the South Korean soldiers out of Iraq. I think it was last year. Sadly, nobody negotiates with terrorists and he was be-headed.

That`s sad. =/

^He doesnt update anymore.Someone said he hasn't update since april 2004. T_T ahh, he was my favorite ulzzang.


i never noticed minwoo waas conservative o.O i`ll try to notice it the next time i see his hot face ^___^ yeah .. kkr really is the uhljjang of all uhljjangs.. SO HOT&SEXY! x] i think imda is pretty cool .. love her style.. just like i love mikki`s style. =] sang ah doesn`t look full korean to me .. but she is right? x__0"

argh .. don`t even get me started w/ bush. he needs to be taken off the presidential position. he suck. i hate him....w/ great fervor. him & the freaking government are lying about a lot stuff regarding to the attack on 9.11. what a freakin` jackdonkey. &...&!!! he sucks at grammer. when he made his inagural speech.. like i think two years ago .. my english listed all the grammatical errors he made... SO.. why is he our president again!? GET THE FCUK OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE & GO BACK TO TEXAS! i bet the only reason why florida voted for bush was b/c flordia`s governor is bush`s brother. cheap as5. <_<

omg >____<! yeah .. i remember those events. so gruesome. they were all over the internet. a lot of my friends watched it & told me about it. i decided not to watch it b/c .. i just can`t go through w/ it. >__< they iraq people did it really slow too. & something about cracking the bone in the neck w/ the knife. omg .. ew. i`ll stop. haha .. how ironic. the u.s troops are "supposidly" there to "help" iraq`s government.. but instead..we`re killing each other. they say we are not at war .. but we are. shesh .. the governement lies too much. <_<


imda is sooo rich; does her father really work for the gov`t?

i want to watch it now. hahah .. seeing an uhljjang getting smacked down by a pole xD


so sad .. lse is really gone ToT

LSE is really gon now. . . Huh?


i don't know why, but i have the feeling that kid is going to be such a male diva when he grows up... or one of those washed out child actors.

LOLL male divas.

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