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Guest tsukemene123

ROFL racist? lol Stop, please dear God stop trying to seem smart using big words lmfao you are RETARDED lmao OMG..lol..I'm not the one here saying "no no only post Koreans, other races aren't pretty" richard simmons I am Korean, and I'm the one talking about posting other races but I'm racist? lol You are an Idiot. Stop trying to seem smart because it does not work for you. It's not cute honey it's not. You can't even answer a question lol A simple question. lol

Big words? I didn't use any big words. And you do not know me personally, so please don't assume that I'm "trying to seem smart," or call me an idiot. I'm certainly not retarded; you seem to throw that word around lightly. It seems to me that you're the more ignorant one, calling people "net sluts." I know you're just trying to prove a point, and I actually do agree that it is questionable to post pictures of an ulzzang's girlfriend, but the way you're going about attacking people isn't the way to make your argument.

No one in this thread has ever said that other races aren't pretty. The reason this thread is full of pictures of Koreans is because it is the Korean ulzzang thread; there are other threads where people post pictures of ulzzangs of other ethnicities.

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Guest BABiELiCi0USx3

You people....are just so stupid...lol I mean seriously, not to be mean but wtf do you people go to school for? lol do you people even go to school? or just spend your mornings getting off to these people.

it amazes me how you say that we have no life.

yet, you still wanna argue here & bash on people that 'have no life.'

정말 유치해서 못봐주겠다..

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Guest Vintage*Princess

Since when is some mod on some forum permission enough to go stealing random Koreans pictures from their cyworlds and post them here? Jaeho isn't God honey lol he can't speak and give permission for people he doesn't even know lol unless of course he has wrote to every single non-ulzzang on cyworld and asked for permission lol

if that's the case then you know what, I'm going to go find a bunch of cute white, black, korean, ect. guys and girls on myspace and friendster and I'll be back to post their pictures K ^^ lol

edit -

Once again, when did I ever say I hate this thread? lol tell me where you see that. lol - also when did I say I like to argue with people? lol when did I say either of those things? are you seeing things or what? lol

You people get all fussy and what not when you think someone is posting their own picture here, and you bash them until they're banned just for making a mistake or whatever or until they just leave, but you guys are allowed to post someone who isn't a ulzzang and who you ALL know isn't? how in the hell does that work? lol

I can post my pictures here, I'd get a warning and probably bashed by you all because I'm not a ulzzang whose won any contest, you people post someone who isn't a ulzzang and hasn't won any contest at all, but you know they wont find out so it's okay? you people are just wow...stupid.

I think we should ignore this "minor's" ignorance and incoherence. Even if we tried to explain things to her, she doesnt seem to have the intellectual capacity to comprehend it.

p.s. why dont YOU get a life and stop worrying about what others do with theirs? k thxbye! ^ ^

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Guest tsukemene123

gerrronimo, you are an idiot lol I don't know you personally, you don't know me personally, yet you called me a racist giving me permission to sum up your whole character based on nothing just like you did to me. Calling someone a racist is a bigger issue then calling someone stupid, my calling you stupid is simply my opinion, you calling me racist can only be based on some fact you have which doesn't exist because you just pulled it out of your richard simmons so hush. lol

I'm not attacking anyone lol if I were attacking you people I'd come and blow each and every one of your little heads off :blink: ...lol...All I did in the start was state that someone was breaking the rules of this thread by posting sangjunes girlfriend because she was not a ulzzang and this is a ulzzang thread. You guys don't like the rule book being thrown at you huh. lol

I called you a racist because you considered yourself better than the others posting in this thread because you are Korean, and assumed that everyone else in this thread is probably white, something you implied is worse than being Korean.

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Guest fanturntable

it amazes me how you say that we have no life.

yet, you still wanna argue here & bash on people that 'have no life.'

정말 유치해서 못봐주겠다..

I know, makes total sense eh ?

Like hah if you're going to be a hypocrite then

go ahead

but its RELALY not helping you and your little

argument .

which i have no idea why you would even start

but yeah :)


구냥 냅도... 나중애 말구만하갰지.. hopefully

Like honestly these ulzzangs post a danng load of pictures and enter them in competitions


i mean they should really expect people to save and post the pictures of them

we're only human.


we're not looking up to them as our lives .

just.. you know ... entertainment . like how people just like to look at pictures .

just that. they'res is possible more... amusing in a good way then others

the quality and everything, its different .

you cant really blame us for that.

we actually HAVE a life, looking at pictures on our free time .

you ...

i guess you just bash threads in your free time :)

I think ours is a more reasonable hobby, don't you agree?

And what about miss "Oh ulzzangs love being ulzzangs , I would know, I'm korean and live in korea" what was her name lol..I didn't see you pointing that little racist remark out..lol only mine huh..Yepp..pulled it out of your richard simmons. lol

why don't you feel "victor-ized" eh ? LMAO oh dear

shes saying that she lives in korea

so shes AROUND them

and prolly knows the ulzzangs behaviour more than us

because shes in korea

and thats where the ulzzangs are .

my gosh.

she wasnt trying to show anything off or

whatever racist remark .

puh-leaze .

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Guest yurikah

Its pretty much "okay" to post their pictures here because in cyworld, there's a button called "scrap" and that allows you to save their pictures in your computer. They pretty much give their photos to people who scrap their pictures.

If this is not good enough for you, idk...

and babyN_xxs,


(Subject matter of a racist/stereotypical tone or topics that will incite hateful responses will not be tolerated.)

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Guest Vintage*Princess

And what about miss "Oh ulzzangs love being ulzzangs , I would know, I'm korean and live in korea" what was her name lol..I didn't see you pointing that little racist remark out..lol only mine huh..Yepp..pulled it out of your richard simmons. lol

thats not racist. shes just identifying her ethnicity. whats wrong with that??

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Guest fanturntable


those gf/bf's of theirs

are ulzzangs in their own ways lets say .

but usually they do somehow get popular on the net

and possibly even become ulzzangs.

we dont try to break rules on purpose

its something that those picture-posters dont think of. like

its like "ohh i guess its alright, we're not bashing those people"

but YOUU , its like you nastily PLAN on breaking the rules on PURPOSE :)

porn addictoin is only human nature, you cant blame them .

yeah and HONESTLY




just because they have a little... *odd* (do you prefer me to call it ?) hobbies

is the sick hobby here.

oh trust me we can read. thats why we're replying to ya in the first place

well i consider this ON YOUR FREE TIME ?


are you that addicted to bashing its NOT your free time and you're like

busy doing something else but then come on here to bash ?

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You know what, I think I'm done here lol I need to get back to my life of being around real people instead of a bunch of net sluts who touch themselves to scrawny richard simmons ghost looking guys lol I'm sure your mothers are proud lol =D oh I will be back if I see something I don't like. lol banned or not..lol ^_^ ^_^


Yes but sangjunes girlfriend, isn't a huge j-pop / Asia Idol...she's a friend of mine on cyworld, not a singer, not a ulzzang, not a model and it isn't illegal but it is against the rules here posting a non-ulzzang right =D lol I'm sick of having the rules of this forum being thrown at me for little things yet you can break the rules here so I'm gonna fuss about it whether you like it or not lol

this site is worst than alot of sites, it's just another sad netizen forum really lol. why don't you people go join the Korean ones. lol

You know what I find funny, you're trying to argue back with soompier about this whole NON-ULZZANG POSTING PIC THING, but at the same time, this suddenly became an argument not about the first reason why you came here. Also, you don't really know Sangjune's Girlfriend personally. SHES JUST A FRIEND OFF THE NET. ANDDD you also do saying about how you should go back to your life of being around real people, WHY DONT YOU GO AND DO THAT. Were posting her pictures because we admire her, not like as if were bashing her here. Why are you creating such a fuss over this for?

edit - babyN_xxs I'm one of the few actual KOREANS to post in this thread. who the hell knows what the rest of you are, talking about only posting koreans when half of you are probably white lol

WHO CARES ABOUT THE RACE/BACKGROUND EVERYONE IS. Its pretty much dumb to say that, you're practically being racist. It doesn't matter what race we are, as long as we admire those were posting picture of. And you know what, yes i'm NOT korean but hey, does that change anything about me posting ulzzangs or NON-ulzzangs picture? No it doesn't.

Lol I'm not one spending hours posting and taking pictures and diary entries like everyone else here am I. =D I'm simply posting my own text on a forum, not net-stalking people. lol

I might leave if I don't see another non-ulzzang posted and more rules being broken, or when this gets boring for me. lol

So what? Your practically like one of us spending our time posting pictures, but guess what your doing, your spending your time TYPING back nonsense to us trying to argue with us which practically is the same. First, your saying your going to leave and chill with REAL people, but instead your spending your time talking to us NET people. Your such a hypocrite.

ROFL racist? lol Stop, please dear God stop trying to seem smart using big words lmfao you are RETARDED lmao OMG..lol..I'm not the one here saying "no no only post Koreans, other races aren't pretty" richard simmons I am Korean, and I'm the one talking about posting other races but I'm racist? lol You are an Idiot. Stop trying to seem smart because it does not work for you. It's not cute honey it's not. You can't even answer a question lol A simple question. lol

Actually you are being racist. If you are trying to talk back about the NON-ULZZANG thing, why are you coming into here, later on talk about the race about KOREAN/NON-KOREAN thing in your previous post? (I QUOTED ONE OF THEM ABOVE)

You people....are just so stupid...lol I mean seriously, not to be mean but wtf do you people go to school for? lol do you people even go to school? or just spend your mornings getting off to these people.

WHY DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL FOR? Its seriously wierd how you're asking us that question when you should be asking yourself. Your doing the SAME.





You know what, WHY ARE YOU STILL POSTING REPLIES FOR? Did you forget the reason why you're here in the first place? Instead of trying to talk out with us about the whole NON-ULZZANG posting picture thing, you're now here ARGUING. You know what, I have enough of this. I'm going to ignore the fact you posted here. and GUESS WHAT? I will stick to my words unlike you, who did post about how your going to DIP and get out to chill with some actual people. Also, the fact you come replying so quick is making me laugh! T_______T" BACK TO POSTING THE PICTURES

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Guest fanturntable

x.cheska, shut up. lol I'm korean, I spend most of my year in Korea at home, and since you said yourself that must mean that I know better and little miss whatever her name was then just shut up lol

If she was a ulzzang in her own way, her folders on cyworld would be open for everyone, notice how sangjune is only able to scrap her photos, and any of her friends that add her of course.

Btw no I'm not busy, it's 9:30pm and a school night, the only thing I'm busy with is trying to make myself sleepy so I can go to bed lol.

you RELALY think im going to shut up because you told me to ?


like I never lived in korea before ? like I don't visit ?

that was just her OPINION

doesnt MEAN that its 100% true that she would know better than us

because we don't live in korea


so you DO go around looking at their cy's and such :)

what are you doing there for huh ?

RESEARCHING so that you can use it to BACK UP your bashing eh ? ha

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Guest tomboy16

This is getting out of hand.Rina412 please stop bashing everyone.U should just stop saying all this stuff and move on with ur life.U shouldn`t care what ppl do.Its not ur business what ppl post up here.U made ur point now get out of this thread if ur going to keep bashing ppl and not follow the rules.

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Guest fanturntable

Like I said before, there isn't much to do at this time of night on a school night, but you people are on all day long posting PICTURES and COPYING their diary entries, which takes longer? lol stop repeating crap and not answering my questions richard simmons lol

Oh and I said I changed my mind about leaving, guess you missed that along with a bunch of other things huh...lol ^^

This is fun..LOL :phew:

It doesnt take an hour to post a freaking picture

its the interenet, its quick .

OH, im having great fun too :)

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Guest destinedisaster00

um, haha..

there hasn't been a picture posted in a couple thousand pages (exaggerating ^^'')

Imda spam please? actually just spam ANYONE so that we can get back to the

REAL topic? *cough*


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Guest mocofraise&

At the risk of looking a bit inconsiderate, i'd say ..

Who cares?

Even if someones is spending her life on ulzzang's pictures,a hobby or whatever,

Even if there was someone here who was eventually touching him/herself with 'scrawny richard simmons looking guys',

Is it really someone's buisness?

It's not the first time that someone happens to dislike ulzzang's thread and have the imminent need of telling it.

So please,even if she's korean (and it seems to change everything to her so let's mention it) who cares about

'the korean girl that dislikes people looking at ulzzangs?'

I dislike people like that,alot. But it's not worth making a fuss about it.

It's not like she had really good reasons to do this anyway,i think everyone noticed.

So please ignore her.

And go on posting picture of beautiful people.

I like it. ^^

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Guest vickiixtinhy


Okay so since we aren't reading between the lines with her post don't do the same with mine lol ..All I said was I bet most of you are probably white, when did I say I was better because I'm Korean? lol don't just dig deep into my post because you have some issue or whatever with me but just act like an idiot with another post. lol

How many times am I going to have to say this? lol you guys say I am repeating myself, but it's because you can't seem to read.



DO YOU UNDERSTAND...LOL..Or should I make the text huge? lol

And honestly no looking at pictures of random people all day is not a hobby it's a bit sick, reminds me of those porn addicts Dr phil had on his show only a few million times lol. I havn't been on this site as long as half of you nor do I have half as many post as you all do but all of the sudden you know what I do in my free time? lol Please I can look through this whole thread and see what you guys do in your free time each and every month lol. You on the other hand can't. ^^ you can only count a few days. lol

"And honestly no looking at pictures of random people all day is not a hobby it's a bit sick"

"Please I can look through this whole thread and see what you guys do in your free time each and every month"

isn't that being slightly hypocritical?

and its not relaly that sick

its exactly like looking through a magazine watching your celebrities and what their up to

this is just a way of admiring people.

ipluss uljjangs put up their pictures for other people to see.

anyways. you couldn't argue back politely too. not trash people at the same time please =/

this isn'really the place to trash talk everyone. everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

and there isn't any OFFICIAL uhljjang titled thats pronounced onto someone.

you always see pictures of mikki with random guys in her pictures, should we blur out their faces because they don't deserve to be in this forum?

we just post them and people that are ASSOCIATED around them. theres no harm in that. if the mods don't like it, they can just delete the post =/

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Guest fanturntable

So please ignore her.

And go on posting picture of beautiful people.

I like it. ^^

Ohh I like that idea :)

i came here to look at pictures .

not some random bumm bashing on this thread

and us, or what not.

post post :)

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Guest fanturntable

I like the fact that

imda doesnt try to be the "typical ullzzaang"

in people's minds these days

you know the whole pale, cute innoncet thing


shes unique :)

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