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Guest transistor

Jaeho's post also states that they don't necessarily need to enter or win any contests. Why do you care so much about rules being broken if you think this forum is so lame anyways? Everything you've said seriously has no logic. How is this site worse than a pornography site? Are you serious?

Like I said before, once you post something on the internet, pictures or anything, it's subject to anyone taking and scrutinizing it elsewhere.

And going beyond the range of Koreans, think of Myspace - plenty of people's pictures get "stolen" as you say and posted somewhere else for people to either be fans of them or to make fun of them. Or better yet, think of the internet memes and macros of totally random people floating all over the internet.

Nice of you to call her a richard simmons, real nice, even though it makes NO SENSE in the context you're using it. Who cares what she likes? I think it's sadder that you keep coming back to a thread that you repeatedly bash.

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Here's the rough translation:

If you use this anywhere else, credit me.

Bihyul: Women living like women. I have a low voice like a guy, and sometimes it gets on my nerves. Now I get praise for dancing these things and I know to continue like this is my reason. Before too I loved dancing with all I had, and I'll keep on continuing on doing it.

Thank you so much for this!

Wah! I thought her friend was her girl friend!

I guess saying that she doesn't like her manly voice(at first) proves that she's still feminine inside.

Uh probably should read the first post by Jaeho stating this thread is for posting ulzzang / momzzangs pictures, not random people that have never entered a ulzzang contest richard simmons. sangjunes girlfriend hasn't entered any ulzzang contest before, or momzzang obviously. :blink:

A sad netizen that likes to complain? lol better than being a sad netizen richard simmons that likes to get off to PS'd guys lol.

I'm sorry for butting in on your one-man arguement but as I've said for the third time,

People come here to have fun and relax and not to argue with people.

Some of us may have a life outsdide soompi and some

probably don't, but it's our lives, and where ever stupid matters

we want to spend it on, it's us who will suffer the consequences of it and not other people.

Whatever you have against this thread, just let it go.

You hate this thread? Then go find other places to amuse yourself.

You like to argue with people? Then girl/boy, you're definitely in the wrong place.

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Guest yurikah

Uhljjangs are also net idols. They're practically celebrities in the internet world. There's the whole uhljjang contest thing, but I know for sure uhljjangs are recognized for their popularity on the net. If you haven't tried, Rina412, you should visit some of the uhljjang's cyworlds and see how many visits they get a day and their cumulative home page views. They are uhljjangs because thousands of people visit their pages for their physical and facial appearances.

Plus, please do not curse on this thread and call people stupid for what their opinions are. That should be considered "just wow..."

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Guest flyxme.

gahh seriously arguments are fun, but its getting annoying

i say we just ignore her and if you wish to continue

just pm each other yes? :D

so mikki have a new shoe site now?

CHAYS - change your shoes XDDD

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Btw, this thread is called ULZZANG MANIA, not KOREAN only ULZZANG MANIA, you guys made that rule up yourselves because you're a bunch of racist freaks apparently. So you know what, I will go post some cute black, white and asian or whatever people from myspace from friendster. ^_^

it's called ULZZANG MANIA in the KOREAN celeb photos. :rolleyes:

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Guest littlemisstiny

Go ahead, I've been waiting for you guys to ignore me lol it'd just prove everything I've said true. =D

No, I think that just means that your words mean nothing to us now because all you care about is getting your argument across while ignoring everyone elses. So we'd much rather look at pictures of ulzzangs than look at anything else you happen to type.

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Guest babyN_xxs

^ I'm not trying to stop anyone from posting pictures altogether lol stop looking past the point, just because you guys have no real answer to it. It's just so easy to tell yourself "oh oh she's trying to stop us from posting all ulzzangs pictures" ..correction I'm trying to see why it's allowed to post non-ulzzangs pictures yet you guys COMPLAIN and whine when you think someone is posting their own pictures? you complain when someone may post someone from myspace or friendster but not when some non ulzzang from cyworld is posted? lol it makes no sense at all sorry, you all know this you just have no answer for it. lol

I know how popular they are on cyworld, I have added some of the actual ulzzangs to my cyworld so trust me I see how many visits they get daily...but then again theres plenty of popular girls and boys on myspace and friendster also that win the little contest on those sites kind similar to the cyworld contest Sangjune won, so it's okay to post their pictures? lol even if they aren't Korean, or Asian at all right? it's just okay to take their pictures? =D

Your right, as long as they are popular it doesn't really matter which webpage u get them from, they dont have to be from Cyworld.

Just make sure they are good looking (we can tell which ones r popular) and make sure they r korean. The others, stick them in the Other Asian Ulzzang Thread.

For example i dont see a big deal of sticking Anggie in here right? Just stick ppl who dont have soompi, i guess?

EDITED i just read what u wrote at the bottom.... are u EVEN asian? cuz your kinda racist

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Guest tsukemene123


How am I ignoring everyone else? All I've done is pointed out people breaking the rules of the thread made on the first post by a MOD not a member lol. and asked questions you people can't answer lol you guys just don't want to admit you LOSS..lol bunch of dumb richard simmons sluts. lol

Er so what? lol I see pictures of korean celebs posted with celebs of other races, if they were that picky with the race thing they'd delete those threads lol maybe I should complain about that lol


You know what, I think I'm done here lol I need to get back to my life of being around real people instead of a bunch of net sluts who touch themselves to scrawny richard simmons ghost looking guys lol I'm sure your mothers are proud lol =D oh I will be back if I see something I don't like. lol banned or not..lol ^_^ ^_^

Btw - you guys need to stop acting like you know all about this ulzzang richard simmons.."we can tell which are popular" richard simmons please lmao half of you probably aren't even Asian nevermind korean lol all you guys do is make up richard simmons and feed off of little things you hear instead of getting the full story.


Okay I'm just being mean now...sorry..lol

I'm not even going to elaborate upon how offensive and illogical this, and all of your other posts, are.

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Guest tsukemene123

You're just coming off as a really belligerent, unintelligent racist the more and more you argue. Please, just forget about it and we can all get on with our lives.

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Guest pewpewpew

Hey you guys, just don't post pictures of Sangjune's girlfriend and what not so Rina can finally go away, that is if he/she has a life.

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Guest yurikah

There's nothing wrong with stating your opinions, but it's really immature when you began insulting and cursing at other people and claiming people are this and that. *shakes head*

진짜 어이업고 유치해....


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And you responded 5 minutes later...So? it's 8pm on a school night honey, there isn't much else to do besides homework lol I still don't stalk and post hundreds of pictures of random people do I..lol how does one find time to do that during the school year. lol

Then why are you still on here? You're saying we don't have a life, but look who's talking?

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