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Anyways, i am gonna open a Soompi Fanclub for LEE JI HOO.. and i don't know what to name it.

any suggestions?

1. Lee Ji Hoo Fanclub

2. Lee Sang Eun Fanclub

3. Hoosama?



i vote #3 hahaha =P


i think the sua picture is old

it's from the summer, she just reposted it

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commenting about wat some pple said about them being natural or not..

er... seriously~ who cares~ we look at these pix for the fun of it~

and itz not like if they arent that makes them less of who they r ~

and itz a well known fact that they ps.


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Guest CriticalHit

I'm curious, why does Mikki keep covering her face? Lol not just Mikki but I've seen a couple of uljjang covering their faces usually nose and mouth, why?

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Guest sungaaah

juss wanted to say how much

i appreciate the sws updates ..

im obsessed with him =p

wish he'd post more pix up !

i'm glad theres more updates

from the 'older' ulzzangs ..

all the new ones sort of

annoyed me heh ...

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well....the ones posted here arent actually REAL uljjangs

like mikki and sua, they didnt actually win the contest, right?

yeah but koreans don' t just call the pretty people who win contests "uhljjang"

the term uhljjang is used when someone has a beautiful face . . .

that' s why many koreans say that certain announcers are uhljjangs - not cause they win a contest but cause their pretty

mikki started becoming popular because people would pass by her cy and thought she was pretty :\

& she started getting alot of hits and now labelled an uhljjang~

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Guest alainachen_604

I've seen a couple of uljjang covering their faces usually nose and mouth, why?

LOL i know right? xDD

I wanna know that too ^_^

chihoon && mikki would look

so cute together <33

to bad it was just for a photoshoot :rolleyes:

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Guest thecrow barks

I'm curious, why does Mikki keep covering her face? Lol not just Mikki but I've seen a couple of uljjang covering their faces usually nose and mouth, why?

cause its just the fad right now :/

covering your face is really popular.

& yes, koreans ARE really focused on looks and stuff (been livin here for about 3 months now? rofl)

the first thing the people saw when i came to the school was my looks :/

and ALL the girls ahve big hand mirrors &they just look in it all day, like the girl from Im a cyborg but thats ok HAHAHAHA

im serious :P

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ok.. i guess the jihoo fanclub at soompi is gonna be called HOOSAMA... well "H S M ♡ 이지후"

H S M stands for HOO SA MA

Hmm... i should get going and make this fanclub that i hope all of you jihoo lovers will join.

anyways, it's getting cold.. mikki and Chihoon are being very good models and cuddling up so adorably

that everyone thinks they're going out.. or at least most of us wish they were...

Aniways.. take care of yourselves and do post more ulzzang sex-chiii-ness!!

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