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*New Songmira



sooo natural and pretty ><


*New Gookhwa



the girl next to GH in the 1st pic is SMR :]

the man with her in the 2nd pic is her daddy :]

credits to: SMR's cy & GH's cy (:

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what is with page 1903? hehe. uhlzzangs, I can't get enough of them! someone mind uploading mikki pics and imda. tahanksssss.and oh mii gosh, is it just me? but i couldn't sign into soompi for like nealy half an hour. it said the username or password wasn't right!!

mira is gorgeous!!!i wonder if all the ulzzangs are friends with each other.
yea i was curious about that too! how come theres pics of uhlzzangs together..like friends...it really does seem like the uhlzzanga all know each other..wow
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^mikkis new pics are all almost the same o_o; aww I miss sandjune ><;.... maybe I should do a lil spam too... maybe later XD

^^some are good friends e.g. Mikki&Sua....or Mikki&sangeun or KKR+err dunno inho,sangjune etc? .....hmm or Mira&Minwoo... so there are a lot of ulzzang friends ^^;

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Guest herohenna

sang june is damn cute....

his skin seems so fair...

sumhow his side view looked like tang yu zhe...

a taiwan actor....


he is so cute!!!!!

miki is really pretty....

but i really get bit annoyed when she covers her face wif smt....


she dun hav 2 do so...lolz...

any1 has update on bi-hyul????

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Guest astrosexxy

list update!

Kim Sung Je

- 초신성 (Cho Shin Sung/SuperNova) "HIT+너는 어디에+Romance" MV W/Special Guest Star Eugene

- "HIT" Debut Live Performance 2007.09.21

- "HIT" (Remix) Live Performance 2007.10.12

-- Photoshoot For Elite Uniform W/SNSD

- School Of Rock 2007.10.15 W/KARA Part 1

- 2007.09.10 Entertainment Relay W/Eugene

- M-net 2007 Must Have 완소남 #86


you guys have to give both their groups a try. they're so good! i love them all! hahahahaha!


i knew i recognized him from somewhere but.. ah.

i love supernova <3

i've been a silent lurker around here btw.

thanks for posting so many pictures ppl.

saving me the work of going to their cyworlds - lol xD

lovely thread!! ^^ ( oh and if there's any henry lau fans in here, i just wanted to let you know that euphonic.co.nr is having an ulzzang contest so feel free to stop by and check it out~ )

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^whoa she looks scary in that last picture hahah

and thank you *up there!*

i thought so...because seo min woo looked so familiar ;P

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Guest meru-bii

Anyone know who this guy (on the right) is?


This guy I know has been using his pictures...and it's really obvious because he doesn't look like him at all. =/

edit: wow page ownage o.o

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Guest lucky*13

You have the forum set to show 40 post per page instead of the normal 20. You can change it in your CP.

Yeah, my friend told me. Thanks for the help anywayy. (:


Lee Yoongeun's hairr!! OMG.

I liked his old hair better. X_X

Why's everybody getting haircuts these days?

I might get one later next month or so.



NEW Hyun Bi Hyul:

Thanks for these pictures! Bihyul still look so good. (:

Lee Chihoon's pictures are so much more colorful. LOL.

Yesterday at Souplantation, I saw a wannabe KKR. I nearly spilled my soup.

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Guest flyxme.

i miss sangjune! wahhhh i want him to come back

when he's back his pretty hair will probably be gone

imda's legs...*envy* T-T

bihyul's skin is so flawless...

jooah's eyes are so pretty, but that picture is kinda creepy...

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I've just been to NamJi's cyworld :D (not sure it's hers or not, I just assumed it is...., b'coz the new pic is the same with the one somebody posted before....) and I noticed that she looks pale now...., she used to have good pictures before....

I used to know just NamJi, EunByul, KyungRok and HyeSung, now I know a lot, hahaha..., thanks to you guys...

Oh yea, I know that NamJi used to have plastic surgery on her face, is there anyone else (ulzzang) who has it as well? I mean, not just one or two surgery, but total surgery (like..., well, namji)


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