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CAROLINE Well at least have more pics of MinWoo! I don't have much and some are even doubled!

Hahaha! Short term memory strikes!! And yeah he doesn't update much and the rest of old uljjangs!!

MinWoo+HyeSung = SHINHWA! Hahaha!! Lol! That's pretty funny! I never noticed that until you pointed out!

Well as of the moment ChiHoon is my favorite! I actually have lots, and they're seasonal! No just kidding!

What I meant was it changes from time to time(favorites) but I love them all!! And yours? It's obviously JiHoo!

From avatar to spams! haha!

Oh Jung Kyu

MING You got it wrong~my favourite is still minwoo

after all he's the guy that get me addicted to ulzzang~hehe

yeah...but sometimes seasonal...jihoo and minwoo are my favourites~

I love that avatar so i use it~hehe....kayce the pro made it.

But no one photoshopped minwoo's graphics.....i also want his avatars and banners


sorry that theres only a little bit T_________T

i`ll update more later(:

WOW!!!That's a lot!!Minwoo<333 Thanks for his spam!!He's such a hottie

especially when he smile!!

some old hye sung

credits: me, cyworld, damoim, daum, naver, and UM

Hyesung is really cute and has such a babyface~~

He'll be a good match with minwoo,Hyesung+Minwoo=SHINHWA

hahaha~~Ming,you got your request fulfilled~

sorry these are the only request i can fulfill at the moment...i have no time to go and find pictures of ulzzangs that i don't have...which are most of the female ulzzangs ^__^; so i can't with those request as of right now...i'll try again tomorrow...

old kim min jae

some of you guys wanted more of his pictures a while ago...so here are some...yes i know...very very late...sorry ^__^;

credits: me and cyworld

a little F.Y.I....I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE STILL HOTLINKING MY PICTURES AND OTHER UM MEMBER'S PICTURES WE POST HERE...PLEASE DON'T~! and you know who you are....don't be rude...upload on your own host...it's not so hard especially with imageshack and photobucket allowing you to upload the picture with just the url link and not having to save the picture onto your computer and then uploading it from there...AND GIVE US CREDIT OR ATLEAST CREDIT SOOMPI YOU LEECHERS! i won't tolerate it anymore! use some common courtesy please~thank you~!

and to those of you who post pictures here, google is your friend...if you want to find out if someone has been hotlinking your pictures...type in your photobucket sn in the google search bar...very handy~!

Wow!!Thanks for the minjae's pictures

i find him hot too~i have quite a lot of his pictures now~

Yeah~I hate leechers~and hotlinker...but usually i don't use photobucket or imageshack

I use either flickr or another new album...Mofile photo~hehe~~

These albums doesn't easily expire just because of limit of bandwidth.You should try these albums

Actually i don't really like photobucket or imageshack= =because their bandwidth limit is not so good~

yea, Heroine's my name, that might explain something ^^;;

Think I found something:

[Kang Min Kyung] 강민경 --- http://www.cyworld.com/valer


Wow!!that's your name!!Such a cool name~~

You became my heroine once again~haha~KMK's cyworld!!yeah!!

Lovehli,please add it to the list~~

Inside......there's so much pictures of her<333

Kim Ji Young is soooo prettyyyyy!!!! she reminds me of Bae Seul Gi. specially here http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s94/sta...k_album/368.jpg

ahh *love*

Yeah!!Yeah!!Good taste

Both are my favourite girls~~Seulgi<33 and Jiyoung<33

We're great people with minds alike~hohoho

I have a question that might be off topic but =_= ...

Does anyone have the link/URL to Taste of Uhlzzang Forums?? T_T

Because I forgot what it was.. ><

The link is in my siggie~~


This is a good forum^^


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Guest tuna_madunna


sorry that theres only a little bit T_________T

i`ll update more later(:

BABIELICI0USx3 You call that a little bit?? Those are a lot!

I'm seeing that cutie MinWoo smile 20+ times! Plus? Time? EHH it sounds so mathematics-ish!

Hahaha! Anyway, thanks!! :D

some old hye sung
HLI!!! HLI! Thank you so much for the OLD Hye Sung Spam! I was so sad that day and

his folder is now half alive! Yes! Thanks to you and AAH~ Another OLD MinJae! Man I love Old pics!

His picture(the one in the beach) looks so hot, he can be mistaken as Bi minus the bigger muscles!

Woa. That's a major threat to all hot linkers! Thanks again!

Hi, I'm new to this thread. XD

I just got into uhlzzangs 'cause yeah. Lol. I was wondering. I never see Sul Woo Suk stuff much around anymore (besides the recent pics by x1buckybabey). But yeah, I was wondering if someone can do a Su Woo Suk spam (because I oh-so-adore him)? If so, please & and thank youuuuuuu!

JIW0NEE I had a SUL WOOSUK SPAM on PAGE 1800! Hope you'll like it! :D

MING You got it wrong~my favourite is still minwoo

after all he's the guy that get me addicted to ulzzang~hehe

yeah...but sometimes seasonal...jihoo and minwoo are my favourites~

I love that avatar so i use it~hehe....kayce the pro made it.

But no one photoshopped minwoo's graphics.....i also want his avatars and banners

CAROLINE! Oopsie! I know MinWoo dragged you to this but I didn't know he's your fave!

Haha! AHH~ Favorites, it's so hard since it's sometime seasonal! Wait! Seo MinWoo graphics!

I remember there were Blinkies of him way waaay pages ago! Hope we can find it though!


There's this guy I've been stalking rooting ever since he came out

in Today's Member Focus and AHH~ He really reminds me of Lee Jun Ki!! I am so tempted to post pictures

of him but the only problem is that he's not an "official uljjang", uhm.. Perhaps he's more of a net idol status.

But he's been getting more attention/views/scraps!! I'll post little pictures of him, pm me if they need

to be removed ^___^

Check his cyworld: http://www.cyworld.com/starpoh

Park Ok Hwan







credit cywolrd

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^ I don't really see any resemblance..


When your posting pictures but 'editing with pictures'

I posted that Sangjune already and then I had to take it out.

Oh Seung Jin pics look mad ps-ed..haha

btw anyone got junal & jj's cyworld?

Please look on page 2~

I think there should be a sign or something saying

'Cyworld links on page 2' :lol:


new gookwa


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Guest c i e l`

Heyy thanks to all for sharing =DD

aww I guess no one have some pictures of Seo Ae Rim...

[hope she'll update on her cyworld T.T poor me]

By the way... uuuh can I request some pictures of Song Mira >w< ?

zooooh ^.^

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Guest Dolly

^ I don't really see any resemblance..

she meant park ok hwan ^^'

in the first 2 pics, park ok hwan does look like lee junki o.o

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CAROLINE! Oopsie! I know MinWoo dragged you to this but I didn't know he's your fave!

Haha! AHH~ Favorites, it's so hard since it's sometime seasonal! Wait! Seo MinWoo graphics!

I remember there were Blinkies of him way waaay pages ago! Hope we can find it though!


There's this guy I've been stalking rooting ever since he came out

in Today's Member Focus and AHH~ He really reminds me of Lee Jun Ki!! I am so tempted to post pictures

of him but the only problem is that he's not an "official uljjang", uhm.. Perhaps he's more of a net idol status.

But he's been getting more attention/views/scraps!! I'll post little pictures of him, pm me if they need

to be removed ^___^

Check his cyworld: http://www.cyworld.com/starpoh

Park Ok Hwan

credit cywolrd

Blinkies??0_o??really...?i don't think i see any graphics of him before.

But i want more avatars and banners of him actually~Well,thanks for informing

WOW!!that park ok hwan!!His side pictures really looked like junki^^

He's another cutie~~

I was confused about.....what's considered official ulzzang and the difference of official ulzzang and net-idol??

woah some of the pictures reminds me of Lee Junki.

ahhaa i hope i'm not the only one thinking that ><"


Credits: Cyworld.

No,you're not the only one thinking that park ok hwan looks like junki~me too^^

Thanks for new sangjune,he's getting hotter day by day~

New Seo min woo

Cerdit :: Cyworld & itopgroup


Yay!!New minwoo!!I saved all~i like this series of pictures

So manly and gentle man looking~haha~

I want a guy like him>//<He really looks like a rich guy in these pictures

Thanks a lot for these pictures~

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Ermmmm....hiiii XD i have asked a favour before and sadly im hear to make another T_T;;(sowii)...ermmm, i think his name is 'Lee Yoon Geun'(?), tall, got an obsession with piccies of his back XP..ahem anyways...can anybody upload just a couple of piccies of him from the front or side sorta thing O_o"...for me pweeeez Pwezzzz PWEEEEZ?? ^_______________^V Thank you!!!! <333333333 I got my reasons XD muhaha!

EmiPark <3

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Guest flyxme.

Park Ok Hwan

he does look like junki in the first 2 pictures


minwoo looks so hot in those pictures

thanks for posting, i saved them all!

&mikki is so adorable!

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Guest jess7ca

That has already been posted ;P

thanks! i actually didn't see these yet ^^

is it just me, but for the second picture,

it looks like chihoon's left arm is not there!?

haha yeah it does! His left arm just like... disappeared or something XD. Nevertheless, I love the second pic. I like the... photo i guess? LOL! The style of it.

Thanks for the mikki update~ The GIF Is so cute ^^

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Guest qutiepye4

There's this guy I've been stalking rooting ever since he came out

in Today's Member Focus and AHH~ He really reminds me of Lee Jun Ki!! I am so tempted to post pictures

of him but the only problem is that he's not an "official uljjang", uhm.. Perhaps he's more of a net idol status.

But he's been getting more attention/views/scraps!! I'll post little pictures of him, pm me if they need

to be removed ^___^

Check his cyworld: http://www.cyworld.com/starpoh

Park Ok Hwan

] 01071207.jpg

[] 02071207.jpg

] 03071207.jpg

] 04071207.jpg

] 05071207.jpg

] 06071207.jpg

credit cywolrd

holly crap his profile looks just like LJK omg!! but ehs sexy!~~~

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