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Guest xvampireknight

Jina; >__< i havent talked to you for a while! ;P

Yeah, he looks so much hotter now. ;[ but he cut his hair.

Oh well, it'll grow (:


I LOVE HIM, i don't care if you guys don't like him that much..

I like his tight pants.. and SUPER SKINNY LEGS.. even though

i wish he had some meat on em.. teehee.. still supa SEXCHII!

Hahah, I'm with you. People say he looks like a girly-guy and he wears those tight pants.

WHO CARES?! Girly guys are cute. (ahem, the mental dude that plays in Mars, haha).


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Mikki and her NEW phone again…

Mikki and Jihoo GIF! Well picture.. Oh the memories of the best friends together

KKR small pic

Imda x3 and SuAx3 I really like both pics that are styled with difference

[i like how they are more collage like now]

MinWoo too!

New MIRA.. Very elegant and pretty

Thanks for telling me your name again.. I remembered as I was going through the pages too!

LOL. wow you remembered some of the news i posted?

i'm impressed ! ^^

its too much work for me to go through all,

since once i do,

i can't stop looking through all the pages. ><"

i didn't even go through half of them since

once i looked through pages 1-40,

i couldn't stop and i exited the explorer LOL.

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Guest xvampireknight

Jina: .-. Minwoo's not in my fanfic. I dont even know if I might write it >___<

I'm too busy planning out someting else XDD

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Guest Doreamon

Lee Sang June is waay too...girly in my opinion

like, if a group of kanggpae's tried to start something with him, he seems like the type to give up without even trying ._. and run away scared.

just my opinion xD

I like lee chung, he seems TOUGH *.*

&& park tae jun *O*

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Guest mimito

^ lols.. sophie, if he does that forreals.. i would help you with your evil plans.. Teehee..


hahahah yesh, help me baoi (:

and yes, some koreans celebrate april fool's day.

Man KKR, that wasn't a funny joke! That scared all of us in here. Wow. lol.

Sophie, you're hilarious. You truly are a KKR fan. I think I would've supported your idea and kidnapped him as well if this were true!

hahahaha (: we should just kidnap him and kissy kiss him HAHAHAHAH :wub:

thanks so much for songmira<3

her cap is so cute

and she looks super natural (:

LOL I was about to say that Sophie was giong to kill the A-S off of KKR if she was here, but then I saw her post. ^^

AHAHAH (: i wouldnt kill him.

i would kill her *smiles evil-y.



You are too cute!

Yes, KKR fan forever! ^^

The girl in the pic was "ChaSungAh" but many ppl. were saying that she looked like ImYoonAh the SM Trainee.

Oh, PLEASE do kidnap him?!

Oh, will that part be in the fanfic projhect.. lols!

aww thanks jina<3

let's kidnap him together with baoi.

& yes, i will include that in the fanfic project (:

"the day sophie kidnaps kkr"

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Guest *lilyisland*



I actually have not seen her until you posted her!

JunYang too!

This reminds me so much of SW. Could it be him?


Not to mention, June and that cup

KimInKeun <3 and JungKyu! I needed that too

[All the guys are taken ^^;]

From what my Korean friends read from Daeun's Cy it seems like she won an ulzzang contest before but then she got more popular because she is practising to be a singer / dancer for an entertainment company so she has lots of visitors or her cy daily.

It's Jun Yang' s pic coz it was posted in his picture folder in his hompy^^ But he does look like SWS in that pic^^;

By the way, since watching June's videos , I feel like he is not that type of guy as I have expected^^;

He seems that he is trying so hard to become a professional singer but I like him anyway^^

Also about KKR'S news ..it still means that he is going out with that girl, right?so he might get married to her one day,lols

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Credits: Songmira and Sangjune's cyworld.

i don't like Mira with no makeup

she looks like a ZOMBIE... she NEEDS MAKE UP.

I think SangJune's puppy is as cute and hot as him. (:

LOL I was about to say that Sophie was giong to kill the A-S off of KKR if she was here, but then I saw her post. ^^

Daffy, you are seriously retarded! STAY for your UM FAMILY and friends. ^^^^^ ____ ^^^^^

Yes Mir. I know you're awesome. ;DDDDD And Baoi? No, Spartans are a nonno. If you're giong to marry smoeone,

marry someone like NICOLE. ;D

Hm; the girl that KKR said he was going to "marry", are they going out?



NO way.. she's an SM Trainee.. i doubt they are going out.

And SPartans are coool, but NICOLE IS BETTER!! Teehee

Short comments for now.

I MUST take a nap but will SPAM today!


I agree~!


GAH! He is like one of the ppl. that can pull off skinny jeans!

I agree that it would be kind of weird for KKR to get married, I mean not that's it's bad but just kind of weird and yeah....

SPAM?!?! teehee.. i'm happy

Skinny Jeans + YOONGEUN = LOVE.

Hahah, I'm with you. People say he looks like a girly-guy and he wears those tight pants.

WHO CARES?! Girly guys are cute. (ahem, the mental dude that plays in Mars, haha).



hahahah yesh, help me baoi (:

and yes, some koreans celebrate april fool's day.

let's kidnap him together with baoi.

& yes, i will include that in the fanfic project (:

"the day sophie kidnaps kkr"

I see.. YAY.. KKR KIDNAPING appears on headlines..


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Guest mimito

^ Taejun is so hot (: too much charismaaaaa<3

I see.. YAY.. KKR KIDNAPING appears on headlines..


ahahaha (: shall be included in the fanfic project<3

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Guest manlytoe


You posted something on JiHoo’s cy and he responded??!

What did he say?!


Also, thanks for TaeJun’s cy

hahah!!! yeah he replied. i asked him if he knew english and that i only knew a little a korean and that it was nice to meet him.

he replied hello nice to meet you i'm ok thanks.

and later i asked him another question and he said he was shy. hahah!! SHY..

LJH is a shy boy! awww! i love him! hahah!!!

no problem about PTJ's cy.

hahaah!!! i feel like a stalker writing to LJH. i'm gonna stop now. hahah!!!

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Guest luvinkhero

ahaha yoon guen nd his skinny jeans xDD

wooa yoon guen ols picks O_O'' he looks sooo...

CUTE nd ADORABLE!! yes he has matured alot (x

mira is soo PALE nd pretty, ii simple ADORE her *siigh*~

KKR NUMBER 1 SEARCH ON NAUVER?!?!? wooaa thats incredible he fooled many of his fans nd they go CRAZY! like mee


im still not over it <_<

manlytoe - awwshieeee wadda lucky duckk LJH replied too yuu xDD

nd a couple of pages before there was junal picks ahah i think she looks more japanese too AND she has nice hair =]=]

can ii PLEASE rqsuest a picture spam of taejun?!?!

ii have soo lidol picks of him *shame*

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

sexy taejun <3

too bad hes got a girlfriend T_T;;

haha jina yes.. observant.. then DEFINITELY obsessed xPP

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Guest perfect

MIKKI has a poser/stalker on CY:

her website is: http://www.cyworld.com/llstartll

Mikki asked her to stop copying her diary and her words but she ignores her request.

She even has the exact same photo folder titles.

This poser is one of the reason why Mikki sets her photos to private... =_+

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namji looks really cute here!!

i know that she Photoshops all her pics but she's so cute!! :D

she was the FIRST uhljjang that i knew about ~

Hey conzerz : D She was one the 1st uhljjang that I knew too..

& she's still one of my fav. (even with PS) lol

But have you seen her modelling pics? I don't think they used PS here.. and she looks really pretty :)


NamJi SPAM too! x2

I kind of wondered what she has been up too…

Well, last thing I knew she was modelling for that clothing site..

Don't know if she still does : /

[REQUEST] Park Han Byul & Song Mira's cy ^-^ Thanks~~

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