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Guest touche`


^ I say she looks better like that. I don't find her attractive with her black hair.

Oh and it is just me, or does someone else find shin solki just okay looking? I've thought so for ages. Something about her makes me find her unattractive. I find her quite plain looking and definitely not as pretty as Kim namji. I like namji ^__^

Nooo - I think Solki is wayy prettier. ^^

Personally, I do find Shin Sol Ki better then Namji but its your opinion. ^^ Shin Sol Ki is known for her cuteness, not really pretty but she still pretty.

Fosho, Solki really rocks. 349hw.gif

^ no idea..

i wasnt LSE to update NOWW!!!

My dear, you want? or you wasn't? --;; lol, kidding. x] I can't reeally say anything for LSE to update. Maybe he's still.. clubbing? *shrugs*


^ That's totally hot B) BUT he looks short.

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Guest Hakata_Doll

I'm guessing Imda is about 21, since she drinks and smokes and clubs alot..ashes living in pusan though? I don't know the legal drinking age there lolz..

and thanks for the namji & ryanghee pics ^_^

ryanghee's baby brothers are so cute ^__^

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Guest Sakura Li

I really dislike ImDa's friend... She seems to be really... uh.... @____@ Yeah... I don't like her... -____-;;

w0ot! I finally post pics! XD

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Guest SophiaSan

I've been taking Japanese for 3-4 years now and the sad thing is I understand a lot more than writing (with the right particles... I can write in all 4 alphabets tho. XD) or speaking... >____< Give me an anime without subtitles and I could probably understand something but expect me to speak back in Japanese would kill me. XD

japanese 3-4 ? me too!! lets help each other!! uwa :)

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Guest christina.



^I have NO idea what this is from. o_o; Some kinda school picture? Or newspaper picture with color? lol.





^She likes Winter Sonata?! I've seen this necklace in her pics but I wasn't sure if it was actually the star pendant.. I love that drama. <3



^I really like this picture. It looks like it's from some kinda movie or something, though. Her dress is simple but I think it looks nice. ^^

*credits: naver blogs, naver

More coming..



^I have another one that looks more goth than that o_o; That one just sorta scares me. Haha; her eye's stand out way too much.

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Guest MooNy PigLEt

um MooNy PigLEt did you make that wallpaper ? ( http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/509/border4ko.th.jpg ) if soo what font is that call ?

hahha mire n minwoo look soo cute together wish me n my bf look good together <_< im jealous now lol o welzx i realy dont have a bf hahahah :P

how tall is jungroo ? ... i wish i was tall if i was tall i won't be chubby like looking...when i went to see the kids doc so i can have some kind of shot after i went on the weight scale about 15 mins later the doc told me i wasn't that big for my height T_T i only weight 110lbs....i stayed like that for about 2 years now hahaah eerr if i was tall i would be skinny n happy .... yes i have low self esteem hahaah anyways i talk to much

Yeah, I made it. I dont remember well but I used 2 fonts there. One is Porcelain, and the other is Jane Austen or Saeculum (downloaded from dafonts)

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Guest christina.

Thanks for the caps, kenn<3

I wonder why she gave him the flowers.. xD

And I didn't think it was from HWC because I thought he had blonde hair (or was supposed to)..



Solki has 3904534096803495823 pictures, I swear >_>;

But she's still one of my favorite female uhljjangs xD

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im about 4' 11" or 5' but does swimming realy help make you tall ? cause i don't know how to swim :P .. one time i almost drown which kind of suck . Is there other ways to get tall cus im realy desperate to know.

thanks for telling me the font MooNy PigLEt

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credits me and cyworld

i have been waiting for 3 days for this :lol:


no problem and i think she gave him flowers because like before he had to move to america

and then later he told her that he will be visiting korea and then she was really excited

i think that is why i am not sure

@swtcake that is a bit off topic ... but oh well ... i heard jumproping and sleeping early makes you taller

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Guest christina.







^That's the pic. o-o I saw her cyworld a long time ago (November or December or possibly January) and it was really.. dark-ish like this. I think Namji is going through a phase. o_o; I haven't checked her cyworld lately, though.

*credits: naver

T_T Almost done.


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Guest tklovex3


Awwwwwwww ! *giggle* <33 I love them.

CREDITS : Cyworld + Imageshack

OMGGGGGGGGGGG!! look at the crazy hair thing on the left moving towards them!!!! LOLOL

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Guest christina.


(I'm probably late because I haven't seen that o_o)

<33Seo Minwoo & Song Mira

...and the hair thingy. xD


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Guest deformedmonkey<3

ahaha that gif is so adorable and funny... man the person with the hair on the left...ahaha.

Mira and Minwoo --(would) make such a great couple...

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haha i love how they tried to make him look western (read: hip hop) but kkr still comes out fobbish :lol:

i hated that movie though *ducks things being thrown at me*

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