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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest peaches-n-cream

내가 원하는건 반드시 내 손 안에 넣어. 나... 너 가질꺼야.

i was rejecting his oh-so fabulous idea of getting married after we graduate. i thought it was really 느끼해 at the time.. and i still do, but there's a little bit of sugar in there somewhere. :]

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Guest tea_leaves

Me and my ex were really bored.. and we started making up quotes.. and he said this one:

Life is a song love is the lyrics and i'd hate it if you didn't sing along with me in this melody..

i remember that week i was in all smiles.. haha.

and this one was during a summer:

he was playing the guitar.. daphne loves derby simple starving to be safe..

and it was when we got together.. and most of our friends were there

and my friend was like "OOOH you're playing this for your new girlfriend huh?!"

and he stopped playing and i saw his head bow down and couldn't resist smiling

so i couldn't resist smiling either because of his smile.

and during the fall.. we were watching dramas.. and i got really tired.. and my head was on his shoulder

and i think i fell asleep.. woke up.. next thing i knew he was holding me sorta. haha and i woke up i was saying sorry and he just laughed and smiled.. haha. it was really sweet.

oh.. and him making cookies.. even though they tasted really badly.. it was really sweet considering he never baked anything before.

wow this was long.. i could go on forever but o_o

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Guest geenarh

my ex (and best friend) was asking about how i'd feel if he liked/went out with this girl.

i told him: i'll be happy for you if you're happy, do whatever you want.

him: but i know you'll be mad and hate her and you'll be unhappy and then I'LL be unhappy because you're unhappy.

it's not much, but coming from him, that was really sweet. (:

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Guest es623

today my boyfriend waited for me at the train station for an hour because i had work and got held back. so when i finally got to him he was really hungry and complaining "stupid girlfriend made me wait for ages" etc. (jokingly)

so after we got food and we were back at my place playing computer games and i beat him, i was like..."ha ! take that ~ your stupid girlfriend just kicked your richard simmons" and he replied..."no ~ my beautiful girlfriend is so talented"

which made me "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" because thats the first time he ever called me 'beautiful' in the 28 months that we've been together(hes not really the type that gives compliments for no reason, or says things for the sake of saying them...so i know he meant it =])

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Guest joongielove

It'd have to be my boyfriend lol he's gotten verry good at sweet talking :]]

"Whenever you're sad, call me, and I'll make you laugh. I don't wanna see you sad."

"You're with me because I make you happy. And you make me happy too."

"Message me your phone number when you get back to China,ok?"

I thought it was cute. How he'd go to NYC, get a phone card, then come back and call me <3

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Guest xPnPx

him: When are you going to be back? What if I wake up and you're not here?

him: My mom is telling me to leave, but I don't want to listen. I want to stay here and keep talking to you.

him: Have you ever kissed anyone?

me: *pause*

him: *interrupts* Probably not, huh? You would need to be taller.. I'll carry you up to my face so that you can kiss me.

him: I think you are sooo weird. Well, I'm not insulting you, but I actually find your life pretty weird. You're usually all alone at night, you weigh under 90 lb, your sister doesn't go to the same school as you, your parents work late at night....and you're extraordinarily cute and extraordinarily nice.

me: I'm scared!

him: Don't be scared. Hug a pillow. Hug me!

him: Are you going to stay in honors?

me: Yup.

him: Hmmm...then I'd better stay, too...to help you.

(Then again, that sounds like more of an insult than something 'sweet', now that I think of it 0__0 )

him: Okay, whatever I do in the future...I'm saying sorry now. Sorry. Sorryyy..

me: That's incredibly sweet..

him: Noo, too bad. It's just that sometimes I don't really know what I'm saying, so I'll apologize now. Just know that I won't really mean it [it = whatever he says that's mean].

him: I should have taken a picture of you while you were sleeping. You looked soo adorable!

him: Noo...go to school tomorrow. I want to see you.

him: Sorry I ignored you..and I missed you.

him: Congratulations, you're the first person to make me run out of things to say.

me: Go to sleeep...you're distracting me.

him: No, I like talking to you! It's like the stress relief of the day.

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Guest bloopy_babo

that he believed in me. and he truely meant it.

even when i said something stupid like oh i wish i could fly,

he said he believed i could do it, even though he knew it was not humanely possible.

and that he respected and admired me the most.

pretty wow.

good to know someone believes in me.

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Guest EmpsTreenee

"if i drove 2 miles every other day to check on you, wat made you think i'd mind 20 miles?"

my response (being my retarded self): *stops crying for a sec* but... wouldnt that be expensive?


he's one of my better guy friends. and i'm moving away :(.

btw. is it just me or everyone here seems to hang out with a lot more guys than girls? i hang out with both equally.. my group of friends consists of 5 guys 4 girls + myself. its easy to pair off at dances :D.

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Guest CiNdY_iS_cOoL

"i just want to assure you that you're my own girlfriend and that i love you to no end." made my heart melt and made me forget why i was mad at him .. lol

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Guest ♥P U R E D O L L

this guy always tease me but then I rememberd this time in msn i kept telling myself how ugly i look TT__TT he said :

"You're not ugly xD ; you're actually pretty :) "

made me smile X) even though we're just friends

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Him: "Lydie, If I said you had a hott body, would you hold it against me?"

Me: "No."

Him: Raises his eyebrow and giggles

Me: "Wait....what?! Oh my gosh you dork!" (Yeah, that slow....lol)

We both laugh. :D

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Guest banana_apple

err well he likes me o.o but uh he called me a lesbian so i pretended to be mad and gave him the silent treatment for awhile and then he was like

"you're too cute to be a lesbian"

XD so lameee...

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Guest jjennuhhferr

me: you're mean! you laugh or smile really big whenever you look over at me in class!

him: cause i like you (:

me: har har, sure you do

him: fine, cause you look funny

:mellow: he's quite the sweet talker

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Guest Saeria

him: I'm with you...unless you want me to be wih her.

me: HAHAHA. If I tell you to be with her, would you?

him: No. Sorry, but she's not you.

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Guest nefikaulika

lol the sweetest thing my ex WANTED to do to me is:

Well lets just start with the one day when I said I've never seen a mistletoe and wanted what a real one looked like. He didn't completely understand so he got me an adorable teddy bear with a mistletoe on it's blue santa hat. I was just really touched, and pecked him on the lips. Later on I found out that his plan was for me to ask what the thing on the teddy bear's santa hat was, and then he was going to kiss me. lol :blush: :blush:

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