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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest FusionGT2
" You're so fcuking cute .. "

Sorry mods for the swearing thingy .. ^^

That's what my bf says to me when I wake up after sleeping in class and my eyes become swollen ..

It makes me feel so good even though I look like a drunk person after I wake up ... aha .. ^^

"You ugly thing , you're mine now."

What he said when we started first going out .. it was cute .. but the ugly part .. eek .. LOL ..

LOL. that really made me laugh pretty hard there. but I can see how its meaningful :lol:

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aww, well i used to like this guy

and he told me i was gorgeous when i was like down.

rahh, we're friends xD i dont think i can date him xD

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Guest miss lisa

this is all just from one of my friends;

i found out that he wanted to hook up with me and by the way things were worded i got the idea that the only reason he was talking to me was to get with me so i got pissed off and stopped responding to his texts for a couple hours and then he sent me this: how can you be mad at me?? of course id want to get with you! youre mad pretty and awesome to talk to. and i would if i could easily but im not using you to get with you.

"i've wanted to kiss you since last year." (which is when he met me)

mm one other thing that comes to mind. from when we were stargazing like two nights ago.

him: stop trynna act cute.

me: wut? how am i trynna act cute?

him: you know you are.

me: .. no im not.

him: well whatever youre doing, its working.

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the sweetest thing my bf has said to me...(wow, its hard, he's such a sweetie):

he was at his friends party and they were pressuring him to dance and drink and whatever, but he calls me instead, i was in the shower, so he gets my voicemail and says something to the effect of:

"there's so many people in front of me, but i dont want to dance with them..

i only want to dance with you...

i love you"

i still have that voicemail saved. its awesomeness!

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Guest admirablesy

-haha, aww..I want to hang out with you any day I am free..

-it's bout you and me..

-haha, I wouldn't ever get tired of someone like you...your too...awesome..

-am I that worth it?.nvm, scratch that..cuz I know your worth it to me, to wait even forever..

-but your more important right now,

ahh my guy is sucha sweetie ><

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Guest Koii

"I'm only concerned with keeping you from turning away--believe me.."

--We were having problems at the time

But that got me right in the heart :\

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Guest xPnPx

My best guy friend has said many sweet things to me.

me: tell me some words that you find beautiful.

him: *replies with my name*

me: -__-' I'm serious.

him: but I really do think *my name* sounds beautiful!

*in the middle of a playful argument*

him: your fish is so ugly..

me: you're ugly!

him: no, you're ugly!

me: no, I'm very pretty. [jokingly]

him: no you're-no wait, yeah, you are.

me: you are my cutie.

him: I will always be your cutie.

him: sometimes, I don't want to talk to you because I'm afraid that we'll run out of things to talk about.

me: I want to fly.

him: go hug your mom.

me: ...

him: I remember I once told you that I want to fly and you said 'go on an airplane'. I said it's not the same and something, and then you said 'go skydiving'. And then I said 'noo, I want to fly without clothes', and then you said 'well, go jump off a cliff and you will fly' and then I said 'but I want to fly without dying' and then you said something..

[i think this was sweet because he remembered nearly everything I had said to him although it was months after that conversation had first taken place..]

me: I have a virus.

him: huh? computer virus or virus virus as in human virus?

me: I dunno. Whatcha doing? *few seconds later* OHHHH! I thought 'human' said 'internet'.

him: are YOU sick or is your computer sick?

me: my computer.

him: oh, I don't really care then.

me: so you'd care if it's me?

him: yup.

[this was an online conversation]

him: I should be more like you. You're so nice and kind and sweet.

[this one time, I got kind of 'sad' because he wouldn't send me his essay.. stupid reason to be sad, but I just wanted to see his writing 'tone'.]

me: soo.. whatcha doing?

him: thinking of ways to cheer you up.

[a few hours later, after editing his essay so he wouldn't sound 'dumb' (in his words), he sent it to me and it contained some other extra words. they may seem un-sweet and more 'insulting', but they're all friendly jokes between us]

You will be my friend forever, my vegetarian, less than 90lbs, creepy, weird, perverted, sick, gross, ew, baby-fatted, considerate, hag-hate, smart, thoughtful, creative, freaky, llama-obsessed, poo-obsessed, pig-ish, candy-obsessed, porn-obsessed, hard-trying (not perverted), dummy, happy-all-the-time, friendly, bleh-loving, pee-ish, unhealthy, adorable, huggable, and squishable sweetie. ^^

him: So I was watching tv today and then I read the caption thing and it said bleah and I thought about you. [because usually we 'argue' about which is better - blah vs bleh.]

Yeahh...there's a lot more, but I can't remember any. ^_^ He's a very sweet guy.

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my bf: "i wanna be the best bf you've ever had, above all those that were a disappointment to you"

awwww =x

"i want to have a close connection with you even if it takes time.. but i wish it was now.. i want you to always tell me how your day went and everything you have on your mind"

"i want to buy you more birthday presents than all you friends have bought you" (i got 4 extra presents xD)

my oppa: "dont be sad or ever cry b/c the weather gets disgusting when you arent happy"


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Guest yannie

"i don't want to ever see you cry, because when you're crying it makes me sad. i'm always here for you and protect you"

"call me anytime you want. just call me whenever you want to talk."

i have a tendency to not eat lunch when i'm at school, and this was one of our convos:

bf: what did you eat today?

me: ..nothing..

bf: baby, you have to eat. it's not healthy to not eat the whole day

me: but ____(my friend) does that too

bf: i don't care about her, i care about you

me: awwww ♥

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Guest WeSLy

Me and my GF are chessy sometimes.

me: babe, i'm gonna pick you up at work today

her: no babe, you came yesterday "what if you get tired of seeing me?"

me: that's ridicilous, i am the one who's afraid that you'll get tired of seeing me. but i don't care cuz i miss you so much.

her: babe, i don't think i'll ever get tired of seeing you.

me: babe, did you like the fried rice i cooked for everyone yesterday?

her: yea, it tasted so delicious. good job babe.

me: i wanna stop by and cook again. cooking is like one of the things i like to do. it's like art :)

her: lol, you're funny. but babe don't cook for me.

me: why not??? i like to see the people happy expression from eating my food. especially yours :)

her: but i don't want you to cook for me babe. I'm the one that's suppose to.

her: i don't think i could see you today, i have so many homeworks.

me: okay, i'll stop by tomorrow.

*2 hrs later*

her: i changed my mind babe. I want you to come. I miss you too much.

*on my way back home from her place*

her: Don't leave me :( i don't think i can sleep. I need you.

*I came back and gave her a hug*

her: one more hug babe

*Came back again and gave her another hug*

me: sleep tight, kay

her: how can i sleep tight...i need you.

*sigh* cheesy but i like it :D

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Guest amz121791

this is actually my bf's acc. (Idon't have any..lol)

**arguing on the street**

me:: ok then, I don't need you..quits!!

Bf:: alright then go!!

me: fine!!

^ crossing the street^

I was kinda running and ddnt care if there was a car or something going to bump me

*I was about to be bumped by a car then,

He went to save me..aww..... he dragged me to his side

and kissd me...ahahahahah

I was really embarassed...kissing on the streets...hahahaha


me:: you don't need to do that Im not yours anymore..

Bf:: ok then, just be safe...

me:: oh yeah, why did you save me? it's my fault if iI died

Bf:: yeah, it's your fault but I will not be able to stand it

me:: why?

Bf:: I dunno..o_O

me:: whatever

Bf:: I promised you before, I will protect you as long as im here...even though were not lovers anymore...


**me crying..**

Bf:: what's wrong??

me:: ......nothing...it's nothing....don't mind me

then he hugged me...

after a while...he hugged me tight and I felt a tear dropping on my back...

me:: what's wrong?? why are you hugging me tight?are you arying?

Bf:: its nothing...

me:: ^got a little annoyed^ come on!!

Bf:: want to know the answer?

me:: yeah...what else?

Bf:: I'm hugging you tight beacause it relly hurts inside when I see you crying...I know

I cnt let you stop...I'm cryng because it really hurts inside..I can't stand it...sorry..

me:: oh..sorry

Bf:: if youre really sorry then stop cryng...its really painful

aww...actually, he doesn't cry in public...but he able to do it bacause of me...^^

bf:: *on the phone* I'm sorry I dont do text mesages when im out home

friend:: who is he talking to?

me:: textmate i think?? want to meet him

friend:: girl?

me:: yeah

friend:: oh...he's dating somebody?

me:: how can he date?? all our bodyguards is always with us....

friend:: oh.. you aren't worried that he's cheating??

me:: oh he wont...^^

bf:: hi its me ******..are you *****?

*****:: yeah...its you ...this are my friends...(blahblahblah)

bf:: oh...this is my fiancee...******

me:: *whispers* fiancee?? lol

bf:: i want you to be my fiancee!!..^^ its just that i know we can't get married now..were still young

me:: yeah...

bf:: were living in the same house anyway..

me:: yeah but different rooms...

bf:: **kissd me on the forehead and lips in front of everybody** I want all of you to attend our weddng...i'll snd the invitations to you...

hahaha...its a bit awkward but cute for me..^^

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Guest luxsandie

This ubberly cute guy that i had the biggest crush on, but now we are cool.

There was this bowl of something nasty and I went up to him and told him to eat it.

Him: (takes a look at it) Why don't you eat it?

Me: Well if someone eats it, they might pass out. If I eat it, you'll have to carry me around on your back. If you eat it, I'll have to sit beside you until you wake up.

Him: (pauses) Well, I guess that's another way to see your face when I wake up.

I am notorious at my school as "The Girl Who's Waiting For Marriage To Do The Nasty".

evil laugh hahahaha

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my bf said that to me ^ ^

that is so cute. : )

amazing ahah

my bf said to me

"ive never felt this way about a girl before"

simple and probably used a lot.but coming from his personality its suprising : )

i really like the UGLY DOLL brand and i wanted one so my bf ordered a doll and wrote a note on the side. he wrote a poem and said how sorry he was to make me sad and how much he regrets not asking me out sooner. it was really cute and at the bottom it said

"****** will you be my gf? and let our love last forever more?"

and in the package the doll was there : ) hehe i ...i was just shocked : ) it was cute

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Guest min0uge

i was trying to make my boyfriend do something silly, i forget what, exactly, and he was refusing quite stubbornly..

so i was like, "if you don't do it, i'll bug you for the rest of eternity.."

him: "well, on the bright side, that means you'll be with me for the rest of eternity"

:) aww moment

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Guest xPnPx

him: I'll always, always, always be your cutie.

(late at night)

me: I thought you were going to sleep.

him: I know, but I can't seem to leave you. You need sleep. You stayed up all night. It's not good for you.

me: You did, too.

him: So? I don't care about my body.

him: ...but I can't sleep-like, sleep sleep, not nap, knowing you are still awake. It feels-well, I feel bad.

him: But the less we talk, the more topics we'll have and the farther the time will come when we ignore each other. [grow bored of each other] I mean, talking to you...it's like everyday. It's kinda part of my life.

him: This is going to sound awkward, but you look really huggable.

him: Wow, you know what is really really bothering me? It's like, I don't want the point where we stop talking to each other to come, but then we both know it is inevitable. Do you think us talking this much everyday is annoying? I don't think it's annoying, but I get the feeling you will get annoyed by it...If yes, then just tell me and we can talk less. What if one day you think all this is annoying and then you stop talking? I'll be like 'okay...now what?'.

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Guest Lucky

hmm..the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me?...lol... let me think I have a lot..lol..

this was when me and my bf broke up..

he said: To tell yu str8 out. I think i still lyk yu. Haha. Sometymz i

feel tat i wanna be there wit yu so i could just hold you in my arms.

And say to you "I love you" haha. That sounded gay. hha. I kno.

but we broke up..

but it sounds soo cute from him..(still sad about it)

I talked to my cousins friend and like we started talking a quite some time, and suddenly out of no where he told me:

Oh yeah did I ever tell you your SMEXY..and your like one of the prettiest girl I've ever met (exact wording)

My heart just melted when I heard that from him..although he never revealed whether he liked me or not, but I like him, and he said that to me and made me feel so special.lmao..I don't know at first i didn't like him like him, but after he said that I started to like him..lol..not sure if I like him like him cuz Im still sad about my ex..but other than that I think I really do like him, but I never told him about how I feel..

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