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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest -Celestial-

"I swear I saw you on tv. You seriously look like a CF model. you're so gorgeous"

it was kind of awkward after he said that.

i was just like "haha ... ummm. thank you?"

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Guest juiceybox

"To me, I think you're perfect the way you are. Don't worry about what other people think."

My best guy friend said that to me.

He's so sweet! (:

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Guest Kohaku

We were on msn talking;

Me: i trimmed my bangs again...

Me: and i messed up XD

Him: its ok, i love it still

Me: haha loser

Me: how do you know?

Him: cuz u look good no matter what

Me: lie; what if i had booger hanging from my nose and drool stains on my lips

Him: then i'll get you a tissue and say i love you babe

Me: hahah awwwwwww

I thought it was cute >///<

Makes me smile when I reread it. lol

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Guest BlissfulSimplicity

He's not a boyfriend, but just a friend. I thought it was sweet... It's so very like him.

This was after we had a little fight about really nothing! Ahaha


I will write more words for you if you are ever out of words.‏

... Um, how do I say this... what happened yesterday made me felt really distressed. I felt as if Paris Hilton had realize that she was going to jail for the first time. That panic feeling of lost hope and fear. : P I suck at explaining... What was going on in your mind? I... was worried... but you can never see what I'm feeling physically. It's just the net, like you said. But we're real people right? At least trust me that I'm feeling this way...

If you want to know... I do have interest in you. You make me laugh with those jokes you crack out. The tender kindness you gave me... it was really sweet. Those funny stories you tell about yourself, it was great and I enjoyed reading them. And especially you are beautiful as real blossom there is.

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haha, I can't think of the sweetest... but recently I was telling my boyfriend to stop hugging/kissing me in front of our friends since it makes them feel like a third-wheel and he was like "I'm sorry. It's not my fault that I'm so attracted to you. Stop looking so good all the time." I didn't know what to say so I just told him to shuttup and hit his arm xD

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Guest ima_robot

ugh i was haning out with one of my freinds.and we were eating french fries at this out door cafe type thing.

"i like these french fries"-me

"yeah me too."-him

"too bad their on a plate, i like it how mandee's ( another restaurant across the street) puts them in a cute little red box."-me

"do you want me to go and run to mandees and get the box? cause i will!!!!"-him

"o______o . . .nono, thats ok.."-me

"i mean if you like them in the cute little box, i'll run down there."-him

" haha no, its fine. you dont have too."-me

"well i just want to put a smile on your face."-him

".....*PUAHAHAHA! *hysterical laughter* that was really corney but cute."-me

"well it made you smile didnt it?" -him

like 3 days later he told me to meet him at the park & guess what he had. he had a little red box of french fries for me.

(: we never really became a couple but he was a sweety.

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Guest joongielove

"Everytime you open your eyes you take another picture."

"You're mine."

"Nuuu! I don't wanna let you go."

God, I love this kid. :]

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Guest k.kawaii-

Awwwwh, all the stories are so cute! :)

The last time someone said something sweet to me,

was when I was in grade 5... and the guy I liked was in grade 6. :lol:

Here goes:

*we we're on msn one night

me - i'll give you a picture so then you can remember me.

(it was close to the end of the school year so he was on his

way to jr high)

him - naaaah. i don't need it.

him - i don't need a picture of you 'cuz i'll always

remember your face.

At this very moment, I can't believe I said that to him.

BUT HEY, it was puppy love. LOLOL

Noooooow, we go to the same school,

but everything changed. :(

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Guest stoopidity

he's just a friend, and i don't like him in any way [except for brotherly love] but...

me: dang i wish i had a talent. T.T

him: sure 'ya do. you play piano all the time.

me: aww thanks, but piano doesn't matter in the real world. people only think talents are like...basketball or soccer and stuff...

him: well, piano matters to me.

he doesn't even play<33

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

Me: How often do you get butterflies?

Him: Every time I'm with you.

Me: Don't leave me.

Him: I'm not going to.

*Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah starts playing on the radio*

Him: You're my Delilah.

What a cutie.

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Guest Kizoku
him: Are you tired?

me: No why?

him: Coz you've been running in my head for a long time (:


Dang it, I hate this one. I used to/still think it was a funny pick-up line when I found it online, but later someone kept on saying it to me. At first I didn't think much about how he was directing it to ME, and even said "oh hahahaha that's a funny one! It's my favorite".

He kept saying it to me, pretending he is an idiot who is joking around with me, just so he has an excuse to say it. And many other things.

I posted in here already, but there are lots of sweet things this one boy has said to me. Such a sweetie. He doesn't say very cheesey or boyfriend/girlfriend things, but what a gentleman. I just like when he shows he would care and be concerned for me when I was sick and such. Just any "aww"s and when he called me a "sleepyhead" once. Calling me cute and saying I'm cute when I laugh and etc. Those are just so nice, as I never thought he would say nice things or be as kind as typical boyfriends are. It's just too bad that it's all over, and that I never got an answer from him.

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Guest chibishrink101

your the most beautiful person i've ever since, you are a god.


real---> your not actually that ugly

that made my day:)

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i was talking to this guy and i saw him more as a friend only, but

i was telling him about how some of my friends were pissing me off & stuff,

then he was like, "I'll do anything to make you happy. I'll never get you mad."

i thought it was sweet, but i guess the connection wasn't really there for me so afterwards i told him straight out that i just wanted to be friends. I think I broke his heart. :(

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"You know, you don't have to get dressed up or change for me or anything. Those kind of things don't matter to me. I just want to see you."


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