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Guest SurpriseSex

Not really. Johnson has done a more-than-adequate job being the team's distributor over the years.

Bibby was a shoot first PG from day one, getting Crawford doesn't really change that.

Bibby still passes and makes much better decisions with the ball than Crawford. Between Joe Johnson and Jamal Crawford, both high volume shooters, I don't think there will be enough basketballs to go around for the rest of the team.


Carter to the Magic?


I for one would be loathe to give away Courtney Lee, and what about Jameer Nelson's backup?

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Lucky? Kobe had prime Shaq, so who is the lucky one? I guess you don't see how lucky Kobe was to have the most dominant center to ever play on his team.

With Wade, it was not luck, he still demanded a lot of attention and still a force to be reckon with. And now with Lebron if he gets his 5th then he is lucky on that he partnered with arguable the best player in the game today. His presence will give Lebron and MO more open looks, but don't expect the same amount of open jumpers Wade and Kobe had.

How is it LUCK that so many teams were interested in him? It's called being good enough to still attract attention from shopping teams.

Penny came afterwards, and he couldn't win jack after Shaq bolted for LA. Kobe was a nobody in his first two years in the league while Shaq was on the team, in which the Lakers still had big success. Without Shaq, Wade wouldn't have a ring to gawk at right now.

what im trying to imply is that how often does a dominant big man get to play with a dominant perimeter player? shaq is the only big man that i can think on the top of my head that has the opportunity to play with 4 very good-to-great perimeter players

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what im trying to imply is that how often does a dominant big man get to play with a dominant perimeter player? shaq is the only big man that i can think on the top of my head that has the opportunity to play with 4 very good-to-great perimeter players

Your saying Wade and ESPECIALLY Lebron are dominant perimeter players? LMAO. Wade during the championship season was shooting 17% from downtown. He might be decent now, but when Shaq was in town he had no range at all. And Lebron absolutely can't hit a jumper to save his life. With Shaq clogging the paint, Lebron might not even drive to the basketball effectively.

You should just say he is partner with some of the best players in the league.


Vince Carter traded to the Magic.

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They gave up almost nothing for him, Alston, Battie, and Lee. Should've asked for Devin Harris too.

Carter can give them 20ppg.

Nelson/Carter/Turkoglu/Lewis/Howard is pretty solid. Defense is weak outside of Howard though.

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Guest SurpriseSex

I would have still kept Lee, maybe traded Pietrus instead. Lee has great potential to be a star in this league.

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The Magic shouldn't even trade anyone and just focus on resigning Turk. With this trade, the salary actually increased for the Magic. Now the chances of resigning Turk is questionable.

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The Magic shouldn't even trade anyone and just focus on resigning Turk. With this trade, the salary actually increased for the Magic. Now the chances of resigning Turk is questionable.

If Turkoglu is smart, he'll pick up his player option for 09-10. He'd be foolish to walk away for more money with all this talent around him.

Or maybe they'll let him walk, and just start Pietrus and Carter on the wing? Most reports say Turkoglu's gonna opt out and look elsewhere anyway.

Pietrus was not an option to trade. His salary is much bigger than Lee's, $5.3 million as opposed to $1.2. Nets were looking for small salaries and expiring contracts, not Pietrus whose deal goes all the way until 2012. I'd rather have him over Lee as the sixth man off the bench anyway, at least Pietrus can fill in for both wing positions.

Bibby still passes and makes much better decisions with the ball than Crawford. Between Joe Johnson and Jamal Crawford, both high volume shooters, I don't think there will be enough basketballs to go around for the rest of the team.

I for one would be loathe to give away Courtney Lee, and what about Jameer Nelson's backup?

Anthony Johnson again, he's still under contract for another year. If Nelson gets injured again... yeah good luck to them. Carter might as well be running the point if that happens. The whole point of getting Carter was to get an swingman who could put pressure on the defense and open up Howard some more. Lewis doesn't create his own shot very well, and when Turkoglu is having a poor game, he's HORRIBLE. He was never an ideal ballhandler or slasher anyway. The Magic have been trying to get Carter for years, right when Dwight Howard just started in the league.

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I don't think brandon Jennings should have been drafted. His work ethic will bring down his team. He's cocky and thinks he's better than everyone.

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Guest polka_dotts

I don't think brandon Jennings should have been drafted. His work ethic will bring down his team. He's cocky and thinks he's better than everyone.

I'm excited and nervous at the same time to see how this project pans out. I like BJennings, but can definitely acknowledge the fact that he gets pretty damn cocky at times. His entrance amused me LOL.

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Guest FaLCo

I'm amazed at Blair... he dropped like a rock after his injury issues came out. I'm a raps fan, and I'm pretty pleased about our pick at 9. I really wanted him - I was hyperventilating with the GSW pick of Curry at 9, it seemed like NYK would take DD at 8.

I like the trade for the Magic. I'm not sure about you guys, but I'm not sure the line-up they had would have brought them to the finals again. And Vince Carter really is a big upgrade over Turkoglu. He averages 20-5-5 with better percentages than Turkoglu. He can go isos, post up on 2s, is more athletic. Only thing Hedo has on him is height.

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And health, and the propensity to not take nights off.

Health isn't an issue, boy.

Out of a possible 410 games in the past 5 years, Carter has played 394.

Carter's work ethic hasn't been questioned since he left Toronto, it's just that he never had much to work with in New Jersey.

At 32, I'm pretty sure he knows what he has to bring to the court every night if he wants to be successful.

WTF at TWolves drafting Rubio AND Flynn.

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Guest SurpriseSex

That's because Carter has regressed to being a pansy jumpshooter instead slashing like he used to. Regardless, those knees are always liable to give out, as is his back. Watch his games and you'll still see Carter coasting through many stretches of games, settling for jumpers (and missing) while he could have gone inside and gotten a better look.

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That's because Carter has regressed to being a pansy jumpshooter instead slashing like he used to. Watch his games and you'll still see Carter coasting through many stretches of games, settling for jumpers (and missing) while he could have gone inside and gotten a better look.

And Turkoglu isn't??

I don't know about you, but those knees and that back have been pretty reliable in the past 5 years.

In an basketball era dominated by perimeter play, what do you expect? Not to mention Carter still makes the highlight reels with the rim on a regular basis. He's obviously in much better shape than his fragile cousin over there in Houston.

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