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Guest JacksonC

Anytime you have Kobe Bryant go 11-31, you should win the game. His supporting cast really helped out. Ariza with the great third quarter and I still can't believe Fisher made that 3 for the tie. The Magic choked it big time, missing critical FTs. Blame it on Van Gundy, why was he thinking keeping Nelson in for that long?

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Guest polka_dotts

Ariza came out in the third quarter and did what he had to do. Set the stage and had momentum kickin' in for the Lakers again. Commendable, really. Am I the only repulsed by Turk's tongue thingy he did when he made that one shot? LOL. And where was Lewis? He was like invisible throughout the entire game.

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Guest wendo

Ariza came out in the third quarter and did what he had to do. Set the stage and had momentum kickin' in for the Lakers again. Was I the only repulsed by Turk's tongue thingy he did when he made that one shot? LOL. And where was Lewis? He was like invisible throughout the entire game.

Seriously Lewis was invisible the whole game, maybe he got nervous or something, his younger brother (who has cancer) and his mom flew down from houston to watch him that day.

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Guest GO!zilla

damn pau was horrible in this game... seriously multiple times when i was like... OMG PAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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Guest JacksonC

LOL, J.E. Skeets of that blog said that those rioters must have been high on drugs and alcohol.

Pietrus got nothing for his flagrant foul on Pau. He should have been suspended one game.


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Guest GO!zilla

LOL, J.E. Skeets of that blog said that those rioters must have been high on drugs and alcohol.

Pietrus got nothing for his flagrant foul on Pau. He should have been suspended one game.


im fine with him not getting suspended. one less thing for laker haters to cry over.

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LOL, J.E. Skeets of that blog said that those rioters must have been high on drugs and alcohol.

Pietrus got nothing for his flagrant foul on Pau. He should have been suspended one game.


why should he get suspended? It should be a flagrant and that's it.

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Guest JacksonC

why should he get suspended? It should be a flagrant and that's it.

Well, not necessarily suspended but at least he should have been fined.

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Guest polka_dotts

I don't understand the entire deal with people saying Gasol's dunk was "disrespectful." I guess they wanted him to dribble it out until time was over, but COME ON. He's right under the basket; of course he was going to dunk. Pietrus was just being a poor sport. And look at this hands---he obviously meant to hurt Gasol.

Also. Jeff Van Gundy and his bias commentating annoys the crap out of me! Makes me wanna mute the freakin' game.

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why should he get suspended? It should be a flagrant and that's it.
'Cause the Frenchman busted out a Gorilla Smash!

Dwight Howard threw an elbow at Dalembert- he got suspended.

Fisher laid out Scola- he got suspended.

Pietrus gorilla smashed Gasol...all he got was a slap on the wrist. Bad boy.

But I guess "it's" different 'cause it's the Finals, plus it was the closing seconds of the game.

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Guest polka_dotts

regular season game, what happens? Gasol dribbles the ball out and they walk off the court. If he doesn't go for the dunk, Pietrus doesn't give the flagrant foul. Earlier in the playoffs, the league would have probably suspended him.

Yeah, but it's not regular season and Gasol must've wanted to 'seal the deal.'

IMO, though, whether or not he went for the dunk, Pietrus should've never done what he did.

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that flagrant foul was dangerous..he could have hurt pau's lower back.

but pau shouldn't have dunked..that was disrespectful

i think the magic would be a better team if they had a different coach.

svg has made some bad decisions this playoff series

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Guest parkie871

I agree with polka dotts that the dunk was not disrespectful. Yes I am a Laker's/Kobe Bryant fan. Even if another team (say Magic) did that, I would not call it disrespectful. That's basketball. That's how the game is played. You get the ball, take it to the other side of the court and put it in the basket. You do that as well as you can and you do it until the whistle blows, regardless of the scoreboard. I think the Magic or any other team, had they been in that position, would've done the same.

Furthermore, its also a mental thing. The Lakers have one more game to win and they probably want to negatively affect the Magic for the next game. YES, they are up 3 to 1 and that's very discouraging for the Magic, but the Lakers probably want to do it as much as possible. The greater the point difference, the more discouraging it will be for the Magic (winning by 6 points vs winning by 8 points. Winning by 8 points will have a greater negative effect on the magic, which will in turn affect them the next game.)

And yes, the 3-pointer is legitimate (the one at the OT, that sealed it for the lakers). I was looking at a slow motion (slower that what was shown on the tv) and in my opinion, Nelson ran into Kobe intentionally and tried/wanted to get the offensive foul call.

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Okay, he didn't intentionally ricochet off Kobe's elbow. He tried to double team, and at his height, he met Kobe's swinging elbows. Could've been called either way, didn't go in the Magic's favor.

I like the Magic, but watching Turkoglu this series makes me wonder why he won Most Improved last year.

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I missed it or something, did something happen to pietrus? I didnt see him for most of the second half...

You can see the Magic play like its over now...well cause it is...

*edit* oh nvm about pietrus.

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Lee actually had a good game tonight and tried his best to contest Kobe, that's why Pietrus wasn't on much.

If only the Magic's treys drained earlier... kinda late now =/

Yeeee, I'm already looking ahead at the off-season action.

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Congrats to Lakers, they're takin' it !

Must say Orlando gave them a good run in the last two games (not this one)

but yuppp! whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooo !

baby one more timeeeeeeee !

So wanted a Game6 !!!!!! Not 7 though, too risky for my liking, haha.


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