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Guest GO!zilla

does it really matter if lakers dropped 2 games ? hell i don't care if they drop 3, but i would care if they lost the series.

you've got to remember, last years lakers came into the finals with a 12-3 record if i remember correctly,

whilst the celtics came to the finals with a 12-8 record ... in the end who won the finals ? celtics.

and all this comparing of kobe and tmac, just stop it already. if you're really arguing who the better player is,

then i think we all know it's kobe. you'll just be blind otherwise. yes, 13 points in 35 seconds is a great accomplishment, outstanding actually.

but so is 81, 62 in 3 quarters, 12 3 pointers in one game, 61 at madison square, 4 consecutive 50+ games. there's your friggin' comparison.

ever since the series began, we've gotten a lot of new rockets posters who are just as bad as laker bandwagonners,

comments such as the one quoted is a perfect example of rockets fans who are just as bad.

don't get me wrong, there are also rockets fans posters here in this forum who do post good comments even though it's against lakers,

but i think we'll all agree that saying that a team is 'trash' is a bit of a 'hater' remark, keep your posts productive

oh hell, even our lovely mod has joined the houston bandwagon.

in short, the series isn't over yet, neither team has yet earned the privilege of bragging rights,

i suggest we fans do the same.


why are people downplaying Kobe's 81...? thats impossible in modern day basketball.

too many haters on here.

btw go celtics!!! STARBURY I LOVE YOU!!!

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I think it's 'cause he actually has a team to work with now. :rolleyes:

.....He had a near identical team last year, minus a healthy bynum and some pickups.....

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Guest loving_D

chauncey billups holds the longest conference final appearance streak - SEVEN. amazing.

another great game by the nuggets. they really might pull an upset!

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Guest epark1281

Awww, too bad the season is over for Dirk and the Mavs.

At least he can now go home to this:


What a lucky guy :vicx::vicx::vicx:

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Guest taeb1n

Awww, too bad the season is over for Dirk and the Mavs.

At least he can now go home to this:


What a lucky guy :vicx::vicx::vicx:

who is that? his wife?

..go LA :D

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Guest epark1281

who is that? his wife?

..go LA :D

the crazy lady who was arrested for stalking him (although they're apparently involved)

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damn lakers 17-1....are you kidding me?

*edit* What the hell is wrong with fisher, what makes him think jacking up those threes a good idea?!??!?

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Guest xsilentangel

the crazy lady who was arrested for stalking him (although they're apparently involved)

Reminds me of Planet of the Apes.....

Anyways.. what the heck? The point differential in the Lakers/Rockets games are ridiculous..

The Celtics/Magic game was a good one. Can someone whack Ray with a baseball bat to get him going?!?! This slump better not extend to the next round if they win game 7.. I hope the Rockets can maintain the lead and push it to game 7.

Nevermind I jinxed it, Lakers are close to tying now!

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Guest asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

kobe has 5 techs already...he better not get his 7th or ill bawl. and i dont wanna bawl anymore after all these season finales. stupid dying.

fish is looking terrible these days. it kills me to see odom playing in pain.

im gonna bawl if they lose....bawwllllllll

cant wait for magic-celtics finale though! helluva a series.

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Also, that tech foul on Kobe shouldn't have been called. Stupid -.-

seriously but hey ron artest sold it good to the offcials. lol

lakers sucks.. sasha didnt do well today, pau didnt shoot well... =/ whats wrong with them... but its okay ..its better to win at their home court. i have faith in them, but i was hoping to see the nuggets and lakers game on sunday..oh well. another rocket and laker game wont hurt -_-

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Guest PB&Banana

See you in game 7 rockets

Disappointing loss but hey just like game 4 rockets wanted to win more

At least lakers showed some life but some life does not win games.

The technical should not have been called artest over reacted again oh well the league will probably take that one away

Game 7 is a statement game for the lakers they have to prove to their fans and themselves that they wanna win just as much as the other teams that are left

See you sunday folks it will be an interesting pair of game 7s

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Guest dudnaito

See you in game 7 rockets

Disappointing loss but hey just like game 4 rockets wanted to win more

At least lakers showed some life but some life does not win games.

The technical should not have been called artest over reacted again oh well the league will probably take that one away

Game 7 is a statement game for the lakers they have to prove to their fans and themselves that they wanna win just as much as the other teams that are left

See you sunday folks it will be an interesting pair of game 7s

even if la wins game 7, i think the point of redemption is gone for them.

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Doesn't matter if they redeem themselves or not for this series. Their main goal is to win the entire thing.

Anyways... sad loss, but home court advantage. Lakers are going to win cause everyone wants Lakers vs. Cavs, or rather Kobe vs. Lebron.

NBA making money from extending this series.

Refs made me MADDD this game! So bias! Even the announcer didn't think Kobe deserved the tech -.-

Phil Jackson still does not understand that he needs to start with Farmar instead of Fisher *sighs.

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Guest CKcrossover

The Lakers embarrassed themselves once again

there's really no excuse for them to lose to this Rocket team

Lakers will be in the conference final

but all the championship hype they built up in the regular season are gone

I don't think anyone beside Laker fans will pick them to win it all now

lol how many of us would have guessed that we be seeing

Brooks on the podium for the post-game interview that much

he really shouldn't be wearing that red blazer again

it didn't turn out so well the last time he sported that

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Guest 432521

Here is a prediction:

Richard Bavetta

Bennett Salvatore

Joe Crawford

With these 3 officiating game 7, I'm sad to say Houston will have no chance in L.A.

If crawford turns out to really be on we are screwed

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Guest Unanimous

ughhh what's up with the Lakers? What happened to dominating teams and blazing through the Playoffs.

We are choking here. Kobe really haven't had a "Kobe-like" game this whole series.

The Bench has something up their a$$ or something.... sighs. Come on Lakers!

Game 7 is ours, no doubt about that. But I m worried, yet still confident, about playing the Nuggets.

We will win... =) Just Cavs are getting so much rest compare to us.

Go Lakers!!!!

Wouldn't be surprise if Joe Crawford is officiating Sunday's game. He is Sterns fav!

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