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Guest LolitaMan
In fact, that should not have even been a technical foul on

Fisher did what you were supposed to do when there is a pick behind you: move through it. However, he misjudged the distance, or maybe Scola just stopped short and set a pick at an unconventional position, thus resulting in over-exertion on Fisher's part since the pick wasn't where he expected it to be. That said, Fisher is 6'1" 190 pounds. Scola is 6'9" or 6'10" at least 240 pounds, does anyone honestly think that Derek Fisher can knock Luis Scola down from a standstill? Especially with Scola has 8 or 9 inches on him and at least 50 pounds heavier? And keep in mind that Scola is setting a pick, that means his feet are braced and ready for impact (that's what a screen is). I suspect a fair amount acting on Scola's part, especially with his history of flopping. Sure, the result is that Scola hit the deck, one could argue for a suspension, but there is legitimate reason to question the validity of the fall.

Wow you must be blind or just refuse to believe what happened. Oldman Fisher looked back at Scola and basically threw a block, kind of like the blindsided blocks that NFL players throw. You must not watch the NFL since you don't know that a WR like Hines Ward can knock out Linebackers and Defensive Ends 40-50 pounds heavier than him. Anyone that gets blindsided with enough force will fall. :wacko:

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Guest melo.breeze

way i see it is, lets just wait until the nba makes its decisions

on who'll be fined/suspended for game 3.

i don't see a point in all this debate, we've got no say in the decision,

the longer this argument goes, the more this thread is turning into

a 'lets find faults in the lakers' game' thread.

lets have the two teams work it out on the court,

while we just sit back and watch.

the point im trying to make is, we've blown this topic way out of proportion

in this so called 'nba' thread, when even the nba itself hasnt even gone as far

as we have in this debate. and i think we all know how much the nba likes to blow things out of proportion and exaggerate.

so what does that say about how we're all reacting now ?

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Guest GO!zilla

whats up with people complaining about talking trash... biggest trash talker in the game was michael jordan.

kobe has the skills to back up his trash talking, so did mj.

anyways, kobe wont get suspended, rafer gets suspended, fisher.. most likely.

btw... rafers slap... CLASSIC

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Guest SurpriseSex
Wow you must be blind or just refuse to believe what happened. Oldman Fisher looked back at Scola and basically threw a block, kind of like the blindsided blocks that NFL players throw. You must not watch the NFL since you don't know that a WR like Hines Ward can knock out Linebackers and Defensive Ends 40-50 pounds heavier than him. Anyone that gets blindsided with enough force will fall. :wacko:

In the NFL, players have running starts, and are able to gain more momentum to knock people over. Fisher had one step. On a huge guy. I'm not saying it wasn't a foul, I'm saying that Scola, given his history of flopping, may very well have sold it to be more serious than it actually was.

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Guest GO!zilla
In the NFL, players have running starts, and are able to gain more momentum to knock people over. Fisher had one step. On a huge guy. I'm not saying it wasn't a foul, I'm saying that Scola, given his history of flopping, may very well have sold it to be more serious than it actually was.

im like the biggest hardcord laker fan here...

that was no flop. that was deliberate. dont discredit fisher sending out a message.

+1 to fish. suspension most likely. but worth the good ol hit. =D

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Guest nba3d

That hit was real by Fisher, the cameras show he had a cut on the right side of his head before heading to the lockers.

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yeah, Scola was trying to take a chunk out of Fisher's head with those teeth he has. but really he needs to get the ball more in this series since the Lakers are starting to front Yao. he has to start making more buckets and hope that Ariza isn't rushing behind him.

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Guest CKcrossover

All you Kobe fan boys can make excuses for him and his teammates all you want

you all know just as well that some of the things the Lakers did in the game were not needed

especially when they had the lead and were playing at home

show some sportmanship to your fans for christ's sake

Tough physical d and playing dirty is the samething? some of you must be high

physical d is usually legal and not physically trying to hurt someone like Kobe and Fisher did

Rafer's 5 fingers to the head def classic

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Guest epark1281

fisher get's a flagrant 2 for decking Scola,

Rondo get's a flagrant 1 for flinging Hinrich around...

what's wrong with this picture?

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Guest derrek

The difference was Rondo's foul was at the beginning of the game when there was little chippyness. The Lakers game was getting more and more chippy, Scola almost had a brawl with LO and Sasha on the other end before Fish flattened him. The refs do what they need to in order to keep things under control. As much as I hate the Celtics and love the Lakers, it's true. I can't even stand up for Fish on that one... I just hope he doesn't get suspended.

I'm curious as to why Von Wafer got sent to the locker room from the bench by Rick Adelman. He was a major bench producer, so if he's suspended / unwanted for the next game that's a big deal.

I agree with the T on Fish and T on Artest, ejections and suspensions... well, that's the refs agenda. I don't agree with Kobe's T when he said "You can't guard me" to Shane Battier. He was smiling right after he got it, he obviously wasn't about to get physical. But I guess, again, the refs agenda will determine how to control a game (sigh, Joey Crawford).

LO smiling while Scola got T'd up was kinda funny too. Chippy games, but I love them! Lots of energy! NO SUSPENSIONS! Let them play until excessive force is used!

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Guest Unanimous

About the Kobe and Artest conflict, I have watched the replay like 493840923 times and this is what I am concluding:

Both were physical as they try to claim their spot for that rebound. Which is fine, you have to fight for your spot. But as Kobe went up he elbowed Ron PURPOSELY, to get that leap and get that rebound. After watching the replay 32483029 times, I concluded that is so cheap of Kobe. If you are physical you are physical til the last minute needed. That means you jump for that rebound, and the other person to jump as well, and its who jumps higher and who can take the ball up in the air, that's physical. Physical in the way that, you might jump lower than the other person or the other person is in a better position than you are, so you show an elbow to prevent him from even jumping? It screams out cheap. Kobe my Kobe, sighs =( And as for Fisher, just wow. That was not needed at all.

I am a huge Lakers fan, and even after a hard fought win, I am still sad. 'Cause it's obvious so many will be losing respect for Kobe and the Lakers. Everyone is like "Lakers play dirty, Kobe is a dirty player, everyone on the Lakers are" =( Let's just wait and the calling on those fouls. Most likely Rondo and Fisher will be suspended.

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Guest melo.breeze
All you Kobe fan boys can make excuses for him and his teammates all you want

you all know just as well that some of the things the Lakers did in the game were not needed

especially when they had the lead and were playing at home

show some sportmanship to your fans for christ's sake

Tough physical d and playing dirty is the samething? some of you must be high

physical d is usually legal and not physically trying to hurt someone like Kobe and Fisher did

Rafer's 5 fingers to the head def classic

first of all, the term 'kobe fanboys' i'd prefer you wouldn't use it, kobe fans don't only consist of guys ... *sighs*

and also, not all of us are blind to see what the difference between playing physical d and playing dirty is.

as if you rockets fans are so much better than us lakers fans.

i for one did not deny that what kobe did was wrong, but i also think that kobe did not intentionally mean to cause ron any harm.

sure he may have thrown his elbow out, but i think he'd have more class than actually trying to kill or hurt the guy,as someone stated in one of their comments.

sorry, but i seriously hate the complete generalization of all kobe fans being blind, when that is completely untrue.

sure there are a large majority of people who brush off all his misdeeds, but that's not all of us. sheesh.

on the other hand, what fish did is most likely what you've concluded it to be, so i won't argue his case.

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Guest derrek

If you don't play physical in the playoffs you'll get crushed. It was Kobe on Artest for crap sakes, that's two passionate, crazy, intense, skilled defenders.

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Guest melo.breeze


i seriously agree, just that some people are surprised with the amount of toughness lakers are approaching

the rockets in this series, when the lakers are INFAMOUS for being a 'soft' team.

i'll quote a new article written by Dave McMenamin in the NBA sports column:

"But in the second half we got the big reminder, the Post-it note, the déjà vu, the string around the finger, the total recall that will stick with us about this game: This is the Playoffs, expect it to get physical."

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Guest res0nate
I believe they called it as a makeup call for the elbow on Artest.

Lol a technical on Kobe being a makeup call for Artest being ejected.

Because they're the same thing right?

And there's a difference between being soft, being physical and being dirty.

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Guest Unanimous

I am enjoying every single conference semi-finals game!

To me it's still a Lakers vs. Cavs finals but the other teams are really giving it all they got!

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Guest epark1281

Lol a technical on Kobe being a makeup call for Artest being ejected.

Because they're the same thing right?

And there's a difference between being soft, being physical and being dirty.

I'd have to agree here.

There's a difference between bodying up a player, and swinging elbows. There's a difference between hard fouls and dirty fouls. The Piston's "Bad Boys" were dirty, but the Spurs team of '99 were physical, the Detriot Pistions of recent vintage (maybe not SO recent) were physical. When you have a finesse team like the Lakers, you can't simply start throwing elbows, set moving screens and come out swinging and think that you've become physical.

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