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Guest lenakeem

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Guest Somdary

wow!! minwoo looks great!! ahhhh...and dongwan...hahaha.... he's sooo great at acting alrdy...no need to study....:D :D

Seriously! Dongwan's acting gets better and better! I wish him the best of luck! I am watching the episodes right now!! ^_^

Minwoo looks HOT <3 PURE SEX! I tell you! HAHA..

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Guest Jin4ever

EDIT: omg!! the first time i own a page in the shinhwa thread~~~


rushing off to celebrate****

but before i do.. i am goin to do some pic spam..

on my fav couple..

jinsyung.. please dun bash me for being bias*****


jinnie comforting sungie for not havin a snowman too.. buhahaaa~~

sungie oppa simply just cant get his hand off the baby bird :)



but the baby bird can be touchy sometimes too.. :P



just the two of them in their own lit bird kingdom



lastly is the whole grp cuddling together


u know..

actually i really miss those old love letter ep, x-man ep and heroine 6 where all of them went together..!!

they had so much fun together!!

esp the LL!!

haha... where sungie created his crab and hwaiting dance!!


well.. since they r preparin for their 9th jib ..

tt means we will see them together again soon..

.. hmmm is just that those programs are no longer there..


:w00t::w00t: aahhhhhhhhh....your jinsyng pics are sooooooooo cute....miss the mommy and babybird so much


Minwoo is freaking hot in the mw ...that girl is so lucky to get kissed by sexy minu :P

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thanks alot for ur effort! really make me love Shinhwa forever more! thanks for all the caps! this thread rocks!

uh oh no no no no!! can you please take out the img tag from your post? we can't quote pictures in this thread.. can you please do it as soon as you see this please? we don't want to get anymore warning.. we've got too much already..

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Guest shinhinm

According to some, the official couples are:

Wandy, Ricjin and Minsyung.

That's why Dongwan and Andy are linked together.

Shinto is a site that is dedicated to just these three couples too.

These couples are according to their type blood right? :D But the TRULY couples are : Jinsyung, Woodong and Ricdy =D :rolleyes:

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Guest theLEGEND

Today's is Shinhwa's 10 8th Fanmeeting right? Korea fans are so lucky! I hope there's gonna be alot of pictures and video for us to see ;)

Aww.. Dongwan with his entry. He never fails to make me smile and seriously his drama "The Person I Love" is so good. You guys should watch it! :)

Minwoo and that girl are kissing :vicx: The girl is SO lucky.. ><"

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These couples are according to their type blood right? :D But the TRULY couples are : Jinsyung, Woodong and Ricdy =D :rolleyes:

I think these were the original couples (ricjin, minsung, wandy). When I said official - I meant set by the company or original designation. And it could well be by blood types..hehe...imagining a discussion between SM employee with Shinhwa boys on couple designation? heheeh.....I don't know how they set these up but some are pretty adamant that they are the true couple despite what others might challenge.

hhee..looks like you have your preferences. so you can choose not to believe what I said above. =)

The only couple I truly like is Minric. heheheh.....

-----------Couples are a funny phenomenon or culture within these korean boy bands though. Interesting concept and how it catches fan girls' attention.

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These couples are according to their type blood right? :D But the TRULY couples are : Jinsyung, Woodong and Ricdy =D :rolleyes:

oh wow!! i never actually realized that at all!! that's soo cool!!! they have 3 different blood types, with 2 of each..

well anyways, my favorite would be ricsyung couple.. and there are also ricdy and ricjin.. hehehe..

ginnie - think you're right.. only people who worship these korean boybands would understand this kind of couple relationship or skinship.. i bet if i tell my friends about the couplings and stuff, they would think they're gay or whatever.. but for me, i adore [and sometimes long for *in the case of ricsyung i guess*] the touchy touchy thingies, cos that's what makes them adorable ^^"

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im in....



Minwoo at Hyeryoung's MV Site

credits to oceans six + shinhwachangjo

wow..thanks for sharing. Minwoo look so fresh and young. His hair color is "cappucino" color? what color is that? heheh..

i agree i love minbong hair at this moment. it reminds me of his "If You" days :P

[HQ] 070204 Minwoo & Junjin At Star Carnival At Dragon TV Concert [+YS]

i watched minwoo's girlfriend performance...and let me tell you....ahhhh so HOT..

esp his dance near the end of it xD

here's the link


the dance part i was talking about starts around 3:16 ;)

10/2 [diary] Dongwan: Unable to sleep


ITS OPPA!(07-02-10 02:05:52)

title: unable to sleep

i think that the feeling of losing is very great

because in one's life there are many things to try

even if we make many mistakes

but its much better than not doing anything

its bad luck that i cant catch the stars

the worse thing is, dont feel like picking those stars that i cant get..

[life lesson] END

not bad.. haha

p.s. if so why cant i sleep.. did they put caffeine in my food.. -_-;

credits// GOOD EMG + 东升西落@BestShinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net.forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=676.0


haha i love how most of dongwan's entries are always related with food. xD

i hope he gets some rest~

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oh wow!! i never actually realized that at all!! that's soo cool!!! they have 3 different blood types, with 2 of each..

well anyways, my favorite would be ricsyung couple.. and there are also ricdy and ricjin.. hehehe..

ginnie - think you're right.. only people who worship these korean boybands would understand this kind of couple relationship or skinship.. i bet if i tell my friends about the couplings and stuff, they would think they're gay or whatever.. but for me, i adore [and sometimes long for *in the case of ricsyung i guess*] the touchy touchy thingies, cos that's what makes them adorable ^^"

They also have 2 birthdays for each season except one season. Two in the winter, Two in fall/autumn, Two in the summer? Wait a minute..did I get this right? Anyways...I am horrible at remembering birthdays...correct me if I am wrong.

The couple culture is quite interesting. I read some chinese couple articles and I presume couple articles exist in Korean and English too. These are SERIOUS couple stories that really will make some blush at the daring level of the authors.

The closeness between boys/men are so different and fans are so accepting of these coupling. I read that the origin of couples are from fans not wanting to see their idols with other ladies. So, they decided to create their own fantasies with who else? Their favorite members. So at least they share the wealth within and keep them within???? hehe..what am I trying to say here?

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Guest vietgirl604

i agree i love minbong hair at this moment. it reminds me of his "If You" days :P

i watched minwoo's girlfriend performance...and let me tell you....ahhhh so HOT..

esp his dance near the end of it xD

here's the link


the dance part i was talking about starts around 3:16 ;)

haha i love how most of dongwan's entries are always related with food. xD

i hope he gets some rest~

Thanks for the link to the performance! He's..HOT HOT HOT.


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hahaha.. that's an interesting theory actually.. hahaha.. of course they don't want their idols to be close with other females *cough*other than themselves*cough* but to think that the members actually act it out in reality, because of their bonds with each other, is really, very cuteee!! well, some are probably fan service, but i don't think it's all just for show.. especially with shinhwa, because they're so close, i can feel genuine feelings between them.. [i think i'm just blabbering nonsense.. i should be sleeping instead -________-]

well for the birthday, andy and eric are winter babies, minwoo and junjin are summer babies, and hyesung and dongwan are fall babies.. as for spring, there's me and mommie alice!!! =P

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Guest kriza_09

uh oh no no no no!! can you please take out the img tag from your post? we can't quote pictures in this thread.. can you please do it as soon as you see this please? we don't want to get anymore warning.. we've got too much already..

i think pm-ing her would be the most effective and efficient way if we want to have it fixed as soon as possible..

about the couple thing.. i've seen tributes about other group couples.. but so far i've found nothing as real as shinhwa couples.. i usually don't like tributes, but i love watching shinhwa tributes (not the ones with storylines, just the simple tributes with cuts showing interaction between members).. i mean, a picture showing 2 members standing next to each other or 2 members posing together for album jacket is nothing special.. and a cap from an MV showing 2 members playing and laughing together means nothing to me (hey, they are instructed by the director to act that way!!).. also, 2 members hugging or making hearts for the purpose of entertaining the fans is just blah.. but a member hugging another member from behind and saying 'i love you' with the most childish voice is so precious to see.. a member getting jealous when 2 other members are playing together is very cute.. a member hugging another member when he feels that member might feel upset after being teased is sweet.. a member running off to hug another member when he feels embarrassed is cute and sweet.. a member hugging and kissing another member for no reason other than feeling happy and overjoyed is also cute and sweet.. and last but not least, a member wiping off his hand just because it touched another member's shoulder is plain funny.. lol.. i dunno, other groups' couples usually only show how 2 guys can be very close and crazy.. or for the purpose of fan-service only.. but shinhwa couples is more like for their own entertainment rather than for the fans'.. really pure, sweet, precious, and come from the bottom of their hearts... really, there are times when i feel tired from the world around me.. how people can be so fake, only look for their own benefits, and don't care about others.. and i would think 'where is the love??' at times like that, watching shinhwa tributes is like drinking very refreshing water for me.. it warms my heart.. really, shinhwa couple (or you can say friendship) is one of the most beautiful thing on earth.. it tells me pure love still exists.. and it's something for me to hold on.. *it might sound cliche, but i really feel that way!!!*

shinhwa friendship represent pure love of 5-year-old kids (i thought it looked like bf-gf love, but it actually looks like pure friendship among little kids).. it's really.....beyond words.. sometimes it's so childish, but there the pureness is.. i do realize though, that it might have happened because of eric.. i mean, everyone has his/her own childish side.. but in shinhwa, eric is the one who brings out other members' childish side.. remember that phone convo between eric n minwoo?? and while eric brings the childish side of shinhwa, andy adds the pureness.. without andy, shinhwa is just childish (and gay)..

even until now, i'm still really surprised to know that there exists such friendship between adults.. i've never seen that kind of friendship before.. it's even rare in high school!!! i don't think it even exists at all in the working world.. esp if you live in the US..

anyway, 1 of my fav tributes:


i feel like crying everytime i watch this..

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Thanks ginnie and square-boxes for the rest of the chinese nicknames ^^


nutzie- haha...I think xiao bai fits jinnie too. I wonder if he knows though...because when the announcer at the recent concert in china said 'xiao bai', he looked kinda clueless lolz




The post on ricsyung is so cute ^^

I demand that you post it in the korean celeb pic section now! And share the love with those who don't come visit the thread :D

Thank you :)


I've always thought minsyung was the original couple :)

They're less touchy now...but back when shinhwa was younger... XD

I don't really call ricmin a couple in my head lolz I don't know, the feeling is different? They're like two really cool guys that actually 'hang out' with each other and doing guy things (listening to the same music, both compose very similar music, they almost quit Shinhwa together, spending xmas together, sneaking out together)...hard to explain...

You know...guys that automatically hi-five each other when they meet...

They're tougher than the other couples??

I guess a better way to say it is...with the other shinhwa couples...there's always a feeling of one protecting the other or there's a more dominant personality... (married couple feeling XD, dongseng, mother protecting her young, etc lolz)...but it isn't like that with ricmin


kriza_09- I agree with almost everything you said ^^ It's those spontaneous little things they do that the average person wouldn't notice unless they look really closely (thus not really fan service) that makes ShinHWa seem that much closer. Plus, I think for most devoted fans we know when they're saying things to please the fans ... those dorks :sweatingbullets: Ricsyung as an example...they like to play it out for us...but we know they love each other haha. I don't know if this would be considered bashing, but I'll say it anyways....I'll take it out if it's too much. I feel that the newer group couples has a more produced feeling...not that they are not friendly with each other, but unconciously, because of Shinhwa's example and perhaps it's one of the main reasons they are so successful, they feel 'this is how a group should act with each other.' Take for example, Ricdy...it's not a relationship that showed up in the earlier days of ShinHwa...but kinda gradually? (Kinda like the newer female stars and hyori...wow she made it sexy....so lets try being sexy too. lolz)

I also don't think too much of heart signs and MV caps either. Unless, it's jinnie getting ready to make a heart with minu, but minu makes a heart with wannie...and jinnie pouts...so minu rubs jinne's head affectionately and quickly makes a heart with him :D


Edit: This is the second time these past two months that I've lost another one of my favorite celebrities...and knowing not how to feel. First I was all excited about Andy's birthday...but U'nee Unni took her own life...and now on the very brink of Shinhwa's long awaited fanmeeting...Jung Da Bin also took her own life T.T

Very odd wishing today would come faster...yet hoping that this day never came...

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lurking for so long.. manage to post..

krizzy, i just love your RicSyung photo story.. :D

i've seen a clip wherein Eric was interviewed on stage for his drama.. i just forgot what drama was that..

then Sungie was called on stage to greet Eric..

he's the only one who came..

i can't find the youtube video... :(

honestly, i dunno whom to choose between JinSyung or RicSyung.. i love both couples..

but whichever it is.. i love them all~!!

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Guest missy2006

also, 2 members hugging or making hearts for the purpose of entertaining the fans is just blah.. but a member hugging another member from behind and saying 'i love you' with the most childish voice is so precious to see.. a member getting jealous when 2 other members are playing together is very cute.. a member hugging another member when he feels that member might feel upset after being teased is sweet.. a member running off to hug another member when he feels embarrassed is cute and sweet.. a member hugging and kissing another member for no reason other than feeling happy and overjoyed is also cute and sweet.. and last but not least, a member wiping off his hand just because it touched another member's shoulder is plain funny.. lol.. i dunno, other groups' couples usually only show how 2 guys can be very close and crazy.. or for the purpose of fan-service only.. but shinhwa couples is more like for their own entertainment rather than for the fans'.. really pure, sweet, precious, and come from the bottom of their hearts... really, there are times when i feel tired from the world around me.. how people can be so fake, only look for their own benefits, and don't care about others.. and i would think 'where is the love??' at times like that, watching shinhwa tributes is like drinking very refreshing water for me.. it warms my heart.. really, shinhwa couple (or you can say friendship) is one of the most beautiful thing on earth.. it tells me pure love still exists.. and it's something for me to hold on.. *it might sound cliche, but i really feel that way!!!*

shinhwa friendship represent pure love of 5-year-old kids (i thought it looked like bf-gf love, but it actually looks like pure friendship among little kids).. it's really.....beyond words.. sometimes it's so childish, but there the pureness is.. i do realize though, that it might have happened because of eric.. i mean, everyone has his/her own childish side.. but in shinhwa, eric is the one who brings out other members' childish side.. remember that phone convo between eric n minwoo?? and while eric brings the childish side of shinhwa, andy adds the pureness.. without andy, shinhwa is just childish (and gay)..

even until now, i'm still really surprised to know that there exists such friendship between adults.. i've never seen that kind of friendship before.. it's even rare in high school!!! i don't think it even exists at all in the working world.. esp if you live in the US..

anyway, 1 of my fav tributes:


i feel like crying everytime i watch this..

I agree with this 100%, one of the things that actually made me a fan is their closeness (and the crazy things they get up to when to when their together) . Comparing them to other groups, the vibe that Shinhwa has with each other is just not there with other groups specially the newer ones. I don't think it comes from living together for a couple of years or being group for so long. I think it has much to do with the fact that they survived being Almost disbanded a couple of times and struggling together for such a long time before they become successfull. When you go through this really difficult times, it either makes you stronger or destroys you, in their case it made them stronger not only individually but also as a group.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon




krizzy, i just love your RicSyung photo story..

i've seen a clip wherein Eric was interviewed on stage for his drama.. i just forgot what drama was that..

then Sungie was called on stage to greet Eric..

he's the only one who came..

i can't find the youtube video...


is this what you are talking about????


eric's smile is SO mysterious. it's as if he is trying hard not to smile too widely. what could be the reason for this SMILE?


ah... HYESUNG IS!~ hyesungie went up on stage with eric while eric is on a show...


hyesungie, you didn't have to come... :blush:


ah. the whispers. what could eric have said to hyesungie to make hyesung smile like that???

aish. eric. :rolleyes:


and now here si hyesungie, singing for our dear eric.... how sweet!!!!


and here si eric.... looking all loving to his hyesungie.....



and now they're being interviewed....

sungie: so what do want to tell me now, eric?


eric: hyesungah... saranghae.....


sungie: ah, no! eric's just joking!!!!


eric; you know i'm not joking.....


sungie: ah, uh, ah....

eric: *satisfied*


eric: you see.....


eric: .... i really love hyesungie...


OH, what is that????


AH AH AH... giant RING?????


aish.. hyesungie....


LOLS.... come to papa....... :ph34r:


notice how when it comes to hyesung.. eric just have this smile on his face....


stupid fangirls who read into everything. :mellow:


I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'll forget about the past and move forward.

i'll strat posting again.

i don't care if i missed 47 pages.


I CAN'T KEEP QUIET ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Jin4ever

i think pm-ing her would be the most effective and efficient way if we want to have it fixed as soon as possible..

about the couple thing.. i've seen tributes about other group couples.. but so far i've found nothing as real as shinhwa couples.. i usually don't like tributes, but i love watching shinhwa tributes (not the ones with storylines, just the simple tributes with cuts showing interaction between members).. i mean, a picture showing 2 members standing next to each other or 2 members posing together for album jacket is nothing special.. and a cap from an MV showing 2 members playing and laughing together means nothing to me (hey, they are instructed by the director to act that way!!).. also, 2 members hugging or making hearts for the purpose of entertaining the fans is just blah.. but a member hugging another member from behind and saying 'i love you' with the most childish voice is so precious to see.. a member getting jealous when 2 other members are playing together is very cute.. a member hugging another member when he feels that member might feel upset after being teased is sweet.. a member running off to hug another member when he feels embarrassed is cute and sweet.. a member hugging and kissing another member for no reason other than feeling happy and overjoyed is also cute and sweet.. and last but not least, a member wiping off his hand just because it touched another member's shoulder is plain funny.. lol.. i dunno, other groups' couples usually only show how 2 guys can be very close and crazy.. or for the purpose of fan-service only.. but shinhwa couples is more like for their own entertainment rather than for the fans'.. really pure, sweet, precious, and come from the bottom of their hearts... really, there are times when i feel tired from the world around me.. how people can be so fake, only look for their own benefits, and don't care about others.. and i would think 'where is the love??' at times like that, watching shinhwa tributes is like drinking very refreshing water for me.. it warms my heart.. really, shinhwa couple (or you can say friendship) is one of the most beautiful thing on earth.. it tells me pure love still exists.. and it's something for me to hold on.. *it might sound cliche, but i really feel that way!!!*

shinhwa friendship represent pure love of 5-year-old kids (i thought it looked like bf-gf love, but it actually looks like pure friendship among little kids).. it's really.....beyond words.. sometimes it's so childish, but there the pureness is.. i do realize though, that it might have happened because of eric.. i mean, everyone has his/her own childish side.. but in shinhwa, eric is the one who brings out other members' childish side.. remember that phone convo between eric n minwoo?? and while eric brings the childish side of shinhwa, andy adds the pureness.. without andy, shinhwa is just childish (and gay)..

even until now, i'm still really surprised to know that there exists such friendship between adults.. i've never seen that kind of friendship before.. it's even rare in high school!!! i don't think it even exists at all in the working world.. esp if you live in the US..

anyway, 1 of my fav tributes:


i feel like crying everytime i watch this..

wow kriza you read my thoughts :D

the main reason why i love Shinhwa so much is because of this strong bond betweem the members. ...i have the feeling they are much more funny, happy, crazy and childish when there's another member around. its pretty funny how fans are going crazy to make them as couple (including me of course :w00t: ) and of course my favourite will be minjin and jinsyng. Can't never get enough of them

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Guest poloblue

well for the birthday, andy and eric are winter babies, minwoo and junjin are summer babies, and hyesung and dongwan are fall babies.. as for spring, there's me and mommie alice!!! =P

IM A SPRING BABY TOO!!! well, spring in australia that is, not spring in the US. in the US im a autumn baby.

well, i work at two restaurants right now, cos im on holidays. and at one of them, the owners daughters know who shinhwa is. and the 2nd daughter said SHINHWA IS GAY and that hyesung is a girl. shes also said shes read jaded and it made her cry LOL. but dont worry, she calls everything gay! even her sister and brother are gay, according to her.

AIM: convert her into a fangirl screaming shinhwa fan!!!!!

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Guest angelix

hi all. I just got back from the fanmeeting and rushed back home as fast as i could to post pictures of the fanmeeting and overall the fanmeeting was awesome!!!! To describe the fanmeeting, it was SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!. TODAY WAS DEFINITELY ERIC's DAY!!!! HE WAS REALLY SO ADORKABLE and made us fans laughed to the max!!!!!!! We fans enjoyed seeing hyesung and the rest hit the orange stick at eric hahahaha they were really so goofy!!) I witnessed so much ricsyung and syungdy LOVE!!!! <33333333333 eric was really lucky to have all these good looking roses!! and yes we fans get to sing the birthday song!! It was indeed a memorable thing to see!! my friend and I took a lot of pics and fancams from this fanmeeting, and right now, i still need to sort and label them out!! This is indeed one fanmeeting never to be forget!! Today, some fans asked me why i wore my old shcj raincoat instead of the 8th jib edition one, so i told them, i brought two of my raincoats for fun lol. I have more to write on the fanmeeting itself but i gtg now. I need to sleep as tomorrow i have to continue pack and settle my itinerary schedule for my flight to japan for shinhwa's valentine concert nxt this 14th ^__^v Till then, enjoy the pics :D I will try and post fancams at SS that i can find ;D To eric mun, HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! you make us all proud!!!

[Pics] 02/10 Shinhwa - M.I.S 8th Fanmeeting Pics [Lots]

















































Credits : mydaily + newsen + daum + angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Re-uploaded all by angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=682.0

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