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Guest lenakeem

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Thank you everyone for your warm welcome!

I'm glad to meet a lot of you!

We should start up some chatting rooms ^_^

So we can try to get to know each other better.

I'll do my best to update here with news/info/etc!

Today was such a rough day.

Lots of work to do -___-;;

lol yeah we should start up chatting rooms and talk to eachother for hours lol XD

btw do u guys know any websites i can download shinhwa's 2nd album i got all the albums except their 2nd one.


OMG i own a page noticed that an hour later after i posted this lol haha look how smart i am =P woot i havent owned a page in a long time ^^ -happy-

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Guest Cherrymlinh

< The 'Mummy Bird' and the 'Baby Bird' >


hihihihi... :lol:

Is this recently? Hyesung is looking good these days!! :w00t: not that he looks bad before.:D. So glad to see the change. personally i dont' like hyesung images during State of The Art album..they make his he looks older than he is actually is..:D, but ya.. thanks for sharing..can't wait for the new image of hyesung!! B)

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Guest angel2nyt

Cherrymlinh please dont quote pics

so many newcomers!!

love it


where's krizza.. is it raining hard in manila already..haahaa im in bulacan..hurray for no classes

YaShimManMan uncovers artist’s family stories and creates dispute


i just read wannie's diary..he just made me smile again

11/28 [news] Boy Band Members Go Solo


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aahh, it's soo cold heree... i heard in BC it's even worse.. hello to lynda and xtine~!! i hope you guys don't freeze your bums off..

oh and also welcome to the newcomers.. another korean?? you might be able to help us with translations and stuff~!! actually, more of helping mommie alice and young [tvxqsarang] for the rest of us unfortunate people who don't understand korean..

i'm happy todayy~!! i've just gotten back a test in which i've got the highest score ever in my entire university life as far as i can remember.. i contemplated on buying a korean phrasebook to reward myself.. but i don't have that much money [since it's the end of the month] so i bought ice cream instead.. i might buy it for myself as a christmas present or put it in my secret santa list with my friends..

i read a few pages ago about minwoo's 2nd winds? that totally reminds me of his role in goldfish [cos i watched it a few days ago] when he revealed about farting thingies.. i told my friend about it and both of us laughed like maniacs..

since somebody mentioned secret santa, i think it's best to discuss it in orange crush [since we can spam over there =P] so for those of you who haven't joined, go


and register yourselves!! [see, i'm helping to advertise too!!]

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Guest angel2nyt

i read a few pages ago about minwoo's 2nd winds? that totally reminds me of his role in goldfish [cos i watched it a few days ago] when he revealed about farting thingies.. i told my friend about it and both of us laughed like maniacs..

since somebody mentioned secret santa, i think it's best to discuss it in orange crush [since we can spam over there =P] so for those of you who haven't joined, go


and register yourselves!! [see, i'm helping to advertise too!!]


yes i also watched that goldfish episode

i swear for the first time in my entire life minwoo disgusted me..


it was so funny

also the part when he was talking about eric and dongwan and dongwan called him


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Guest poloblue

I like ur ava much. I saved it to my comp. ^_^

I'm newcomers here, and i just visit soompi for Shinhwa and just visit this thread. In the future, i'll be the most spamer here ^_^.

Some introduction:

I'm lan (call me lannie if u wanna) i'm from Vietnam. I read that some fans here from Vn rite? Nice to see you and others also ^__^

Wannie's newest diary makes my tired day fly away. He's always so humourous. That's why i like him the most in Shinhwa. I was trapped by his handsome cold face in Throw my fist but knocked down totally by his lovely smile in Crazy ^__^ OMG why until now i know bout such a cute guy like him. I wasted such a long time >__<

hi Lan!!!!!!! ur vietnamese? and from vietnam??? im vietnamese too! but from australia. i was born here.

o ben Vietnam, shinhwa co noi tieng khong? co san pham cua Shinhwa khong? hay la chi co do lau (pirated) thoi? Lan bao nhieu tuoi? im assuming ur younger? Anh 18 tuoi nhung tieng viet cua anh khong kha lam!

ok, sorry for spamming!!!

i ordered the seoul concert dvd!!!!!!!!! so excited! who has it already??? is it good?

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Guest x_sadendings


haha.. i missed you!

yay! anger buddy's back in town! *jumps up and down*

princeton.... hm, who does it sound so familiar???? why why why?

actually, i was surprised minu was even there!

i thought no one was gonna come. hm, but why is it minu? lols. maybe they played rock paper scissors and minu lost and so he was sent. haha. ;)

some threads around there like......


lols.. spazzing abour the RICSYUNG again? haha. have you read the fanencounters during the japanese fanmeeting? hm.... if you haven'tm i suggest you read it for some REAL RICSYUNG GOODNESS!!!!! :P

yeah, i think so. but i can't imagine minu wanting to break away from shinhwa though. why can't i? hm. now i'm curious as to why... gr.

lols!!! you did that? haha... i wish i could do that! but heck, all the songs my friends listen to are local rock bands and some western artists... no dbsk and suju near their frame of mind. ;)



that is their first single, right? the one that got translated into about... hm, how many languages? and i remember something cause of that song! JAEHO! *xman jae pros and cons yunho chinese evrsion* waaa!!!!~~~

linh is afraid...

of HUG.


i was like :lol: when i realised too that se7en is the seventh member, it's like... ah, se7en=seven grawr. i'm talking nonsense....

maybe an artist will come along one day and be named ei8ht and he'll be the eight member. haha....

krizza's humor is so off today.

of course of course!!!!


let me just share a little picture......

p><p> [b]ERIC: sungie... YOU

and about the cough site cough.. why is it not a cought hot wannie cough but a cough hot minu?




you see....

i was browsing through minbongstalkers....

and well...

i was in a minu-mode...

and uh....



when you buy that 500piece puzzle, let me have the 250pieces. :P

lols. minu is copying jinnie's style.

minu should be punished!!!!!


but the pony tail makes him look hotter.

i kinda like sungie's hair.. just need a litle trim!!!!!

minu's handwriting looks like a font, eh? it's so beautiful.... :P


ahha.. the playboy bunny one???

*rewinds back*

ERIC: sungie... YOU'RE MY BUNNY!!!!


and dang dang dang!!!!

JUMP gifs!!!! i love love love those scenes!!!! waaa!!~~~

haha.. imma watch the MV again.... :P

puah! andy and eric are such adorable dorks!!!!

and i think linh wants eric more than the converse....


krizza is in a spazzing mode!!!

partners in crime is right.


you see, they ARE partners in crime....

the crime of LOVE!


right linh?

Yes I'm back~ and I missed you too! xD

Yes your anger buddy is back and she has a few steam to let out lol

Princeton is an elite school? xD in New jersey? and one of the best schools? haha

I don't know but I would imagine Eric cheating in that game.. if it was possible :lol:

Yeah, some threads grow too fast and it's just well, spamming.

Yes RICSYUNG<333333 and now I ahven't read those yet? xD but now I will. Maybe because Minwoo is just to dedicated to what he does? I mean... I can't imagine Minwoo quiting but I can't imagine any of them quiting at all B)

Yes, I changed all of her DBSK&SUJU songs into Shinhwa songs... it wasn't that hard xD Seeing that shinhwa has alot more songs than both combined. yes. I believe HUG was their first single (and I saw that on x-man too!)... I'm scared of that song... hush xD :ph34r:

I felt kinda dent when I read the others were saying oh se7en is like the seventh member... *bonks head* Ah-hahah ei8ht xD


I think we all catch the minu-fever once in awhile ;D Um.. 500...250 sure haha you can have teh puzzle pieces. Yes Minu did look good with it and yes he should be punished xD

To tell the thruth I love Hyesungs hair 8D;; but I would agree on the trim idea... I like that chocolate color!

Jump<3 I loved that MV once I saw it :w00t: Eric and Andy can be such dorks. Which makes me love them more.

... yes... I want an eric...more...an eric would be nice...i can buy shoes anytime 8D;;


xoxoshinki - lol thank you for commenting on my banner! I adore it XD Ricsyung "partners in crime" and welcome to the thread!

poloblue - Yep I'm vietnamese! lol. And yes it is Linh but if you forget sometimes maybe Linny is easier? xD and yes... I loved her face when he tried to listen to Rising Sun and it becam brand new 8D;; And HUG into Perfect Man hehehe

so that im not spamming, what awards did shinhwa win at the mmkf thingy? (12 yrs of schooling, i now graduate and my english sounds like this??? what the?)

and what award did they not win?

Shinhwa won the Yepp award and the Oversea Fan awards...

and they didn't win Best album(SG Wannabe won but I thought.. oh man DBSK is going to win this but then it was SG WANNABE!) & Best artist(dsjdsaad best artist was theirs D:) & Best Group

fortuneteller- Hi~! wow another vietnamese? From vietnam?! Welcome! Welcome! I'm Linh Nice to meet you! ^^

LIIIINHHHHHHH. I missed you. O__O I was like, "where's Linh? =(" Congrats on getting into Princeton. =D NJ, right? That's... a couple states away from me! LOL. I'm sooo in Eric mode right now too. Actually, I'm in Eric mode ALL the time. I was eating spam yesturrday, and I couldn't stop smiling cuz I kept thinking of Eric's spam cf~ >w<;; Thanks for the GIF's! I completely forgot about the fact that I downloaded that too! XD;; I'm off to watch it after I finish replying. And OH MY DAMN, those Eric pictures are ________. (there are no words to describe how gorgeous he is ^^ )

RIIZZZZZZZZZZ I missed you too my Eric-share-er Why Linh is here now xD

Thank you! i really wanted to go to that school and now I get into it! djkdsa YAY~! I think ther's not one moment when i see orange that I don't think of Shinhwa then I go dadkj ERIC! :w00t: ahah now I can't look at spam the same way either xD You're welcome! I love how dorky Eric was in that! Those Eric picture make me go gaga *Q*

Ok, random mention of the day.

When I came here I visited my Cousins HS and so I had to wait for her and her friends. So I hear one of them talk (she's 16) about going to California and I butted in telling her it was a nice place. Soon she told me where she wanted to visit ex. Japan. and I asked her oh do you like Jpop or Jrock? Turns out she spazzes and then soon I ask her oh yeah! Do you like Kpop? soon we started talking about MKMF and stuff and she doesn't like DBSK... hehe but then she likes Se7en and Bi soon being the freak I am I go. Oh Yeah did you see Shinhwa win in MKMF? and she goes OMG! I love Shinhwa! That made me go :lol: Turns out Shinhwa got her into Kpop (YESSSSSS!!!) and it turns out she adores Dongwan and Andy 8D;; and she likes RicSyung! also she watched super rookie! and loved it! And lol I think she nearly fell when I talked about how Dongwan was going into the Army and she says "Omg no! I love that guy! He's like so cute! and Adorable! UGH I'll go to korea and Kidnap him if I have to!" anyways I was really shocked just finding a random Shinhwa fan XD and she's like my new best friend 8D;;

Since Linh hates spamming... PICTURES! (hope these weren't posted)

+tvN MAD - Junjin Self-taken + with Bada

%7Boption%7Dhttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/5558/1164214925j1om7.jpg' alt='1164214925j1om7.jpg'>

This is


how you


take a


Myspace Picture :lol:





+061126 Junjin on SBS Love FM




He looks like an angel in the last pic x]

ahh you guys are so lucky! It's just frezzing cold here! but be careful! ^^

and DV lawl you know almost everything in vietnam is bootleg xD I went there and Saw a bootleg Se7en Cd haha. But I don't know about Shinhwa yet so Lan can you fill me in too? lets see how to say this I dont like typing in viet but I can read it and understand? haha and DV youre last bit in viet cracked me up xD

edit-- sorry for my long post 8D;;

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Guest paigehk

o ben Vietnam, shinhwa co noi tieng khong? co san pham cua Shinhwa khong? hay la chi co do lau (pirated) thoi? Lan bao nhieu tuoi? im assuming ur younger? Anh 18 tuoi nhung tieng viet cua anh khong kha lam!

ok, sorry for spamming!!!

i ordered the seoul concert dvd!!!!!!!!! so excited! who has it already??? is it good?

yay... :w00t: vietnamese!! I'm vietnamese too.

As I know, people in Vietnam like to download more than to buy stuff. Hahaha, they often go to yeuamnhac.com and download most of the songs there. They have Shinhwa thread there too, but i don't see it's very active.

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Guest angel2nyt

Andy Becomes Ambassador for High Blood Pressure Week


Shinhwa member Andy has been chosen as ambassador for the '6th Annual High Blood Pressure Week’, which is sponsored by Korea’s High Blood Pressure Academic Society, changing to become a guardian for national health.

Andy at 2pm on December the 1st will attend the commemoration ceremony held in Seoul and be given the ambassador's plaque.

To this, Andy expressed his thought by saying, “Being an ambassador for the High Blood Pressure Week and to raise awareness in high blood pressure treatment is something that requires a long period of time and not just one week, it also comes from maintaining and caring for your health. For this, I will do all that I can. Hope everyone can take care and support this."

Currently as SBS's MC for 'Inkigayo', Andy has also been attending variety shows like SBS's 'Good Sunday', obtaining a favourable response from viewers.

Credits: Mangoberrie@ShinHwaChangJo.net (eng translation), jojoyu7@shinhwachina (cn translation), joynews24.com (source).

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woah. andy's been very busy this past month. :D


haha i read dongwan's diary entry today.

poor dongwan, he wasn't invited to hyesung's party..lol xD


hi Lan!!!!!!! ur vietnamese? and from vietnam??? im vietnamese too! but from australia. i was born here.

o ben Vietnam, shinhwa co noi tieng khong? co san pham cua Shinhwa khong? hay la chi co do lau (pirated) thoi? Lan bao nhieu tuoi? im assuming ur younger? Anh 18 tuoi nhung tieng viet cua anh khong kha lam!

ok, sorry for spamming!!!

i ordered the seoul concert dvd!!!!!!!!! so excited! who has it already??? is it good?

haha you're saying your vietnamese is bad?...i think mine is worser xD

ahh your so lucky to have bought the seoul concert dvd T_______T

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this is so cool.. people from everywhere converging right here in soompi in the name of shinhwa! shinhwa loooooove!!! :P

i ordered the SOTA concert dvd as well!! i heard that even the spiels have english subs.. i can't wait to get my copy! whee!! *dances*

hihi, i was also able to watch the goldfish ep with minwoo farting.. it was pretty disgusting.. but the sight of his pretty richard simmons... oh la la... HOTTAH HOT! ^____^ Y

if anyone remembers how the mommy and baby bird came about, kindly enlighten us newbies :)

wannie's so cute in his diary entries... and his dog too! sweet potato!

btw, is it just me or do you sense that junjin and .. *oh man suddenly forgot her name.. it's the girl in the first pic under '061126 Junjin on SBS Love FM'... sorry for the sudden attack of amnesia* are really close? i must admit i felt a little jealousy pang when i saw their dangyunhaji bit in xman before... junjin was pretty mean to her... but it made it even more sweet knowing how he was comfortable enough with her to say those things.. hihi.. or am i just thinking too much?! :blush:

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Guest theLEGEND

jc_freakz- ah-haha doesn't this thread move fast? xD Well, at least we dont go at the rate of some other threads around here....

Seriously, I can't keep up with this thread, I've been a silent lurker for the past few pages.

I'm glad that there are lots of new member keep coming *waves* to all newbies :)

btw, is it just me or do you sense that junjin and .. *oh man suddenly forgot her name.. it's the girl in the first pic under '061126 Junjin on SBS Love FM'... sorry for the sudden attack of amnesia* are really close? i must admit i felt a little jealousy pang when i saw their dangyunhaji bit in xman before... junjin was pretty mean to her... but it made it even more sweet knowing how he was comfortable enough with her to say those things.. hihi.. or am i just thinking too much?! :blush:

That girl's name is Hwang Bo and yes, they are very close. She's one of JunJin's best friend I think and JunJin ever went out with Hwang Bo's friend, Jung Ryeo Won (Hwang Bo and Jung Ryeo Won were in the same singer group named Chakra) so.. yeah, they are just friends :)


xxtine_21: goguhma means sweet potato :)

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Hey, you post this and then run away????

Sorry didn't post much....rightn ow I'm really addicted to Korean dramas and so busy with downloading all the Junjin's...he's a busy boy! LOL! And busy at work...alot of people left so I end up with their work.... :crazy:

I love name of Dongwan's dog....goguhma!!! I would never of thought of naming any pet with that name! That is really original!

Oh, hi to all the newcomers. Welcome to the thread. I think DV mentioned earlier I'm oldest member (44 years old) here who is active. I think my oldest son is older than some of you? LOL! I think I read one of the new member is Korean? Where do you live? I'm also Korean and I live in LA.

Anyway, does anyone know if Andy is going to be in X-man this week too? He's been on 4 weeks and I'm going to miss him if he's not in it. Can't wait for Andy's Gold Fishery tonight!

wut does 'goguhma' mean?

if i were to have a dog

i'd name it


i remember, somebody who once posted in this thread, named their dog 'mingbong' HAHA

Whoaaa... O__O;; lots of post time. (:

LMAOOO. I definately laughed way too loud when I read that part about the wind. XDD;; LMAOOO. 2nd winds... maybe, it's cuz he's doing something for a 2nd time. U__U;; i unno. LOL. You're such a stalker. (: I can totally imagine like, reading an article on a Shinhwa forum about some girl tranquilizing Minbong's bodyguards and then tackling Minbong and handcuffing yourself to him... and then it would turn out to be you. XD;; I would be proud, I'd be like, "YEAHH, I KNOW THAT PSYCHO STALKER GIRL! 8D <3" hahaha ~~

Hi. (: Welcome, weclome! Yes, things are definately busy, but there's always time for Shinhwa in our schedules. >:] HAVE FUN IN HERE! It gets quite crazy. (; LOLOL.

I was just at other forums, and it reminded me about how the holidays are coming, because they started their secret santa activities... so I was wondering if you guys want to do a Secret Santa thing for Shinhwa thread go-ers... (; Make it have some kind of Shinhwa theme ~ If you guys like the idea, just say so. I'll organized everything and stuff, and those who want to help can help ^^ Good idea? or no? Just say so ~!

i make you laugh eh? XD *proud*

im not psycho... :fury: im kool .. :lol:

but, i wuld never do anythign to hurt my minbong, both emotionally and physically. id ont want to scare him T__T

i wuld probably faint and die before i get to hug him andrapehim ..:ph34r:

I'm new here too, I didn't introduce myself and I don't post a lot but i come into this thread 24/7.

I think i'm going crazy

Right now, most of the shirts I buy are ORANGE...i change my blog, myspace and everything into ORANGE...I even wear Orange socks...lol, i'm still looking for a cute Orange pair of shoes though...lol

*sorry if this goes far off topic...but i can't help being obsessed*

LOL i know what u mean. i boguth this shirt that's yellow but ihas orange writing on it

its ugly

but i thought

"this is the closest to wearing an orange raincoat T__T"


and it says 'love' in orange

so i call it


which song led to me calling it ORANGE CRUSH

which led to my username (on other forums) and the name for the forum ORANGE CRUSH (:

aahh, it's soo cold heree... i heard in BC it's even worse.. hello to lynda and xtine~!! i hope you guys don't freeze your bums off..

oh and also welcome to the newcomers.. another korean?? you might be able to help us with translations and stuff~!! actually, more of helping mommie alice and young [tvxqsarang] for the rest of us unfortunate people who don't understand korean..

i'm happy todayy~!! i've just gotten back a test in which i've got the highest score ever in my entire university life as far as i can remember.. i contemplated on buying a korean phrasebook to reward myself.. but i don't have that much money [since it's the end of the month] so i bought ice cream instead.. i might buy it for myself as a christmas present or put it in my secret santa list with my friends..

i read a few pages ago about minwoo's 2nd winds? that totally reminds me of his role in goldfish [cos i watched it a few days ago] when he revealed about farting thingies.. i told my friend about it and both of us laughed like maniacs..

since somebody mentioned secret santa, i think it's best to discuss it in orange crush [since we can spam over there =P] so for those of you who haven't joined, go


and register yourselves!! [see, i'm helping to advertise too!!]

aww you're thinkin about me and lynda being cold <3

yeah its freezing here, im wearing gloves as i type. LOL



snow reminds me of young gunz, cuz it looks wintery


and it also reminds me of crazy. cuz snow = ice

hockey needs ice ..

hockey = what dongwan adn junjin were playing in crazy.


blah im being lame again. shut up xtine.

and what farting thingies? he likes girls that fart?

if thats the case..


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Guest krazie4adream

okies just finished the YSMM ep.. took forever to DL..sorry i hate clubbox..haha but that's where the good stuff is soo gotta love it.....

Park Jung Ah's story is soo sad

and JunJin's story is devestating...alot of family issues with this stars...

like Jaejoong[sorry to mention DBSK] and his adoptive parents

Bi and his mom that passed away...

sigh~ okies..so read a few post back and saw the Se7en and SHinhwa pictures! CUTE! hehehe..i'm glad they're friends.......hehe..that ERIC picture was soo funny ...yes a loner....

oh and the birthday phone call between Sungiee and JunJin is soo cute...

"mummy bird" and "baby bird" CUTEE!!!!!

okies..imma go now..

P.S~ anyone know where i can DL soft subs for the HQ WONTAK ANGEL [i WILL BUY IT TOO!! but i need to wait til it comes out at J-town first, so pleases and thank yous...i watched it twice without subs already, and it still made me cry..and i LOVED IT!! <--sad how it got underrated! hmph~]


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Guest fortuneteller

hi Lan!!!!!!! ur vietnamese? and from vietnam??? im vietnamese too! but from australia. i was born here.

o ben Vietnam, shinhwa co noi tieng khong? co san pham cua Shinhwa khong? hay la chi co do lau (pirated) thoi? Lan bao nhieu tuoi? im assuming ur younger? Anh 18 tuoi nhung tieng viet cua anh khong kha lam!

ok, sorry for spamming!!!

i ordered the seoul concert dvd!!!!!!!!! so excited! who has it already??? is it good?

Sorry baby, chị 21 tuoi roi ^_^ but u can call me friend if u wanna. In Vietnam, Shinhwa is not very popular. Everyone knows them but there're not many real fans. The teens now like DBSK or Super Junior or Bi or Se7en or SS5501, not many fans of Shinhwa. I myself dont know why ???_???

yay... :w00t: vietnamese!! I'm vietnamese too.

As I know, people in Vietnam like to download more than to buy stuff. Hahaha, they often go to yeuamnhac.com and download most of the songs there. They have Shinhwa thread there too, but i don't see it's very active.

yeah, cause it's really difficult to find and to buy stuff (i myself dunt know where to buy) and especially the price is really expensive (to students who mostly are fans) And another fact that the protection of copyright in VN is not very good.

Andy Becomes Ambassador for High Blood Pressure Week

Fighting Andy. He's super cute boy of SHinhwa

[HD]Gold.Fish.E21.KOR.061129 - Lee Ji Hoon , Andy , Ock Jo Hyun ....

Available at : http://clubbox.co.kr/mandyquyen

Do u have eng sub for it? I really wanna know what they say but i cannot understand Korean >__< There're many gameshow of Shinhwa that i just watch but understand nothing >__<

I've just find a funny version of TOP on youtube. The quality of the video is really bad >_< but it's really stupidie funny


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Guest mandy_quyen

^ ah , you can check Gold Fish thread ^^ they 're making sub for this show

wow , i didn't know there are so many vietnamese here , i'm vietnamese too ^___^

Andy have appeared in about 3,4 eps of Gold Fish ^__^

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wut does 'goguhma' mean?

if i were to have a dog

i'd name it


it means sweet potato


and what farting thingies? he likes girls that fart?

if thats the case..


minwoo was in the very first episode of golden fishery, and he played a co-worker of this one lady, and his habit was farting. its avaliable at youtube, and it's subbed too ^-^

haha it was so funny when he was singing his BUMP song for her and he farted so many times at the end x|

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