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Guest lenakeem

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No it wouldn't be weird. You are only 3 years older than my son.

I'm going to go check out Rosewar with Minwoo right now.

Thank you for the info. Downloading in CB is such a pain in the butt! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

EDIT: Okay, I'm back. Someone told me this before and as usual, I forgot because I didn't write it down. Does anyone know where I can get all the Rosewar clips with Minwoo in it?

Thank you


I see 'quick edit' is back on ^^

"Mommie Alice". It wouldn't be weird for me to call you that would it? I'm 21. Wasn't sure. ^^

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Guest loving_D

yeah i hope no one gets offended that some of us called eric arrogant. to make you guys feel better, theres no shinhwa without eric. :lol:

finally! page 600! even though we're not anywhere close to where suju and dbsg's pages are, im glad we don't just spam and we actually make our posts thoughtful!

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Guest katelin_kim

now, we have 600 pages for 6 shinhwa boys, if we work our best, we will multiply it by 2 to get 1200 pages, hìhihi, we can make it^_^. JK

happy page 600

Eric luks so cute when sleeping , OMG

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

replies replies replies!!!!!

page 596:

poloblue, yep! a wannieful day indeed. i was like, all over him that day haha ^^

jc_freakz, it's nothing... i compliment bcause that person deserves the compliment :P and thanks for commenting on my works... have you seen my first eevr battle her ein soompi at the artworks forums? it's thread title is "Pour your hearts out" and the thread starter is polobola ^^

dotty, i actually like jinnie's raspy voice ^^ sounds like tei. haha. but i like it when his voice doe taht break-thingy in the high notes. it seems so... natural? haha. oh well, maybe it's just my observation.

cpopbaby19, lols. i love your mom! i wish my mom will love eric too. wish wish wish ^^ :P i haven't fully converted my friends. they're just crazu over wannie cause they all say he's uber handsome. why? i have no idea. but i agree with them. haha. ^^


qaxlod, thanks for the shinhwa pics ^^ the second one is so wrong! it was minsyung and ricwan! they should change partners to make it woodong and ricsyung!!!! hehe :P

mommie alice, yeah, i agree with you. shinhwa fans are mature and are quite responsible. they don't act shildish and all gaga over their idols. we shinhwa fans... knows better than to spam. haha! plus i get angry too when i hear people say that sungie looks like a girl. for pete's sake! hyesung is handsome!!!! not beautiful!!!

qaxlod, hehe. thanks for the pics again! the first hamataro ones were uber cute!


TW1NKLE, wa! you and your friend are so lucky! eric? hehe.. many says that when you see eric, you'll feel like you're in a drama or something. like everything he does is drama like and all that ah. i want to see them in person so badly!

loving_D, lols. i agree with you. minwoo's dancing is perfect. his body just flows with the music. as in flows with it. it's really great how he matches his moves with the music and not do some moves taht he's memorized or already know and match it to the music. ah. minwoo's just a perfect dancer.


crystalis, ah! protecting the eric! ^^ i agree with you here. later i will write another ranking. well, not a ranking but just views :P

amane86, hehe!!!! hear ye! hear ye! eric! most handsome? and my mom says he's ugly! take that mom! bwahahaha!!!!

p00hpal, thanks for the links! do you guys have more? haha!

mommie alice, i think taht Junjin is a stage name, like eric and not eric mun or andy and not andy lee. park choong jae is his real name but when he's junjin, it's just plain junjin

yes, studying is more important. that is why i haven't been on much and missed 5 pages? i think tat when i am here in the shinhwa thread, i spend too much time and i can't do anythng, must concentrate on studies to graduate early and go to korea and stalk shinhwa! hehe :P

crystalis, wa1 se7en? really? now i think i love se7en! well, apart from shinhwa, se7en is actually a fave of mine. his second cd was wow. all the songs are wonderful and are really great and easy to listen to... and i love artists who sing live, i think that real talent is seen when one sings live. and not when one dances perfectly and lipsynch. ^^

yeah, i really fell in love with shinhwa when i heard your man perf in mnet comeback. i fell depper in love with them then. why? it was so great. so much beter than thye cd version! it was live for pete's sake!!!!

miss':bella, wa! wannie and his earrings. i really don't like guys with earrings but wannie's an exemption ^^ i always make expemtions for wannie! hehe. those dimples! those cheekbones! wa! so perfect.

qaxlod, doodles!!!! hehe :P i love it... thanks for sharing!


xmkaex, lol, i am the one who said that! hehe. because i had a wannieful day :P meaning my day was full of wannie stuff. :P

mommie alice, i noticed that too! he wrote your name! haha... thanks for the trans ^^

nutzie, thanks for that link!!!! waa!!! so cute! shinhwa!

..kaleena.., welcome!!!! more shinhwa love!!!

now on to what everybody is saying in regards to their rankings...


junjin's a really tall, hot and handsome guy. and he really is fun and nice. he must be! sungie likes him so much!

junjin's dancing is awkard at times. don't kill me junjin fans. it's like he's doing these random moves and trying to relate it to the music. but his dance in germany was way too great! i loved that!

junjin's singings is actually good. i love his raspy voice. haha. am i the only one who finds it hot? well, i can totally distinguish junjin's voice from wannie's from the start. maybe it is becaus ei can distinguish wannie's voice so i know when it is not him?

well, le tus give our jinnie our support... okay?


i agree with, most. eric seems to act cool in front of the camera, cause he's the oldest and he's the leader. but offcam, i've read, he's the silliest. even when it is just cams following them around, like some random instances, eric acts really silly and he seems to be the group's baby... biting andy's leg hugging andy and saying "saranghae" cutely :P

i don't think he's arrogant. this is actually the media's fault. they make eric into this really big star where he is really cool and flashy and totally unreachable. he's the angsty guy in firebird. he's the really grear guy in super rookie... he's shinhw'a leader, he's the man of everybody's dream... what we then make out of him is that... we see him as an arrogant fellow cause that is what people with the same image as him are like, arrogant.

but really, eric is just too adorable to be arrogant... :P

fine. maybe at times he is but don't we all have our own times of being arrogant too? come on! admit it! :P


ah! what is there to write about the vocalist? i just love his voice. it is very unique. you can totally distingusih it form the other's voices. not only from shinhwa but in the whole kpop industry. he has this voice that is really recognisable. so smooth. and so sweet. and so heavenly.



cute boy andy. he really is cute ^^ as in super cute. plus he loves all his hyungs. and his rapping is really cute too. plus his humor! ah! it may seem corny and old but i love him for that! he makes me smile everytime i see him. he's just too adorable. there was a time not long ago that he came in second after wannie... but... minwoo is just too much.


ah. the hot boy.

if i am to describe minwoo in three words, thye would be:




three words says it all. kidding. but seriosuly, he really is those three. and more!

i love how he always out shinhwa first, how he always mentions shinhwa changjo, how he always says that shinhwa is forever and will never breakup... i love his love for shinhwa.

i love how he is a great composer, how he arranges music, how he writes lyrics, how he dances, how his body just glides with the music, how the music seems to follow his moves and not the other way around, i love how his voice ha sthis beat to it that even when singing ballads it makes me wanna dance, i love his acting and how he makes me smile... i love how is a great all around entertainer!

i love his face, his jawline is perfect, i love his little squinty eyes, his pout lips, his perfect abs, his back side which is sexy.. ah! that body is to die for... i love how he flaunts it and doesn't care about the world... i love how he said that when he does it, he thinks of how the many others out there will be inspired to work out by him... i love his perfect little minu body ^^

i love how he dedicates himself to his work. he puts so much effort in it. he totally makes sure that everything is right, taht what he wants is here, is there, is over there an beyond. he knows the future and he knows this is how it will happen. i love how he is really dominating.

i love his personality. his smile. his everything.

and i really hate shin ae for making him cry... and making him hurt so much. but maybe it really is for the better because she doesn't deserve that love that minwoo gave her.

i think that his request taht the woman he will love loves him ore than he loves her is impossible. becaus ethe way i see it, the way he loves someone is really deep, that when he loves soemone, he puts his all into her, so finding a girl that can exceed that will be quite difficult.

*though i think i can do that. hehe*

plus i think this badboy image fits him well... ^^ it really isn't true though. :P it's just an image. just like with what i said about eric. it is the impression that the media put son the people so it is what we think he really is when really, it is just how he should act that he is portraying to the public. :P


this guy. ah. everybody loves him. i don't know but everybody who sees my pics of shinhwa picks him. all of them says he's really handsome. wa.

well, i don't blame them.

wannie, for me, is a perfect guy. haha. i know. he ain't perfect. but i said it is FOR ME. as in my definition of perfect fits him. you see, everybody have different standards of perfection, this may be perfect fpr you but for her it may not be perfect enough, so same goes with my wannie, he is perfect for me, maybe not to you guys but for me, he is.

he can play the guitar, his smile. his cheekbones, his dimples, his acting, his antics, his jokes, his wit, his humour, his opinions, his random thoughts, his personality, his interaction with fans, how he put everyone first before himself, how he sacrifices things for the better... his powerful voice! how he has this tendency to be a perfectionist... how he is religious, how he tries his best not to smoke... ah.

all the imperfections he has, being loud... and all that crap, makes him perfect all the more. all his cons adds up to his pros. FOR ME.

all his mistakes, all his misfortunes... makes him even more perfect.

so i think that whatever he does, says... i can accept it.

say he's gay, like i care.

what i have been up to lately

we will be having our long exam on math this afternoon

yes, and what am i doing right now? i am here in the thread and not reading my notes. don't worry, i have no idea what our test will be about so why satudy? seriously our prof in math is nonexistent.

i have been watching some dbsk vids

i was really curious why everybody is so gaga over these five boys. i mean, i used to really hate them cause the fans of dbsk are always anti-ing shinhwa and stuff like that. but then i decided to be mature and listen to their songs. it won't hurt, right?

well, dbsk's specialty is ballads. they harmonize really good.

but when they sing fast song...

no thanks.

their dancing is really good too... but... it is only when they have it all practiced out. and not some random moves like minwoo's.

they ca sing good ballads live... really good. but when they sing fast tracks live,

again, no thanks. *watches perfs of your man, live*

they are actually funny and can be entertaining but they aren't that waaa!!!! like shinhwa. there are awkward gaps between some statements and well... they'll grow up.

what i just find really entertaining is the JAEHO and the YOOSU! haha... these two couples are just way too obvious. :P

plus i find hero's new hair... anime like. haha. which is cute.

i heart shinhwa

i know. totally random. i just wanted to say that cause shinhwa is... just too perfect for me not to be said i love you :P

well, it is birthday today. october 13. haha

yep, you read taht right, labingtatlo's celebrating her 17th birthday today. well, nothing much.. just wanted to share with you guys... and it is friday! wa! friday the 13th? haha. i feel so weird.



EDIT: Okay, I'm back. Someone told me this before and as usual, I forgot because I didn't write it down. Does anyone know where I can get all the Rosewar clips with Minwoo in it?

Thank you

crystalis ^^

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waa~ happy birthday krizza [although it's still 12th here, 1/2 hour to friday the 13th] i don't think you're gonna spend your day here.. go out celebrate!! hahaha.. and yes, i agree with lots of your stuff..

hmm, actually i didn't say i hate dbsk without "trying" them out first.. i watched all their banjun dramas, which were interesting [i wonder what would happen if shinhwa makes banjun dramas with all the members in it =P] but they don't make me feel like i should get to know them better or listen to their songs.. and there was nothing that made me feel drawn into them, personality-wise and look-wise.. so i don't get why a lot of people go crazy over them.. and as i've said before, the more people go crazy over them, the more my hatred grows.. maybe it's just the way i am [yes, i'm weird, thank you very much.. dv even said i was the weirdest -_-"]

at least in suju full house, they show you personalities of the members [at least the ones who were in it] and when you watch shinhwa videos, you always get a dose of their personalities too.. the way they interact with each other is oh so cuteee!! when they're together, you don't see the "brands" that the company or the public stamped on them [ie. eric's arrogance or minwoo's flirtiness, although andy's still the baby ^^] and that's what i love so much from shinhwa ^^

please don't mind grammatical errors, i just woke up awhile ago ^^"

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Guest vietgirl604

Yah, i don't know if they are all nice, but i've met andy, minwoo, and hyesung and they were awesome. they were so COOL! haha hyesung was so shy~~~~

my friend stalked eric at his hotel and he kind of got mad at her because she would always be waiting for him at the lobby. But finally, on the last day, she broked down cuz he walked right past her again. but then, he didn't leave. he came back, patted her head, acknowledged her, took pictures, and said thank you. i think she was speechless for about a week. now she's a big big bigx1000 fan of eric. omg, you criticize him in front of her, that would be the last thing you say. haha i think he's great too :]

Aww, he's such a sweetie. I would be ticked off if I was STALKED too..but then of course, he's nice to her in the end.


Korean Most goodlooking guy.

No.1 goes to Shinhwa member Eric Mun Jung Hyuk.

Shinhwa is a legandary group and leader Eric Mun creates good record in the entertainment industry. He didnt owns a pair of small eyes like other artist do but a pair of big beautiful eyes and thick eye brows with a profound faceture. This had made him succesful as the top vote for 'The Most Beautiful Man'.

Credits to:

Source : 搜狐娛樂

Article written: 王永娟

English Trans: amane@mySHINHWA

Yes, to me, he IS the most good looking guy ..he's BEAUTIFUL.

Hey, 600th page should be mine with all the contributions I did last 2 days! LOL! Just kidding!

WAIT! Just noticed he wrote my name! ALICE! LOL! Is he dreaming about me???? LOL!

So cute what he wrote. I can't read everything but he wrote:

"Yul-gong" meaning "Yeul-shim-he gong-bu ha ja" (learned this from Andy's recent Gruerilla signing! LL!) - Study hard!

"Gong-bu ga jae-il shi-wut-suh-yo" - Studying is the easiest.

"Chae-Gang e-la-gyo" - I'm chaegang!

Yes, Eric does look cute sleeping.....did he actuall draw the cartoon and is it his writing?

"Mommie" Alice

Thanks for the translation and yeah, he wrote your name hahahas.


About the Eric, JunJin, MinWoo being arrogant thing, I disagree. I won't get into details cause then..yeah. But yups, they're all so great. Here's MY ranking.

LEE MINWOO - Love of my life.

ERIC MUN - My dream guy.

Then the rest of them. Won't name them, because the order will be like the order I like them or something, haha.

But this thread is NUTS! Took me two days to catch up..taking up like A LOT of my homework time. Time to do homework..going to be up late again. And Mommie Alice, yes, I'm totally at school when you're posting..but it's good to see you posting again.


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Guest chopsticksandspoon

waa~ happy birthday krizza [although it's still 12th here, 1/2 hour to friday the 13th] i don't think you're gonna spend your day here.. go out celebrate!! hahaha.. and yes, i agree with lots of your stuff..

hmm, actually i didn't say i hate dbsk without "trying" them out first.. i watched all their banjun dramas, which were interesting [i wonder what would happen if shinhwa makes banjun dramas with all the members in it =P] but they don't make me feel like i should get to know them better or listen to their songs.. and there was nothing that made me feel drawn into them, personality-wise and look-wise.. so i don't get why a lot of people go crazy over them.. and as i've said before, the more people go crazy over them, the more my hatred grows.. maybe it's just the way i am [yes, i'm weird, thank you very much.. dv even said i was the weirdest -_-"]

at least in suju full house, they show you personalities of the members [at least the ones who were in it] and when you watch shinhwa videos, you always get a dose of their personalities too.. the way they interact with each other is oh so cuteee!! when they're together, you don't see the "brands" that the company or the public stamped on them [ie. eric's arrogance or minwoo's flirtiness, although andy's still the baby ^^] and that's what i love so much from shinhwa ^^

please don't mind grammatical errors, i just woke up awhile ago ^^"

thanks!!! for the birthday greeting. but i'd rather be here with shinhwa than with the world. haha.

well, i agree with you on the dbsk stuff. i can't really feel them.. i mean, well, it's really hard to explain.. how everybody loves them and here i am, forcing myself to watch their vids and clips, appreciating now and then but STILL NOT GETTING HOOKED! i watche dlike a hundred clips of them yesterday and i was like, oh well, time to watch some shinhwa clips. hehe :P

mommie alice: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=crystalis

it's in youtube, maybe crystalis can upload them for you. :P

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Guest satisfaction!

Whoaaa, 600 already?

All rightttt :w00t:

@labingtatlo: Omg, I used to be the same as you! I didnt like DBSK cuz of the anti-Shinhwa fans, etc -_____-; But I actually find DBSk cool along with Suju ;D Yeah, their ballads/acapellas are definitely worth listening to.. their fast songs are okay....jst not live T_T; Hmm.. ahahaha this is jst a random blog before I do stupid hw T_____T; I feel like making shinhwa graphics.... mmm.... oh yeah, and I signed up for ProjectOrange [artist sign up section]! Add me to the list please :D.


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Guest poloblue


from your Shinhwa Brother, poloblue.

someone from here added me on msn but i have no idea who. their email is lilzjoa@hotmail.com and their nickname on msn is 'once in a lifetime/fly to the stars' so i instantly knew that it was a shinhwa sister.

anyone else have msn? add me! ur one and only shinhwa brother, dvbui88@hotmail.com

i will be back later, baking fruit flans now(custard tarts with fruit on top)!

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Aren't you suppose to be studying???? <_< Shame on you! LOL! Couldn't help but to peek in??? LOL!

Much as I love to be young again, I don't envy you guys when it comes to studying! LOL!

Anyway, just did little glimpse of this week episodes of KSA and it looks good. It look like Eric had to alot of excersise to film this week's episode!


from your Shinhwa Brother, poloblue.

someone from here added me on msn but i have no idea who. their email is lilzjoa@hotmail.com and their nickname on msn is 'once in a lifetime/fly to the stars' so i instantly knew that it was a shinhwa sister.

anyone else have msn? add me! ur one and only shinhwa brother, dvbui88@hotmail.com

i will be bakc to edit later, baking fruit flans now(custard tarts with fruit on top)!

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Okay, I found the CB but now I see there's Part I, Part II, Part III, Last Story and each had alot of episodes. Was Minwoo in all of the parts? I only want to download Minwoo's part. Does anyone know exactly which ones?

Thank you.

EDIT: Okay, I'm back. Someone told me this before and as usual, I forgot because I didn't write it down. Does anyone know where I can get all the Rosewar clips with Minwoo in it?

Thank you

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Guest chopsticksandspoon


Why I found that sentence familiar ^_^

hehe.. cause of THE CHOICE? lols... fine i copy right choi for that line... :P hehe ^^

Whoaaa, 600 already?

All rightttt :w00t:

@labingtatlo: Omg, I used to be the same as you! I didnt like DBSK cuz of the anti-Shinhwa fans, etc -_____-; But I actually find DBSk cool along with Suju ;D Yeah, their ballads/acapellas are definitely worth listening to.. their fast songs are okay....jst not live T_T; Hmm.. ahahaha this is jst a random blog before I do stupid hw T_____T; I feel like making shinhwa graphics.... mmm.... oh yeah, and I signed up for ProjectOrange [artist sign up section]! Add me to the list please :D.


ah jess jess jess!!!!! i remember you! you made that effing great poster for death did not do us apart!!! wa! now i feel guilty i haven't updated it for the nth years! wa.

you signed up for project orange??????


waa!!!! i'll add you later after our long exam! hehe. i am so happy.... :P

yeah, dbsk and suju are kay-okay. just not in the same level as shinhwa. ^^ hehe


from your Shinhwa Brother, poloblue.

someone from here added me on msn but i have no idea who. their email is lilzjoa@hotmail.com and their nickname on msn is 'once in a lifetime/fly to the stars' so i instantly knew that it was a shinhwa sister.

anyone else have msn? add me! ur one and only shinhwa brother, dvbui88@hotmail.com

i will be bakc to edit later, baking fruit flans now(custard tarts with fruit on top)!

yah!!!!! hehe. study you! *reads book with a picture of wannie on the other page* :P

baking me some fruit tarts? hehe. i know.. don't send them over... hehe. joke joke.


since wannie and sungie will be celbrating their bday soon.. i'm going to contact everyone registered on the project orange forum for a major wansyung treat here on soompi. hahahaahhahahah!!!!!!

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Guest theLEGEND

Woohoooo~ Happy 600 guys!! SHINHWA CHANGJO~~

and happy birthday to labingtatlo ^^

jc_freakz, it's nothing... i compliment bcause that person deserves the compliment :P and thanks for commenting on my works... have you seen my first eevr battle her ein soompi at the artworks forums? it's thread title is "Pour your hearts out" and the thread starter is polobola ^^

Okay, I shall check that one out! ^^

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andy taller than dongwan?!? wow, i think that dongwan is much taller than andy..

minwoo is really short.. good thing andy's much taller than him.. :D

ai..believe me andy is taller than wannie! He was i think 1-1 and half inch taller than wannie. Eventhough he was just wearing his sleepers when i saw him he is definitely talle than his dongwan hyung!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

ai..believe me andy is taller than wannie! He was i think 1-1 and half inch taller than wannie. Eventhough he was just wearing his sleepers when i saw him he is definitely talle than his dongwan hyung!

yeah, agree with that. andy really is taller than wannie ^^

Woohoooo~ Happy 600 guys!! SHINHWA CHANGJO~~

and happy birthday to labingtatlo ^^

Okay, I shall check that one out! ^^

thanks!!!! and i'd be really glad if you'd really check it out :P


i just finished my 3rd departmental exam in math and i am so sure that i'll fail it. argh. now i wouldn't be able to be exempted in the finals! dang!

oh well.

i'll just study hard for the finlas. right right???

now i gotta listen to shinhwa... to make me happy!!!!!

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Okay, I found the CB but now I see there's Part I, Part II, Part III, Last Story and each had alot of episodes. Was Minwoo in all of the parts? I only want to download Minwoo's part. Does anyone know exactly which ones?

Thank you.


Episodes 13-19 and Last story parts 1-5.

Hmmm....I'll be uploading for chibimarukochan as well...

As long as you don't mind pretty low quality (except for episode 14 ^^), I'll be posting the links soon...

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