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Guest lenakeem

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oh rankings!! here's mine:


the first time i saw him was in young gunz mv... i was like WOW, he is really cute!! and after that, i just wanted to find out everything about him. i totally love this guy. he's funny and outgoing. goodlooking. caring. i know i would never get bored with him. and he likes to clean!! hahahaha... he's such a dork and i totally love that about him. and he has a GREAT voice and his dimples are too irressistable. >_<


he was the first shinhwa member i remembered(from Yo mv). its a love/hate thing with him. when i see him on gameshows, i get annoyed by him cause he craves the attention... very arrogant but omg, when he's around the shinhwa members, he can be such a dork and so cute. and i just can't seem to resist him when he performs on stage. its just totally amazing. no one can beat his dance moves and stage charisma.


he's just wayyyyy too cute. i LOVE his heart dance and his smile. and when he's dressed all hiphop, omg *melts*. and he's a pretty good competitor. if u notice on the first season of loveletter, he won alot of the games. he's like an underdog that no one expects to win. and also, i just totally love him cause he's so shy and he's like the little brother i wanna protect. ^^


he has the most lovely voice. altho i love dongwan's voice cause its so strong, hyesung's voice is very angelic. i like listening to him sing. and he can be so dorky sometimes. i love how he plays around with junjin.


i love his power dances!! and he's always good at the competitions. he's always so athletic. what irks me about him is that sometimes it seems he's too straighforward with the ladies. and (only in my opinion), he doesn't have as much charisma as the other members.


he was actually the first shinhwa member i liked. i thought minwoo was cute but when i saw him in Yo, i was like wow, what a hottie(altho my reaction to dongwan was 10x crazier.. hahaha). i like how he plays around alot with the other members(especially andy!!) but yea, i dun like how he's so quiet in front of the cameras. and i'm just NOT attracted to him at all so he's last. :P

as for the dbsk and suju stuff... i LOVE LOVE dbsk... they're almost even with shinhwa for me... altho shinhwa is a little higher... i think this is because when i go to forums, the dbsk fans aren't as welcoming to newbies... in all the shinhwa forums i am in, everyone is great. and they're so supportive of shinhwa and ALL their accomplishments AND faults. we won't go crazy if one of them has a girlfriend or if another celebrity goes too far with them... i think dbsk fans are tooo intense... also, i love shinhwa more because i've noticed in gameshows, they're always so fun. they kid around with the other players alot, cause they're close to all of them.. but for dbsk, they're too serious... they just play the game and have fun but it seems they aren't close to the other players and dun have fun with them... remember, this is all my opnion so i hope dbsk fans dun come in here and bash me cuase i love dbsk too!! lol. and i recently got into suju. i really hated the 13 member idea so i told myself not to like them but i watched their full house and i totally fell in love. i love shiwon and han kyung. they're so sweet. but yea... even tho heechul is the most popular... he's so annoying... i dun like him at all... >_<

wow, long post. i wonder if anyone will read it all... hahaha

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^ See see see unnie… u placed hyesung on 4th position again, liar!!!!

Will add my ranking later when I am at home.

I seen them all in persons too except Eric cos of his different timing… being to airport welcoming and sending them off. They might look arrogant but they dun for sure.

And they looks extremely good looking and I think my eyes are planted on Hyesung most of the time follows by Dongwan!~ ^^

I think they look sort of fierce or arrogant sometimes only if we fans invade too much of their privacy in which we shldnt be doing so… but characteristics wise I dun think so…. jus speaking my 2cents worth.

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^hahahahhaha... ok ok, andy and hyesung tied at 3rd... how is that? :P

i agree. shinhwa looks HOT in person!! well, even hotter anyway... and i think the only ones that dun look arrogant is dongwan and andy... and sometimes hyesung... but we all know that they're not arrogant right?? well.... most of the time anyway... hahaha.. and yea, sometimes i feel bad for them because fans are stalking them like crazy... especially when they want to be alone or just have fun and relax... >_<

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Yah, i don't know if they are all nice, but i've met andy, minwoo, and hyesung and they were awesome. they were so COOL! haha hyesung was so shy~~~~

my friend stalked eric at his hotel and he kind of got mad at her because she would always be waiting for him at the lobby. But finally, on the last day, she broked down cuz he walked right past her again. but then, he didn't leave. he came back, patted her head, acknowledged her, took pictures, and said thank you. i think she was speechless for about a week. now she's a big big bigx1000 fan of eric. omg, you criticize him in front of her, that would be the last thing you say. haha i think he's great too :]

lol...she so lucky to be patted on the head by eric xD

and you got to meet minwoo?!?! T__________T so lucky..

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^hahahahhaha... ok ok, andy and hyesung tied at 3rd... how is that? :P

i agree. shinhwa looks HOT in person!! well, even hotter anyway... and i think the only ones that dun look arrogant is dongwan and andy... and sometimes hyesung... but we all know that they're not arrogant right?? well.... most of the time anyway... hahaha.. and yea, sometimes i feel bad for them because fans are stalking them like crazy... especially when they want to be alone or just have fun and relax... >_<

>”< u dun mean it!~

And imagine we nearly become one too haha… ^^ but I am really content to be able to see them in persons. ^^

And I managed to see him real near when I send them off… WANSYUNG hahaa…

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>”< u dun mean it!~

And imagine we nearly become one too haha… ^^ but I am really content to be able to see them in persons. ^^

And I managed to see him real near when I send them off… WANSYUNG hahaa…

of course i mean it!! :P

WANSYUNG!! WANSYUNG!! hehe :wub:

but i gotta say, woodong, ricdy, minjin and jinsyung are too irresistable... *hides*

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Shinhwa will be making a Winter Story album this year?

i read a list of upcoming album from shinhwasarang and it said the shinhwa was gonna come out with a winter album. im not sure tho..but i hope they do :D

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of course i mean it!! :P

WANSYUNG!! WANSYUNG!! hehe :wub:

but i gotta say, woodong, ricdy, minjin and jinsyung are too irresistable... *hides*


i read a list of upcoming album from shinhwasarang and it said the shinhwa was gonna come out with a winter album. im not sure tho..but i hope they do :D

Heard that there will be a winter story 2006 releasing… *hope so*

p/s/Will be last entry for the moment need to concentrate with my work. T_T

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i read a list of upcoming album from shinhwasarang and it said the shinhwa was gonna come out with a winter album. im not sure tho..but i hope they do :D


Heard that there will be a winter story 2006 releasing… *hope so*

p/s/Will be last entry for the moment need to concentrate with my work. T_T

what??? really??? omg, i hope its true!!! i was so sad when they didn't have a winter story 05-06... i really really hope this is true. i would love to listen to more songs sung by shinhwa. ^___________^

krissie dongseng, hwaiting!!

me off to bed. ^^

staying up late to talk about shinhwa. wahts new eh? ^^

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nutzie You're welcome. I really like yoo ji min too ^^ She's so pretty and incredibly cute in person.

xxtine_21 Yes, do go search on youtube. Jinnie is very cute if nervous.

alikim Yes, a few of the SUJU members should be pretty good actors since they did debut that way before SUJU came about. Well...it'll never get to my head that SUJU is an actual group...I've always felt it was just a big cheap way to debut all of SM's trainees at once....can you imagining debuting 12 different ppl of similar age 12 different times. I really don't like the sudden reversion to color hair again by SM either. Hmmm....Han kyung...like him on LL but don't like him during his chinese radio interviews (plus not much of a fan of mainland accent). Si won...I thought he was so hot and handsome in 19vs 29! But I don't like his much adored smile...it's almost greasy? :blink:

Awww...you don't like Heechul? I think he's quite interesting and funny, especially in Bad family, and his one heroine 5 appearance with Minu wasn't too bad.

I've never thought Sungie was girly either...more like a delicate, princely kinda guy. *Young PRince!* :D

Sungie and Heechul...hmmm...showing my early jrock/jpop obsession much? hehe

1000Gok challenge, one of my most fav show with Shinhwa on it too! I've seen it too many times :sweatingbullets: I agree they really were on another level.

Agreed, Shinhwa wouldn't standn't stand out as a singing group without Hyesung...but they don't really stand out as a singing group with Sungie either. Sorry guys >< it's true. Shinhwa debuted as a dance group and through the first 5-6 years they've been pretty popular, but up until recently ,except among fans, Sungie's vocals weren't really acknowledged either by the general public. Sucha waste...there would have been so many more sungie solo albums by now....ahhhh....


I think I'll give my thoughts on the boys too...I already ranked but didn't say much on them since I didn't have time. ^^ Looks like it's going to be a REALLY long post haha...I'll try to squeeze all my feelings in here.

1. Minwoo

The thing is, I really like watching performances, and nobody performs quite like Minbong. It was Shinhwa's t.o.p. perf that got me into ShinHwa in the first place. The guy in the centre going down on his knees, singing like he had all the frustrations and pain in the world- well that was Minu for me ^^ Mushroom/bowl cuts were never really my thing...but dang he looked good like that. Then came his final fantasy Cloud get up in Yo!, unbuttoned shirt in only one, his jump in wild eyes, back flip in hey come on!, power in perfect man, foot work in wedding, MJ smoothness in Deep sorrow, his first & second album, shinhwa's 7th and 8th, and the rest is history. I love how he hisses "Shinhwa" during life perfs. Quite a few moves in ShinHwa dances are kinda like, "Hey, I think I can do that too!" And then I watch Minwoo do it (you know, the smallest hand movements or the twist of the neck he makes), and I think, "I can NEVER do that." haha... That's the feeling he gives me most of the time. H.O.T. had their choreography, Woohyukie had his skeeter rabbit, Blackbeat their pop-lock, and of course there's sechkies. But Minu painstakingly learned all that and more. It may sound a little arrogant coming from the mouth of a M fan, but I really think he has to be one of the major influences on the hallyru wave of kpop dancing. Look it the shaking in bump, battle etc....and then bump, bump, bump....like it how everyone is dancing now :sweatingbullets: He always stood out in someway for me. Minwoo has so much stage energy...even the rest of the SHinhwa boys disappoint me sometimes when it comes to this ( they can look so tired, powerless or bored sometimes :tears: ). The only other I can think of with the same energy is se7en. They've always got that smile ready and on :)

Seems like minu is heading down list because he is a flirt :sweatingbullets: Strangely I haven't really felt that way about him since the end of 5th. I suspect his 'flirt' title was pasted on in the old kpop world where they kind of pick a personality and assign it to a person. He's quiet down a lot since then. The way I understand it is that Minwoo is a performer...as long as he's performing he'll pass out some fan service. He's very serious about his work? So all that 'flirting' with the fans is just that a performance. I think the biggest proof of this would be the osaka fan meeting and the impressions they made on the interview crew. They said Minwoo is very quiet, serious about his work, always organizing and gentle, but as soon as he's on stage he puts on that smile for us ^^ For me, he's the third smallest flirt among the members.. after sungie (that cute boy) and eric (he's too weird to be a proper flirt). And if you watch his Rosewar episodes...other than his perfs and dancing...he's really pretty quiet around girls.

I also find it strange that people find that he craves attention. I think it's really that oh so handsome face of his and that sharp jawline that makes him kinda arrogant looking. But really, if you're a M fan like myself...you'll find that really is quite quiet on gameshows. And if it's not on for some kind of recent promo for something, there are only one or two rare times where he'll be really silly or come out and dance in an hour gameshow. LIke I said he's really serious about his work...technical almost. The only time he talks in interviews is acutally answering the questions about whatever he's promoting. You can kinda feel the other members kinda expecting him to answer everyting :sweatingbullets:

By the way, he has GOT the hawtest back. Really. And he's one of those strange people who actually looks really good in sunlight :blink:

There are lots of k-pop stars out there that try to act it...but I think Minwoo is naturally and genuinely a pretty cool guy.

I think I wrote too much about Minu....haha...

The rest is in no particular order...


He really likes to slouch his back ^^; I love his voice very much...those who don't are crazy...and yesh there are crazy people out here on soompi...and people who think he has a very common voice are absolutely insane. (Ignore me if you found that sentence offending, butI don't care :P) However the recent deepening of his voice worries me....I never thought he'd have trouble hitthing that 'melody~' in Keep Holding U with Sunmin, but he did. The difference between Sungie and Kubuta hitting that note is overwhelming...but I guess it IS Kubuta... But everything else about Sunmin thanx Hyesung was beautiful. The deepness and resonance of his deep voice was like a canvas for Sunmin's vocals to paint on. I love how he practically breathes out the sounds at the end of each song. The concept in kpop seems to be that as long as you can belt out powerful sounds you're a good singer. I don't like that. That's why I love how Sungie can sound so powerful yet sound and look like he's singing oh so gently. I love Hyesung's laugh and the fact that he laughs really hard at everything. I love it when he's surprised and he goes, "Yeh?" He always sounds so incredious. I love how he writes lyric on his hand. I love how he holds his mic and gun the same way. Can't forget his Taekwondo skills. His are are seriously the best out there among the current kpop stars. I watch a lot of them demonstrating their 'skills' and I can't help but go 'pssst, yeah right' when I think back to sungie's kick during the eusha eusha days. And it's too cute that he's teased everywhere he goes. It was the same in Shinhwa and it was true during S. But goodness, looking like he did during 6th and S times, Sungie totally took my breath away. He's so shy and cute, it's easy to understand his major fanbase, and why there are so many new kpop boys who are nearly splitting conceptual images of him. Of course no one would be able to duplicate the maniless that Sungie gives off when he speaks. We know he's manly, right gals? And all those random silly things that Sungie does that hype up the rest of the SHinhwa boys. And how he really eats too much.

What I do hate is how the stylist splits his bangs during 8th jib T.T And how they never let him sing on gameshows...they alway make him dance. I wanna hear sungie baby sing!!!

Hyesung is one of those rare people who sound even better live.


He swims so well! His form compared to everyone else during xman...so hawt. He doesn't look like he's going to dive and end up FLOPPING~ into the waters like everyone else. He actually dives in. I think Andy is one of those really funny people who are really lame. Lame in a good way ^^ You know, those jokes that are really very stupid, but are just SOOOOO funny. I also think Andy is the cutest and bestlooking baby out there. He's one of those stars that other stars, the staff, the dancers, the codis, the managers and of the course the fans can't help but love. Being a permanent guest on several gameshows really says something about his personality, both off and on camera. Really, if Andy wasn't a part of ShinHwa, dances too well he would have the same prestige as KHD (congratz on his marriage!!!!!!!) and MC Yoo...he was there in xman when it all started and all those shows before. And I love Andy's speaking voice, my joy when he started MCing Inkigayo. His voice is a very light tenor and he says everything like there's something comical about it. He can also be drop dead sexy if he choses to be though it is rare.

And of course, my Superman!


Dongwan is opinionated? You can tell with his constant blogging :D Bloggers have to be opinionated...after all why blog at all if isn't because you want other people to know your thoughts? And it looks like he's a kindred jpop/jrock fan ^^ You can't help but adore because of the way he goes out of his way to let you know the other side of being a stary...in other words, ourselves. He lets us knows things from how he felt about eating ramen to all those dreams, goals and aspirations that....he's too lazy or too busy to actually accomplish XD. And of course, his voice ^^ Sungie's voice is beautiful, but Dongwan's is addicting. I love how he randomly cracks jokes, I love his Japanese, I love his vibrato when he performs a japanese song, I love how he messes up at least once in nearly every perf, I love how his kitchen looks like actually uses it and I love how his mom is friends with MC Mong's mummy. Though it does bother me how Dongwan is not good with foreign foods. And it's funny that, to this day, Dongwan still has the same stance when he does his solo. Do really need to mention how good he looks all the time? haha

And an end note...does anyone find that KKR from V.O.S. really resembles wannie?


Everybody plays with Jinnie ^^ Everybody. Period. He is competitive because he is GOOD enough to be a competitor. I don't really like non-competitive ppl anyways- not I'm gonna destroy that sucka kinda of competitve, but healthy competition. I think Jinnie's been a bit of a wandering soul up till recently. He's always been a bit too tall, a bit too good looking , a bit too good at dancing, a bit too athletic to enjoy the 'cute' image that Andy enjoys. Yet his personality is really not that different then Andy's. It was said by sungie on a My Favorites interview that at any party it's always Andy on stage as center of attention for 30 minutes followed by Jinnie. And once at minwoo's b-day party, Junjin danced so hard he was dehydrated and had to be sent home before the fun even started :sweatingbullets: He admits himself that he has mood swings and we can see on shows that he doesn't really try to hide it. I think it was cute when members said he turned weird when he finally shaved his dreadlocks. Out of all the members there is a steadiness to his voice when he's rapping. He's the only one able to dance very powerfully while rapping...not like doing light moves and singing...but really shake his body. I really love Junjin's waistline...like really love...like I wanna obsessively hug the screen when I see him in t-shirts and jeans ahaha... Silly bum also really likes the eusha eusha dance routine...he does it ALL the time...even during Brand new...haha...must be his specialty.

Though he's not the greatest singer, rapper or even the best dancer, Junjin really holds a special place in my heart. Sometimes I think if it isn't for Jinnie, SHinhwa wouldn't hold has well as it is ^^

I fojava script:emoticon(':)', 'smid_3')

:)rgot who said it...maybe it was Wannie... "Jinnie would be the one who works the hardest and is most concerned about the group's activities."


Eric is lucky and so are we that he met SHinhwa. There are people who say people are two-faced like it's a bad thing...like they're hiding something. I don't think that's true. Just because we act differently around different people doesn't mean we are fake. It just means different people bring out sides of our personality. That is Eric, and we are so lucky that he's met the bunch of men that brings out the best...or worse in him XD haha... Eric's like Hyesung, and laughs really hard at everything....well more than everything...he laughs at everything painful too :sweatingbullets: Everytime there's an interview I cross my fingers and hope that Eric says something. That smile of his... oh my. Also love his sexy and deep voice. He also does the best break freeze ever! I love how he sleeps everywhere...though it must quite inconvenient for everyone else in real life. I love how he makes Sungie laugh, Andy pout, Jinnie dance, Wannie giggle and Minu act strangely. He's a bit of a non-chalant sort of person, even to fans, but that's the way he his and I wouldn't have him any other way! His 'the birdy, the birdy,etc' rap in Yo! is something I'll never forget. I love how he asks after the other in a very casual way, and the others do the same for him. You can hear it in the background sometimes during interviews and specials. I love how he has stranger rivals like SJH and PMS, yet never be outdone by them in anyway. Having such top comedians as rivals is NO easy feat.

He's really a bum...dropping off wherever he is...but he's an adorable bum that I'd bring home anytime :)

Oooops this was a bit long wasn't it?

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Guest miss':bella

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'우린 하나이다'

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'영원히 신창이다 '

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Guest poloblue

when i hear their past albums, his vocal range is almost the same as dongwan's. i cldnt differentiate their voices unless i watch the mv to the song.

i do agree tt he was SERIOUSLY NEGLECTED as a vocalist in SM. in the 5-6th album, unless it's those hits songs, he's rapping on most of the other tracks.

now tt junjin is doing a solo album, let's wish for one from dongwan too!

that was the same with me. i used to get mixed up too! hm, junjin's voice is sure getting raspier and croakier. maybe he was neglected bcos dongwan, hyesung and minwoo's vocals were better and eric and andy's rapping was better.

I'm not sure if other members have the same shoot but all I know that Hye Sung done it alone :)

Anyway.. the title is 'Hey You'. I'm not sure whether that is the correct title but I'm very sure that it was sung by Shinhwa. Maybe I can upload it for you and PM you the link. Do you want me to do that for you? It's an upbeat song. I <3 it! Yeah.. I'll try to convert him so that you'll have a shinhwa brother ;)

yes please!!!!!! i want a shinhwa brother. Mommie Alice, convert your 18 year old son into a shinhwa fan so that i can have a shinhwa brother. i always wanted a brother my age or older brothers. if i can't have six older brothers (shinhwa) at least try to get me a shinhwa brother the same age as me!!!!!

Okay, girls and guy! Where are you guys? Am I the only one posting???? I'm getting so bored at lunch time, I'm reading SUJU and DBSQ's forums.

Talk to me?????

Did I tell you guys I have wall paper of Shinhwa and screen saver with all my favorite pictures of Shinhwa on my work computer? Of course my friends who are around ages 40-50 think I'm nuts! Maybe I am? I'm talking to no one here...... :blink: LOL!

I read that Shinhwa Winter will be released in November. Does anyone have more info on this?

Okay, back to other group's forum since no one is talking to me.... :tears:

"Mommie" Alice

EDIT: Back for a minute..LOL! DBSQ has 15+ people there and SUJU has 6+ people. Are Shinhwa fans only ones attending school? LOL! Don't mind me...just going crazy with boredom....just entertaining myself.... :wacko:

im a 18 year old GUY! think how nuts i look! all my friends say that im such a fangirl! lol! think about when im old, imagine a 30 year old man who is obsessed with shinhwa. thats me in the future. omg, im gonna look so weird!!!!! by the way, Mommie Alice, what is your job?????

hahaha.. mommie alice, i think it's dbsk [not bdsk] but anyway.. i like super junior too [they're my second fave group after shinhwa of course] even though dv says they're gay, but dbsk just never appeals to me for some reason.. the more i see them or the more people talk about them, it just makes me hate them more and more.. although i have to admit, the xman episode is funny, but i enjoyed shinhwa's more.. shinhwa manseh!! =]

ok, they are not gay, just girly! very girly infact. expecially heechul, he looks exactly like a girl. and DBSGay? theyre not as girly but i just think Shinhwa are much more normal and manlier!!!!! i want older brothers like shinhwa, not suju or DBS

Yah, i don't know if they are all nice, but i've met andy, minwoo, and hyesung and they were awesome. they were so COOL! haha hyesung was so shy~~~~

my friend stalked eric at his hotel and he kind of got mad at her because she would always be waiting for him at the lobby. But finally, on the last day, she broked down cuz he walked right past her again. but then, he didn't leave. he came back, patted her head, acknowledged her, took pictures, and said thank you. i think she was speechless for about a week. now she's a big big bigx1000 fan of eric. omg, you criticize him in front of her, that would be the last thing you say. haha i think he's great too :]

whoa u met them????? u are so lucky! i wish i met them! when i meet them i'll tell them about our 'shinhwa family' here on soompi!!!!!

i have exams in less than a month and so i won't be on here as much, gonna miss our shinhwa family. your one and only shinhwa brother (son for Mommie Alice), will be absent for a while. but i'll pop in now and then, when my parents are sleeping and won't catch me!!! hahaha

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haha this seems to be the trend, so i definitely have to make my own ranking too!

1. minwoo - i think this point has been discussed enough already, but i'd like to repeat it again. the charisma. the dancing. the way his eyes squint in that cute way when he smiles. i can go on and on about this talented guy. he not only writes his own songs, no one can perform them quite like he does. i think i've watched that one "girlfriend" performance dozens of times just because it was so powerful. :wub:

2. junjin - haha, junjin cracks me up. even though he has grown up tremendously since the beginning years of shinhwa, he still acts like a little boy some of the time. (which is what i love about him) his power dance is always great to watch, and his competitive streak whenever they're in anything athletic related is adorable. <3 oh, and my favorite couple is definitely minjin. i love seeing the two of them together, so cute!

3. dongwan - dongwan, in my opinion, might be the best looking guy in shinhwa. and he's so random all the time, with his journal entries and outbursts into song. dongwan is the true comedian of the group. and there's such warmth radiating from him - fans all say that dongwan is the most friendly, and i don't doubt that. i'm also starting to love woodong as a couple as well.

4. eric, hyesung, and andy - there's no way to put any shinhwa boy last. they're all just too great. i love most of all the bond between the six of them, how even when they're working, it feels as if they're just a bunch of guys, hanging out. eric with his charm, hyesung with his voice, and andy, of course, the baby of the group, is always so cute.

shinhwa sarang <3

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Guest cutiepad

my friend stalked eric at his hotel and he kind of got mad at her because she would always be waiting for him at the lobby. But finally, on the last day, she broked down cuz he walked right past her again. but then, he didn't leave. he came back, patted her head, acknowledged her, took pictures, and said thank you. i think she was speechless for about a week. now she's a big big bigx1000 fan of eric. omg, you criticize him in front of her, that would be the last thing you say. haha i think he's great too :]

i can understand why they(shinhwa) would get mad.. at least on the last day your friend's luck change for the better :)



since its the first post of this page.. i've decided to share what watching them perform live does to my insides.. it was during the singapore concert..

it was my first time in a korean concert.. and the feeling is so surreal.. i was actually experiencing what i thought to be impossible! i have to say the lighting effects were awesome and the snow foam and colorful night was just one of the best things in my life.

hyesung - when i first heard him sing live, my mind just went " NO KIDDIN, it is AWESOME" ... while watching their performances from my squarish computer screen and listening to their music , inside of me a part of me won't believe its true.. i would always have this funny and strange notion that they're not as good as they seem. but i still loved them... at the concert, i just couldn't help myself but Believe that hyesung's voice is really really really Fabulous!! and shinhwa was just GREAT and it was live!!

Eric& dongwan- I got to know of shinhwa from loveletter season 1. at that time, i didn't even know of any of their songs. eric was a charmer in these episodes.. but the poor guy was not able to be his usual self in the concert.. for me it was quite sad cuz i was expecting more from him.. i guess my expectations may have been too high? dongwan.. didn't see much of him so nothing changed...

Junjin and Minwoo- I saw mostly them in the concert and the feeling they give me is a very brotherly feeling.. i don't go crazy watching them.. both give off a absolutely delicious PowerUp dance. it was just so so nice watching them.. they're like the cheeky brothers to me.. .. previously(b4 concert) minwoo and junjin gave me the far away feeling.. like they're there but not there.. seems like the sincere factor wasn't there at times in enetertainment shows.. but i'm so glad there was the concert.. i just love to watch them and can feel that they(minjin plus other members) love the fans..

andy!!-- i must say.. Andy is Handsome real life.. so handsome.. he is really like a 'black hole' .. i was just instantly drawn to him when i first saw him on stage.. i found myself cheering for him more and more each time.. it just gives me a rush when i see him smile alittle.. then grin a bit more.. then get into play mode with the other members..

so that night.. i was Sundy-fied?.. could feel shinhwa shoot a showering array of love arrows to fans :D

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6 = Eric, i realise what you see on shows etc is different to what you see when Shinhwa are together back stage. I can proabably understand why so many girls gor for him. I think he's your typical mysterious, cool/bady boy etc. Again i don't really like that kind of person and again seems very arrogant, i like modesty and people who are humble.

i agree that eric is kinda arrogant. i dont kno if i see it in the same light that you do though. i dont think its erics behavior that makes him arrogant i think its the things he does. hes always being the odd one out in the group and missing activities because hes doing his own things for his solo career while the rest of the members are keeping shinhwa alive. and hes supposed to be the leader! he missed like 2-3 press conferences for the asia tour alone because of his drama. and all the others were there. i just can't believe him sometimes. and while shinhwa was still doing their activities, eric accepted 2 drama roles. 2! while the others (andy, junjin, dongwan, minwoo) rejected incoming roles to focus on shinhwa, eric did the opposite.

^ Sorry gals...I think Imma gonna defend poor Eric on this one :sweatingbullets:

Agreed, Eric's personality is hardly arrogant. I thought his thank you speech was polite, humble, modest and well done when he won the acting award. I hardly see him as a bad/cool type...he's too weird to be typical.

Now to his defence :)

First...during the last few conferences that Eric missed Shinhwa activities were over and solo activities officialyl started. So technically Eric didn't accept a drama role that filmed during shinhwa activites. Also, since Eric was injured during pre-8th jib activities and Wolf was stopped, it was a pretty big hit to his solo. It was unavoidable that he would miss the conference since the drama crew can make so much of a compromise with Good EMG.

Let's take a look at the other members:

1. Junjin and Minwoo

They're pretty much in the same state of activities. They did refuse drama roles just pre-8th jib. But it also made no sense for them to accept any roles since they will be releasing albums soon. And as we can see, Jinnie took time out to prepare his album, and Minwoo did all those promos for Wontak's Angel. It was just lucky that they did coincide with the conferences.

2. Hyesung

He's also releasing a new album and he's staying away from acting. He had a debut as Sunmin thanx Hyesung and did a few interviews. Once again, it scheduled well enough by GoodEMG.

3. Dongwan

Like Eric he's an actor. Yes he also did refuse drama roles just pre-8th jib. But he also accepted a drama offer around the same time Eric did for Magic alcohol. It was just that it was a less extensive drama...so he the filming luckily didn't coincide.

4. Haven't really heard anything about Andy...but he is continuing to host Inkigayo.

So I think it is a tad unfair to say Eric is arrogant in his actions. Poor baby was so tired :tears:

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one. H Y E S U N G

He's the first Shinhwa member I know. I was always into J-pop and never on K-pop till one day, my friend shows me a vid on him attending SMAPxSMAP where he sings FOREVER LOVE with Kusanagi Tsuyoshi. My first impression “Hey this guy looks good and he has a beautiful voice” and I found myself keep repeating listening to the song over and over again. ^^; And later my friend pass me Love Letters S1 and this is where he got my total attention. This guy is sooo shy and adorable. I like the way he smiles/laughs, it’s always so infectious, I will found myself smiling along without realizing. I think I am crazy. I like his look, to me he isn’t as handsome and macho as Dongwan, but I loved his overall features, sharp nose, thin lips and his pair of eyes, are special and yah how to forget his chubby cheeks. And yah he is so fair, envious~ From a short distance away from him, I was going O____o with his fair complexion. He may not be as manly like Eric but I just love his soft gentle look, it makes him looks dedicated but doesn’t mean he is girly and I don’t like people saying that he looks girly either. T_T I found him gentleman! And I adored him wearing specs! It’s simply makes me go crazy~ And now his talents, voice~ what can I say, he has an unique, beautiful, breath-taking vocal. It’s gentle yet powerful; it’s just prefect! It’s always so smoothing in hearing and I loved the way he illustrates songs, always with feelings… That’s what I call professional! It always melt my heart~ And true enough, his voice in LIVE s exactly the same in CD, not many artists can do it and he can sometimes do even better! And what’s more the way he dances is so cute, his crab dance, fighting dance and mummy I want that dances omg who is more talented than him. XD and also the rice burger song~ OMG, love it soooo much~ And what’s more his characters, I love the way he always try to hide his love to the members, love the way he feel shy when he was embarrassed, I love his seriousness and how he yield for perfection in his work, I love the way he hates to be defeated and basically everything. And yah I loved the way he cooks for his members and also haha…. The way he eats~~~ oh my chubby Prince~ The way he speaks English… OMG~~ He’s a guy who never failed to amuse me! and yah before i forget I am still waiting for him to act... He has potiential I like him in Angel.. *hearts*

two. D O N G W A N

Dongwan always portrays the image of a GOOD guy and no doubt he is really one good guy. I loved his witty characters and the way he care about the fans, very true. His diary entry always never failed to trigger my emotions. His frankness makes me touch and his randomness makes me laughs. He’s a guy with strong self-reflection and I admired him for this. And not to forget, he possessed great voice too, strong and always able to project his voice out real loud. Although I loved his voice but I still prefers Hyesung one much more. Seriously, he should release his solo soon. I am gotten to get a copy! He’s knowledgeable too and humble! And like what I say earlier, he’s best looking in Shinhwa and till now I still think this way~

three. J U N J I N + E R I C

I cannot split both of them, they are having the same ranking cause of JINSYUNG and RICSYUNG. ^^;; lame reason but…

Junjin is a guy with great potential, he’s good looking, and he can dance, act, sing and rap. All he needs are more practices. And give me an impression of a simple guy who seems like not bothering about matters around him but yet a small things targeting at him can makes him depress. He needs to build up more of his confidence; I believed he can make it after J2 is released. I am going to be one of his supporters! He is always the considerate guy who tries to makes the group lively. This guy can dance but his dances are not my type, way too forceful but I like his body build, it’s the most prefect in Shinhwa~ He’s not the most eye-catching guy but definitely one that cannot be miss out. Seeing him in person makes me go WOW~ he’s really good looking T_T

Eric looks so man and looking real good. He is a guy with 2 side characters; I love his calmness in solving Shinhwa’s matters, his craziness when he is with Shinhwa and his care for his members silently. I used to ranking him last till he met with the accident… I see him as a Hero. This guy is simply too amazing! He’s also talented and I love hearing him speaking in English with the accent. His break dances are really great and I love his sexy voice which turns cute when he sings banana song. XD His raps are really good and his composing for those raps in Shinhwa albums makes me admired him even more and he wrote one of my favourite song in 7th jib, TIME MACHINE~ and his acting is really great~ I loved the way he always try to go near Hyesung haha it just makes me goes crazy~ haha… the oil and water relationship is just too cute~

fourth A N D Y + M I N W O O

No last for any of Shinhwa members. Ahem.

Andy is a cutepie boy boy in Shinhwa, he’s always so little boy in front of his hyungs but when in solo, he is able to manage them independently. I love him hosting and he is real good in it. He is able to use eye contact when he MC-ing without keeps looking at the paper. He has grown from a boy and matures to a guy over these years. I always love to see his trademark dance, HEART DANCE, no one do it better than himself~ I love his personality too. He has the best personality and he is really friendly. He’s the one who keep smiling during the Singapore trip and I love his smile sooo much~ But somehow too little boy for me so…

Minwoo is talented guy, very confidence~ his composition is really great which I really admired. He can dance and I think he dances really well to my opinion, the best in Shinhwa… not too forceful and with flexibility and he can sing and his charisma at stage is something that we cannot deny. All attention just naturally falls on him~ And this guy is really having great fashion sense. But I don’t really like his flashiness. and his sweet tongued characters or overfriendliness on screen. He’s too much of an attention catcher to me.

Omg, a little too lengthly. T_T =P sorry if it turns out boring!

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Guest serawong

hmmm..... my ranking....

many many have written quite abit... so i am just going to keep my ranking short and simple (i hope) hahahaha

1ST - MINWOO!! ..... hahahah... well.... for me... almost everything of him is good.... his stage presence.... his dance, his charisma, his melting smile.... his very multi-talent.... good natured.... gets along with almost everyone...his cuteness, how he can work up the atmosphere, interact with the audience and crowd.....

even if he flirts.... he's soo attractive...hahaha...

i think as an artist .... in a way... flirting is good...hahaha...

especially being able to see him quite close up in singapore.. he's just tooo attractive... his cool, his style.... and his body even wearing the simplest tee-shirt... somehow he will just pick him out from the crowd even if he's not tall heehhe....... =P

2ND - JUNJIN!!! absolutely WanJun (as my friend always like to say) cute in loveletter...... his dance, his voice improved soo much.... and he definitely climbed up my chart after seeing him in singapore up close...ahhh... totally dashing!!!

3RD - ERIC!! totally charming, dashing.... and really a sweet and romantic guy.... a very very gentleman guy... especially from the experience of seeing him in airport, both arrival and departure.... will always remember tat....

4TH - ANDY!!! very cute.... young... free and easy.... and sweet too always waving and smiling and fans....he moved up the chart too after the experience in singapore...heehhe...

5TH - DONGWAN ...... really good looking.... quite cute and funny too when see him eating.... or how he react to certain things.... of coz good voice too...

6TH - HYESUNG..... definitely good voice.... the rest .... ermm... dun ask me...hahahaha...

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Guest amane86


When there's votes from overseas fans to BaeYoungJun's goodlooking image was making astonishment, Korean version mag <People> lately had been voting on Korea most goodlooking guy and BaeYoungJun was unexpected fallen out from the chart, not even to the top 25, was a big astonishment and surprise to people.

Korean Most goodlooking guy.

No.1 goes to Shinhwa member Eric Mun Jung Hyuk.

Shinhwa is a legandary group and leader Eric Mun creates good record in the entertainment industry. He didnt owns a pair of small eyes like other artist do but a pair of big beautiful eyes and thick eye brows with a profound faceture. This had made him succesful as the top vote for 'The Most Beautiful Man'.

Credits to:

Source : 搜狐娛樂

Article written: 王永娟

English Trans: amane@mySHINHWA

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Are you guys all on the other side of the world from me??? LOL! When I'm at work, there's hardly anyone here so I die of boredom and when I check early in the morning, there's so many posts!! You guys must be awake when I'm sleeping! LOL!

BaeYoungJin is from Winter Sonata right? Considering that he hasn't been active in Korea for long time and considering his age, I can see why he's not in top 25. There are just too many good looking young Korean actors/singers right now.


When there's votes from overseas fans to BaeYoungJun's goodlooking image was making astonishment, Korean version mag <People> lately had been voting on Korea most goodlooking guy and BaeYoungJun was unexpected fallen out from the chart, not even to the top 25, was a big astonishment and surprise to people.

Credits to:

Source : 搜狐娛樂

Article written: 王永娟

English Trans: amane@mySHINHWA

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