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Guest lenakeem

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Just read Dongwan's diary in ShinHwaChangJo.

Unfortunately, he still smoke. He has quit numerous times but everytime he gets stressed, new movie, new drama, now 8th jib, he starts smoking again.

He wants to quit but appearantly it's hard for him.

"Mommie" Alice

^^No, he quit already.

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Just read Dongwan's diary in ShinHwaChangJo.

Unfortunately, he still smoke. He has quit numerous times but everytime he gets stressed, new movie, new drama, now 8th jib, he starts smoking again.

He wants to quit but appearantly it's hard for him.

"Mommie" Alice

aww.. that's bad for him..


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i find it odd and funny how we JUST started talking about who was smoking and if dongwan smoked... and then BAM, he writes a diary entry about trying to quit smoking... :blink:

anyways, i REALLY hope he can quit. he dun take stress well does he? poor wannie.... dongwannie hwaiting!! u can do it!!

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Guest loving_D

Hyesung, Minwoo, and Eric still do from time to time but not that much. They really lessened it.

Dongwan officially quit ^^

Andy doesn't smoke - I know that for sure! xD

Junjin doesn't smoke, I've never seen him recently doing it. xD


andy does smoke, i know for sure. there have been recent ivyclub clips accidentally showing him smoke. and you can tell from his never-ending cough attacks. but he really doesn't look like it does he?

i heard junjin's the heaviest smoker along with hyesung. thats what i heard. but i haven't seen him smoking recently either.

as for eric, im pretty sure he still smokes a lot. he was even smoking in the studio for the 8th jib. :blink:

mommie alice, dongwan still smokes?? must go read his diary.

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Guest losborrachos

being a smoker myself, i understand how the boys could feel that they need to relieve stress by smoking and how hard it is to try to quit smoking...

nevertheless, i hope they quit cos it does damage to the voice...

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Guest superstar`kiss

^ yes, i WISH they'd QUIT smoking. There wonderful voices don't need that.

Well..anyone hear about the *NEW Shinhwa product out at YESASIA??

Its the new Summer Tropical DTS!! But theres no subs. for it yet.. <_<

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Guest sheepeesh

yeh! they should all stop! hopefully they will.... cos anyway isn't 2nd hand smoke even worse for u? so they be kinda effecting the health of any non-smokers n ex-smokers around them too... so if like one of them quit.... he'd still be 'smoked' by the rest.... lol 'smoked' yar... that's my term... hurh... m sleepy.... Zzzzz

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^ francine, ur posts are always so fun to read... lol...smoked... haha

i can understand its especially hard for them since they are always with each other constantly and if one smokes, the other will want to also... its very hard to quit when all the people u are around smokes all the time and enjoy it too... BUT i hope wannie can overcome that. keep putting on those nicotine patches!!! and lets hope all of them quit eventually...

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OMG! korea owned Togo? wait... was shinhwa at the game??? NOO!! i couldnt watch the game.. does anyone have it or when did they play it on TV and what program.. maybe i can track it down. i know they played it on some mexican channel on tuesday but it started at like.. 5:30 in the morning and i didnt know so i could only see like the last 30 minutes...TT.TT OMG! the pictures of junjin <3 and eric and his homemade towel hat( i know how to make it but where on earth did he find a bright red towel??!?) and Hysung with the funnie hatt... does his hat have horns, or is it just me?? hmm... OMG! im so sad. when i saw their shirts this year. they are so plain!! just red with KOREA and that white tiger on the side... :( aww... my dad designs and prints shirts and stuff, so 2002 he made the awesome be the red shirts like everyone else except ours had a backside and it was in shiny silvery metallyic type paint. so this year he decided to go all out and he make a pretty vintage tiger and KOREA and world cup germany 2006 and all that stuff... and me and my mom and my friends saw people wearing the plain shirts during the Togo game and we were all like, we should send 6 of our shirts to shinhwa and they will wear it cuz its a lot prettier than the plain ones that everyone else is wearing and when we see them on TV we can be like, OMG!!! THATS SHINHWA AND THEY ARE WEARING OUR SHIRTS!! YAY!! hehe.. yeah.

so... that was my little story of the week.

about the smoking stuff, i thought everyone in shinhwa smoked(event though i personally cant imagine some of them with a cigarette in their hand). i know that they dont like it and want to quit but they cant? something like that. but they di like comercials and songs that are against smoking and support non smokers. but i am not 100% positive so dont just take my word for it.

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us fans should record a "No Smoking" song for Shinhwa, huh? :)

hey... i was wondering if anyone knows why Minwoo's lost 24 pounds? cuz he mentions on a show, but he didnt say how or why... >_< i think hes too skiny now..

he lost it for his 2nd album; all he really did was turn all that extra "baby fat" into muscles, because men are more proned to shedding pounds easily. he took up boxing and i know people who take kickboxing classes and lose up to 2 pant sizes in one month. :mellow:

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Guest nutzie

OMG! korea owned Togo? wait... was shinhwa at the game??? NOO!! i couldnt watch the game.. does anyone have it or when did they play it on TV and what program.. maybe i can track it down. i know they played it on some mexican channel on tuesday but it started at like.. 5:30 in the morning and i didnt know so i could only see like the last 30 minutes...TT.TT OMG! the pictures of junjin <3 and eric and his homemade towel hat( i know how to make it but where on earth did he find a bright red towel??!?) and Hysung with the funnie hatt... does his hat have horns, or is it just me?? hmm... OMG! im so sad. when i saw their shirts this year. they are so plain!! just red with KOREA and that white tiger on the side... :( aww... my dad designs and prints shirts and stuff, so 2002 he made the awesome be the red shirts like everyone else except ours had a backside and it was in shiny silvery metallyic type paint. so this year he decided to go all out and he make a pretty vintage tiger and KOREA and world cup germany 2006 and all that stuff... and me and my mom and my friends saw people wearing the plain shirts during the Togo game and we were all like, we should send 6 of our shirts to shinhwa and they will wear it cuz its a lot prettier than the plain ones that everyone else is wearing and when we see them on TV we can be like, OMG!!! THATS SHINHWA AND THEY ARE WEARING OUR SHIRTS!! YAY!! hehe.. yeah.

so... that was my little story of the week.

about the smoking stuff, i thought everyone in shinhwa smoked(event though i personally cant imagine some of them with a cigarette in their hand). i know that they dont like it and want to quit but they cant? something like that. but they di like comercials and songs that are against smoking and support non smokers. but i am not 100% positive so dont just take my word for it.

hey ya! i didn't catch the game either actually.. i watched the playback on a cable channel.. check around, maybe you have it too.. i'm not sure what kind of cable subscription you have, and it's bound to be different in different parts of the country anyway [at least in canada..] so i can't really give you a specific channel to watch [sorryy!!] BUT!! if any of you guys are in ontario and you have rogers cable, go check out channel 491.. they have all the previous matches recorded!!

i tried watching it yesterday, and for a second or 2, i did see shin jung hwan and junjin.. actually it's easier to spot shin jung hwan, since he was wearing something outrageous [he was the kinda in the focus of the shot too] while junjin was kinda off to the corner, with a black beanie [and i think sunglasses too] that's why he wasn't really obvious..

i think hyesung really did have the horns.. hahaha.. it's cute~!! hey, since you know how to make eric's towel, why don't you write up a tutorial on how to make it?? then all of us can learn too ^^"

about smoking.. hmm.. i don't know.. i hate people who smoke and stuff [don't go near me, i can't breathe >_<] and i totally can't breathe when i go near people who smoke [or even just smelling the aftersmell of smokers] yeah, a totally easy way to kill me.. but i guess, if it's that's easy to quit, the population of smokers would be down to half of what we have now right? at least, we have to give props to shinhwa for trying.. it's not easy, but if we [as non smokers] can only say smoking is bad and all, and not giving them support, it's gonna be hard too right?? i heard that to stop, you have to have the right amount of determination and support, especially if they're once heavy smokers.. so i say, let's support them to stop yayy~~!!!

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Hi I'm kinda a new Shinhwa fan and I'm going to be in L.A. this weekend. Do you know where there are good Korean CD shops where I can pick up Shinhwa CDs and posters? Please give me the name of the store and the city it is in or phone number so I can call for directions.

Thanks in advance to all you L.A. Shinhwa fans for the help!!!! :)

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Guest xmkaex

Hi I'm kinda a new Shinhwa fan and I'm going to be in L.A. this weekend. Do you know where there are good Korean CD shops where I can pick up Shinhwa CDs and posters? Please give me the name of the store and the city it is in or phone number so I can call for directions.

Thanks in advance to all you L.A. Shinhwa fans for the help!!!! :)

HIYA! +1 fan for shinhwa :lol:

i think hyesung really did have the horns.. hahaha.. it's cute~!! hey, since you know how to make eric's towel, why don't you write up a tutorial on how to make it?? then all of us can learn too ^^"

i was browinsing around on shinhwachangjo and i remember seeing a picture about the towel thingys.


credits: Shinhwa's cyworld + bestiz + ShinHwaChangJo.net

i think andy was making them on cups. :lol:

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Guest akemi <3

Saw something about Eric today so decided to translate while I sit around waiting til it's time for me to go and collect my Shinhwa summer fest DVD~ ^^

What image is this? Is Eric from the "fourth dimension"?


Eric is a beautiful man from the "fourth dimension"? Recently, pictures of Eric acting as if he is from the "fourth dimension" are popular among the netizens. Pictures of Eric displaying his unique personality are posted in various entertainment message boards in the Internet portal sites, gaining much popularity.

The image of Eric's cute expression while fishing has proved to be more conspicuous than the image he portrays in his drama. People on the Internet adored these pictures of Eric being cute.

On the other hand, Eric is a pretty male artist who has unique way of speaking not only in photographs, but also in real life. The public said, "It is very cute. When Shinhwa first debuted, we thought he was just a pretty face, but after the seeing the photographs and his quotes, there is also a feeling of familiarity." This shows that Eric's fourth dimensional image played a part in the process of the public’s liking for him.

We anticipate for even better works from this active singer cum actor, Eric, after the promotion of Shinhwa’s 8th album has successfully ended.

Credits: reviewstar.net , minifish@bestshinhwa [chinese translation], me~

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Guest chubbyone

Saw something about Eric today so decided to translate while I sit around waiting til it's time for me to go and collect my Shinhwa summer fest DVD~ ^^

What image is this? Is Eric from the "fourth dimension"?


Eric is a beautiful man from the "fourth dimension"? Recently, pictures of Eric acting as if he is from the "fourth dimension" are popular among the netizens. Pictures of Eric displaying his unique personality are posted in various entertainment message boards in the Internet portal sites, gaining much popularity.

The image of Eric's cute expression while fishing has proved to be more conspicuous than the image he portrays in his drama. People on the Internet adored these pictures of Eric being cute.

On the other hand, Eric is a pretty male artist who has unique way of speaking not only in photographs, but also in real life. The public said, "It is very cute. When Shinhwa first debuted, we thought he was just a pretty face, but after the seeing the photographs and his quotes, there is also a feeling of familiarity." This shows that Eric's fourth dimensional image played a part in the process of the public’s liking for him.

We anticipate for even better works from this active singer cum actor, Eric, after the promotion of Shinhwa’s 8th album has successfully ended.

Credits: reviewstar.net , minifish@bestshinhwa [chinese translation], me~

Eric's career is looking very promising now that he is so popular and well liked by the public.

He is my favourite ShinHwa member and I wish him well and success in whatever he does. :D

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Guest samshiku

hey anyone noes of a clubbox which has shinhwa music videos? i really wanna dnlod them but im having some difficulties....thanks!:)

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