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Guest lenakeem

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Guest Lil Snow Angel

believe me, you're not the only one! i was like :blink: when i saw it. it's so similiar to shinhwa's poses. but then again, we can't say that dbsg copied them...cause shinhwa didn't invent the pose, yeah...let's just hope it was all a coincidence...or shinhwa's just too good so EVERYONE wants to copy them ^_^

^ i'd go for the second reason, Shinhwa's obviously's just too good so everyone wants to be just like them! lols:P

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Guest nutzie

does anybody know where to find that similar poses thingy? i'm curious, but most likely, my answer would be that shinhwa's is better =P

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Guest cpopbaby19

hahah minwoo is saying something like: What?! Aren't u gonna hurry up n buy the album?

cpopbaby19 - yup u watch the dongwan running away clip at youtube! Xman germany special :lol:

ps. been gone so loooong ( a couple of days lol .. so much to read! :sweatingbullets: arghhh but Dongwan's thread isn't moving much! hey dongwan fans... dun forget abt his thread! m gonna shoo u guys over...

*starts flaping hands madly* SHOO ya'll SHOO! :ph34r:

n hullo to the new posters!

^LOL. i shoulld~ im getting a lil bit stressed and i need dongwan t cheer me up! XD

i'll check out youtube later. but, do you have a link?

YEAH!! the sales are REALLY not as well as I was hoping for.

I mean, i thought their 8th album's gonna be a HUGE hit. But, yeah, its only their fans buying it in the first day. ANd then, it goes down hill from there.

I got my album in Korea, along with my friend, and in the first two days, there's barely ANY on the shelfs.. but then later on, nobody seemed to be buying it anymore. Kinda really disappointing.


well SG wannabe's album was really good too.. so that's probably why its still so strong.. really really surprsied.. i was hoping that Shinhwa can beat them.. :(


i found a korean girl in my class! (aahh yess, she's my block mate!! :w00t: ) and yeah, i asked her if she knew shinhwa of course, she knew them! TT__TT and i asked her if she had the album (cuz i think she just went back from Korea cuz she already knew the 8th jib)



seriously, i was like.. OH....... :(

^ on the good side, this thread is always on the first page... hahaha... i don't feel like we need to compete, yea? just have fun in this thread and meet fellow shinhwa fans, i think thats more worth it.


hahahaha. ur so funny. everyone, listen to her!! go to dongwan's thread so we can all chat about him there too. lol..

LOL. yeah. at least the thread is always on the first page~ :)

i seldom see this thread on the second/third.

Calling all Shinhwa fans

Please vote for Shinhwa :] Shinhwa needs your support :]


^ Just tick Shinhwa's Once In A lifetime, and then click this button btn_04.gif


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Guest nutzie

i've already voted yay!! there's no competition for shinhwa.. even the 2nd place is so far away.. hahahahha..

julie [that's your name right?] thank you for the link.. it's sooo similar to shinhwa's poses, but i'm still at my stand, shinhwa's way better, because they're soo much hotter and sexier *wheee* sorry to dbsk fans ^^"

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Does anyone know why there were so much difference in number at Japan for the fan meeting? Members split up into 2 and they went to 3 different places.

I got this number from Eric's forum:

RicJin was in Osaka (500 people attended)

MinWan was in Fukuoka (300 poeple attended)

SyungDy was in Tokyo (50 people attended)

I'm in grumpy mood because my 2 favorite (Andy & Hyesung) got the lowest number of fans attending! :fury:

Grumpy "Mommie" Alice

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Guest sam chin

Shinhwa latest pictures...

but dunno where's Dong Wan & Eric??



credit to: epg.co.kr



credit to: kimdongwan.net

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Guest cpopbaby19

Does anyone know why there were so much difference in number at Japan for the fan meeting? Members split up into 2 and they went to 3 different places.

I got this number from Eric's forum:

RicJin was in Osaka (500 people attended)

MinWan was in Fukuoka (300 poeple attended)

SyungDy was in Tokyo (50 people attended)

I'm in grumpy mood because my 2 favorite (Andy & Hyesung) got the lowest number of fans attending! :fury:

Grumpy "Mommie" Alice


the 300 people who attended in Fukuoka is sooo luckyy! -__- they got wannie and minwoo! the two funniest guys of shinhwa~~



these guyyyssss aaree soo HOOOOT.


i should be sleeping now.. but.. their pics.. O_O makes me wanna look for more!! X_X

and oh, Jinnie looked so cute at the 1st pic! :lol:

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^ well, there are 2 version but i think everyone is talking about these...


thanx, just saw them, yes they do look similar but it's seems like they're all doing variations of one pose from the Shinhwa shots.:lol: Although the pic with them all standing and the style of clothes they're wearing (white top, jeans, bare foot) are scarily similar hmm everyone just wanna be Shinhwa :phew::P althogh i what did make me crack up was i was redaing the first page of comments to see if anyone noticed, unlikely unless they were both their and Shinhwa fans, and i saw a comment which kinda went along the lines of "their poses aare so unique" ........... that just floored me :sweatingbullets:

OMG the numbers were soooo low for SungDy :unsure: i mean shouldn't Hyesung be one of the more popular members apart from Eric........ maybe it depends on the venue i guess..........that's why i'm never happy with the group being plit it just bring bad morale if the turn out differs so much <_<

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Does anyone know why there were so much difference in number at Japan for the fan meeting? Members split up into 2 and they went to 3 different places.

I got this number from Eric's forum:

RicJin was in Osaka (500 people attended)

MinWan was in Fukuoka (300 poeple attended)

SyungDy was in Tokyo (50 people attended)

I'm in grumpy mood because my 2 favorite (Andy & Hyesung) got the lowest number of fans attending! :fury:

Grumpy "Mommie" Alice

that's because only the chosen fans could attend the fans meeting...

I dont know why they only chosed 50 people in Tokyo....

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Guest nutzie

whoa, i though tokyo should have the most number of fans, since it's the capital and all [the capital of japan is tokyo right? ^^" i always failed geography.. not really, but close..] eric's got the most number yay!! why were they split anyway? it wouldn't be fun without all 6 of them together =(

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Guest sam chin

In the mood for posting pics... more to come


Why Andy sleepin like that? He almost going to fall...


This is skinny Andy... heheehe..


Wannie so loving...


Enjoy watching wannie sleeping in min woo's arms..

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Another question....I'm on the roll today....coffee woke me up! :D

In their 8th jib, song #12, You're My Everything, who is singing in the very beginning? I think Dongwan sings right afterward. I'm still trying to get use to their voices and sometimes it's hard to know who is singing which part.

With "You're My Everhything" I don't know why but I'm especially having problem placing the voice.

Thank you.

"Mommie" Alice

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Congrat to M for receiving the sensation award. I think Se7en received this award too last year.

Hmmph, please don't talked about other group of singer in this thread. It made me feel uncomfortable. Their post are almost the same but it's for soccer and so that is the concept for their pictures. I'm not a fan of them but I'm feeling uncomfortable coming in here seeing DBSK's name.

Also no matter how many pages other group of singer have, we don't need to compete. We're here to talked about Shinhwa. We should be proud.

I watched the news for their fan meeting in Japan. Once Andy hugged one person he have to hug everybody.lol Then Hye Sung have to do it too. They're so cute. The way they are separated, it is hot.

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Guest nutzie

mommie alice i think the one who sings first is minwoo.. and that first pic of andy, isn't that the one for some commercial? kyochon chicken or something like that.. the one where they were rolling around and stuff.. i thought it was a pretty weird commercial, but then i saw eric pasting his face on the glass and i almost fell off my chair laughing..

edit okay i confirm that it is from the kyochon chicken commercial.. his green shirt matches the one from the commercial.. and the location too ^^"

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Does anyone know why there were so much difference in number at Japan for the fan meeting? Members split up into 2 and they went to 3 different places.

I got this number from Eric's forum:

RicJin was in Osaka (500 people attended)

MinWan was in Fukuoka (300 poeple attended)

SyungDy was in Tokyo (50 people attended)

I'm in grumpy mood because my 2 favorite (Andy & Hyesung) got the lowest number of fans attending! :fury:

Grumpy "Mommie" Alice

:blink: aww, only 50 people for syungdy...:( i wonder how they felt when they found out ricjin had 10 times the amount of people they had.

sam chin : i think eric wasn't there because he advertises for samsung, but as for dongwan...i have no idea.

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Guest spfork

Hahahahaha!! Those are interesting. ^-^" I like the last picture...

Well, I just got "State of the Art" for a birthday present.

You should have seen my eyes. They were like :w00t: .

The album itself is interesting... all technologized and stuff.

<333 Shinhwa.

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