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Guest lenakeem

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Guest 아이돌FAN

The news articles disappear after a day, so I cant find them anymore :sweatingbullets:

But like miss lakwon said some anti's bash them because of their military service

and others are just the usual hateful comments anti's leave =_=

And Shinhwa also said they were actually surprised at how many antis they have :tears:

But JunJin is getting lots of positive comments from Infinity Challenge fans :)

*BONUS* - Shinhwa growing up :D


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^ ah the picture, the classic xD. its in better quality than the one i have! =o *saves* keeke

ah.. anti's -______-........... well.. we'll just have to ignore them just like shinhwa oppa's do. *even though hates the comments the anti's have said*


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Guest miss lakwon

You guys, I have something to say.

I feel like there aren't any Shinhwa (group/solo) related pictures in the Pictures Thread.

I am doing my best by posting lots of Shinhwa stuff there.

I feel like I'm the only one? o.O

Can anyone please help me and continue keeping Shinhwa's name alive in Soompi?


+) Hee Hee. I just owned this page! :)

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Guest jangneri

You guys, I have something to say.

I feel like there aren't any Shinhwa (group/solo) related pictures in the Pictures Thread.

I am doing my best by posting lots of Shinhwa stuff there.

I feel like I'm the only one? o.O

Can anyone please help me and continue keeping Shinhwa's name alive in Soompi?


+) Hee Hee. I just owned this page! :)

I really appreciate that you make threads for them in the Pictures thread~ Everytime I go visit the K-Celeb photos and there are Shinhwa related threads, it always seemed to be you who made them. :D

It's not because I'm lazy to post there or anything (I do post a lot and post pictures here and in Dongwan's thread) but I don't like making threads there just because in my opinion I think it's a lot better to share stuff here because people here appreciate it more... It's not like I don't want to spread the Shinhwa love but I don't think it's necessary to do it all the time when we have a LOT of fans here in this thread. :D Though I did start around five threads? I think the last one I did was "Eric's fourth dimensional leader" thread.

I love going to the official Shinhwa picture thread though~ So fun!

It's a pity though how some fans thought Shinhwa disbanded already~ Amusing at times, but most of the time sad. But I can't blame them since recently, almost all Shinhwa related articles are mostly about their individual activities~

I will post some random pictures next time~ My connection is dying on me for some reason....

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Guest nutzie

there's really no use discussing about anti fans.. the more famous the celebs are, the more anti fans they have.. so of course it's fair that shinhwa has a group of anti fans [for whatever ridiculous reasons they base their judgment on.. i don't really care anyways..] but we also have to remember that shinhwa has a lot of fans like us.. for every anti fan, there are 100 other people out there who are loving shinhwa.. so why do we have to feel insecure about these anti fans? i don't think the members themselves care much about them, so why should we? as long as they don't physically harm them, i don't give crap about these anti fans..

and please, don't bother trying to defend shinhwa in front of them.. what makes you think you're gonna convert them into fans if you confront them? seriously, don't waste your energy.. just channel all that energy into loving shinhwa more, it's more fruitful that way right?

and just a reminder, please do not post anymore happy 1,000,000 views or whatever the number is.. i think after 2 pages of that, all of us get it already.. it's considered spamming and unrelated to the topic of the thread..

let's go back to spazzing about shinhwa shall we?

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Guest stupidfactory

Ignore the antis (: That's the only thing we can do. And of course, love Shinhwa more 8D

^ For their 9th album, an MV was released ^^

Run MV

Here's a hilarious interview XD


The members really 'dislike' Eric. LOL!

miss lakwon: Yeah! There's really lil Shinhwa pictures :( I'll try to contribute if i can! =D

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Guest nutzie

rose_liana - that is considered spamming.. all wishes should go to junjin's individual thread, not here.. can you please edit your post and add more substantial pieces of information? thank you..

jangneri - leaving a link to another post/thread is fine..

junjin apparently released a repackage album, containing 2 new songs, one of which features our very own eric~


the second i heard eric's voice i knew it was him ^o^ i was half wishing that he would come out though T_T oh well, his voice is enough to melt me.. i shall stare at the magazine scans instead..

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Guest valmylove

rose_liana - that is considered spamming.. all wishes should go to junjin's individual thread, not here.. can you please edit your post and add more substantial pieces of information? thank you..

jangneri - leaving a link to another post/thread is fine..

junjin apparently released a repackage album, containing 2 new songs, one of which features our very own eric~


the second i heard eric's voice i knew it was him ^o^ i was half wishing that he would come out though T_T oh well, his voice is enough to melt me.. i shall stare at the magazine scans instead..

Thanks Nutzie for sharing that link!!!! THat song is very good! I like it! It would be great if they were to

sing it live huh? Eric...sigh...

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Guest midnightgirl13

it's ok for me to post this i hope.....since eric is talking about shinhwa?

[08.08.21][news] Eric: Shinhwa won't disband, until everyone calls for our retirement

"For Shinhwa, even if we wanted to disband, we can't."

Eric Mun Jung Hyuk talked about his thoughts about the fans' fears of Shinhwa disbanding at the post-filming celebration party of KBS2 drama's Strongest Chil Woo, held on 20 Aug at Yeouido.

Eric said, "Shinhwa can't disband even if we wanted to. Until the day when everyone starts to say that we should retire, Shinhwa will not disappear."

He added, "Right now the members are focusing on their solo activities, and it looks like the direction now is more of solo activities, and not group activities. This doesn't mean that Shinhwa is disbanding, it's just Shinhwa moving on to greater heights."

"Until the day everyone starts to say "Isn't it time for Shinhwa to retire?", there will be no possibility of disbanding. Shinhwa doesn't just belong to us, it belongs to the fans and the public who love us. For them, we will not disband."

He joked, "Shinhwa has the honor of being Korea's longest running idol group, it will be such a pity for us to give up now. If we go on, we'll continue breaking records, won't we?"

Eric will be enlisting for military duty in October, and prior to that he has planned for a short trip with his close friends.

Source: newsen&oceans

Chi trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest 1wawa3


Eric being his silly self.

Shinhwa has the honor of being Korea's longest running idol group, it will be such a pity for us to give up now. If we go on, we'll continue breaking records, won't we?

^I laughed at this statement.

I believe them when they say they will not disband.

Thanks nutzie for the link. I also wish that Eric perform the song together with him on stage.

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Guest nutzie

just because i feel like posting..

shinhwa @ dream concert 1999 [i was still in elementary school O_O"] with TOP and yo.. i think due to their performances at the end of year award ceremonies last year, TOP has become one of my, if not my top, favorites amongst all the shinhwa songs.. well both of the songs are lipsynced, and there's not much to the TOP performance here, cos they're sticking very diligently to their routines.. but for yo, minwoo first stripped off his jacket for his part, and it's hilarious how the others didn't like, get rid of it, and they instead just tried to work around it carefully.. junjin and andy later did it too, and more jackets to avoid =P great angry expression by eric in the beginning of yo, haven't seen such strong expressions attempted by eric in recent performances T_T


the above mentioned performance, just to relieve the moments..

and to distract ourselves from the sombre mood to the recent unfortunate happening.. the dorky shinhwa we have come to know and grown to love..


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Guest miss lakwon

"Shinhwa has the honor of being Korea's longest running idol group, it will be such a pity for us to give up now. If we go on, we'll continue breaking records, won't we?"

That comment got me so happy.

Eric speaks so well during interviews!

I love it when he stands up for SHCJ and their beliefs.

Fighting! Shinhwa will last forever!

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Guest da_thao

did shinhwachangjo.net close down? i hope not... :blink: that's where i get my weekly shinhwa dosage.

it's not down,the thing is you can access it by typing in shinhwachangjo.net anymore,i know very pitiful.

Eric is such a funny person,heck yea,SHINHWA and SHCJ will break all records just wait <3

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:]. i love how eric replys to interviews. <3

[08.08.24][News] Shin HyeSung Comeback Special - "Jin ah ~ I'm very grateful!" 

Credit: StarNews - Korean/Eng: LetSayEden @ Shinhwa.biz 



Popular singer JunJin suddenly appeared in his Shinhwa's member Shin HyeSung COMEBACK to stage special performance, proving their strong friendship. 

JunJin was in SBS Office for the recording of "YSMM 2 Celebrities Village" when he heard Shin HyeSung's Comeback news. Despite other agenda after that, JunJin came to the standby room and played a role of ice breaker to help Shin HyeSung feel less nervous before the CB stage. The live performance then was reported to be in a very harmonious atmosphere. 

Shin HyeSung's company representative said: "Before the CB, Shin HyeSung was a bit nervous, but because JunJin came and eased the tension, he then felt more sense for the performance. He also wants to tell JunJin that "Jin ah ~ Thank you!" "

Shin HyeSung, after more than one year from his 2nd album "The Beginning, New Days", released his 3rd solo work Side 1 "Live And Let Live" and started promotion for the title song "Because of you" with this official Comeback Performance.

ahh were on the third page. of korean music ><. hopefully we can get to the 2nd page! fightinnggg

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