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Guest lenakeem

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HeHe! I wanna respond to this survey too =]]

1. Go to Disneyland with ----> Andy & Eric (I guess I can be the younger sibling if Eric is gonna be the mom and Andy the brother ^_^)

2. Sing a collaboration with ----> Minwoo

3. Give a big hug to ---> Hyesung

4. Do a "couple dance" with ----> Andy

5. Get married to ---> Dongwan

6. Have a nice conversation over coffee with ---> Eric

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Guest kriza_09

That's why 6 is perfect :)

it's true! coz from 1-10, 6 has the most numbers of factor!!! ^^


You know, as a Shinhwa fan, I always feel grateful that we've had them for SO~ long and I'm not talking about them being the longest running boy band. What I mean is no matter after how long, they still run their promotion circuits like they're newbies...appearing on shows as a group, putting effort into every interview etc. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel that a lot of idol groups, once they hit any kind of major success, they're always in a hurry to debut solo, or they disappear to debut in overseas markets. Or members leave because of differing direction, interest or musical preference. I think it's sad, especially for fans that have been following and supporting them for a long time.

Let's take a look at our Shinhwa boys. Except for Ricmin, I say no one has much in common about musical taste. Then there's Wannie who's original goal was to be an actor more than a singer. Everyone is so different, yet they're still together. And look at Shinhwa in their 7th year...that was some crazy promotion. They were anywhere and everywhere. Even after they won the daesang and went to do promotions in Japan for their 8th album, we still got xman germany, infinity challenge, heroine 6, several japanese shows...and an Asia Tour on top of that. They don't really still have to do all that, as the 9th album sales proved, but they do.

i agree with you... you know what, knowing shinhwa, i have to say they are actually the group with the biggest probability to break up... personality-wise, all 6 members have such distinct and strong personality.. and they are all pretty stubborn, i should say.. you know the whole 'yin' and 'yang' thing, how you need both so that everything can go peacefully... but they're probably all 'yang'.. LOL.. they're probably the group that gets into the most bickering between members.. but the bickering helps them to communicate their dissatisfaction so they don't hold grudge and it just ends there...

career-wise, they have the most distinct interests and talents... especially if we see the younger groups nowadays, they either have similar talents (all-singing group) or similar taste in music (ballad, hiphop, etc)... but shinhwa, some of them are just into music, some are more towards acting, and some towards variety shows or MC-ing... even in the music department itself, some are just into singing, some are more into rapping, and some are into dancing (and one is torn between his career in ballads and his personal interest in dancing.. *coughsungiecough* LOL)

and on top of that, their music genre is also different... pure ballad, rock/band music, hiphop/rap, r&b, dance music, etc...

they're together not because their personalities match, and not because they have the same mindset or interest...

it's only because they love each other that they're together now...


and regarding dongwan's msg... i'll just copy paste my post in biz:

seriously, why would anyone want orange actually???? it's not that popular of a color..

it doesn't look cool at all... it's just a color of "sanitation workers and pojangmacha".

it was a color that no one wanted.. it was a color that people laughed at..

an abandoned color, i should say.. just like how shinhwa was kind of abandoned during their debut days..

i find that orange represents shinhwa really well...

Below is some things i found about the psychology of the color orange. It surprised me of how it describes shinhwa so accurately..

Orange has shown to have only positive affects on your emotional state.

Orange arouses thoughts about joy, fun and bright sun. -> shinhwa is indeed all about fun.. they just seem to have lots of fun when they're together that we just can't help but to smile looking at them..

Orange is associated with low price and availability. -> unlike most groups, shinhwa doesn't give off the feeling that they're up there, but more of a next-door oppa who is always there to hear our complaint and comfort us and always understands what we feel.. (thanks to Dongwan ^^)

Orange is the "happy" colour par excellence. It frees emotions, promotes self-esteem and the capacity to forgive.

This stimulating colour fights depression and cultivates good humour. yes, shinhwa is indeed the cure for depression and they do have really good sense of humor..^^

Those who often wear orange are active, competent and rather impatient. They are independent, motivated, competitive. They are also creative and practical people, full of energy and often incapable to stay put. -> should i say more about this?? no matter what situation it is, they can't just stay still for a minute!!! always so distracted during interviews... LOL but yeah, they also have really strong competitive streak even with each other.. lol..

no other groups can fit this description better than shinhwa.. so it's obvious, that orange is meant for shinhwa... ^^

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it's really true that all 6 members have different personalities in the beginning, but i think they are becoming more similar now. =)

I just watched a video with Jinnie and he was asked who he feels a little awkward with in shinhwa..

He said Andy because they are of the same age(korean age) I thought it was supposed to be the other way round, it's easier to become friends since they are of the same age. Probably the personality difference i guess? Andy's like so mature and calm while Jinnie's very jumpy and all.. haha


I'm so proud of Wannie!!! Let's protect our orange!!!!

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just reading what you guys have posted makes me smile and think that im lucky to be their fan and to be with you guys!!

i can feel the love!!!

as they said SHINHWA is 6 different color but still when they are together they manage to show us one color an its ORANGE!!

wow i never knew that JINNIE felt a little akward with andy!! whew!! but i remembered that minwoo said in a radio interview that ANDY is mature when talking to him and JINNIE is the one who talked cute!! (i didn't know if i said it right! sorry for my memory gap lol!)

yeah let's protect the ORANGE color!!!




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Guest rose_liana

kriza_09 lol!!! i've been always admired you!!! what you said is always right and meaningful. Orange is really meant for no one else other than Shinhwa..the orange description of yours really fits our 6 outstanding boys..i think, there's no other idol in this world who speaks and become representative for their fans like what wannie oppa did!! such a great guy with a beautiful heart!!

moca_hanzel gotta agree with you. just like you, i'm glad to know Shinhwa eventhough i just know them last year, but its really great become a fan of them and i'm glad to know you guys, the orange princess, the changjoers. well, better late than never!!

i never knew jinnie was little awkward with andy. but, i'm not surprised.. sometimes, i can feel it too..but, as long as they love each other,thats enough for me. just like our RicSung, our lovey dovey Oil & Water!

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it's really true that all 6 members have different personalities in the beginning, but i think they are becoming more similar now. =)

I just watched a video with Jinnie and he was asked who he feels a little awkward with in shinhwa..

He said Andy because they are of the same age(korean age) I thought it was supposed to be the other way round, it's easier to become friends since they are of the same age. Probably the personality difference i guess? Andy's like so mature and calm while Jinnie's very jumpy and all.. haha


I'm so proud of Wannie!!! Let's protect our orange!!!!

Do you have a youtube link or something to the videos?

I haven't seen many interview/clips of Jinnie talking about individual Shinhwa members. For some reason, I have an impression that he speaks about all of the members together as Shinhwa but never really talked about his thoughts toward each member. I have seen the other members mention other members quite a bit while they are solo.

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Guest miss lakwon

Hyesung Oppa is leaving for Taiwan today! ^_^

Hopefully, he will be greeted by tons of fans at the airport.

I wish the best of luck with his promotions there.


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Guest grumpynomore

i was surfing for shinhwa videos and came across this...

[share Love Concert]


c/o sogoodla

i am simply amazed with the shinhwa changjo's support with each member's individual careers and performances!

seeing orange and hearing the cheers for minwoo, wannie, and even eric who's not even there....wow! give me goosebumps...really!

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....Reading your guys' comments make me feel so proud to be a Shinhwa Fan. I remember watching their TOP performance one time, wasn't realy digging it, but after a while I started liking it. Now it's like one of my TOP fav songs!!

i kinda feel like reminiscing (not sure how to spell):

anyway when i first saw Minwoo, i was like wow he's pretty handsome looking, knows how to dance, etc. i was like i think he's probably the best looking in Shinhwa....then came JunJin. JunJin and Minwoo did the babysitting thing together, and Hey Come On dance tutorial in 2001 so I was like now who's this other guy. i didn't know his name, and wasn't sure if i was actually liking him, but there was just something about him that really caught my attention, i really liked his lips...haha yeah....and i liked his personality in the baysitting show. i just completely fell for him afterwards!!!! well not really like fall in love, but just...i liked him. the other shinhwa members i slowly got to know through youtube just last year. even though i'm a newbie fan i can feel their presence ten years ago!!!!

it feels incredible to be their fan, esp when they are the longest running boyband in Korea!!! woot woot!!!! i hope they'll unite again in 2012, when i graduate!!!! i just wish they'd all be gone to the military already so we don't have to wait any longer!! haha

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i'm rewatching the shinhwa 10th anni dvd concert for the umpteenth time. still i can't help crying whenever they get all emotional. i miss them so badly and i can't wait to be part of that orange crowd, holding orange lightsticks, shouting 'shinhwa chang' with the changjoers.

i love how wannie said he won't say anything more so that shcj will wait for them and how the other members agreed with him and chose not to say anything! they can say everything and i will still wait.

just wondering, do yall get excited whenever you're watching other programmes and they casually mention shinhwa? i was watching 1n2d, and there was this episode eun jiwon was bragging about how he bungee jumped before, with shinhwa(turns out he was lying). i got really happy and excited just the mention of them alone. heh. i know i'm mad...

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i'm rewatching the shinhwa 10th anni dvd concert for the umpteenth time. still i can't help crying whenever they get all emotional. i miss them so badly and i can't wait to be part of that orange crowd, holding orange lightsticks, shouting 'shinhwa chang' with the changjoers.

i love how wannie said he won't say anything more so that shcj will wait for them and how the other members agreed with him and chose not to say anything! they can say everything and i will still wait.

just wondering, do yall get excited whenever you're watching other programmes and they casually mention shinhwa? i was watching 1n2d, and there was this episode eun jiwon was bragging about how he bungee jumped before, with shinhwa(turns out he was lying). i got really happy and excited just the mention of them alone. heh. i know i'm mad...

REALLY? Jiwon said that on 1N2D?? Perhaps you have the link to the vid? =)

I've always thought since I started watching 1N2D, that I think Shinhwa will fit right in in shows like that. 1N2D team is always the brotherly team they sometimes they go against one another. I really hope Shinhwa can appear on shows like 1N2D. It shows their friendship and of course their personalities and hilarious sides! <333

Anyways, this is SHINHWA on birthday cakes!! Mylia designed the picture!! <333



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lexine; yes, I get excited too when shinhwa's mentioned on shows. I remember the 1n2d episode where they met two Japanese and they mentioned they love Shinhwa. And I got totally excited I keep replaying that part! Haha. And btw, like you too, the 10th anniv DVD have that effect on me too, I always ended up crying despite watching it lots of time.... which is why I'm trying not to watch it too much these days. =.=

nglkt; OMG. that's a yummy cake! and Im not talking about the little cute stars there. haha. I think if I got that for my birthday, I might end up framing it or something. LOL.

kriza; I love your piece on how orange represents shinhwa well. Shows how significant it is now. :D

keep the shinhwalove going!

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yukiri(erica) from shinhwa.biz told me about this:


sign it if you can! :D

(i've no idea how they will show this to good ent or yg, but i guess i'm just gonna try my best to help if i can!)

nglkt, here's the link. he said it very briefly at 3:10 but still, i get happy and excited. LOL.


the cake looks so good! i think i won't bear to eat! yet it looks so yummy! hahahaha.

yanee, i've not watched that episode! now i can't wait to watch it! it's just so nice to know shinhwa's still remembered and recognised eh? :D :D

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Guest rose_liana

nglkt was conducted/making a petition for the operation orange..lets sign it and protect our colour!!!

click here--> SHINHWA=ORANGE

thanks nglkt for making it...really appreciate your effort!!!

the cake is cute!! i would like to have 1 like that someday...Shinhwa's pics on the top is <33333!!!

yanee lol!! i've seen that part too..i love those japanese fans!! among the idols, they choose Shinhwa <3333 i also hope someday Shinhwa will do show like 1n2d~~

Shinhwa fighting!!!!

SHinhwa changjo fighting!!!


^ lexine ups!!! i didnt see your post..but nevermind....i just repost the link...hehe

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just wondering, do yall get excited whenever you're watching other programmes and they casually mention shinhwa? i was watching 1n2d, and there was this episode eun jiwon was bragging about how he bungee jumped before, with shinhwa(turns out he was lying). i got really happy and excited just the mention of them alone. heh. i know i'm mad...

OF COURSE!! haha I thougt I was the only one! That's why, although I don't really like the Boys Over Flower, I just watch it to see if they mention anything about Shinwha, even though it's not even directly to Shinwha! haha

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Guest readsandgeeks

HEYY!! :lol:

thank you so much for the online petition nglkt! :)

plus that birthday cake of yours..need i say more??!!

haha..if i were to have a cake like that when i'm alr at this age..aiyz..it'll end up getting smeared on my face instead.haha..

hey lexine..i hvnt watched it yet but planning to do so this weekend.oh man oh man oh man..i hate to cry..gahh!!!but the temptation of the SHINHWA boys are calling me alr..

oh i need help of some kind..i finally managed to gt my hands on their 9th album (loving all of it!!! :wub: )

but..there's one track, i think its #9 [for the international version], it was an audio of the boys talking and laughing [oh i sooo love their laughs!!]

the only problem is: what were they talking about??!!

hahaha..i wish i'd understand whatever they're saying so if there's any kind soul here who can help a korean-language-challenged-person here..

it'll be deeply appreciated.. :D

oh and anybody who's familiar with shcj.net forums?i was invited to sign up frm smbdy here(sorry i cnt rembr who..but many thanks!!:)) but i cant participate in any forums or whatsoever but i can sign in..any advice anybody? :blush:

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dramaqueennur; here's a link of them talking. there's a vid of them talking shown in the 10th anniv dvd. and I believe it's the same one of them talking in that 9th jib track. (thanks to jinnie random "always!" LOL.)

it's subbed, so yes, enjoy!

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Guest miss lakwon

I signed the online petition.

Let's spread the word about it so that we can gather as many signatures as possible.

It'll be a great publicity for the situation and about Shinhwa.

Let's gather up people and show some SHCJ love! ^_^

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