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Guest lenakeem

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eric leaving... its going to feel so empty

without him around (just like when KJK was gone)

I wish him all the best.. I don't wanna let go yet...sigh

I will freak when the rest of them go.. T.T

I will wait for them one by one... leader moon saranghaeyo!

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Guest kriza_09

Hmm... I think it's a good time to post the quiz... to keep our mind off the dreadful topic...

Anyway, it's been 2-3 months since I posted the last one so I'm posting post 2 this time... ^^

And since we had been talking about the old times, I'll post the ones related to that..


Q3. At the beginning of their training period, Shinhwa members were called by their real names (e.g. Hyesung was called Steve at first). But later on, they weren’t called by their real names anymore. By what they were referred to?

Ans.: Numbers. Each member was assigned a number by which they would be referred to. Dongwan was assigned no. 8. Andy was no. 2 and Minwoo was no. 6.

Q4. During Shinhwa’s training period, there’s one thing the members had to do as soon as they woke up. They would get scolded if they didn’t do this. What was it?

Ans.: Call their manager(s) to report that they’re up. They would call and say ‘No. # is up!’ (the numbers they were assigned to). Sometimes, when there were members who woke up late, other members would call their managers on behalf of the members who were still sleeping and imitate their voices so they didn’t get scolded. However, most of the time, the manager would find out and they would get scolded anyway.


Anyway, I don't know if you have watched this. It's a live performance of 'Only One'.. Honestly this is the first time I saw them sing this song live.. I though they never did... And I have to say, they did a very good job at that... ^^

And this is an 'Eusha Eusha' performance. They were so.... - how should I put this - well, padak-padak??? LOL.. They were so into it... Seriously, their choreographies are the best.. Each choreography has something unique that makes it different from others... And their performances are (or were) always energetic and powerful... When I watch the new groups' performances, sometimes I feel like it's not so powerful and they don't look so into it.. I think Shinhwa is the best in terms of facial expression.. LOL..

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oh no...!!! andaaeee!!  :tears:

[08.09.05][news] Kim Dongwan may enlist for military service ahead of Eric  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan may be enlisting for military service at the end of September, ahead of Eric who will be enlisting on 9 Oct.

Kim Dongwan is expected to enter the Nonsan Training Center at the end of September or early October. A source said, "Kim Dongwan has decided to enlist at the end of September, ahead of Eric."

Kim Dongwan will receive 5 weeks of mandatory military training, before being transferred to Seoul to fulfil his duty in the civil service.

On the other hand, Eric is confirmed to be entering the Nonsan Training Center on 9 Oct, and will also be receiving 5 weeks of mandatory military training before fulfilling his duty in the civil service.

Their impending enlistment means that Shinhwa's group activities will now officially be put on hold. It's not certain when they will able to return to the K-pop scene as a group. Fellow members Junjin, Lee Minwoo, Shin Hyesung and Andy are currently active as solo singers.

Eric and Kim Dongwan will be making guest appearances at Junjin's solo concert held over 5th and 6th September.

Eric's management company said, "Eric is currently taking a break and conditioning his health before he reports at the Nonsan Training Center on 9 Oct." Eric has been reclassified as a civil service officer after suffering injuries on the set of the drama Wolf in 2006.

Source: newsen

Chi trans: 凌晓晓@bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz 



[08.09.05][News] JunJin - "I feel heartache knowing Eric hyung is enlisting soon." 

Credit: MyDaily - Korean/Eng: LetSayEden @ Shinhwa.biz 



In the press conference before his first domestic solo concert at Melon AX Hall, singer JunJin told us about his feeling towards the news of Shinhwa's member Eric going to the army next month.

Eric will be the first Shinhwa member to enlist the coming 9th October in Busan Campus, after 5 weeks basic military training at the service agency. 

"I started thinking about that one year ago. But to know the day is coming, it's really heartache."

"When I send Eric hyung to the army ... I don't know ... I don't know if I can, but I'll try to hold back my tears ..." 

He added: "Eric hyung is supposed to have decent rest before starting his services, but he has managed to come to my concert, which makes me feel very grateful."

Not only Eric, other Shinhwa members Kim DongWan and Lee MinWoo will also attend JunJin's concert. Special guests include Dynamic Duo and DISCO Diva Uhm Jung Hwa.

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Kriza, thanks so much for the summary of Come To Play - Idol Group Special.

As a late Shinhwa fan, it is very interesting what was revealed (specially the burping part!)

Reading the summary, I feel so proud of our Shinhwa boys.

They definitely were not afraid of breaking rules and I BELIEVE THAT MAKES THEM STRONGER THAN OTHER GROUPS.

Who would dare to challenge SM back then when Shinhwa wanted to keep the group in tack.

The 6 little rascals then are now 6 fine talented artists in their own wings.

And when they're all together, THEY'RE LEGEND!

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Guest love!melody

it seems like it's been forever since the last time i visited this thread >< school is already being a pain in the you-know-what LOL i've already had all-nighters even though it's only been like three-four days since school started <_< anyhow, it seems as if this thread is becoming more inactive then before and it makes me sad :( i hope more people will stop by the thread more often *coughcough* i'm such a hypocrite >< *coughcough* but i do try to come to stop by this thread whenever i have the chance

and wow! is it already time??? :tears: i'm going to miss eric and dongwan oppa <333 hopefully they are in the same ... ummmm ... unit (?) and get to see each other often even during their enlistment. and i wish that they will take good care of themsleves and not get sick or injured or anything. that will really break our hearts. eric and dongwan hwaiting!!!!!!!!!

and i will be awaiting Shinhwa's comeback ... whenever that may be :) because i trust that one day all six members will stand on the same stage once again :D

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Guest lilo_azn_gurl

^ hi!!! i'll be that person then!!!

well, ive been to this form a lot, but i just havent posted/reply or anything.

wow........i cant believe dongwan's gonna leave early!!!!

by the end of this month?!?!? T_T

and eric's also leaving next month!!!! T_T

its gonna feel different now that we're not gonna there anymore......T_T

well, i also hope that they take care of themseleves, and hopefuly not get sick, injured, or anything else.

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[08.09.06][news] MW & JJ, "Please wait for Shinhwa's 20th anniv. concert."

Lee Min Woo and Jun Jin of Shinhwa was in Japan to commemorate the opening of their individual fan clubs. 1,700 fans attended the event and the atmosphere felt like a Shinhwa concert. The interview took place in the dressing room.


Q: Jun Jin you recently celebrated your 28th birthday, how does it feel to be 28?

(JJ) Before, I was afraid of getting older but as I approach 30. I've been hearing that "30 is just the beginning". Now I want to be 30 soon.

Q: It looked like you received a lot of presents, of all the presents you have ever received, were there any ones difficult to accept?

(M) I once received a cushion in the shape of women's chest. I remeber not knowing what to do with that.

(JJ) A fan sent me a letter with an envelope with money. With gratitude I accepted her good intentions and letter but returned the money.

Q: It's been 10 years since (Shinhwa's) debut. Members will be going to serve in the army and many things are changing. What are Shinhwa's future goals?

(JJ) Personally, I would like to continue to do both singing and acting. Working hard as I do now. In the future, I would like to see Shinhwa having 15th and 20th anniversary concerts. I wish those times would come soon.

(M) A promise was made to fans and we won't make them sad or dissappointed. Not only Korean fans but all the Asian fans, we love them like a family united in Shinhwa. That's what we would like.

Shinhwa's Min Woo, "I will repay all the love and support I have received."


Q: After the 10th anniversary, what is it that you want to say to yourself as well as to each other?

(M) To myself, I want to say, "don't change". All the people that have made it possible for me to be here, friends and fans will not be forgotten. I'm grateful to everyone.

This is what I would like to say to Jun Jin, "don't get shaken but love yourself". We will always be in it together. I would like to see Jun Jin find a secure spot for himself.

(JJ) To myself, "let's not forget the beginning". When I was young, I didn't know anything and just worked hard but now as I am no longer young and thinking gets more complicated. I realized that without resting and being able to work continuously is happines.

To Min Woo hyung, "don't get shaken but love yourself", me too..(laugh)..just joking. Soon your album will come out so please take care of your health and I hope to see always your smiling face. I only have you hyung. I want to tell you that I really love you.

Q: Last words you want to leave for your Japanese fans?

(JJ) I was worried about how I can come to see you (the Japanese fans) now that Shinhwa activities have ceased for the time being. However, to see so many of you who came here for this event has made me very happy. If I came alone it would have been a bit lonely and harder but I'm so glad that Min Woo hyung could be with me. Fans, I will not forget the precious promise I made.

I ask that you please remember that I am doing my solo activities. As I said in the event, if you would like I would even come to the countryside to see you. I love you all. In September, Min Woo hyung's album will be released and will have performances in Seoul. Hope to see Japanese fans there.

(M) It's been some time that I have been able to see so many fans like this so I was really happy. If the way things were today remain unchanged, I would be pleased. Little by little, (the fans) feel like family and I feel you are becoming more precious to me. Always I will try to pay back to the fans all the love and support I have received.

Soon, the album will be coming out so I ask you to anticipate it's release. In September, Jun Jin will have concerts in Seoul then in December, we plan to have a joint concert in Japan. Before entering the army, this will be the last even in Japan so if many can attend then that would make me happy. Please be healthy and I love you all.

Although the event ended, these 2 didn't look tired and smiled answering every question sincerely. It's evident that these 2 over the past 10 years have built a solid level of trust in each other.

source: oceans-six

translator: HappyHeart7@shinhwa.biz

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Thanks for your summaries of [Come to Play], kriza_09. Really appreciate it! ^_^

I think it's understandable why MC Yoo and Kim Won Hee didn't emphasize that Shinhwa is the only group who are still active together. The rest have disbanded officially save for g.o.d who is on hiatus (only Kyesang has left the group to pursue acting) and Fin.K.L. (no press release has been made). They're just being respectful to the others and I guess Dongwan would be quite uncomfortable as well if the matter is raised. ;)

Such a good special. I hope it'd get fully subbed because there are so many things we don't know about these legendary batch of idols even after all these years. <3

v Wow! Really?! I'll definitely look forward to it. Many thanks in advance!! :D

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[08.09.06][news] MW & JJ, "Please wait for Shinhwa's 20th anniv. concert."

Q: It's been 10 years since (Shinhwa's) debut. Members will be going to serve in the army and many things are changing. What are Shinhwa's future goals?

(JJ) Personally, I would like to continue to do both singing and acting. Working hard as I do now. In the future, I would like to see Shinhwa having 15th and 20th anniversary concerts. I wish those times would come soon.

(M) A promise was made to fans and we won't make them sad or dissappointed. Not only Korean fans but all the Asian fans, we love them like a family united in Shinhwa. That's what we would like.

Shinhwa's Min Woo, "I will repay all the love and support I have received."

source: oceans-six

translator: HappyHeart7@shinhwa.biz

I'm getting teary eyed reading what they said. More so now that Dongwan and Eric is going to enlist.

I'm really going to miss them. I wish them the best of luck.

No matter how long it takes for them to make a comeback, I'll always be waiting.

To Min Woo hyung, "don't get shaken but love yourself", me too..(laugh)..just joking. Soon your album will come out so please take care of your health and I hope to see always your smiling face. I only have you hyung. I want to tell you that I really love you.

Aww..Jinnie. I love how he is so expressive toward Minwoo. LOL. Junjin really cares for Minwoo. Junjin, I hope you take care of your health too!

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Guest infinityyy

Thank you for posting the articles ^^

Goodness, there's so much happening and I feel like crying. I'm going to miss Eric so much and thinking about the other members going too makes me so sad. I'm just really going to miss them :( Agh, all these worries and sadness along with my daily stress at home is getting me so frustrated.

Can someone please recommend me a long-lengthed SHINHWA video?

I've watched the Happy Together episode so many times now, that I can rehearse the subtitles and some of what they're saying verbatim.

pleeease, I'm in need of Shinhwa T__T

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Thanks for all the updates...

I am definitely NOT looking forward to 9th Oct when Eric enlists!

Must this day really comes?

Do we really have to wait for 2 years for him to finish and another 4 years for them to come together as 6?

oh gosh... i dread all these...

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hello! this is my first post in this thread,( i think) i hope i'm welcome here. :rolleyes: like the rest here, i'm so sad of eric & dongwan's military enlistment :tears: it's been my dream of seeing shinhwa in person but since it's impossible, i just wish them goodluck, good health, etc., and i hope they fulfill their promise


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it's been ages since i last dropped by here in this thread. School is really keeping me from all my Shinhwa madness. hahaha!

So, I've heard the news of Eric going to the military on the 9th of Oct. Gosh! The first time I heard the news, I was so devastated. I never thought that it would be this hard to accept. And then, I read that Dongwan might enlist earlier than Eric. That news made me feel so so sad. I am going to miss Wannie. But then, I just keep on telling myself that the earlier they enlist to the army, the earlier they will finish the service. I guess, we'll just have to wait till our oppa's reunite again. hehehe. I'll start saving money right now for their reunion concert. Wahehehehe. Shinhwa Fighting!!

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i'll confess--i haven't dropped by this thread yet,

but i've been a fan of shinhwa since their deubt.

they're the ones who inspired me to pick up korean again

and be proud of being korean after being teased&bullied for being asian

when i first moved to america.

i was tearing up so much reading that article with junjin&minwoo's interview.

it's going to be so empty just not seeing shinhwa all together for that long period of time..

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so many of us have been away from the shinhwa thread because of commitments we have. but it's so nice to know that shinhwa's still so well loved. i love shinhwa too and regret the fact that i've not attended any shinhwa concert. :( but, i'm looking forward to the their next concert, when i will be of age to travel without my mom's consent! :D

i still cant believe eric's leaving for army already. :( i miss shinhwa so much already. 6-1=0 indeed.

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It looks like DW will be going into army first. He announced on the KJE's Chocolate show that as soon as he's done with his solo concert, he'll be entering army.

Of course Eric will be right after him and now there's announcement that Minwoo might go in next May 2009. :tears:

Thank goodness Hyesung, Andy, and JJ is active in TV right now. And soon, we'll have Minwoo active when he promotes his 4th album.

i still cant believe eric's leaving for army already. :( i miss shinhwa so much already. 6-1=0 indeed.
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Guest gravitie

Hello everyone! Been a long while since I've posted. Sorry!

Soon, our boys are going to army. Hai, I feel odd for some reason. :/

Btw, the Come to Play Old Idol Special Pt.1 has been subbed and uploaded on YT, thanks to yonnieyonnie! :wub:







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