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Guest lenakeem

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Hmm...'Just one more time'...

What can I say? It's not the title track, it's not suppose to 'make it big'. And remember, it's not a SOLO effort, it's a GROUP one. It's inevitable that not everyone's going to be able to shine in a single song...and that's why Shinhwa's been able to stay together so long...they don't mind letting each other have their moments of fame. As soon as members or fans begin to think that way then Shinhwa will be over. If you're unhappy that someone didn't get to sing then go listen to the members' solos.

Obviously, it's impossible for everyone to like a single song, but....

I'm thankful that Shinhwa released this song as a gift to fans on their 10th birthday...after all, they didn't have to rush it when there's still a good two weeks before the release of their album. My guess is the album will be more polished. Actually, the recycled rap lyrics in this song is a good indication of how much attention they actually paid this song. I do have a hunch that it'll be pretty amazing to watch live since there's so much back and forth.

Format-wise, on the surface, it's pretty Shinhwa standard, so I'm not sure what people were expecting. At the same time, there's one big difference in this song. Hyesung is practically absent from the choruses when his voice is usually overlapped again and again in the older songs...showing some laziness arrangement and production wise. Instead, this time we have Minwoo. If you still find Minwoo too weak for even a back-up vocal...I really don't know what to do for you cuz the man only sang like four main lines. Anyways, in a way, you can say that, if they stay true to the arrangement in the live, they're truly singing as a group this time. It's nice to see them attempting some harmonizing rather than one big sing-a-long. I'm personally quite happy with the song. For me, songs that are too passionate don't make it past the tenth day of listening because they just end up being annoying at some point. Then again, I'm bit of a loveholic and W fan...so I kinda like 'droning' music lolz

As for improvement, I'm a T.O.P. generation fan, and I can't agree the boys haven't improved singing-wise...especially some older solos. Compared to Minwoo's bogoshipda (old fanmeeting version), I was surprised when he sang a few verses during one of the talkshows (had 3 women, can't remember what it was called) last year. It was very nice, and the man can hold two full concerts, one after another on the same day...I think that's saying something. Same with Dongwan's version of I ain't got you during his love mansae days and his recent fanmeeting. I've always thought that studio version recordings can't really be a standard of how much a singer has improved...since a person's voice really don't change that much after puberty...even if it has been 10 years. Agreed, Jinnie's part in the song wasn't perfect, but I'm happy that it has taken on a distinct tone whereas I couldn't even identify him during the 6th jib days. I wouldn't call Jinnie a singer of 10 years, more like 2. Not everyone is born with a god given voice, but they've done so much with what they've got. As for Ricdy's rapping, they have definitely taken on much more confidence. I used to wince a little when Ricdy rapped live...either too soft or off beat, but now Eric is just smexy when he raps live and Andy is much, much more confident.

I am a little disappointed that Jinnie didn't rap in this song, cuz out of the three rappers, I actually like him best. And it was a little awkward that the song ended in a rap...felt a little abrupt. But over all, I like the experimenting they're doing in this song (I can see where they're attempting to go towards...perfs like the remixed T.O.P. during last year's gayos). Frankly, ten years is not a long time at all, I definitely haven't done as much as they have during that time. And granted, there were the rare songs like 'I pray 4 u', gido, etc, but Shinhwa didn't really promote their singing until 6th jib when they did a complete turn-a-bout from their previous stuff with a R&B styled album.

Lastly, put on some headphones...blast it on high...close your eyes, lean back and listen intently~

Perhaps, you'll hear things you didn't before and the song will grow on you :)

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as crystalis said, this is not a solo effort

maybe u all feel disappointed cause thinking this is the song that u all

ah have been wiating so long and it didnt par up to ur expectation

me, i love it

it is simple, sad and just shinhwa

i think...

there's no complication in the song, it feels like they singing it for the sake of singing

it is from their heart....

it's ur own opinion

maybe u will like it and maybe u dont...

up to u...

and now i am waiting for the freaking mv

aish these shinhwa dudes

are keeping me restless for a few days already

and no matter what the mv is

i will love it too

cause u know what?

it is not about extraordinary, it is not about making something big or mind bogling or spectacular

it is about them singing for us from their heart

and that is enough to make me more than happy


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Guest square-boxes

i really really loved "just one more time" i think the way in which their voices blended together was awesome.

its really soothing and i liked this one more than "once in a lifetime"

the boys have really improved in their singing skills

jinnie's singing this time really caught my attention and it stood out as well. maybe its the quality of his voice

and the sound is not one that can be blast out directly from your computer, its something that you should listen over headphones to really listen to it and allow it to grow on you!

i loved eric's rap as well, it was very eric styled and i generally like listening to his voice.

oh and if you guys can read chinese you should really go and source out the chinese lyrics. i think the chinese lyrics does a better job in capturing the essence of the song maybe cos of the similarity between the korean and chinese language

cannot wait for the rest of their album


haahaa i realized that crystalis discovered the earphone thing as well.

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I think there is no need to apologize if one is honest and sincere with an opinion on the latest song...or the album later on. :lol:

Of course, we are free to disagree and agree....

Shinhwa fans and this thread has always been very liberal on variety of opinions.

My opinion though....the song is soothing and very listenable in the replay mode. It is like wine....it gets better.

However, I have to say that one's opinion and expectation of a single song.....can't be used to summarize Shinhwa's overall achievement. I cringe when I read an opinion about Shinhwa's lack of improvement and aren't up to par based on the latest opinion of their new single. I have to chuckle after I cringed because what overgeneralization. LOL.

Also, a good reminder is this song is a teaser for the album that will come.. Given its very listenable quality, I find it a good choice.

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Guest incarnadine

after i read everyone's comments about shinhwa's new song 'just one more time,' i tried to listen to it as soon as possible because of all the hype and excitement everyone showed for it. some people said they listened to it for hours and that it was beautiful. i'm not trying to bash shinhwa or anything, i just want to be honest. i really expected a lot more from them considering it's their last album and their next one won't come out until years from now. i felt the song was almost a complete disappointment, and the boys didn't do very well in it. hyesung's voice is always beautiful, but everyone else did pretty bad. no matter how much i love jin, his part was pretty... horrible. his voice was not pretty at all, and his singing was just not up to par. dongwan was alright. eric's narration was really annoying and it gave me shivers (the not-so-pleasant kind). minwoo's vocals were weak and andy's rap was also annoying.

i know this is a shinhwa thread, and most people would probably see my comments as an insult, but i just wanted to be honest. no matter how much i respect the boys, they really aren't all that great. =( i know they work hard. i know they put all their efforts into it, but DANG. they've been in the entertainment business for 10 years, and they've made little improvement since their debut... singing wise. i find that kind of... sad.

i AM a fan, by the way. i've supported them for years regardless of their shortcomings, so don't think i'm just some idiot who doesn't know much about them. i've followed them since their 6th album, so i'm pretty sure i know quite a few things about them. =)

i pre-ordered the 9th album last week just to support them. after hearing 'just one more time,' though, my excitement for the album has pretty much calmed down.

Hey Reizha! My fellow Jinnie lover ^^

Hmm... my initial reaction to the song was the complete opposite of yours. I dunno if I am deaf, or incredibly biased, but I know I can recognize a bad song when I hear one... and Dashi Hanbon Man is NOT bad for me. Far from it. I guess your expectations went up too high after reading all the reactions, dear. That happens. When most of us listened to it, there wasn't much feedback about it yet. In my case, I had no idea what to expect at all.

I think all their vocals were superb. Minwoo's parts are more polished now compared to the previous Shinhwa songs, and Sung's voice is very nice. As to Jin's part... my only complaint would be it was too short, and so his vocal range wasn't totally showcased, but it's ok, that's not the only song in the album.

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Guest nurkeyandie

as someone who spazzed out so much over 'just one more time' (i'm actually still spazzing about it - all night last night while i was working it was just playing over and over in my head and it was the only case of last song syndrome that i actually enjoyed and didn't feel annoyed about), i felt compelled to put in my two-cents' worth about the recent comments.

i was never into hip-hop and r&b. i've always been into alternative and rock and when i first learned about shinhwa in late 2006, i liked them for their bond that you could clearly see in all the messing around they did on shows and stuff but i told myself that hell, i'll never listen to their music. i was never into boybands or idol groups or whatever else you wanna call them coz i felt boyband music was "manufactured" music and that boyband members aren't real artists coz they're hardly involved in the making of their "music." and to be honest, there are shinhwa songs that make me cringe and they have songs that i practically don't care for at all. i think the first shinhwa song i liked was 'angel.' my main point here is i strongly disagree with the opinion that shinhwa hardly improved or improved so little over the past years coz man, seriously, listen to some of their old songs and if they don't make you cringe even a little then my hat's off to you coz you're probably the biggest shinhwa fan out there.

i think minwoo and dongwan have improved greatly as singers and i have much respect for them now coz i know that they actually make or compose songs. i mean, i know eric and hyesung write lyrics, which in itself is a great feat, but to actually make songs out of thin air? that's gotta be talent and hard work coz i know i don't have a song that i've composed and i'm pretty sure most of the people i know can't do it too. junjin, i think, actually has a nice voice, something i didn't expect, and andy, really, it's true that he's much more confident now. i do agree that the ending was pretty abrupt though.

i basically agree with the previous posts, especially amy's and chubby green's. but i can still clearly hear hyesung in the chorus. i'm pretty sure that all three vocalists are harmonizing in the chorus. and since i'm a shinhwa fan, which probably makes me prejudiced, i so agree that it's the lyrics and the heart in the song that made me fall in love with it.

and since we're all trying to be honest here, i know everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but since we're being honest, i gotta say that those comments were cold and they hurt.

but since i don't want to end in such a sour note, i do recommend using earphones and trying to listen, really listen to the gem of a song that is 'just one more time.' peace, everyone!

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Guest infinityyy

Hmm, I respect the opinions of those who wasn't too big of a fan of dashi han beonman, but I really don't think it's such a 'flop' or 'disappointment' as you guys think it is.

Well, whatever :P Not everyone will love the song, but it really is not a bad song. I thought the song was sang beautifully with the rap flowing in nicely with the vocals. ^^

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Guest b1234

Don't forget, Eric composes too. He doesn't just write lyrics.

Anyway, I like the song, even though I tend to like upbeat songs.

The climax of the song really made the song beautiful :)

But it's just one song off an entire album, so I'm sure that if this song didn't do it for you, the others surely would.

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Guest nurkeyandie

Don't forget, Eric composes too. He doesn't just write lyrics.

oh, right. thanks for pointing that out. he made 'liar,' right? that's also one of my faves.

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Guest kgirl21

hi! there i am also silent fan of shinhwa for a quite a long time. i personally like the "just one more time". some might not like it because of different preference in music style. i dont think this group has the best voices in the world , but there were more about this group that make me love their music :blush:

since this is "last album" before they leave, i believe this album will be great. i bet they worked hard and not leave other activities for nothing.

i personally hope you guys not dissappointed because the best yet not come.

just wait for what they prepare for us. :sweatingbullets: :blush:

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Guest forever.young

i've haven't been on soompi for 2 years! and what made me come back was SHINHWA!! i used to be obsessed with them 5 years ago...and here I am again. <3 minwoo and shinhwa.

10 years and they are still talented and good looking as ever

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Guest JjReiZhAxP

first off, i'd like to say that i'm glad you're all open minded. i thought people would actually get angry, but thank you for your input. maybe i was a little too harsh. they did make improvements. what i meant to say was that after ten years of being entertainers they should have improved a lot more than they have. my opinions about the song have not changed, however. i still think the song sounds horrible and their vocals were not pleasant.

hi malou! nice to see you. haha. minwoo still sounds the same to me. lol. i just listened to i pray 4 you earlier and the quality of his voice hasn't changed. to me anyway. the quality of jin's voice has definitely changed. his voice sounded so sweet in the 6th album (although he really REALLY sucked at singing live. watch their 6th story dvd and you'll know what i mean), but now his voice just sounds so forced and weird. his smoking probably has something to do with it.

as for the album, i can't judge it with just one song. you

I have to say that one's opinion and expectation of a single song.....can't be used to summarize Shinhwa's overall achievement.

i agree, but i didn't judge their entire album. i just simply stated that my disappointment with 'just one more time' lowered my excitement for their 9th album. i'm hoping that the other songs are better than this one. =)

i gotta say that those comments were cold and they hurt.

but since i don't want to end in such a sour note, i do recommend using earphones and trying to listen, really listen to the gem of a song that is 'just one more time.' peace, everyone!

i understand. i know my comments weren't very nice, but i just wanted to say how i felt about the song. i've actually said a lot worst about shinhwa, but through it all i'm still their fan. just because i'm a fan doesn't mean i have to think they're perfect... of course i'm not saying that you think they're perfect. i think it's actually a good thing that i can love them despite all their imperfections. and yes, i did use earphones, and i did listen to the song. i held the ear piece close to my ears, and the more i listened the harder it was to continue on because... they kind of hurt my ears... kind of. so i'm sorry if you felt insulted, and i'm sorry the song is such a disappointment to me. i kind of didn't like it when people said that the song was 'shinhwa.' if that's the case, then dang! that sucks. i'm sure they can pull off something a lot better than that out of their talent box if you know what i mean. =)

i'm really glad we can all be mature about this. other fans are just freakishly closed minded and won't take any sort of criticisms about the group or groups they adore.

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Guest samshiku

this is why i am proud to be a shinhwa fan...there is alot more freedom and respect for differing opinions :)

i love the new single and its funny cos i was just thinking 2 days ago about something like this....do i love the song simply bcos i love THEM?

the song is beautiful but yes like someone said earlier, it is like WINE...it is acquired taste and well sometimes, it is NEVER acquired...

well...for me andy's part was a little awkward. but other than that i love the composition..:)

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Guest robotic

i dont think this group has the best voices in the world , but there were more about this group that make me love their music

So true, I couldn't agree more.

As a fan I love them for their singing regardless of technique and finesse, lol.

(though it's always good to critique them every now and then)

I've been drawn to Shinhwa not just by their singing capabilities but by their whole package.

If I were basing my pick on the musically talented then I wouldn't be writing in this thread (perhaps be loitering in minwansyung's instead?).

They are such commendable mulit-entertainers in their own rights; branching into acting, mc-ing, soloist music and variety.

The members could easily individually head off to accomplish their own goals and interests without a second glance back.

Take for instance Eric, turning down the opportunity of pursuing a soloist music career - wow.

What keeps Shinhwa together is their endearing friendship - this is what keeps me coming back for more.

I find so many parallels between Shinhwa and the Japanese group SMAP (another love of mine).

Both groups have cemented themselves into the music and entertainment industry whilst keeping intact good friendships.

Even though SMAP isn't that musically talented as a whole, fans still love their music.

Takuya Kimura, like Eric, is a successful actor who at the end of the day always returns back for more group activities.

Hmm, this seems like another verbose thread of why I love Shinhwa..

I guess like all the new and returning posters of this thread - I'm happy for Shinhwa in reaching a new milestone and getting all excited for their group activities and album.

It'll be great to finally see them together once more.

- edit -

It's good to have different opinions and individual perceptions.

JjReiZhAxP; I agree about what you said - 'love beyond imperfections'. =)

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Guest picklypickly

Actually, I think it's a couple of things that is contributing to peoples opinions, whether they like it or not.

For those who like it, I think it comes from a place of deep-seated love for the boys. The warm and fuzzy feelings coming off of their 10th anniversary, coupled with the lyrics of the song. Hearing all six of them sing together, knowing that this is one of their last acts before they go on a hiatus. Of course the song sounds good.

For those who don't, maybe it's after hearing everyone gushing about it and the inevitable disappointment that comes. What could live up the expectations in your head? And the fact that the song is not a stirring track by any means. It doesn't have a driving beat or a soaring climax or a catchy tune. I think it's very much in line with what people were saying before about how Shinhwa songs aren't typical noraebang songs.

Personally for me, on the first listen, I thought it was a sweet song, but I wasn't crazy about it. After listening to it at least one or twice per day, it has grown on me. I think it's purposely a mellow track. The vocals are soft, easy, gentle. To others this may translate as lacking in passion or lacklustre. But I don't believe you hafta do vocal runs all up and down a track or belt it out diva-style for a song to be good. And honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I think they really rushed to get this single out on their 10th anniversary. I don't think they were ready to at all, but they really wanted to give a little gift to their fans in honor of their 10th.

In addition, I have to factor in the fact that Good is struggling right now financially. I'm not surprised to hear criticisms of their vocals cause frankly i think it's a byproduct of the album being under-produced. If the boys were with a bigger company (no names named), one with the financial means, the album would get produced and worked and reworked until it sounds amazing, albeit a little overproduced. If given the time, some coaching by the producer, I'm sure every single one of them could sound amazing.

Heck, they did wonders with Paris Hilton's voice.

but DANG. they've been in the entertainment business for 10 years, and they've made little improvement since their debut... singing wise. i find that kind of... sad.

But as for listening to this one track and judging 10 years of their career, I hafta disagree. I mean, it's hard for me to compare their SM days to now 'cause I dunno what SM does in the production booths to their artists. Personally, I think Minwoo's voice has developed such a rich, soulful quality to it. He doesn't just sing the words. He signs the emotions. Dongwan's voice is a lot fuller and not nearly as high and thin as it used to be. Jin's voice has matured as well. What may sound "forced or weird" may be a result of the vocal training he's had since his solo efforts. And Hyesung of course is amazing. All in all. I love Shinhwa and I love the song. I love them, flaws and all.

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Guest incarnadine

first off, i'd like to say that i'm glad you're all open minded. i thought people would actually get angry, but thank you for your input. maybe i was a little too harsh. they did make improvements. what i meant to say was that after ten years of being entertainers they should have improved a lot more than they have. my opinions about the song have not changed, however. i still think the song sounds horrible and their vocals were not pleasant.

hi malou! nice to see you. haha. minwoo still sounds the same to me. lol. i just listened to i pray 4 you earlier and the quality of his voice hasn't changed. to me anyway. the quality of jin's voice has definitely changed. his voice sounded so sweet in the 6th album (although he really REALLY sucked at singing live. watch their 6th story dvd and you'll know what i mean), but now his voice just sounds so forced and weird. his smoking probably has something to do with it.

as for the album, i can't judge it with just one song. you

i agree, but i didn't judge their entire album. i just simply stated that my disappointment with 'just one more time' lowered my excitement for their 9th album. i'm hoping that the other songs are better than this one. =)

i understand. i know my comments weren't very nice, but i just wanted to say how i felt about the song. i've actually said a lot worst about shinhwa, but through it all i'm still their fan. just because i'm a fan doesn't mean i have to think they're perfect... of course i'm not saying that you think they're perfect. i think it's actually a good thing that i can love them despite all their imperfections. and yes, i did use earphones, and i did listen to the song. i held the ear piece close to my ears, and the more i listened the harder it was to continue on because... they kind of hurt my ears... kind of. so i'm sorry if you felt insulted, and i'm sorry the song is such a disappointment to me. i kind of didn't like it when people said that the song was 'shinhwa.' if that's the case, then dang! that sucks. i'm sure they can pull off something a lot better than that out of their talent box if you know what i mean. =)

i'm really glad we can all be mature about this. other fans are just freakishly closed minded and won't take any sort of criticisms about the group or groups they adore.

Hahaha, reizha. I respect your opinion about the song, though I still think calling it "horrible" is a bit too harsh :D

With respect to M, I thought he sounded better because he seems to have more control over his voice, plus it sounds more "whole" or "robust" (lol what am I saying) compared to their previous songs. As for Jin, I think it's because of the lines he sang... I personally think Jin's forte are mid-tempo songs, since his voice is low and whole, and those few lines didn't exactly highlight it. But what I liked about his part is that it stood out, and it was a refreshing addition/change to the rest of the vocals.

I have never considered Shinhwa as 'perfect' in a strict sense. In fact, I fell in love with them for their imperfections, their humanity. Despite being Hallyu stars, all people can relate to them.

EDIT: picklypickly, my feelings exactly.

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