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Guest lenakeem

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Guest picklypickly

I thought the whole album would be released on the 24th, but I guess it makes sense to give a teaser first and then wait until April to release it since half of them will be in LA during the beginning of April and it's not like you wanna leave at the beginning of your promotion. So it's best to wait until after... but man! am I anxious. haha.

That last article is so moving... I can't really say that I've been with them for 10 years. I actually got into Shinhwa right when they were releasing their 8th album. Indulge me and I'll tell you a little story.

I love Korean dramas and at that time I was watching Goong. So when I finished it, I went online and Youtube'd a bunch of NGs and stuff. I happened to stumble onto a little show Yoon Eun Hye was on. You might have heard of it? X-man? haha. Anyways, I think it was the clip with her & Eric and the ill-fated caramel. and I ended up watching the rest of the episode and those six men cracked me up. I was charmed by the way they seemed so affectionate with each other. I think it was Minwoo who had wrapped his arm around Dongwan from behind and was leaning on him. And I thought it was hilarious how they played the game. It was the "butt pushing game" and they were like leaping and flying through the air and doing like frog jumps and acrobatics and I was wowed. And then I think I watched another episode and they were playing "Dangyunhaji" and they were all so funny and witty. Even though they were picking on each other and teasing the other members, you could see how much they loved each other enough to be able to say those things in front of everyone and still laugh it off. Side note: I totally fell in love with Dongwan's smile. All those pearly whites flashing everywhere. And for some reason I thought Junjin was the oldest, just cause of the way he was strutting around and stuff.

And so yeah, I guess I downloaded some other Xman episodes with them in it and they never failed to make me laugh, like totally cracking up. So then I decided, wow, these guys are entertaining me so much, like I owe it to them to listen to their music. They deserve it. So I youtube'd for their music video and the very first one that showed up was "Once In a Lifetime." And I just remember being like, :huh: 'cause there were six of them and I was like, wow, that's alot of people to be in one group. But I really liked the song, totally not knowing it was their brand new single. And then I'm not sure what I watched next... I just remember Minwoo like laying on the beach with that temporary tattoo he had on his neck. And I guess things just snowballed from there. I started listening to all their music and watching more youtube clips. Totally falling in love. And lemme tell you, learning all their names and trying to match their voices on songs to the person was no easy task. But now I can't like imagine not immediately recognizing like random body parts on promotional images or picking out like one of their laughs amongst a bunch of background noise on variety shows.

I've really invested so much in these six guys cause I truly believe in the message of that article. That even though they're six completely different individuals, I don't really feel like they're whole until they're all together. It's only when the six of them are united that I really feel like they're One. Anyways, long rant over. Sorry, no new graphics today. But I excited to see the next batch of pictures and I'll get to working again.

Time until Monday, March 24, 2008 (Seoul time)


1.78 days

42.83 hours

2570 minutes

154197 seconds

...and counting....!!!

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^ I think Shinhwa was the first group to show up on a whole on xman like that ^^

The tattoo is the 5th album photoshoot (?)


Whoever wrote that must be a Shinhwa fan him/herself because it's so accurate. Worthy of a mag that published 120 pictures of Shinhwa behind the scene photos lolz Thanks incarnadine for posting ! And midnightgirl for translating :)

I don't think fans of new groups quite understand the sense of deja vu fans, who have been entrenched in Shinhwa fandom, feel when new groups pop up. Of course, we avoid pointing them out since each group is unique, but the marketing points of Korean idol groups changed so much after people began to see Shinhwa's success...especially after their Daesang in 2004. As for Shinhwa themselves, the marketing points were gradually built around them and not them for the market (as was probably planned)...lolz

Nor do people understand, seeing as Shinhwa is now the 'longetivity group' or the group being looked up to, how overshadowed they were by H.O.T., Sechkies, etc...that by the time those groups broke up, the Korean music industry had already started sloping down and the target of a million sales seems impossible. It would be really amazing if they could sell a million copies of their 9th album before they go to the army :) So everyone, please BUY a copy of their 9th album! It's not everyday that you get to celebrate a group's 10th birthday.

As for Shinhwa songs, it's true. I mean, how often to you hear or see people singing/playing Shinhwa songs on shows? The most common one is probably Perfect Man cuz it's one of the songs on 1000 songs challenge and no one ever gets it's right <_< And that one time, Hey Come On also appeared on 1000 songs challenge, but Shinhwa ended up singing it themselves lolz :sweatingbullets: They're perfectly good songs, but too 'specialized'. Certainly, props to the songwriters...popping out hit after hit like that. One thing I do love about SM...or maybe it's cuz they didn't really care after Shinhwa's failed 1st album <_< , was their willingness to let the members put in their own creations into the album so early on. Maybe our boys are just seriously talented when it comes to composition, or it's just cheaper :sweatingbullets: but I know lots of singers' compositions simply don't past the company boards.

Gotta love their dancing ^^ Even when you learn the steps, the formation can give you a headache if you're trying to learn the dance off a performance where the camera's always zooming. Even as a hardcore fan, I don't always remember where the members are standing for each song. Rather than the steps themselves, I think it's the style that's difficult to imitate. Shinhwa's dancing is so ...clean. It's as if they went over each move and how it should be done, rather than just depended on each person's own ability and understanding of how it's done. The result? They're pratically mirriors of each other on stage...which is incredibly beautiful. Sadly, and it's understandable due the about of they have to practice now, you don't see much of it after 7th jib T.T Probably a big reason why they don't perform Wedding anymore. To this date, I've yet to see another group dance quite so rapidly for a live than Shinhwa's performance of Wedding. Shinhwa sychronization is...indescribeable (?). You know they were meant to be because sometimes, no matter how long a group has been together, they just don't achieve that level of synchronization. Could also be that wansyung were inexperienced dancers and probably things up from the other members of the group. I know minwoo rubbed off on wannie (i.e. The drumming fingers in wild eyes :) )

As for Shinhwa fandom...it is a little off the hook. Especially, the Shinhwa couplings. Even my previous knowledge of the Japanese JE boys didn't quite prepare me for just how 'close' they can be lolz Of course, it's more common now with this burst of shinins in Kpop...but it was a pretty shocking back then lolz

I won't comment on their show personalities lolz It's just too well-known :)

The fun-est (i know it's not a word ^^:) part about Shinhwa is watching them grow. In many groups, major talents are scouted and more often than not they stay at that level, but for Shinhwa, there's so much that they learnt after becoming a group.

Okay~ I'll stop now. Getting into the habit of writing essays or something :ph34r:


About Shinhwa's latest interview...shinhwa.biz is probably subbing it, right? So I won't bother and just enjoy rewatching it over and over again lolz Mindy in white is to die for

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I don't know what's the difference in price yet. According to the PM, they will let us know. I'm thinking it's going to be quite a difference in price because we paid for the regular CD around $20 right? In Yesasia, they are selling it over $30 (with Yesasia discount) and with book, it's going to be heavier.

As I was reading the article about Shinhwa's songs are not sung by the public like HOT and Setaji, something my husband said may be true. He was watching MTV show on TV one day and I pointed out to him Hyesung when he was singing. He said the song is too hard to sing. If you want the song to be popular, it has to be something average person can sing a long. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Eventhough I listen to Shinhwa's song everyday, (besides having BAD memory), I don't remember any lyrics where as some other easy sing-a-long songs eventhough I may not know all the song, I remember some lyrics.

I forgot Hyesung and Minwoo will be in LA when the album is released to the public. I really hope when they get back to Korea, they promote like crazy and be on all the variety shows!

Oh, I saw that in Yesasia, Dongwan's album is being released in May. That doesn't give him much time to promote....or is he going to promote?

mommie Alice - I ordered mine through SHCJ too, I hope I get it ^.^ How much more did you have to pay extra? Please let me know. Thanks. The tumbler look nicer in white ^.^ For sure! I'm getting the white one too....

(I'll be out for 8hrs, when I'm back... expect to see more news, goods, pictures of them ^.^)

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Guest pyrotekniq

hello there!

i've been a soompi member for a bit but haven't posted much until now. glad to see the awesome shinhwa community we have here. =)

i'm excited for the release of the 9th and the 10th anniversary. does anyone know how/where i could get my hands on some of the concert merchandise? i heart the figurines very much.

nice to meet you all! =)

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Guest love!melody

okay! this thread is moving along really fast now LOL :) it's so hard to hkeep up ><;;

[08.03.21][trans] We Are Shinhwa

Now they are about to enlist into the army one after another. For the past 10 years, they have been shouting "Urineun Shinhwa imnida (We are Shinhwa)". Can this line last through 15 or 20 years? At a time where Korean idol groups come and go, they are a legend. And possibly no Korean idol group can ever surpass what they have achieved.

the article was so touching! and defintiely one of the best articles about shinhwa :) and i agree, the last paragraph was really touching *tears* shinhwa is a legend! we will always remember them and we all have faith in them that we will be able to see all 6 members together again on stage even after they enlist. shinhwa hwaiting <3

80slitenite thank you for the news clip! LMAO they are so adorable! and funny! they look and act as if they are no where near 30 LMAO <3 hehehe, the airplane noises were so cute! i'll be back with translations .... soon LMAO :) unless someone else translates the clip before me >< hehehe

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Guest ntlove16

mommie Alice - Thanks for letting me know... They havent PM me yet, so I'm still waiting for them....

Their song are hard to sing... I tried to sing it before, very hard... When I sing it, always a little bit off notes... When I sing "It's your eyes, it's your hand, it's your heart, it's your love" I always has to think 2x before i sing... otherwise it just off note... And it's one of the easiest part of the song. I know I am a horrible singer, but Shinhwa's songs still pretty dang hard to sing. I think what your husband said is true. I listen to this guy, the song is so easy to sing a long, and the lyric is ok, and that's how the song get popular (even though the guy sucks at singing). Many people out there pick an easy song to sing so they can be popular. One of my favorite singer (he's vietnamese), everytimes we try to sing his song, we always has a problem with it... Even though the song sound so easy to sing... Just like Shinhwa song, sound simple, but very complicated... >.< But our Shinhwa is amazing like that... They can pull off anything! ^.^

love!melody - Waiting for the translation! :w00t: Especially I want to hear what they has to say about Minwoo shirt + body.... <_< And the part where he hold on the bar with his hand and fall back.... Arg.. So sexy .... :phew:


There is this website call "Even If" where they have better of the Goods... I'm in my lazy mode right now so I dont want to upload all the pictures! Sorry....

But here the link....

Even If

So question: Is it $70 for all six? Or just one, because if it is just one, I think it's ridiculous.... >.<

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Guest nurkeyandie

can i just say that i slept at 4 am and now i find that this thread has moved about 20 million pages?!? ok, i know i'm exaggerating but i just really feel the excitement in this thread. ^-^

thanks so much for all the news, pics, and clips. i am so going to buy the perfume set, and maybe the soap set too. i have the same question: it's $70 for all six, right? and i know this is a silly question to ask, but are the fragrances for women? i know our boys must smell really good in person, but i don't want to smell like a namja. somebody might get mad, teeheehee... :sweatingbullets:

and i can not wait for the subs/translation of the 9th jib photoshoot clip. coz eric was asked something and he answered, "hyesungie." i wanna know what the question was! coz this is another ricsyung moment! lemme ask this again: eric, why are you so in love with hyesung? why? why?!? hahaha!

edit: and as i read the posts here and what shinhwa fans do while listening to their music or watching their clips, i realized that i'm not the only one who tries to identify who's singing this or that part, who's harmonizing together, etc. i also always try to see who says the "uri neun" when they introduce themselves. it's silly, right? but i just like doing it. for the 9th jib photoshoot clip, it was minwoo who said it both times (when they were introducing themselves and at the end of the interview). ^-^

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Guest kriza_09

yayy!! the album jacket photoshoot is out!!! ^^

now i can understand why the photographer wanted to give minwoo a big applause...

remember when we thought it was because he was wearing non-sleeve shirt????

that's nothing... he was shirtless... o_O

lots of couple shoots!!! RICSYUNG!!!

lots of memorable lines as well!!! ^^

"Which member you want to be coupled with?

Eric: Hyesungie.... "

And hyesung's new nick name: ApMom!!!!

what does ApMom means???? Apgujong Momjjang!!!! lol..

ps: momjjang = best body

apgujong = similar to beverly hills in the US... where lots of famous boutiques and expensive brand name clothes store are located.. popular hang-outs for celebs and rich people...

ps2: can't wait for the MV filmsite.. it will be hilarious... ^^

ps3: the fonts will be easier on the eyes if you bold it....

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Guest clairdeluned

and i can not wait for the subs/translation of the 9th jib photoshoot clip. coz eric was asked something and he answered, "hyesungie." i wanna know what the question was! coz this is another ricsyung moment! lemme ask this again: eric, why are you so in love with hyesung? why? why?!? hahaha!

The question Eric was asked was "Who in Shinhwa do you want to be coupled with?" :lol:

*edit* Ooh someone responded before me :P Anyway that photo shoot was so cute XD "OohChoiMo" hahaha Junjun and Hyesung are so cute

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Guest vietgirl604

Wow, that article was...wow LOL. It was so touching! I can't believe it's almost 10 years..each year goes by way too fast.

Ah, I haven't been here in forever and now that I'm sort of back, it's Shinhwa's 10th year already! I remember being here for their 9th and that felt like just...yesterday really.

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Guest clairdeluned

^I know what you mean, it seems like just yesterday that our boys won the Daesang. :lol: I sound like my parents.. "it seems like just yesterday that you were in elementary school" :P

Anyway, my poor bank account, I'm going to be totally broke after I buy all this Shinhwa merchandise.

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Guest nurkeyandie

aah, thank you, thank you, misoobishi and kriza! hehe, so that's why eric was looking a little sulky when hyesungie and andy were taking pics. actually, i thought he was asked who do you think has the best body in shinhwa. hahaha!

edit: but what reason did eric give? why did he want to be paired with hyesung? hehe, sorry if i can't wait for the subs...

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Guest clairdeluned

aah, thank you, thank you, misoobishi and kriza! hehe, so that's why eric was looking a little sulky when hyesungie and andy were taking pics. actually, i thought he was asked who do you think has the best body in shinhwa. hahaha!

edit: but what reason did eric give? why did he want to be paired with hyesung? hehe, sorry if i can't wait for the subs...

He said that he liked it when Hyesung was "비몽사몽" or "bimongsamong"... which I guess you can translate as "out of it", or kind of sleepy/trance-like.. if that makes any sense :P Anyway yeah, Eric said that Hyesung was like that on that day, and he liked it. XD

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Guest 80slitenite

Thanks for the website and vid (bad ric!) ntlove16!

I can't wait for subs for the vid as well.^^

I backtracked about 9 or 10 pages and I didn't see this one. My eyes must be bad if its posted here already. Sifting thru a sea of orange and then getting my eyes to adjust back to black is no easy task. @_@ haha

If it has already been posted, I'm sorry I'll edited it out. Let me skim through again just in case. @_@

Note from Director Song Won Young & Concert Notice



City of Reed

Director Song & Mr Ric

Ric:“Please solve your richard simmons off before coming"

SHINHWA in Mexico

Mexican MAFIA

Actually we are not mexican

Note from director Song Won Young & Concert notice

Hi everybody

It is a pleasure to get the chance to work with everybody, and felt greatly thanks about it.

The weather is still cold out there, and it was a out shooting, everybody must have been working real hard.

The shooting suppose to be in Mexico_ but we could not make it there, so we decided to replace it with Gyeonggi City.

I believe within these 2 days everybody had difficulties in overcoming with things, for not leaving any regret in the whole project to produce the best result and everybody was giving out their profession of hardwork.

Several special matters


Although everybody should have known, but i still want to say it, that place is a land where fire is easily being caught.

Everybody please beware of your cigarates in that area.

If there is a fire being caught, it could occured matters like oil leaking matter of TaeAn & NamDaeMoon's fire explosion case..

Hope that everybody must becareful with fire.


Although it is just an MV shooting, but we were also recording scene and clips for the concert use,

We will be filming it with the same method in filming in a drama & movie scene

Hope that everybody must silent off your cellphone or not making other noises.


When the sun totally sets, the shooting will be ended.


There is only a toilet in the traveling make up van, so i hope that everybody will solve your big business before you come to work.

Hope that the guys will solve your toilet matters in the reeds.

Source: Shinhwa 10th anniversary web

Cn Trans:打糕@shinhwachina

Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

Ok I backtracked alot and I didn't see it, so I think I'm good. Joayo? lol.

Shinhwa resolving their matters in the reeds. Now that's my kind of idol group. XD

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Guest samshiku


i want the subs sooo badly...they made SO many little jokes and so completely nonsensical, so completely shinhwa :)

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Director Song & Mr Ric

Ric:“Please solve your richard simmons off before coming"

this one is good

ha ha ha

three more days...


thanks for the translation for the photoshot

aw... eric one again calling out for sungie oppa

so cute

and andy ^_^*

gosh so many shinhwa goodies

i want it all

but i am so broke

i wish i have my birthday in march


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Guest milkajunior

I am totally in love with the pic..............

thanks for shring........................

they look hot even looking mexicanish...............................

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Guest love!melody

sorry for taking so long, but here is it. i hope you all find it helpful:


When our oppas debuted, I was only a 10 year old little kid~ Lets now meet the legendary idol group shinhwa, who have never lost the top spot for 10 years.

The shinhwa members, who have met up at a plane runway, are walking forward suavely. Oh! They’re gaze seems very compelling, no?

Junjin: This is the setting of our jacket photo shoot.

Eric is standing next to a plane. Oh~ he can’t just pass by it. He personally touches the airplane. Right next to it is Minwoo and Andy, enjoyably playing with toy airplanes.

Eric: Kah! Pu! Khak~ Shhoooooo~ Uuuuuhk! Khak!

Andy: We’ll go now.

Minwoo & Andy: *playing with the airplanes* Shhoooooo~ Uuuuuhk~ Hahaha!

Just like they learned, they are trying hard to make the noises.

Minwoo: Ahh~ I’m dizzy.

Eric: *laughs and smirks* (Ha! Imitating me!)

Q: Who is the best model in shinhwa?

Hyesung: There’s a light and starting from somewhere over here *points next to Junjin*, it twinkles and there’s a halo!

Q: Junjin = gul-mo.?

Hyesung: gul-mo. gul-mo. *thumbs up*

Hyesung & Junjin: A walking model.

Junjin: Then Shin Hyesung is a ooh-choi-moh. The universe’s best model!

Hyesung: *laughs* Ugh! How childish! I’m so sorry. [bows] We are …

Hyesung & Junjin: Shinhwa! <3

Oh my my~ Minwoo looks so refreshing. *Minwoo throws water up in the air* He is making striking poses with his muscular body.

Photographer: [awed at Minwoo‘s poses] Minwoo knows pictures~ He knows pictures.

Minwoo: [proud] Yes, I know pictures. Even the photographer acknowledges me as one who knows photography.

Staff: [jokingly] I’m so embrassed (of you). *Minwoo laughs*

Well, I like it! Yahhh~ Looks good! Even compared to couple of years ago, your body still looks muscular. Now, this time they got into character and started with couple shoots. Oh~ these tough men.

Q: [asks Eric] The member you want to be coupled with?

Eric: *smiles* Hyesung. For some reason today, I like Hyesung. He is out of it right now and isn‘t his conscious state right now. But I like him when he’s like that.

Hyesung, who Eric has chosen, was shooting with Andy. But there is one guys who is staring at these two flower-boys -- Eric.

Eric: *looks at Hyesung and Andy* (Should I ask to take pictures of all three of us?)

The next couple is Dongwan and Junjin.

Photographer: Look at each other.

Dongwan: We can’t look at each other.

This comic couple, even if they glimpse at each other, they burst with laughter. So in the end, they took photos looking away from each other.

Eric & Dongwan: *looks at Minwoo*

These two’s attention are at Minwoo, who is dangerously hanging off a pole. (Minwoo doing the Spiderman pose)

A group of six distant personalities and features, Shinhwa. We can see why they were the top for 10 years now.

The best idol group, Shinhwa, is here!

Shinhwa: Hello. We are Shinhwa! <3 *stretches their arms out*

Q: Is there a secret as to how you were able to stay together?

Hyesung: [jokingly] The secret/reason as to why Shinhwa was able to stay together for 10 years is because of Eric. *passes the mic to Eric*

Eric: (admitting it) Yes. It is because of me. *smiles*

Minwoo: [going along with the joke] Eric saved the company with ‘Bulsae’. *laughs*

Eric: Seriously, the reason why Shinhwa was able to last for 10 years is because of ’Bulsae’

Everyone: *laughs*

Flashback (from the drama ’Bulsae’) || Eric: Don’t you smell something burning? My heart is burning. (It is probably Eric’s love for Shinhwa which is burning.)

Q: The person who’s personality changed during the 10 years?

Junjin: Personality-wise is … *points at Hyesung*

Hyesung: *laughs* Why are you being like this?

Dongwan: He was the one who wasn’t really able to shower together because he was very shy. But now he goes wild.

Q: [excited] Why? Why? Why?

Junjin: He changed as he started to work out. *laughs* (Hyesung is frustrated) Now his name is ahb-mom (ahb-gu-jung mom-jjang)

Hyesung: This is not an interview but an assault. An assault.

Q: Andy is promoting his solo album right now but is everyone supporting you?

Andy: *laughs* Last time, Eric hyung asked me, “Did you release an album to be funny?”

What do you mean by funny? Have you ever seen someone this adorable?

Eric: Using this time, I would like to apologize.

Andy: *laughs*

Q: The member you are most envious of for their physical appearance?

Minwoo: (I’m a bit envious of) Eric’s face.

But Minwoo, you are very handsome too!

Minwoo: I think I’m a bit unattractive.

Oh~! That is nonsense!

Eric: (teasingly) I think I’m ugly.

Everyone: *laughs*

Minwoo: Shinhwa has met up since quite some time. Soon, there will be a new album and Shinhwa’s 10 year anniversary concert. We ask for great love and support. And as always, Shinhwa is forever! <3 We will work hard. Until now, we were Shinhwa! *stretches arms out*

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