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Guest lenakeem

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Guest ntlove16

have a question...

are all the members of shinhwa will be attending military service?

Except for Hyesung!

kriza_09 Are you going to the concert? Arg.. I want to go! I think everyone will be every excited for it.... If I get to go, man I would be jumping around screaming my head off.... I already done so, even though I am not going....

When will the MV be release? Anyone know?

Everyone, make ur font orange! ^.^

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Guest incarnadine

My heart feels heavier and heavier each time I read news articles on the members' impending enlistment... I wonder how I'll be able to take it when one day, I wake up and they've gone their separate ways ~ even if it be just temporary.

On the other hand, after reading the articles, I feel nothing but immense pride for our Shinhwa boys. They have gone through so much, endured so much, achieved so much. Together.

I don't wanna think of their military enlistment yet... for now, I just wanna focus on their upcoming 10th anniversary and 9th album. I'm so excited and I'm pretty sure our boys are going to give us a performance to remember, and an album worth the wait.


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Everyone, make ur font orange! ^.^

Cool idea....I'll type in orange for the entire rest of March! LOL

Can't believe that a certain color can make me feel all fuzzy inside!

I'm looking forward to all of the behind-the-scenes, interviews and the whole nine yards for their anniversary.

Thank you all for the updates!!!!


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The 22,000 tickets for the 10th anniversary concert were all sold out within one hour from the start of the presale.

i really wish i was one of those who bought the tickets ._. i really wish to go but too bad ):

aww im really loving all those pics people have been posting up <3 they are looking hot hot hot

thats one hot pic,. gotta go PS again. ahahs i wopnder when the mv will be out too, i def cant wait for it and make gifs on them (:


▶I am suddenly starting to feel that 10 years isn't really a big deal. When we first made our debut, I thought that I'd be a father after 10 years..... (laughs) I think I'd like to spend the next 10 years like this.

i always find him the cutest and most funniest in shinhwa, he always laugh for certain kind of reason. ahahs <3 his adorable laugh. ahhas <333 he thought he;ll be a father in 10 years? well that didnt happen. ahhas (:

gah i hope all the orange wont blind people, its def. going to blind mine but just for shinhwa <3

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Guest incarnadine

Ohh yeah I forgot to comment on the latest 9th jib pic ~~ can you say HOTTTT??? And Jin in leather... *dies*

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Guest aindy

this is cool!!

font in ORANGE please!!!

malou, im still in hyperventilation mode upon seeing that pic..

and that goes right in my desktop wallie, haha!!

3 more days to go!!

i have a feeling more overload pics will be out on D-Day..

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Guest ntlove16

incarnadine - It's not fair... You are always top the page and I'm always last of the page... This is the second time it happened >.< Gosh J/K

Thank you for all the great updates on our lovely SHINHWA ^.^

I'm so happy that everyone participate ^.^ in the orange fonts _____ (I dont know what word to go here... "wave", "trend")

kiyundy. - When I see that pic, my jawline drop down to my feet, not even joking... They are the sexiest men of Korea... I'm still waiting for more sexy pictures of them...

(I been saving up money so I can get Shinhwa Goodness.... I think I have to sacrifice my Sony Ericsson G900 for Shinhwa Goodies... )

Do you have what it take to love Shinhwa? What will you sacrifice?

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Guest Aya Niikura17


my first time posting here!

i'm more a silent reader bcoz my english is not good! x)

but since i saw Shinhwa's mexican concept i'm very exited!!



and i can't wait for the mv!!!!

personally i don't think their looks are mexican =X (my opinion since i'm one)

mexican aren't handsome like they xDDDDDDDDDD


Is true that Eric knows spanish? lol i want to hear him talking xDD but not things as "shooting star" =__=

even it's funny hearing them singing that xD

thanks for all pics *__________*

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Guest itz Nhari

Let's keep it orange til after the 24th! LOL

That's a good idea, no? ^_^

New info and pictures of the 9th album and the MV is sooooo goood!!

A lot of laughter came out but it was all positive! LOL <333333

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Seeing you guys typing in orange made me laugh because just today at work I ordered 9 boxes (25 in each box) of ORANGE color hanging folders because I decided to celebrate 10th year by putting all my work documents into ORANGE hanging folders. LOL! It's going to be so funny when all my users at work open the 5-drawer cabinet and see cabinet FULL of ORANGE folders! LOL! I also ordered TONS of orange hi-liters! LOL!

Everyone, make ur font orange! ^.^

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Guest 80slitenite

hahahaha this orange thing is crazy and great!

Dongwan would be an amazing father (recalling the babysitting vid)

Do you have what it take to love Shinhwa? What will you sacrifice?

Seriously as it pains me to say this, I would sell my labtop. no wait my sister(she's not a Shinhwa fan). I really need my labtop to keep up with the Shinhwa related threads here. XDD

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Guest paigehk

Do you have what it take to love Shinhwa? What will you sacrifice?

I will give up banana (my favorite fruit) and just eat Orange for one whole month.

Will I get sick? It's ok, everything for Shinhwa

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haha, you guys are so cute with the orange color <3

this thread's going to be really hard on my eyes, but it's so worth it.

i've found that i've become extremely fond of the color orange, a color that i never payed much attention to, after i became a fan of shinhwa

it was so nice going to the photo forum and seeing so many threads dedicated to shinhwa on the front page!

march 24 is getting closer and closer...i don't know how much longer i can bear the excitement :D

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ha.... so cute.. that everyone is using the orange font hehe..

did they cut their hair.. cuase the latest 9jib pic eric hair seem to be shorter...

am i the only one who thinks their pose is weird.. maybe the pic is too dark.. i can't see who's leg and who's hand is it.. what they look super hot though... welcome back guys....

shinhwa forever~~~yeh~~~~

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Guest ..kaleena..


(I've been eating only oranges at school lately!! ;D)


SHINHWA is too much!!!!! How can any one not love them?? Seriously!

This Mexican concept is freaking hilarious! You never know what these guys will throw at ya! Haha, that's what makes them awesome!!! I always love how they mess around! (Remember that one video of Eric and Junjin making that funny MV?? I wonder if this new MV will be funny like that! Haha, probably not that extreme, but yea!)

Really though... after reading all these articles, my heart is on the verge of shattering into a thousand pieces.. I really hate hearing people say that "this will be the last mv, last concert, last blah blah blah", I can't bear with the thought of them going away.... I hope they are doing okay..... *sigh* It kind of seems like they are going through a tough time, but they still got each other's back. OH, the friendship!!!! It's been 10 amazing years for them and for me. I wish there was some special way to send ALLLLLLLLLLLLL my love to them.... Some kind of special force that they could feel.. ai ya, hahaha

I can only wish for them to come to the Hollywood Bowl... My last chance TT^TT If i get the opportunity to see them, I am seirously going to bawl my eyes out like there is no tomorrow TT^^^^^^TT

Thanks for all the pictures, my lovely orange princesses! HAHAAHAHAHAH :D

SHINHWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LOVES FOREVER!!!!!!

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ha ha ha this is so cute

u guys make me smile when i open this page just now

orange all the way!!!

ha ha ha


i really wanna go to their concert wouldnt that be great?

i really wanna go


i bet they all will be singing in tears...

who will cry first?

ha ha ha my bet

erm maybe dongwan...


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Guest incarnadine

What I would sacrifice for Shinhwa?

I'll cut my time online to be able to do other things. I swear that's a HUGE sacrifice since I'm online practically 24/7.

Woohoo it's like a F-I-E-S-T-A in here! Let's all party amigas!!! :lol:

PS. I still can't get over how HANDSOME they are in the latest album pic. *drools*

ntlove -- lol I'm so sorry dear, I didn't realise I started the last two pages! Pure luck I guess ^^

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a lot of people have been wondering why of all shinhwa members is eric the one being hostaged..


i mean it would have been more understandable if it was andy


but then again, we still dont know a lot about the mv except the concept.. and that eric is the one hostaged

^ haha...

I dunno, it kinda made sense to me that Eric would be the one held hostage...cuz he SO does not act the oldest. Even Andy wonders at times who the 'hyung' is lolz And I don't think the enemies would be a match for Superman ANdy lol :D

This orange font thing is so cute <3

Am I allowed to use different shades? cuz it's a lil hard on the eyes. This (#FF6600) looks orange too, right? Or is it too red? :sweatingbullets:

Or would it be more uniform if I use the same shade (#FF8C00) as everyone else??


What would I sacrifice for Shinhwa?

Time ^^

I think it's the greatest gift a fan could give them :)

(cuz time is money too?? :phew: )

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Guest ntlove16

incarnadine - Lol I was just kidding! I like it better when you top the page, you always brings some goodness with you! ^.^

itz Nhari - I want everyone to keep this orange 'til forever... If not at least 'til after the CD release and Concerts end.... ^.^

mommie Alice - I want to paint my room Orange right now... My phone is Orange, my backpack is orange, my shoes is orange... It wasnt even planned.... Someone pointed out to me to, I didnt even relize that... You are so awesome! ^.^ Change everything orange... I think I need to go shopping tomorrow... Get some orange goodness....

paigehk - I eat about 10 orange a day + 5 cup of tangerine... My mom told me I'm gonna turn orange if I keep doing that.... I love Orange.... I dont even relize how much orange and tangerine i eat a day! >.<

Thanks everyone for your amazing sacrifice. Especially 80slitenite , for sacrifice her sister! crystalis, for her time!

EVERYONES, Keep Up The Orange Work!

*Orange= Good* <----- This is Shinhwa Fan talk..... OMG I think I'm getting little crazy here... I should stop typing

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