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Guest lenakeem

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the fight thing also reminds me of hyesung and minwoo

maybe because of the drown and save issue in zipzigi before...

(but i don't think they would fight over that though)

but whatever it is, isn't it normal for guys to fight and reconcile , i mean like...

kinda "guys talk" thing?

just my opinion ^^

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Guest kfosho

haha thank you all for explaining that. i think i do remember hearing that story now about dongwan and hyori. aww well atleast wannie was honest. but seriously i wonder how both felt when they saw each other training and all. cute

hyori and dongwannie?


everyone is talking about hyori and then one of the members...hmm getting mighty jealous.

i wish shinhwa members were single forever..jk i want them to have a wife, that would be good for them...i guess....

Hello Everyone! *_*

I've been a silent reader for long... so... i'm sorry about that.

I'm a Shinhwa fan from Chile ^^.

Well.. i started to checkt the topic out today... just for keeping myself up to date and reading and seeing the pictures.. made me very anxious about their anniversary.


thanks for reading ^^

wow chile (:

yah i like looking at the pictures too. shinhwa boys are handsome.

oh my gosh i really really really wish taht someone from shinhwa would go to hb!

please God let them come (:

i want to see them at least once!!

yay own pagee.

i want to see them at least once!!

yay own pagee.

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Guest luvluv

hyori and dongwannie?


everyone is talking about hyori and then one of the members...hmm getting mighty jealous.

i wish shinhwa members were single forever..jk i want them to have a wife, that would be good for them...i guess....

wow chile (:

yah i like looking at the pictures too. shinhwa boys are handsome.

oh my gosh i really really really wish taht someone from shinhwa would go to hb!

please God let them come (:

i want to see them at least once!!

yay own pagee.

i want to see them at least once!!

yay own pagee.

you should go to the peace concert since three of the shinhwa will be there ^_^

yeeee.... ill finally get to see minwoo oppa ^_^

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Guest love!melody

[08.03.09][News] Andy, "SHINHWA were in a fight before"

yea! i remember hearing about the fight between minwoo and hyesung on jipizigi LOL i found it to be HOT! LMAO i find it really manly and just so ... HOT haha! isn't it so charismatic? LOL and i think the punch in the face fits shinhwa's manly side haha! more than just 'talking it out' and i agree that that helped them become even closer with each other :)

samshiku thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures with us! they look absolutely handsome <3 and LOL the couple pics are adorable! i really like the minsyung 'the birds' one (:

and ahhhhhhhhhhh! exactly two weeks until shinhwa's 10th anniversary! :)

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^ love!melody LOL hahah instead of feeling like o.o knowing they actually fought i think we already know they at least had 1 fight huh? like its expected. charamistic? LOL!! xD haha yea fights do bring relationships together that way you understand eachother more

samshiku yaay! the birds ^-^ they look so manly awww couldve at least shown us a smile? hehe they were probably tired though i dont blame them :P cant wait to see them soon!! *anticipating their comeback*

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Ages since I've been here... but I thought that with the 10year anniversary coming up so soon it was necessary for me to revisit the thread.

Tehahhas. Scandalous. Finkl + Shinhwa eh? I swear, it is totally in character for Minwoo or Junjin to do that :lol:

hehe, I see the mention of Dongwannie + Hyori! I remember that story clearly.. they were set up on a blind date/group date thing. And they both wore completely opposite outfits. Wans was rocking cowboy boots while hyori was dressed hip-hoppish HAHAH

kind of funny. wannie with the cowboy look =P


I CANT BELIEVE ITS BEEN 10 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well, almost)


haha I actually heard a long time ago and Hyesung and Hyori had a thing together, but it never worked out. Not sure if it's true though :P

-edit- I just realized how long it has been since I've posted in this thread! :P I don't recognize anyone on here anymore :sweatingbullets:

Did you come back because it's going to be 10yr anniversary too? =P


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Guest kpoplvr

Let's complete the reunion~!

I figured it'd be nice to come back and see what's been going

on since the anniversary is coming up soon. :]

Ooh~ Jinnie and Sungie look good in those pics of them in Shanghai. ;]

Excited for their return &the anniversary celebration. ^o^

Mm... Shinhwa member after a finkl member? Wishful thinking prays on it being Minwoo and Hyori. Haha~

hehe, I see the mention of Dongwannie + Hyori! I remember that story clearly.. they were set up on a blind date/group date thing. And they both wore completely opposite outfits. Wans was rocking cowboy boots while hyori was dressed hip-hoppish HAHAH

I second that memory. Haha~~

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Guest clairdeluned

Oh my gosh Christine and Candice! :w00t: Yessss the Shinhwa thread oldies return XD I had to come back to celebrate... 10 years :o Our boys are amazing.

Hyesungie looks amazing in those pics. I can't wait for the Peace Concert, but I wish all 6 members would come instead of just 3... I want to see them all before some head off to the army :tears:

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Guest kriza_09

umm... about finKL and shinhwa... i have a feeling it might be hyesung and song yuri.. remember during hey come on days, finkl was on a tv show where they had to call their friends to come.. hyori called hyesung and she had to mention yuri was also there so that hyesung would come... so i guess the best possibility should be hyesung and yuri.. and i can't believe how well my brain works when it comes to shinhwa that i can still remember even the smallest things about them.. if only i can do as well at school.. lol..

ps: hyori and hyesung are (or at least were) really really close friends that some people thing it might be them.. but i think hyesung never really saw hyori as a woman.. lol.. hyori was kinda boyish back then (not hyesung's type of girl) and they talked to each other so comfortably.. even the host asked how could the way they talked on the phone was like between guy friends.. he said hyori didn't look like a girl.. he even like pushed/slightly hit hyori.. i think hyori was one of the very few girls that hyesung can get so comfortable with..

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Guest samshiku

hello guys just posted MORE pics on the picture thread. http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...t&p=8813125

it would help if you guys could help leave some comments or contribute to bump the thread to the 1st pg cos i really hope that everyone can see the pictures! [esp since the BIG DAY IS COMING AND ALL] :)

is it any wonder i love them so? lol.




credits: bestshinhwa +shinhwaforever

shinhwa is love. haha CANT WAIT CANT WAIT..........

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Guest incarnadine

Oooh... some MinJin love! And just a few days ago I was drowning in JinSyung :D Thanks so much for sharing, samshiku. Going to the photos thread now! :)

Can't wait for the 10th anniv... just a couple more weeks to go! :w00t:

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Thank you for letting us know. WOW, it's unbelievable how good Shinhwa fans are. Hope we get to see some photos of them when they received their trophies.

Cute name for 6 fanclubs together: minam6 (handsome6). Do they have website or anything?

Do you know which Eric's fanclub participates in minam6? I have all others links but don't know which one is Eric's.


have you guys seen this..

shinhwachangjo never fails to amaze me

Shinhwa 10th Anniversary Presents/merchandise


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Thank you for letting us know. WOW, it's unbelievable how good Shinhwa fans are. Hope we get to see some photos of them when they received their trophies.

Cute name for 6 fanclubs together: minam6 (handsome6). Do they have website or anything?

Do you know which Eric's fanclub participates in minam6? I have all others links but don't know which one is Eric's.


mommie Alice, here's the website for minam6: http://minam6.lil.to

and here's the website for Eric's fanclub that participates in it: http://ericmun.net


^fyi, those support pictures were for shinhwa's 9th album jacket shooting! and you know what that means...9th album soon! ahh can't wait!

i love shinhwa changjo <3

if you visit minam6's website, you'll see that this alliance between the six individual fanclubs forms whenever shinhwa has promotional activities; they were also active during shinhwa's 7th and 8th albums

i love how whenever shinhwa makes a comeback, the fans will always work together to bring the guys the most amazing amounts of food and other showings of love :wub:

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Guest incarnadine

Goodness... just reading the words "9th album jacket shooting" made my heart beat real fast. I'm sooooo excited about it.

Those trophies are just awesome. I love how all six individual fanclubs come together to show all-out support for your boys.

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