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Guest lenakeem

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NO Shinhwa 9th album this year! :tears:

Just read in Shinhwa.biz that Shinhwa decided release their 9th album next Spring. I guess because they are too busy with solo activities they decided to postponed it.

I was so looking forward to their new album....but I guess it makes more sense they delayed it since they are all so busy promoting their solo albums....

I wonder how this is going to work out with Eric's army schedule....

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Guest nutzie


next spring?? that means there's barely any group activities this year O_O"

maybe it means eric is postponing his army enrolment?

erh.. i own a page being shocked -_-" what the hell.. i'll come back later to share stuff.. maybe.. maybe not..

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Guest _melod!es

next spring?!?! awww~ i was anticipating their 9th album >< but one thing to look forward to. if they release it late in spring, maybe i'll get to see them promoting when i go to korea since i didn't get to go this summer LOL but i was really looking forward to their album. but if you look at it, it might actually be better because they have more time to record and maybe rest. and maybe give them a greater chance of getting another daesang since if they release it this winter the album sales for the end of the year won't be high since there will be a short time but if they release it next spring, the shinhwa changjo fans can save money until then and buy it ^^ hehe, since most of us are already are will soon be broke after buying dongwan, minwoo, hyesung, and even eric's cd. i have no clue if this even made sense. argh! i am really bad at explaining my ideas >< anyways, shinhwa oppas, HWAITING!

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Guest sunnydays.

[Pics] 070715 Dongwan & Hyesung At, Park Kyung Lim's Wedding


Dongwan looks SOOO hot. O__O; Handsome. OMG. Seriously, he looks ridiculously good. LOL. & No Hongchul, Haha, MC Mong... they're so cuute. Haha, they're doing the Shinhwa pose! =D & Hyesung looks soo cute with his aviators. Keke~<3


Thank you so much. =D I just love it. I LOVE HIS LOOK. The fedora thing is soo good... he can totally pull it off. (: Gosh, is it just me or are the Shinhwa guys looking REAL better now a days? LMAO. He looks so handsome... his skin looks so good. O__O; Haha~ I really wish I got to see his showcase. x__x;

hi, everyone! :)

anyway, y'all might have seen this clip already, but i just saw it and loved it! they all looked so happy! hyesung is so cute in this clip (naturally), but i was even more pleasantly surprised because andy was smiling so much in this perf, which i think is rare (i really want to know why he was smiling so much, like i wanna be in on the joke!), and as for minwoo fans, you might want to dream about being the girl he did to whatever he did in this clip! :D


I've seen this clip before, but thanks for linking! :D I didn't like Eric's hair u__u; buuut they were great performances. I AGREE, EVERYONE SEEMED SO HAPPY! XD; LOL HYESUNG'S DANCE. haha. & Minwoo... he's so comfortable with the girls. (; It's so cute. LOLOL. <3 That girl is lucky, yo. The dances for both songs were ADORABLE. Makes me wanna become a backup dancer for them. D:

Thanks Andie. (:

NO Shinhwa 9th album this year! :tears:

Just read in Shinhwa.biz that Shinhwa decided release their 9th album next Spring. I guess because they are too busy with solo activities they decided to postponed it.

I was so looking forward to their new album....but I guess it makes more sense they delayed it since they are all so busy promoting their solo albums....

I wonder how this is going to work out with Eric's army schedule....


Like Nat, i am SHOCKED.

& disappointed. =(

That was the thing I was looking forward to the most this year... & now they're postponing it?

Well, I guess it couldn't be helped. True, they're all so busy with their individual albums... but I guess that makes me disappointed a bit, because they're focusing even more on individual stuff than Shinhwa. =___= I really really miss Shinhwa, & I want to see them together already. Haha. x__x;

I do hope Eric's army enlistment gets set back if they're postponing their 9th album till Spring. Otherwise, they won't get to promote & do things as a WHOLE group.

Ahhh... =\

_melod!es, I do like your enthusiams though. (: It's true, they will get a better chance for the Daesang if it was next year. Rest sounds good, too... but knowing the Shinhwa boys, they'll just use the extra time they have to work even harder on their solo activities. D: But you're right - Shinhwa hwaiting!

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Guest Rozzy

pooo if there's no shinhwa album this year. on the other hand..what i was thinking was that they would release it for their 10th anniversary...which i think would be more sentimental for fans.

plus..i'm goin to study abroad in korea next summer..sooo..then maybe i can see them in concert. muaahhahahah. =.=.

i was really surprised that the rest of the members didn't make an appearance to park kyung lim's wedding bc i thought they were all pretty kinda close with her?

nd oh! the tropical summer story dvds are back in stock at yesasia!! muahahhaa. =]. i ordered my copyyyy. kekeke. so any news on album sales yet? =].

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Guest Krain5

Like everyone else I too feel a boatload of disappointed that the boys aren't releasing an album this year. I couldn't wait to hear it (sniffle sniffle)...however my disappointment is alleviated a little thanks to these awesome pictures that our members are posting! You guys are sooooo awesome thank you so much. It seriously made my day to see Andy, Eric and Hyesung supporting Minwoo at his showcase. And like most of you- I’m a sucker for Shinhwa Love so to see Minwoo kiss Andy was just too much! Thanks so much again to everyone for posting. Shinhwa fighting! ^___^

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i just read off of shinhwa biz that shinhwa will NOT release their album this year too!! im kind of dissapointed but thinking again they have soo many solo activites to do they cant really fit their scheadule in for a new album. but this just makes me more desperate for the next album. when they have their concert next year and their album man a whole bunch of fans i bet will buy cuz then we will have enough money and we wanna buy their ALBUMM!! its likke a tactic lol haha. btw i read off of shinhwa biz dongwannie said that it maybe their last album. do u guys think he means last album under GOOD emg? if it is then why would they switch companys? does anyone have an opinnion?

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Guest theLEGEND

i just read off of shinhwa biz that shinhwa will NOT release their album this year too!! im kind of dissapointed but thinking again they have soo many solo activites to do they cant really fit their scheadule in for a new album. but this just makes me more desperate for the next album. when they have their concert next year and their album man a whole bunch of fans i bet will buy cuz then we will have enough money and we wanna buy their ALBUMM!! its likke a tactic lol haha. btw i read off of shinhwa biz dongwannie said that it maybe their last album. do u guys think he means last album under GOOD emg? if it is then why would they switch companys? does anyone have an opinnion?

Could it be their last album before some of them are going for army enrolment? If they are going to move into another company, wouldn't it be easier if they open another new management company and it will only manage Shinhwa's activities and not their solos? I know it's not that easy to do all that. I'm just stating my opinion. Don't quote me on that. :P

Regarding Shinhwa's 9th album. I'm disappointed because that's the thing I'm looking forward the most and they are posponing it. Like what Riz said, I hope Eric's enlistment is being set back so that they can promote as a WHOLE group. Sigh.. I really miss Shinhwa as a group. They are too busy with their own solo activities. SHINHWA FIGHTING~!! :D

EDIT: I forgot to mention this but when I saw the pictures of Minwoo's showcase, I was so happy to see them together again after 5 months. I was grinning when I saw Minwoo gave a big fat kiss on Andy's cheek. I'm sad and happy at the same time, mixed feelings to be exact. :)

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Guest nutzie

maybe it's just under their current contract.. they might sign a new contract still under good emg, or they might just move to another company.. their decision? we're not sure.. i guess only the 6 of them can judge whether it's been good so far under good emg [okay no pun intended -_-"] or if it isn't they might just move out of good emg.. under their own label maybe?

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Guest _untouchable*M

hey everyone! im not sure if anyone will remember me but i was s3xyminwoo [aka. Eunyoung] *silence* hehe ^^;; doubt that people remember me. it's been about 3 months since the last time i came to soompi. anyways, im glad to be back in this thread. there has been so much news. soompi was THE place for the latest info but for the past few months, i've been hearing alot of stuff from word of mouth from friends. there's so much I want to say but i don't know where to start. well, i begin with "I love Shinhwa" and congrats on our boys on their solo albums. well, you will probably be seeing me alot in this thread because i will be hear like everyday now that my computer is all fixed.

i just read off of shinhwa biz that shinhwa will NOT release their album this year too!! im kind of dissapointed but thinking again they have soo many solo activites to do they cant really fit their scheadule in for a new album. but this just makes me more desperate for the next album. when they have their concert next year and their album man a whole bunch of fans i bet will buy cuz then we will have enough money and we wanna buy their ALBUMM!! its likke a tactic lol haha. btw i read off of shinhwa biz dongwannie said that it maybe their last album. do u guys think he means last album under GOOD emg? if it is then why would they switch companys? does anyone have an opinnion?

noooooo~! i was really looking forward to this winter because of their album. wells, more anticipation LOL

their last album?!?! am i hallucinating?! did i read that right?! hopefully it means last album before going to the army?? shinhwa forever together! fighting to all the members (:

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[07.07.17] Shinhwa will not release 9th album this year!

"i am gonna summarize all 3 articles into 1

Shinhwa has cancel their plan to release their 9th album coming this September.

While having an interview with Sport Hankook, Kim Dongwan "it was confirm and we have express that SHinhwa will release an album end of this year but due to our solo activites and schedules, it is hard for us to release an album and do group activites, now that we have met and discuss abou tit, we have all agree not to release an album this year."

as this will be the last time they are releasing an album under Good EMG,as each of them are now under different company, they are very excited and passion about it.

Last week, the 6 of them meet up and discuss on Shinhwa last activities and they realise that it is too rush for them to release an album at the end of this year instead they will release it next year around Spring to officially start Shinhwa new activites.

Kim Dongwan "this may be Shinhwa's last album so it means alot to us thus we dont want to rush just to release an album. We must wait for the music market to be stable and for our solo career to be stable too before we come together to create the best Shinhwa album"

the rest of the articles just talk about how well received Dongwan's first solo album is"

Credit: OCEAN’S SIX + Sina + dreamhyesung@shinhwa.biz

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Guest noona13

... the 9th jib was supposed to be my highlight for 2007 :( and i sure hope dongwan meant that it's their last album under GOOD or before they enlist! what a way to start off my day today :tears:

i just read off of shinhwa biz that shinhwa will NOT release their album this year too!! im kind of dissapointed but thinking again they have soo many solo activites to do they cant really fit their scheadule in for a new album. but this just makes me more desperate for the next album. when they have their concert next year and their album man a whole bunch of fans i bet will buy cuz then we will have enough money and we wanna buy their ALBUMM!! its likke a tactic lol haha. btw i read off of shinhwa biz dongwannie said that it maybe their last album. do u guys think he means last album under GOOD emg? if it is then why would they switch companys? does anyone have an opinnion?
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Guest sunnydays.

[07.07.17] Shinhwa will not release 9th album this year!

"i am gonna summarize all 3 articles into 1

Shinhwa has cancel their plan to release their 9th album coming this September.

as this will be the last time they are releasing an album under Good EMG,as each of them are now under different company, they are very excited and passion about it.

Kim Dongwan "this may be Shinhwa's last album so it means alot to us thus we dont want to rush just to release an album. We must wait for the music market to be stable and for our solo career to be stable too before we come together to create the best Shinhwa album"

the rest of the articles just talk about how well received Dongwan's first solo album is"

Credit: OCEAN’S SIX + Sina + dreamhyesung@shinhwa.biz

Kim Dongwan, SO well said, once again. (: <3 I love that man, he really knows how to talk. Haha, anyway... it makes sense what Dongwan said. It's better not to rush things at the end of the year & just start fresh next year. It's great to hear that they all care about Shinhwa's next album release & are aspiring to do so well still.<3

Rozzy, you're right - it'd be so much more important because it's their DECADE anniversary. (: Oooh I can't wait.

Siigh. It's still so hard though. =\ I'm like... CRAVING Shinhwa. All 6 of them. Time to go watch Shinhwa LL & Xman episodes...

About goodEMG (haha Nat, I laughed at your "pun" LMAOOO), it says there that it is their last album under the company. I'm not sure about contracts ending, but I guess they're moving to a new company? It's very well possible because... well, they now have 5 companies available to them. ^^; It kind of scares me a bit though... they're leaving goodEMG, they have their own individual companies, & Dongwan is saying how it's Shinhwa's "last album." =___=;; Last album under goodEMG, before the army enlistments, I guess... & I'm trusting their word from before - they're going to keep being together as Shinhwa, even if they still have their individual activities after the army stuff. But still, I can't help but feel a bit... worrysome. x___x; I mean, first, it's this whole cancellation of Shinhwa 9th jib activities...

I really hope to hear more news about this. (: Thanks so much for posting the news. Siigh. I gotta ease up & be more optimistic. LOL.

Eunyoung, welcome back! :D I definately remember youu~ That's great that you're back. (:

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Guest kawachu

beside all that possibilities. I am kinda worried now hearin dongwan said about last album.

their own company and solo and militery service. :tears:

Hope they still be together.

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When Dongwan mentioned 9th album being the last album, he could mean couple of things:

1. Contract with Good Ent. is almost over so it could be one more album under Good Ent. aka Shinhwa contract.

2. In radio show (forgot which one) he mentioned last Shinhwa album....I had to listen 2-3 times to understand what he meant. He was talking about reaching 30 soon and he meant 9th album will be their last album in their 20s.

Now the reality...even if Shinhwa doesn't disband, with Eric, Dongwan, and Minwoo going to army, that's 2 years. If Hyesung is exempted and he's doing desk work and he cannot have anything to do with music industry until he comes out. And of course there's Andy and Junjin whom I think said will be going later? That means adding minimum one more year to Eric, DW, and M's 2 years so after 9th album in next spring, we won't have them all together until maybe 3 years later, if we are lucky.

Of course that is if they sign up as Shinwa under different company or if they renew with Good Ent.

I guess we really won't know anything until next year after their contract with Good Ent. is over....BUT the BIG REALITY is the army issue..... :(

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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver

sorry haven't posted in awhile im on vacation, but anyways......oh no them going to the army :tears: .....I don't think they'll

ever break-up but I guess it could mean those things mommie alice about their 9th album they said they would be together 4ever even when their apart I belive their still together even though they didn't do much group activities they still contributed alot to each others solo albums....so don't worry Shinwha-Changjo 2gether 4ever

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Guest nurkeyandie

ok, hi, everyone (riz, apricot, i'm glad you liked the clip too)...i had a great day today but i can't believe what i'm reading...i know we all have to take deep breaths, but still, i feel uneasy and sad...last album...ugh, i shudder at the thought! of course, mommie alice is right. there's the army thing (do they really have to go? if they really have to, can they all go at the same time so they'll get done with it at the same time too???) and, yes, they're nearing their 30s...i was thinking, and i don't even want to type this, that they can't be doing a lot of dance songs in the future...i feel sad because they're my age and it's like we're at that stage where we really have to grow up :tears: ...but why am i talking about me??? anyway, let's keep our spirits up, keep praying for the boys, and look forward to their new album in the spring. SHINHWA FIGHTING!

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When Dongwan mentioned 9th album being the last album, he could mean couple of things:

1. Contract with Good Ent. is almost over so it could be one more album under Good Ent. aka Shinhwa contract.

2. In radio show (forgot which one) he mentioned last Shinhwa album....I had to listen 2-3 times to understand what he meant. He was talking about reaching 30 soon and he meant 9th album will be their last album in their 20s.

Now the reality...even if Shinhwa doesn't disband, with Eric, Dongwan, and Minwoo going to army, that's 2 years. If Hyesung is exempted and he's doing desk work and he cannot have anything to do with music industry until he comes out. And of course there's Andy and Junjin whom I think said will be going later? That means adding minimum one more year to Eric, DW, and M's 2 years so after 9th album in next spring, we won't have them all together until maybe 3 years later, if we are lucky.

Of course that is if they sign up as Shinwa under different company or if they renew with Good Ent.

I guess we really won't know anything until next year after their contract with Good Ent. is over....BUT the BIG REALITY is the army issue..... :(

the whole article about dongwannie mention this would be their last album make me so sad..

but since u interpreted it.. i kinda feel so relieve now.. tq so much.. i always hv a believe in them.. they'r going to make a legend.. "a band tat will not broke up"

i 'm sure we will wait for them no matter how long until they all reunion again.. just don't mention the disband stuff..

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Guest poloblue

When Dongwan mentioned 9th album being the last album, he could mean couple of things:

1. Contract with Good Ent. is almost over so it could be one more album under Good Ent. aka Shinhwa contract.

2. In radio show (forgot which one) he mentioned last Shinhwa album....I had to listen 2-3 times to understand what he meant. He was talking about reaching 30 soon and he meant 9th album will be their last album in their 20s.

Now the reality...even if Shinhwa doesn't disband, with Eric, Dongwan, and Minwoo going to army, that's 2 years. If Hyesung is exempted and he's doing desk work and he cannot have anything to do with music industry until he comes out. And of course there's Andy and Junjin whom I think said will be going later? That means adding minimum one more year to Eric, DW, and M's 2 years so after 9th album in next spring, we won't have them all together until maybe 3 years later, if we are lucky.

Of course that is if they sign up as Shinwa under different company or if they renew with Good Ent.

I guess we really won't know anything until next year after their contract with Good Ent. is over....BUT the BIG REALITY is the army issue..... :(

hey everyone, im back!!

omg, last album??? if this is going to be the last shinhwa album then i swear i'll commit suicide!!!!!

i cant even think about shinhwa disbanding. i think if they ever 'disbanded', it wouldn't really be a break up, they'll still be together, but just reduce the activities, like be less in the eye of the public, and only release an album now and then. but i also hope this doesnt happen. just hope they will continue forever.

about the army issue, omg, i hate it!!! why do all the males have to go into the army?? i think celebrities shouldnt have to go (only cos we all dont want shinhwa to go) or maybe celebrities can go, but go for a lesser amount of time!!

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