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Guest lenakeem

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I don't know why but your comment made me laugh! LOL!

He should sing live all the time! LOL!

What I don't understand is why he uses hand-held mike instead of those over the head/ear-to-mouth piece mike. I think that would make it little less awkward.

I'm sure it's all due to his nervouness. I'm nervous watching him so I can imagine how he feels. I'm sure he'll get more comfortable soon...just have to adjust being alone on the stage.

wannies bad at lip syncing :(
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Guest Maerong

wannies bad at lip syncing :(

He's not bad at lipsynching.

He's just a bit uptight and nervous since he's up there on stage alone.

I've seen him sing (LIVE & LIP SYNCHING) throughout these 9 years and trust me, he is GOOOOD!

He's just a bit nervy. He's relax soon after a couple of perfs! ^^

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Guest kingko

^^ Shouldn't it be the opposite, like he should be nervous at singing live instead of lyp syncing.

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Guest nutzie

hahahha yeah i agree, dongwan's bad at lipsyncing =P

maybe he's used to singing live these days with shinhwa that he has already forgotten how to lipsync..

but still, scream performances are love.. i'd rather he lipsync than strain himself to dance and sing at the same time.. it might just come out bad, and he might get stressed and affect his vocal cord again.. besides, artists lipsyncing is not new.. so it doesn't matter.. i think as long as i can see him, i'm happy ^o^

he'll get better though, and maybe one day he's confident enough to sing live, and i'm sure all of us look forward to that moment =D

ah!! i think i've figured out why it's so obvious that he lipsyncs!!!

when shinhwa lipsynced, they used the mics that were attached to their ear/head, and therefore, they don't have to worry about the placing of the mic.. in dongwan's case though, he's using hand held mic, and when you're dancing, it's harder to control the movement of your hand, especially if you're jerking everywhere.. i don't think he's quite used to that, and so his hand was flailing everywhere..

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People....I am getting more excited now by Minwoo's album !!! I admit I haven't really paid attention to his previous solo works (was casually listening to his songs) but I heard his latest album in full this time. There are some songs in it that I really like. Hearing that his previous albums are better than this last one, I am trying to get his last albums to get a listen, half-expecting to like them even more since I like this last release.

I know the album leak is a legal thing now...but I think it has serve its purpose as a marketing gimmick if ever intended to be one. I'd rather take it as a marketing gimmick because I think it has received attention and naturally people are curious to know how that "Forbidden fruit" sounds like. I don't worry as much about Minwoo getting his album sales because people who likes the music is still going to purchase it and people who don't like it enough, won't.

Minwoo is also one of those that is better performing LIVE on stage than on an album. No matter what leaked out in the public forums, nothing can be better than the man singing live itself. M is talented, ain't nothing is going to prevent him from being appreciated.

So looking forward to his showcase!

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Guest sunnydays.

Aindy - Hi! (: Yes, I am from the Philippines, but I now live here in the US. Nice to meet you~~ :D I love those two songs too! "Scream" is currently stuck in my head. ^^;

Helena - LOLOL. Dongwan's not bad at lipsyncing... I agree with what Mareong said, he's DEFINATELY experienced with lipsyncing (keke, Shinhwa's first years... :P). I just really hope he gets used to it & eventually decreases his nervousness. & I guess we notice his lipsyncing more because he's only one artist, compared to focusing on all six members of Shinhwa.

Nat - oh YES, i can't wait for that moment. (: I wanna see Dongwan perform again... OMG i'm addicted to him.

Ginnie - Minwoo is going to have a showcase for his 3rd album? (: THAT'S WONDERFUL! Ahh, you're getting me so excited, too~ I haven't heard any of it (I didn't donwload it when it leaked out) but i'm really anticipating its coming out. I really want to hear Minwoo's "new" style, & I would like to see him perform & do his best again. >:] I think Minwoo will do just fine - he is a wonderful artist & is quite popular.

DONGWAN - 070807 Inkigayo Performance

Scream - http://youtube.com/watch?v=klE95LvORNA

Handkerchief - http://youtube.com/watch?v=6Ncz9oir3AQ

Mucho thanks to wenyili who uploaded them. :D

^ you guys, watch for Dongwan's left hand in Handkerchief. ^^; & it must be so weird for Dongwan... because he's performed countless times on Inkigayo with Shinhwa, but this time, he's performing alone. D: & I guess he's more nervous now than before. Gahh, Dongwan, HWAITING<3

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i can't wait to see M's next performance...

he is really good on stage ... i must admit, and his dancing skill is like developing here and there. he is more mature and i'm proud of his work, so far.

dong wan is another thing. i guess he is confident enough to do solo and it's worth it.

by the way, will anyone join junjin's fanmeeting next month?

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Guest vietgirl604

Ah, I haven't been in this thread for 30+ pages! Been too busy ...with other things >.<

Anyone want to tell me what's been going on? NAt? Since you know, you're always here you crazy fan! LOL.

I just watched those two DongWan performance videos above! The "Scream" performance..ohmy. Honestly, I don't really like the song >.< and I just freaked seeing DongWan like that LOL. It's just ...not him, to me. And the way he dressed in it...?!?!?! I just see him as a more normal, mature dressed...ballad singer...like the "Handkerchief" performance and song. He looks so different now! I've been gone for too long! And I like him better as a part of Shinhwa too. BUT, these are only my thoughts.

When's MinWoo coming out with an album?! Or has he already?! Ah, I feel sooo lost and clueless.

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Guest jerrybabie26

i read @ shinhwachangjo that wannie had to do both perfs for mnet and inkigayo on the same day do his "bad" lip-synching could probably be attributed to that... i dont think it was really bad it just wasn't as well rehearsed probably... add to the fact that he was probably very nervous dancing alone without shinhwa there to back him up :P and also since he did two shows all on the same day he must have been very tired... i'm sure it'll get better... just as long as he lets go of his nervousness...

about minu's album... its great... its super... it is his BEST so far... well, in my opinion. and he has a song called boyfriend... which i found funny and i've been thinking... is this like his answer to his girlfriend release? lol i loved my love and play my song... i love the whole album...

he's definitely stepped up on the r & b and hiphop...

right now when i listen to wannies my love i really get a minu vibe i dont know why... and its sad im slowly slipping away from my wannie mode TT__TT i cant help it... i love minu's songs... although i love wannie's voice better ... :unsure:

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When's MinWoo coming out with an album?! Or has he already?! Ah, I feel sooo lost and clueless.

minwoo will be coming out with his third album on july 10th = just one more day! ahh, anticipation!!

everyone, please support minwoo and buy the real album! please don't just download off the internet :tears:

also please support and purchase dongwan's first and hyesung's upcoming second!

if you need an incentive...think of the joy you'll receive flipping through the jacket photos of our drop-dead gorgeous guys! :wub:

p.s. dongwan looks pretty hot with eyeliner ;)

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Guest serawong

just further information.... Minwoo's 3rd album M Explore is going to be release on the 10th July which is tomorrow!!! D Day!!! Heard minwoo is not doing too well upon hearing the news.

Regardless there's nothing much that we fans can do except to really support his album as much as we could. And probably hope that its a blessing in disguise and his album sales turns out to be great instead!!! Its pretty much a good album to be worth the money spend.

Another information is that, yes he is going to have a showcase on the 14th of July in Seoul, Melon AX. The event is more or less done by Mnet, so tickets can only be given out my Mnet. For those who din manage to get tickets for his showcase, dun be too sad. High chance he could be having a proper Seoul concert on the 24th and 25th August at Melon AX. Its out on his work schedule at his Mrising site. If there's no major changes, that should be it!!! ^_^

Seeya my power guy in Aug then ^_*


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Guest wadie

ahhh... wannie and lipsyncs. i laughed when i saw him performed scream last night. it was quite obvious. but then, he had always been a bit awkward whenever he have to lipsync...

but somehow i think it's better for him to lipsync for a while, until his vocal cord is 100% healed.

i don't think his fans would mind since we all knew he's such a great singer.

handkerchief was great, but as nutzie said, he's holding back. i just hope he'll get over his nervousness soon. then he could sing the way he always do... beautifully.

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Guest xmkaex

asdklfhaksdjbfa ...i been bugging my sister to get me minwoo's cd just because i don't have a credit card and she does. and yet she still hasn't give in. boo. T-T i was planning to dl minwoo's album, but i figured it would be more exciting when i get to hear from the cd itself... that is, if i ever get one. x__X


does anybody know when his first perf is gonna be?

^ YEAHH. (: I agree with Nat.

Towards the end, in the high part, his voice sounded a bit strained - I can't help but think that he's still not letting himself go with the performance. I must admit though, that he did a lot better on Inkigayo than on Mnet. I'm so proud of him~ Scream was high-energy & great, as always. Lipsynced, definately. I wonder when he'll start singing it live?


Oh yeah, another thing... did anyone notice Dongwan's left hand when he was performing Handkerchief? I think he did it in M-net, but i'm not sure... he did it on Inkigayo, though. his left hand was there in an awkward position. I'm sure he didn't notice he was doing it, because my friend does a similar thing whenever she sings. ^^; I just noticed it though & thought it was weird. Anyway...

Thanks Amy for the information! (Please call me Riz if you want :D) That's very relieving to hear that it's not actually postponed. Yay~~ 2 more days till Minwoo's album comes out!

o_o i like the m-net perf better than the inki gayo one for some reason.

after you mentioned the his left hand, i sorta noticed it too. hopefully he gets over his nervousness


made some caps from dongwan's mnet perf :D



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[sUPER HQ] [Fancams] Kim Dongwan - Handkerchief & Scream Live Performances


CLICK to d/l more fancams ---> http://shinhwa.biz/forums/showthread.php?t=1361

Please note that you have posted the same information in the Kim Dong Wan thread, you should NOT post it here again. It is considered spamming.

Dong Wan's solo activity should go to his own thread. This thread is for the group Shinhwa. Same goes for Hye Sung, M, Jun Jin's solo activities. That's why we allow their own officila threads.

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Guest ericmunlover

can somebody tell me who has the higher income or richest in the group??just curious...lol....is it eric or minwoo??

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Guest veraciously

Hey guys, sorry to somewhat break the flow of the thread but I figured I'd introduce myself to this gigantic(ally awesome) thread before starting to post here. I'm a very very very new Shinhwa fan - the time I've been into them is absolutely peanuts compared to some fans' over 9 years of love and devotion. But all the same, I love Shinhwa.

I discovered them through a somewhat peculiar route, though not too peculiar I guess considering I'm non-Korean, non-Asian and completely clueless about all Asian pop culture were it not for the wonder of the internet. Goong was my first kdrama and through that, I became a fan of Yoon Eun-hye and wanted to see her in more things. I heard about X-Man and my friend coincidentally linked me to the subbed version of the legendary YEH-Eric-KJK Dangyunhaji game. I laughed my head off even when I had very little idea what was going on. My original first reaction to Eric, "Wow, that guy is hot!" :rolleyes:

But I kept watching Xman clips on youtube and enjoyed the show a lot, and one of the first regulars besides KJK and YEH that stood out to me was Andy. I just adored his cuteness and his romantic Dangyunhajis and just the way he behaved on the show. He was awesome and hilarious. Forget cutest guy in Korea, I thought he was the cutest guy in the WORLD. Then I get my hands on the subbed episodes of the Germany special, which was the first full Xman episode I saw. It has a very special place in my heart because it really introduced me to Shinhwa in their full awesome. The Shinhwa Dangyunhaji's in the episode just made me laugh so hard and I immediately picked up on how close the band seemed. The couple selection also made me notice them as performers more.. The RicDy fanservice at the acting bits also helped a lot. ;)

Still, it wasn't until a while that I figured I should get into Shinhwa beyond watching them in various Xman bits. My friends who were also getting into a bunch of Asian pop things were all going nuts over other kpop boybands at the time, mainly Super Junior and DBSK, and I was somehow vary of those groups. I liked the fact Shinhwa were older, so when they did nutty spazzy things, it didn't seem like kids on too much sugar - but more like grown-up men on too much sugar. :P I also just liked their looks. Ahem. I honestly had no idea about Shinhwa's music at this point.

I was a bit intimidated by their long career. I was unsure what I should listen to, what videos I should watch, like where to start with them altogether. Luckily I got to know a Shinhwa fan online and she recommended me I listen to their 7th album. I did and was quite simply put, blown away. It was one of the absolute best kpop records I had ever heard. It was actually also one of the awesomest pop records in any language that I had heard of.

I was skeptical at first about Shinhwa having rappers - so unused to the idea of boybands having rappers, I guess - but I loved the way they worked in the songs and the mix of r'n'b, hiphop, pop, electronic music on Brand New (the album) was just.. I listened to the record non-stop as it didn't seem to have a single bad song (I'll admit there's one I always skip) and watched a bunch of the videos on youtube (Brand New is such an amazing MV in all accounts, and I also adore Angel and Crazy). So that's how I discovered Shinhwa musically. The more I listened, the more their individual voices stood out for me, and I just quite simply put fell in love with them even more.

This is getting extremely lengthy... My favourite member is still Andy. I love his persona, his looks, his rapping, simply everything about him. My favourite vocalist is Dongwan (whose album I'm going to buy very soon, I promise!), though technically I suppose Hyesung and Minwoo may be better singers than him. But the tone of his voice is just awesome to me and his looks and goofy persona. I have this thing with Shinhwa where I can honestly say I love them all, and have trouble placing them in order of preference because leaving anybody last or 2nd least feels so awful. I can say who my absolute favourites are, but I can't leave anybody as last.

I live in Finland which doesn't exactly sell much Korean pop stuff anywhere so I pretty much order online. Except there's one Japanese store that usually sells jpop stuff, I visited it last Thursday and they had the Personal History Photobook. I felt it was a sign from above as I'd been contemplating buying some Shinhwa merchandise (ie not just music), and there can't be that many Shinhwa fans in Finland, so I bought it immediately. My friend who was with me at the store gave me a weird look when I screamed out loud, seeing the book. It was just so surprising. Anyway, it's very nice, I love owning some Shinhwa prettiness. :) - This actually reminds me, are the DVD's on the photobook translated somewhere? I don't need subs but just English translation would be nice. I tried googling for such but something about the words "personal" and "history" made google come up with unrelated results.

Anyway, glad to join this thread! Sorry for being so longwinded. :(

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Guest aindy

Aindy - Hi! (: Yes, I am from the Philippines, but I now live here in the US. Nice to meet you~~ :D I love those two songs too! "Scream" is currently stuck in my head. ^^;

DONGWAN - 070807 Inkigayo Performance

Scream - http://youtube.com/watch?v=klE95LvORNA

Handkerchief - http://youtube.com/watch?v=6Ncz9oir3AQ

Mucho thanks to wenyili who uploaded them. :D

^ you guys, watch for Dongwan's left hand in Handkerchief. ^^; & it must be so weird for Dongwan... because he's performed countless times on Inkigayo with Shinhwa, but this time, he's performing alone. D: & I guess he's more nervous now than before. Gahh, Dongwan, HWAITING<3

ohh.. i c.. :)

thanks for the link, deary..

i've been waiting for someone to upload his Inkigayo performance..

can feel DW's nervousness.. it's so sickening honestly..

but i know he'll get used to it..

ei, everyone..

we're all engrossed about M, Wannie, and Hyesung's upcoming albums..

how about Eric? i haven't heard from him for soooooooooooo long..

and andy too.. :(

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Guest samshiku

AHH sorry just gotta talk about this...

just watched the Dongwan's mnet countdown perf...

Handkerchief - HE ROCKED! cos dong tends to go 'flat' and become REALLY pitchy when he sings live with Shinhwa sometimes so i was holding my breath...When he first started you can really see the nerves and he DID go flat during the first note he had to really pull and maintain...BUT after that he got BETTER AND BETTER and WOW the last chorus was WOW...lol i'm blown away cos i REALLY like this song..

Scream - I LOVE THE DANCE^^ but i realize he seems to be hidden behind the dancers sometimes...and actually for such a rockish song i prefer his old methods of performing rock songs...just a simple band and only dongwan bringing it on...he can perform rock songs SO well live..in fact i always felt that his fast numbers were often better than the ballads during shinhwa solo segments...and yes..he is REALLY better off singing live than lip-syncing lol

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