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Guest lenakeem

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Guest paigehk

vanness77 : wow, those icons are so nice. Thanks for sharing

myREVERIE : that's a very HOT graphic.

I"M SOOO excited. I can't wait to have DONGWAN's album. it makes me unable to sleep.

Can't wait to watch DOngwan's debut perf too....(on youtube)..lol


hahahaha, my 1000th post is in SHINHWA thread, how lovely is that.

:sweatingbullets: ok, i did it on purpose. lol

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Guest kittywan

Omg omg omg, I'm so in love with Wannie's solo!!!!!!!! It's muuuch better than I expected!! i didn't even realize how much I missed his voice until now.

I can't stop listening, the songs are amazing.

I love "My Love" with Eric's rapping, for some reason it reminded me of Liar. they are different, but somehow the feel is the same.

the song with Sungie is beautiful! as well as the one with Byul.

Handkerchief is absolutely amazing!!!

aaaaaaaaaaaaah I wanna cry of how beautiful Wannie's voice is!!! and of how beautiful all the songs in his album are!!

and omg, the debut is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

i know it;s wrong to download the album. but i can't help it. i swear i;m gonna buy the album. i swear i'll buy the album or i'll kill all the fishes in the sea.

okay. i was on msn with riz (FLiPSiDE) when it finished downloading and i was totally happy we were because if i was alone, i could have gone totally insane., as soon as it finished downloading and the intro started sounding i was flapping my arms aorund like i was a duck (again). i was totally excited. you gusy don't have no idea...


every track was totaly different from each other. my baby wan is so versatile. so proud of him.

each track sounds like it was sung by different persons.

remember back then when he first announced about the album and we were speculating what type of music he'll present us.. well, i said pop rock, and this is better than that!~ well, we we all right. :D

2. 내 잘못이니까 (It's my fault)- made me swoon

5. Scream - Feat. D.Bace, DJ Tukutz Of Epik High - sounds so ROCK-ish!~ wa... i love him!~ i knew it. i knew he'd sing something like this. i mean, the songs he sang in his solos in concerts were hint enough

i wanna se him perform this... he'll be so HYPER on stage!!!!!

6. 사랑이 가여워 (Love...Poor) - oh gosh, i love this better than the handkerchief song!!!! sounds so good... makes me wanna cry, and reminisce and just wanna think about him

7. My Love - Feat. Eric - gawd, eric sounds so sexaaaaayyyyyy. the song is SO MINU-ish!

9. 남은 사람 (The one left alone) - Duet with Hyesung - you guys know how MY LOVE was minu-sih? well, this song is SUNGIE-ish

10. 사랑해선 안될 사람 (Can not love u) - Duet with Sung - their voices just blends together...!

11. 진담 (Truth) - okay, i get a 2gether 4ever vibe from this. :D sounds so good....!!!!!!

okay, i'm done..... *dead*


i made a page and got nothing to share!!!!!!!!

OKAY!~ i felt really guilty so i posted the bsets i shared here a while back to the artworks thread and i made about 5 KIM DONGWAN WALLPAPERS that are up for personal use. if you want it modified to fit your screen, just tell me and i'll do it for you :D

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^ *spazzes*

I already brought my copy, but I think it's going to be awhile before it gets to my mailbox T.T

Why does krizza get to listen and i don't? z-degrees is too busy and not working.

I really want to hear 'Scream' . Good reviews it seems :D Plus I adore DJ Tukutz ^^

This is why I like wannie's album title, it allows him to be versatile in the songs he chooses and still have it fit into one album without breaking the concept ^^ It's after all, 'Kim dongwan is....'

Can't wait to see his comeback perfs, but have to go to sleep...>.<

Want to go to M thread and spaz about the new tracklist as well :)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon



OH MY GOSHNESS..... i'm still shaking right now!

i'll be ordering my copy next week. :D since that will be the time that i will be going out. plus the place i order doesn't accept orders for albums that aren't released yet. <_< so i really had nothing to do but wait for the realse date which is... TODAY!!!!! it will arrive probably 2 weeks after i order it. LD can't wait to get my hands on the jacket!!!! HQ PICS!!!!

ah, i didn't download from z-degrees. z-degrees is down or something. i downloaded from kpop music. :D

SCREAM definitely IS my favorite track. totally great song..

i agree. the album title is very "witty". :)"Kim Dongwan IS.." everything that the tracks tell us.

agh, i'm waiitng for the debut performance!!! it's only about 3 hours and a half from now!!! and since im only behind by an hour .. it will air 6:30pm here and it's already 4pm!!!!

let me go there too and spazzzz about minu's tracklist!!! i have something to admit..

riz said she'll sleep for 3 hours and wake up in time for wan's performance. i doubt it.. haha!~ *sends riz some sleeping powder*

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Guest xmkaex

Here's a random VIDEOOOO of Dongwan... it says "RNX Concert", & it was on June 23, 2007...


He's singing "Lately" & another song that I don't recognize. ^^ He sounded great, & I thought he controlled the higher notes well. The fans were crazy, LOL, got me kinda annoyed, only because I wanted to hear Dongwan sing. :P But I LOVE their enthusiasm. (: Cuz I'd prolly be like that too, if I were there! XD;

dongwan is so smiley when he performs :P

when i heard the 2nd song he sung it sounded so familar. i hate it when i don't what song it is but i've heard it before.

so i went searching and i found out where i've heard it before! it's from

dongwan's solo- 2nd live concert in 2003 -

i remember listening to that song over and over before when dongwan didn't plan to go solo yet, and i kept on wishing he did xD now he is! :lol:

Since eric is having some "time off" do you guys think we will see him at dongwan, hyesung, or minwoo's performances? I think he will be at dongwan's because if dongwan chooses to sing the song eric raps in then he has to be there. I think the three that are releasing albums this summer should just do a concert together..and the other three members just guest appearance and support them.

Is there any news about minwoo's album..I heard that him and eric were suppose to be working together. But so far it has been really quiet.

it would be cool if we could see eric there. the hyung support his brother xD

i wonder what eric's up to these days.

which reminds me, i need to finish watching que sera sera. gah, eric is so suave in his role

dont hotlink and take out with proper credit



Title : Explore

Release Date: 2007/7/10

Genre: 팝(국내)

price :11 000 won

Label : CJ 엠넷미디어(주) (CJ media)

more detail about M new album please come




credit to Minwoo.com, Ocean6, eNam Wangja

thanks for minwoo's 3rd info.

i don't know if its me but when i first saw his cover, i was trying to figure out what it was. @_@

i think im blind or something T_____T

but now that i know what it is, i can't wait to see more of his album pictures xD

i know it;s wrong to download the album. but i can't help it. i swear i;m gonna buy the album. i swear i'll buy the album or i'll kill all the fishes in the sea.

okay. i was on msn with riz (FLiPSiDE) when it finished downloading and i was totally happy we were because if i was alone, i could have gone totally insane., as soon as it finished downloading and the intro started sounding i was flapping my arms aorund like i was a duck (again). i was totally excited. you gusy don't have no idea...


every track was totaly different from each other. my baby wan is so versatile. so proud of him.

each track sounds like it was sung by different persons.

remember back then when he first announced about the album and we were speculating what type of music he'll present us.. well, i said pop rock, and this is better than that!~ well, we we all right. :D

2. 내 잘못이니까 (It's my fault)- made me swoon

5. Scream - Feat. D.Bace, DJ Tukutz Of Epik High - sounds so ROCK-ish!~ wa... i love him!~ i knew it. i knew he'd sing something like this. i mean, the songs he sang in his solos in concerts were hint enough

i wanna se him perform this... he'll be so HYPER on stage!!!!!

6. 사랑이 가여워 (Love...Poor) - oh gosh, i love this better than the handkerchief song!!!! sounds so good... makes me wanna cry, and reminisce and just wanna think about him

7. My Love - Feat. Eric - gawd, eric sounds so sexaaaaayyyyyy. the song is SO MINU-ish!

9. 남은 사람 (The one left alone) - Duet with Hyesung - you guys know how MY LOVE was minu-sih? well, this song is SUNGIE-ish

10. 사랑해선 안될 사람 (Can not love u) - Duet with Sung - their voices just blends together...!

11. 진담 (Truth) - okay, i get a 2gether 4ever vibe from this. :D sounds so good....!!!!!!

okay, i'm done..... *dead*


i made a page and got nothing to share!!!!!!!!

haha i like how describe each song with the "-ish" xD

i think im going to dl it because im impatient T_________T *goes crazy*

i think imma feel guilty/bad for downloading dongwan's alubm too but i ordered my dongwan cd at shinhwachangjo so that's okay right?

what happen to projectorange's fanfix. i come back now and then but it's never updated X___x

ahh there so much hype about "scream" i wanna hear it now

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Guest nutzie

ginnie [i wanted to reply last night, but i chose to sleep instead, so i can be awake for dongwan's debut] - rozzy and i agreed that my love sounds like liar [holy crap my brain isn't working.. i typed liar instead of my love, and minwoo instead of liar -_-"] and i was confused about the choreography of the song too, because the tempo is like.. pretty slow.. and i agree wih you, it's not something junjin's used to working with.. if it's minwoo, maybe..?

anyways, i'm awake for mnet m!countdown~~ might edit this post if rozzy's not there to spazz with me.. =D

oh my God.. waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. *zzz* okay dongwan was the last performance.. he performed hankerchief and scream.. with hankerchief, his voice is kinda shaky at first [he was really nervous i guess].. but the chorus was sooo good!!! and scream is a rock song.. according to krizza it was sang live!! he's got more stage presence here.. it was awesome~~ he's dancing too.. he looks rockish and he's got make up on too!!!

another performance on sunday for inkigayo.. wondering why i didn't spazz much? i already spazzed on msn with rozzy, riz and krizza.. you should see our msn window.. crazy i tell you.. hahaha..

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Guest Rozzy

oh em geee...::spazz::

i agree with the comments that nat gave. hahaha. he startd a little shaky..but it wasn't a like..really bad shaky..juss a little nervousness. as the song progressed though, i think he got less nervous, and started to sing better. plus the whole time he was on the top of the stairs. =[. i think it would've been better to come down frm the stairs maybe? buh at the same time it creates a bigger difference between the two songs.

'scream' rocked my socks. yes, yes it did. keke. he was really into this song..and had a better stage presence. the crowd seriously went crazy. hahaha. <33 it.

dongwan was the last preformance. kekeke. wen they were announcing him..and they said sumting sumting 'shinhwa'..i was like..wheeeeeeeee...wannie! hhahaa. oh myyyyy. ;].

it was fun spazzing with nat nat, riz, nd krizza. it hasn't been done for a while. hahhaha. like old times on the oc. x]. <33

wannie's cd is really good. i like it. =]]. wheeeeeeeeeeeee. ::spazz::. i want the shipping people to hurrry. hahahaha. im excited for minwoo's nd hyesung's new albums too! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

gosh..i was watching the clips of minwoo taking his photos for his 3rd album on youtube..nd ::sizzle::..hahhaahaa. ;].

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Guest kittywan

omg omg, lucky girls, already saw the performance!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for it!!!!!

aaah, my kitty Wannie was nervous? awwwwwwwwww such a sweetie! <3333333333333

Can't wait to watch ^___^

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ginnie [i wanted to reply last night, but i chose to sleep instead, so i can be awake for dongwan's debut] - rozzy and i agreed that my love sounds like liar [holy crap my brain isn't working.. i typed liar instead of my love, and minwoo instead of liar -_-"] and i was confused about the choreography of the song too, because the tempo is like.. pretty slow.. and i agree wih you, it's not something junjin's used to working with.. if it's minwoo, maybe..?

nutzie, now that you mention it, it does have the Liar feel to it because the song loops. The beat and chorus repeats. This time around though the rap is minimal though. Actually this song does not need dance choreography...it would be odd to dance to this? Or really really small movements like Liar's stage performance.

I don't really like Scream...don't know why...And I am not a huge fan of Wan's new hairdo!!!!

Wan's live performance is already on youtube at shinhwachangjo.net.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

AUGH YES YE SYES!!!!!!!!!!!

me, riz, nat and rozzy were on msn and we were like crazily waiting for the PERFORMANCE!~ ugh gahhhh. and yes, i agree, our chat window was far from normal. it was chaotic and full of spazzing. with riz being eaten by nat.

he performed handkerchief and i wa slike... ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMGGGGGGGGGGG. i was really nervous for him because i know how wan can get when he's nervous. and as i've expected, his voice was shaky in the start, like he was controling it. but when it came to the chorus, WOW. total reversal. his voice just boomed. only thing is, he looked so awkward standing there all by himself. he should be more confident. fighting wannie..!!!!

then he sang SCREAM and man, i was literally screaming myself. well, i thought it was live, but then i watched it again since i recorded it using hidownloader,and i wasn't so sure anymore. wait, i'll watch it again. *goes to watch* ah, i still can't decide.. other times he sang live, and the other parts, were recorded. the dance was so enrgetic... and wa... he just ROCKED THE HOUSE. gawd, he looked like HYDE. haha. he was so effing hot. totally hot i wanna shoot him.

why are these spoilers anyway? haha.

anyways, we're still watching sbs inkigayo on sunday, right??? PUAHAHHAHA. i have the upper hand, since i;m only an hour behind from korea while rozzy, nat and riz are all on the other side of the world. PUAHAHHAHA.

yeah, i listened to MY LOVE, and it was a MINU-ish song, so i guess MINU would be better at creating a really "sexy" dance for it.. HMMMM..... wan and eric dancing sexyily on stage..... *licks lips* but hey, we never know. maybe jin really did create a dance for it? haha.

plus heck yeah rozzy, the photoshoot was HOT. i watche dit and the part where he was standing by the wall, his suit unbottoned, his abs showing with a tie around his neck.. i involuntarily licked my hands, gawsh. that was just too hot.

kittywan, OMG I LOVE YOUR USERNAME!!!!!! make sme think of choi's Twinkling Abyss and The Choice Saga... gahh.... wooodng....

ginnie, i also got the liar feeling from it. like a slow easy song.. though this is less powerful than liar. i guess maybe it's because it's a RICWAN song that we felt that way? but you didn't like scream? i really like it though... *bangs head* and he does look different with his new hairdo.. but gah, it;s wan. i'll love him even if he shaves all his hair off.

yeah, wenyi already uploaded the LQ, huh?

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Krizza, you are hilarious...

Why are these spoilers??? haha...

I like Wan's album title..Kim Dong Wan Is..........

It is up to him to define in the album and for us to find out!!

I'll put a link for My Love song in Eric's thread next door in the K-dramas section.\\\


yeah Wenyi is really fast with her uploads on anything KIM DONG WAN!

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Wah~ Just watched wannie's comeback on mnet too! Do I need to use spoilers? ?? Errr..cuz nutzie did lolz


for Handkerchief perf...I think the live piano was a bad move >.< especially since it's his first live of the song. It was obviously a decision on the PD's part and seemed a bit rushed.

:sweatingbullets: Why did they do this?! Always a bad idea especially on k-music station. The arrangements were not done well to the rhythm of Wannie's vocals and can be a overwhelming when he's not 'that' familiar to the song yet. Thus can't open himself up enough to sing over the piano...and korean music station's notoriously bad audio quality only added to it. They recorded the piano directly, then spaced wannie's recording to the back...blah~ If you're not going to arrange it for the piano only, then don't pretend to 'accompany' along with the recorded track. It can throw a singer off badly unless the pianist is very experienced in accompaniment. You feel the pianist and wannie testing each other out a bit at the beginning which may have contributed to his shakiness. But of course, wannie being wannie pulled himself together and strengthened towards the middle. I'm sure the perfs will only get better :) I hope they burn those gray pants though :sweatingbullets: And before I scare anyone with my comments. It really is a very decent perf.

Now...Scream... I"M SO IN LOVE WITH IT. The feeling is definitely j-rock edging on j-pop and dongwan so looks the part with the weight loss. This song is the kim dongwan I've been waiting for :D It just 'screams' Dongwan. Pun intended XD Ahhhhh~ So excited just thinking about it. Any chance of this song being the title song? I particularly love the bridge in this song. It's so sexy~ The almost dark moodiness suits wannie's more nasal based, crooning vocals perfectly~ It does sound familiar, but can't quite place it. Also, I've always thought wannie's vibrato is very similar to j-rock artists...maybe because of the songs he listens to? I do wish they'd cut out the little break dance thingy in the middle though...blocked wannie from view and the scratching along with 'break it down like this' took a little away from the song itself since it's a bit hip-hopish. Overall...I just love love this perf. Can't wait till inkigayo! And perhaps this is the dance choreography jinnie helped with ^^ I see the shadows of hey come on lolz And perhaps I'm being silly...but the whole jumping, falling to the floor thingy is so...Bump-ish?

Oh yeah~ The ending kick was just smoking! Watch the fancam of this and you'll know his live is just so awesome ^^

Edit: Has wannie's k-pop thread been re-opened yet?

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Just reading you guy's spoilers is making me nervous. I remember how nervous I was when Junjin first got on the stage as solo. I'm having the same butterfly feeling for Dongwan and I didn't watch the show yet! In fact I'm more nervous with DW...maybe because in pre-album stage when he was being interviewed and they asked him to sing little and his voice was not coming out.....

I had to download DW's album...I already ordered mine and hopefully it's being shipped today...so I don't have to feel too guilty, right? :sweatingbullets: LOL!

Listening to DW's album right now as I'm typing this. His album is really versertile. You don't know what to expect from one song to another. LOVE IT!

Gotta go watch him live performance on Youtube now. Hopefully it'll be up for download in HQ soon.

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Guest Jamieâ„¢

I've only heard 'My Love' so far, and its so sexyy lol

I love Dongwan's voice, it's so versatile

and Minu is a talented boy too. can't wait for his album <3

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

ginnie, I KNOW. haha, nat and rozzy started it. <_< so i followed.

totally agree with the album title. it;s like he's trying to say that "Kim Dongwan IS.." this and that person according to what his album contains. whoever thought of the title is sure smart.

you did? ah, i wish we can do taht here but yeah, we can't.. >.< edward will kill us if we share links.

haha, wenyi is all for wan, eh?

gah. now i'm looking for the lyrics...

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I read some of today's news after the Countdown performance.

There was some 400 fans present to cheer for Dongwan. They were screaming in support since rehearsal. Dongwan's fans from Japan also flew in to support his comeback performance.

Dongwan also plans to have a simple fanmeeting to greet these fans !

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

ginnie, wow. that was sure a lot of support for him. i'm really glad and happy that shinhwa's got great fans like them. :) i mean. fans from japan to fly to korea just for a debut perf? that's loyalty. wish i could have been there to support wan too.

ah, i have already got the LQ file. waiting for the HQ.

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Chae over at Global Talk Show thread in K-drama section posted that Dongwan will be going to their set this Sunday!!!

So he might be a guest on the talk show too!!!!!

Why is Dongwan's thread not re-opened yet?


Brief translation from Dongwan's MUZ Interview


Eric sent this short message a while back


That guy Eric was angry


We've said multiple times that we should meet up sometime


In the end we didn't meet up because we were too busy


Eric messaged us this after that


Our Shinhwa that I spent my entire twenties in...


Really...how can be like that?


Then he sent a group message to all of us.

caps credit bestshinhwa

awww....Wuri Shinhwa that they all spent all of their twenties youth in. That's a long time.

I think Shinhwa did meet up after that because on YSMM Dongwan said he met up with the members. *if my memory serves me right* It is also cute that dongwan finds Eric's message funny even more so that Eric was angry that they are not meeting up because of schedule conflict. Being Shinhwa's leader is not easy..hahahah...

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Guest jerrybabie26

thanks for the mini trans of that interview ginnie hehehehe.... eric acting all leaderish... cuteness..


i just got to listen to wannie's album and i'm so in love... and the title does suit him... bits and tidbits of who he really is and what he is capable of... its like a melting pot of genres.... and Truth! this is such a wonderful song... he actually sang this during a concert of shinhwa(The Everlasting Mytholog (Shinhwa 2nd Concert) i think there were fan cams of his perfs... and i think i read somewhere it was titled Earnest Talk before... so its actually truth lol ... i was wondering why it was never released on any of their albums but was in one of their concerts... this song is just a little different in tempo

and SCREAM is so wannie... i was wondering if he would be releasing a rock song... this so suits him and his current punk image... i so want to see his live perf... can't wait.

Is there no schedule for him to appear on Music Bank? i dont think i saw anything being mentioned about that...

My Love is so smexy! :blush: lol i love wannie and eric collabs... i think their voices compliment each other like how i feel that minu and hye sung compliments each other... ricwan couple is so sexy but of course nothing beats woodong hehehehehe and this reminds of one other song i just can't place it ... and his english is so cute...the english bis are only a few but when he rolls it out its so heavenly lol

somehow his collab with sung reminds of of hye sungs collab with sunmin its so sad i felt like crying :tears:

i wish he would have had a duet with minu... i'm floating on a wannie cloud right now! :D

on another note... i just got my hands on a copy of minu's girlfriend edition and i'm suddenly just as anxious about minu's release lol

oooh, i hope they do a comeback special on music bank or anywhere else and sing together! him and wannie, i mean... then that would be a real treat!

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