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Guest lenakeem

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This picture is DW's recent picture?Noooo, he is suppose to AGE with me NOT getting younger! LOL!

WANNIE NEW PIC^^http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2846/2007...26025fd2bs7.jpgcredits: shinhwachina+pic sourcehe is looking younger and younger now-adays...in fact he is starting to look more and more like his pre-muscleman days :)
You are so lucky you saw YSMM! I knew I should of stayed home! Now I have to wait to go home and then wait for hours for YSMM to download in CB!If I get lucky and able to download quick, I'll try to give summary....I won't be doing word by word translation because I found out most of the time I translate (ex. DW's MV), someone else translates it right afterwards and they hard-sub it so I feel like I wasted my time.....
anyways, the real reaosn why i'm posting right now is BECAUSE I JUST FINISHED WATCHING YSMM!!!! and wan was so DARN HANDSOME AND GORGEOUS ANS PERFECT!!!!!!everytime he speaks, everyone always laughs!~ well, he's not called witty guy for nothing, eh? plus SHinhwa was mentioned A LOT of times!!!!!ALAS, since i can't speak korean, i only caught a few of what they were talking about..

lee hyori (was this about lee hyori liking eric's this the best and andy's this the best, and sungie's this the best and jin's this the best and secretly liking minu and leaving wan out? or am i wrong cause i'm weird? haha, fine, i shouldn't have said that since i am probably wrong) also, gifts wan received from his fanclub and such..

were those evn spoilers? haha...PLUS!!!! wan was onscreen maybe 25% of the show!!!! haha, and tony ahn probably 50% LOL.. then the other guests can share with the remaining 25% HAHA...wan looked so gorgeous, the way he smiled each time, the way he alughs, the way his eyes crinkle and his mouth shows of those pearly whites... the way his hair would fly up when he would be hit by the wind thingy... he was just plain HANDSOME.i could go on all night....aish, anyways... can anybody here tell us the main gist of what they were talking about while the subs aren't yet available.... PLEASE???? i beg you *grovels down on her hands and knees*

I just found out that M's "If you..." song is not part of his 1st or 2nd album but single he released in 2005.I've looked for it on-line but cannot find it. Has anyone seen it for sale?I really love this song and want to buy the CD if I can find it.Thank you.
I'm so into M's "If You"....I was downloading MVs into my iPOD and BOOM! ... it hit me how much I like that song. I guess I really didn't pay much to member's individual songs...Anyway, I got question. I kind of remember seeing advertisement for M's concert DVD.How many concert DVDs does he have? What the name of his most recent concert DVD (if he has more than one?I think I"m going to order it when I order his 3rd album.EDIT: I don't see M's pre-order anywhere. Isn't it suppose to release on 7/10?
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Guest _melod!es

serawong thank you for the pictures of Minwoo's photoshoot

he's looking even hotter than last time

the Shinhwa members seem to get younger everyday (:

can't wait to see the new pictures of Minwoo

ahhhh~ anticipating it ^^

samshiku awww~ wannie is looking so darn cute!

his hair kind of reminds me of his hairdue from one of their first jib

well kind of ... a LITTLE bit

don't you think?? LOL maybe not, maybe it's just me ^^;

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Here's some news I saw on Dongwan. The picture above is from YSMM filming day. Dongwan's Lovers fanclub prepared 100 package lunches for the crew and audience. The lunch pack included sandwiches, sushi, drinks, fruits and snacks etc. Each pack of lunch valued around 20000 won. The guests of YSMM including Han Ji Min, Tony An, Evan and the hosts were admiring Kim Dong Wan. Kim Dong Wan's new songs were released on music websites. His official album will be released on July 5th. He will appear on Inkigayo and Mnet Countdown that day to celebrate his official solo activities.


gosh! shinhwa fans are like extremly awesome!! that's a lot of money and whenever they give those it always comes in 100's ^^ <3333

[pic] Andy - Happy Together, From upcoming episode


Credit: Andy the Best

lol.. Andy the B-E-A-U-tiful girL again.. :D

LOL haha andy is so cute when he dresse's up as a girl ^^that reminds me of junjin with a ponytail I LOVE THAT HAIRSTYLE SO MUUUCCCHHH!!! <333 andyone have pictures of that?

ahh dongwannie..

sorry just saw this pic and i want to be the girl T.T


LOL cant help it but in this picture he looks like he's stalking that girl xP! cute

im not really feeling well today...(lack of sleep) so terrible headache now..but had to translate this *winks*

[07.07.02] [News] Shin Hyesung Meets Vietnam Fans During Pre-release 2nd Album

ooo! vietnam? wow he has fans in vietnam? my mom will be surprised ^^ she was born in vietnam but wow he has fans like al over the world hehe


[] 20070702154904126025fd2bs7.jpg[]

AHH! is that our dongwannie?! he looks so young! :o i think its the hairstyle ^^ and i guess the losing weight payed off hehe. man im keeping this picture!! =P

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Guest Maerong

I am going crazy over new pictures I am seeing every day!


Hyesung 2nd album FIGHTING

Minwoo 3rd album FIGHTING

Dongwan 1st album FIGHTING


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Guest sunnydays.

riz - hyesung's dance was the solo right before andy did his little dance.. hold on lemme rewatch the video.. right okay, it starts at 1:36, he starts shaking his butt =P i thought it was the funniest thing i've seen in awhile.. and yes, the hyper one at the end of the video was dongwan.. hahaha.. it's funny.. cos everybody's dancing normally [they all look the same from the long shots] and then you see one of them jumping around like a bean sprout and i was just like, huh? and then i figured out it was dongwan.. hahaha..

Oh, thanks. (: I'll go watch it. Haha... I LOVE it when Dongwan goes crazy. I don't know, it just looks so... fun, you know? And he looks so happy when he's going crazy. (: Haha, it always makes me think of those times when he admitted in TV shows & game shows and such, that he's usually the most over-achieving Shinhwa member... that if all the other members do a certain dance move, he'd do it ten times more energetic, to the point where it becomes so forced. :D Haha, I love Dongwann!

ahh dongwannie..

sorry just saw this pic and i want to be the girl T.T

and i loved these pics from MV/solo...


DONGWAN'S CAKE [YES he made it himself!]

credit: naver+pic source

haha i'm unfaithful to minwoo again

just made these yesterday tho^^


JUst updated the pic thread agaIN!!!! MUST SEE!


Thank you SO SO SO much<3 Dongwan looks GREAT. :D Haha, that first picture is so cute... definately does make you jealous of the girl. :P Siiigh. LOL. His cake. XD; I bet it's delicious though, didn't they say Dongwan was the cook of Shinhwa?

im not really feeling well today...(lack of sleep) so terrible headache now..but had to translate this *winks*

[07.07.02] [News] Shin Hyesung Meets Vietnam Fans During Pre-release 2nd Album

Awww, yay. (: That's so cool, how the two countries are coming together... anyway, I hope he does well with his 2nd jib. & the concert too, ofcousre. That picture is GORGEOUS. He looks great in a suit & tie. (;

I hope you feel better, angelix! Thanks so much always for the news!<3


He looks ADORABLE! & Handsome~~ Thank you for the pictures. :D



he is looking younger and younger now-adays...

in fact he is starting to look more and more like his pre-muscleman days :)


OMG, this is his newest look? WOWWWW.

It's funny, first he was Mr. mature with his facial hair... & now, he's going back to the cute, younger man style.

:D I love this style. He's so adorable & handsome. His hair looks a bit funny. XD; It reminds me of the Hae Gyul Sa days... when they all had such weird hair. D:

Thank you so much for the picture<3


my fingers are itching to touch PhotoShop right now and do something!!!! icons, banners, wallpapers... me wanna PS HQ PHOTOSHOOT PICS!~

*throws tantrum*

*goes crazy*

anyways, the real reaosn why i'm posting right now is BECAUSE I JUST FINISHED WATCHING YSMM!!!!


everytime he speaks, everyone always laughs!~ well, he's not called witty guy for nothing, eh?

plus SHinhwa was mentioned A LOT of times!!!!!

PLUS!!!! wan was onscreen maybe 25% of the show!!!! haha, and tony ahn probably 50% LOL.. then the other guests can share with the remaining 25% HAHA...

wan looked so gorgeous, the way he smiled each time, the way he alughs, the way his eyes crinkle and his mouth shows of those pearly whites... the way his hair would fly up when he would be hit by the wind thingy... he was just plain HANDSOME.

i could go on all night....

aish, anyways...GRAWR, i just realised that from being so hyper about wan, i turned into an instant minu mode again!!!!!!! damn minu an dhis sexinesssss <_<

Haha you PS dork. :P Don't worry, I get weird urges too... like now. XD; Look what you did to me, Krizza!

Woww, I wanna watch YSMM. >;] I still have to watch Come & Play with Dongwann. T__T; He IS so very handsome. You just can't get enough of him. (: Haha, Krizza, complaining about Dongwan's screen time... :P

Thanks for the pictures. It's funny, especially their older pictures -- they all have weird poses with their hands & arms & stuff. But they all still look so handsome. :D<3

I was thinking over this yesterday, while listening to Eusha Eusha on the way to the water park... but Shinhwa has GREAT songs. :P Haha, I was thinking to why some people didn't like Shinhwa's music, but perhaps that's because they don't like the genre of pop. Anyway, Shinhwa not only belongs to the pop genre, but they also put in their own original style... so I guess some people just can't get used to that style. u__u Well, whatever, their loss. But seriously, listening to Eusha Eusha, it is a very energetic 90's pop song. I LOVE it though. (: That's seriously one of my favorite songs... never fails to make me happy & go crazy (like Dongwan in that vid Nat posted)... & especially it's summer, it's so much more appropriate.

(; so i COMMAND all of you to go listen to Eusha Eusha. it's the best summer song.<3 Haha :D

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Guest zefiris1

[HQ+MQ] Kim Dongwan- Handkerchief MV

(English_Korean_Romanisation Subbed)

First time seeing wannie so serious in comparison to xman and love letter. My eyes were glued onto him...he surprisingly carries a lot of screen presence! I love the scene when they were eating from the cups and dongwan was dipping his straw and he suddenly turns to the girl. He was especially charismatic when he smiled at the girl before handcuffing her to the car! Very smexy MV!

[07.07.02] [News] Shin Hyesung Meets Vietnam Fans During Pre-release 2nd Album

May Take Out With Full Proper Credits

OMG Hyesung looks GORGEOUS! I really like how this photographer captured the picture, simple yet poignant! Can't wait till the entire jacket for the album comes out!

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i remember once seeing this group of Shinhwa pics, and it was them at a photoshoot or something, and they're all wearing white shirts or something... and they gang up on someone and tear his shirt. i forget who it was, i can barely remember it. but i just remember laughing my butt off... does anyone know what im tlaking about? if you do, please PM me with the pics or where i can find them!

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Guest Cassiopeiasujuluver

Ahhhhh.....I'm going crazy over Dongwan's new

look ahhh....I love it sooo...much!!!!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

YAYAAY!!! some catching up to do......

thanks to those who shared links and pics!~ :D

PAGE 1034

nurkeyandie, i take it that you love wandy's I Love The Beach song from wan's album, eh? well, it seems to me that Wandy always are paired up in songs. Like in their Winterstory 2004-2005, Red Sunset, it was a Wandy track!~ i bet you;d love it too!~ have you heard it yet?

also, to your RICSYUNg question.. well, you see, i'm the officially self-proclaimed ricsyung queen here in the Shinhwa soompi thread.. haha. self proclaimed. anyways, the "oil and water" term was coined i think during 7th jib, more speciffically when they appeared in Love Letter. actually, the term was just to show how the two of them "don't mix" together which ain't true, really. sure, they act like "oil and water" but in reality, they are pretty close. they both like the same stuff, laugh at the same things and love each other dearly.. :D just like every shinhwa member loves each other dearly.

about the JINSYUNG LOVE, you see, jinnie is like sungie's baby. i remmeber when hyeusng said once that he wasn't really close with the group yet, but when jinnie had his accident, that was when he felt that Shinhwa is really important to him, that junjin is important to him. So him being a first born, took it to himself as Jinnie's "mom" or "big brother".

ALSO, as soemone here has said awhile back, look at it this way, six guys under the same roof under the leadership of Eric because he's the oldest. Only problem is that, Eric doesn't really act his age at times (hehe) and Sungie being a first born, didn't like how eric is sometimes because he knows how a leader should act which is not how eric acts. But in reality, Both of them really clicks together, Eric's weird and crazy antics and Sungie's mature and gentle ways (at times) blends perfectly. they simply compliment each other very well! So in alla ctuality, Oil And Water Really Do Mix!

hope i made sense...

RIZZIESHHH!!!!! yes, project orange will be back!~ chyeah!~ :D when? well, that's a secret yet, haha!~

LOL, i really don't care if he shave his hair off, or if he suddenly reveals to the world that he's gay and is in love with Bard Pitt. I'd still love him all the same (and probably kill Brad Pitt). :ph34r:

AUUUUGHHHHHH!!!! my mom said she saw dvds of Que SeraSera in Divisoria and she's been meaning to buy me one but they have Chinese dubbing so yeah, i'll just wait for the korean subbed ones to come and then she'll buy me a dvd!~ even though it's pirated. HAHA.

OH MY GOSHNESS!!!! STOP POSTING ERIC PICS!!!!!!! you know i'm a secret eric lover at heart... :blush: you don't want me stealing eric... :ph34r:

Mommie Alice, thanks for explaining to us that part in Come to Play.. augh, now i really do hope there are some dongwan clones available to molest -er, i mean, love. :sweatingbullets:

MAL!~ thanks for the MV of wan, i already downloaded it days ago and has beenw atching it nonstop.. man, i love the story line!~

and OH!~ you posted the caps i took!~ haha, they're all so small since they're from MQ.. >.<

PAGE 1035

NAOMI!~ man, you need to go back to loving andy!!! or even eric is okay!!! 75% dongwannie mode??? mustmakethatpercentagedroptozero :ph34r:

i kid. haha, more dongwannie lovers, more fans, more album sales!!!!!! YAAYEEEE!!!!

mommie alice!!! thanks for the summary of the MV!~ YAY!~ i understood it!~ the first time i watched it, i was actually like O.0 then halfway, i slowly started to piece everything together and as i have thought, i was right.. PUAHAHAHAH!!!!! thanks for the explanantion!~

PAGE 1036

panhia87, you just watched WONTAK ANGEL?? OH MY GOODNESS!~ when i watched it i seriously cried. i'm not really easy to be evoked into tears but when it comes to Shinhwa stuff.. haha.. i easily gets so emotional. plus, the movie in itself was very touching.. and minu crying is just too much.. it felt like the Girlfriend performance he did in his first solo concert back then... i cried when he cried.. haha, i'm so lame.

xtine, too bad you won't be there when minu;s there.. wa. i'm pretty sure you;d jump on him if you see him. haha.. well, i would. i mena, who wouldn't? seriously. but yeah, maybe you two are emant to meet someplace else... *wink wink*

nurkeyandie, well, in all actuality, wan is the most handsome. HAHA, fine, that wa s a biased comment. but really, if someone isn't a shinhwa fan, they'll imediately say that wan is the most handsome or in some cases, the only handsome one in the group *beats them up except that my mom is one fo them together with my grandmother <_< * but sometiems, when wan poses, he looks a bit awkward... haha, but minu??? minu looks good in every picture!~ haha. (i'm betraying my wan but whatever LOL).

RIZZIESH!~ oh my goodness!~ i remember seeing that episode and i DIED laughing SO HARD!~ HAHAHAHAH!!!! wan a homo??? (woodong) and eric the sexay chef waiter whatever??? *hyperventilates*

NATTT!!!! RICSYUNG!~ haha, i was just happy that you appreciate ricsyung love *hugs ya* and i KNOW there's already a translation of WANDY's song in shinhwachangjo.net, also the Three Musketeers Song!~ :D i'll go and see if they cna be posted here or soemthing, if not, then just hea don over there. okies?

NURKEYANDIE!!!!!!!!! wait, what's your name, btw? anyways, YOU'RE ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR RICSYJNG MOMENTS???? HAHA!~ well, if you go to ricsyung.com or rspond.com, browse through the pictures there you're bound to see TONS!!!!! but i'm always here to screencap from teh site and share with you guys, only thing is, i've already shared everything i've took from that website, haha. i've already posted them and i forgot what page... sorry..

loving_D!~ can i call you angie too? anyways.. thanks for that syungdy pic... haha, these two are just too cute!~ also, minu's eyes his worst??? is this because his eyes are small??? augh, and people here in the philippines and in the west try to make their eyes look smal!~ haha, i love minu's eyes, it makes me wanan molest- er, hug him.!~

PAGE 1037

jewny!!! thanks for the shinhwa pics!~ lol, i love eric's getup in the first, and teh secodn tot he last pic!!! i have a poster from junior magazine from that day across my bed :D it's a so huge i can lick them each every morning... hahahahha!!!!! gawd, i'm so perverted today <_<

ginnie!~ man, i miss you!~ wa, you almost forgot that eric is in shinhwa?? *beats you up* haha, fine, i kid. but really, whenever he takes serious roles i always remember what he said back then, when he was really sad and felt really pressured because the public is forcing him into a personality that he acts as in a drama but isn't like him at all in real life.. Super Rookie and KSA, he said, was more like him.. haha... also, thanks for that wan heads up for YSMM!!!!! garfgh.. i wa sable to watch it live... AND MAN, IS WAN PERFECT OR WHAT? *dies*

AMY!~ oh, is that it? PUAHAHHAHA!!! i remembe rthe diary post he made about that day!~ he said he would never go out of his house without makeup, every again!~ PUAHAHHAHA!~ i was smiling like a dork while i was watching him on the SBS website last night via their onair TV broadcast.. LD he was so damn fine. *melts*

nurkeyandie, we all have our emo moments. soemtimes, when i space out, i always think of shinhwa. and as that happens a lot, almost every minute of my life, i think i have already thought of a lot of topics abotut ehm in my head. and one of those is that. tehy started at such a young age. like their yotuh has been snatched from them. because they've been exposed to the industry kinda early. sure they;ve had hardships (if you listen to their winter stroy 2003-2004) and read the translation, you'll surely understand what is was like for them back then. but if you read the SHINHWA CHRONICLES (link found in my signature), you'll see how they've managed staying sane all these years.. the secret? each other.

ate ai, thanks for the wonderful picture of andy!~ she, er, he looks so pretty!~

zefiris1, the funny thing is that the incident with the elevator kid happened early this year. HAHA!~

PAGE 1038

NAAATTT!!!!! QSS and The Person I Love DVDs????? WOW, we also have those ehre, and yes, they're alsom chinese dubbed/english dubbed. i'd prefer to hear wan and eric's real voice so i'llwait for the korean voiced ones.. :D


AMY!!!!! i already downloaded that yesterday. AHAH. :D *hugs* wa, i swear, when i upgrade my new comp's memory, i'll start learning how to sub!~ :D

GINNIE!~ exactly, wan is like that, he's totally candid about stuff, ah, now he's even more perfect than before stupid perfect wannie <_< he always makes me smile, cry and die all at the same time. darn him.

NAAATTTT!!!! omo!~ i was right? it WAS wannie!~ PUAHAHHAH!~ also, i remember the motorbike!~ ahha, jinnie told it in happy together, righty??? ah!~ gotta watch it again.. minu falling graciously on the pavement while eric just looks at him, andy hurting his head while eric just looks at him.. the "sorry"-phobia of eric and andy... their introductions... "little prince" sungie!!!!.... and omo!~ the "pig" song!~ puahahhaha!~

XH!~ thanks for the wan picspam *licks screen*

ginnie, agree.. shinhwa is funniest when they are themselves, but they're the best when they're themselves AND when they're together :D

mommie alice!~ I LOVE IF YOU BY MINU!!!!! if you watch his performance of IF YOU you;d just die.. he's always so charming to the girls he picked.. :D me wanna ride a bike with minu too!!! also, i remember a filipino artist copying the MV oif IF YOU, i think it was sarah geronimo. her Mv was super lame though. <_< man, i'm so evil. sorry if i offended anyone with that comment... wa, i hope they just used an original concept. i mean, the walls full of pictures behind her while she's wearing white?? the .. everything??/

sorry mommie alice, can;t help myself. *shuts mouth*


jewny, it was during happy shares comapny with minu versus ayumi or someoen else? can't remember. minu was supposed to hit hyro's foot with a toy hammer 5 times. so yeah, he started telling hyori how good she look sand everyhting and hyori wa slike "why are you being so nice to me today?" and then minu said "you have nice feet" or soemthing then hyori showed his feet and minu hit it five times!!! hahah!~ then hyori said 'oh! it;s for that show!~" then hyori was asked about her ideal man, and minu said "dongwan?" but she said eric's face, sungie's personality, jin's body, andy;s cuteness. totally leaving out minu!~ and wan. haha... so in infinity chellenge during 8th jib, in the "news report" part, wan was the reporter and he reported that. he said about what hyori said and he added, "a certain XXlee said that hyori didn;t mention him because she secretly likes him. but.." he paused for drammatic effects ".. what about me?" LOL!!!! since he was not mentioned even once..

SERENA!~ i just downloaded the video clip!~ MAN, I WANT HQ PICS!!!!!!

mommie alice, I AGREE. they seem to get younger day by day.. which is a plus for me. PUAHAHHA!~

my sister, joey, was doing her assignment when it was airing and i pushed her off the chair. HAHA!~ so she took a one hour break from her assignments and watched YSMM with me :D aw, mommie alice, your works didn;t got o waste, i've read your trans before the mv was subbed... maybe you shoudl coordinate with amy? i'll certainly wait for the summary. :D

PAGE 1039

RIZZIESHH!~ OMO!~ really? in all actuality, before i went to bed last night, i made a wallapaper from sungie;'s "flower" pic!~ PUAHAHHAHA!~ and i plan on doing more.. :D wa.... i wasn't complaining, really.. i wish he could have talked more.. like tony, haha, tony was so talkative.. :D AUGHSIQMWIO!~ I LOVE EUSHA EUSHA!!!!! it makes me wanna dance!!!!! i remember when i was in a preschooler, maybe when i was six? there was a show here in the pgilippines and it was called "ANG TV" and their tag line was like "ANONG ORAS NA? ANG TV NA!~" which really didn;t make sense, haha. or did i remember it wrong? haha, probably. anyways, the show's theme song sounds like eusha eush!~ "saying doowadidididdididdum dididdoooo"

lilshinhwafreak, kriza_09 knows how, she went there just last month.

ilovesuperjunior, ah, that was during 8th jib photoshoot :D they were laying down then eric took hold of wan's vest and ripped it off him then they all ganged up on eric to rip his shirt off...!~ i have the pics, i think.. or i can just scan my CD jacket for you since it;s in the 8th jib jacket. okies? tell me and i'll scan it for you. :D

i'm in a...




blinkies and stuff from projectorange

click here for some project orange goodness

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Guest amyliaz








Credits bestiz + ShinhwaChangjo.net

He looks so good! Can't wait for 3rd jib really. Anticipate anticipate! :D


















credits. leechunsa@shinhwachangjo.net

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Guest ADORE.you

whoaa lols =) thanks for that explanation labingtatlo! Haha, it was during Happy Shares with Jo JungRin XD Ahh Dongwan's a funny chap, love that guy. AND! I knew Minwoo would do something SPANKING-delicious to his hair for his 3rd album jacket. My my, that boy sure does have total hotness flowing in his blood. GAHH~ I can't wait for his 3rd album to come out - to see him on STAGE again.

Oh OH! I was bored one day so I decided to watch some of the old variety shows that I downloaded at the beginning of the year and I happened to come across SHINHWA X-MAN GERMANY SPECIAL. Boo yeah~ it was filled with SHINHWA goodness ^^" Couldn't keep my eyes off Junjin's athleticism, and the guys were just adorable.. made all the games and everything look so hilarious. Hyesung & Junjin were looking so damn FINE when they were goalkeepers ^^

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Guest samshiku

Krizza you're SOO back!!! missed you much here :D

i STRONGLY URGE EVErYONE TO WATCH SUMMERSTORY BONUS clips...omg its SOOOOOO stupid...shinhwa craziness at one of it's best here...i'll try to upload it into youtube but Translation??? cos mine is chinese subs...

**dies 5 million times...

MINWOO looks SOOO edible^^ krizza how can you JUST be in wannie and sungie mode??!!

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hey ilovesuperjunior, is this the picture you're talking about? :) i love this picture too, our boys are so dorky (and hot) lol


credit: on pic

and mommie Alice, i love minwoo's if you single as well :D

i liked it when he had chubbier cheeks, the guy's so skinny now :sweatingbullets:

unfortunately, not a lot of sites sell this single, although asiandb.com does have it, but they overcharge everything...

here's the link if you're interested though, but it's going for about $30


minwoo's album, as far as i know, is still going to be released on july 10th, but judging by the way things are going, i wouldn't be surprised if he pushes back the date haha

i know a lot of chinese forums are waiting for minwoo to set an exact date and price before they preorder, but i've already preordered through shinhwachangjo, who'll be buying direct from korea when it becomes available, which = helping minwoo's sale records!

hope that helped!

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Guest nutzie

dongwan's gonna appear on both m!countdown and inkigayo this week =D

m!countdown is on thursday 7.30 pm korean time [mnet]

inkigayo is on sunday 3.30 pm korean time [sbs]

for EST people, minus 13 off the korean time, and the rest, just adjust accordingly =D

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Guest sunnydays.

^ Thanks for the news, Nat. (:

PAGE 1034

RIZZIESHHH!!!!! yes, project orange will be back!~ chyeah!~ :D when? well, that's a secret yet, haha!~

LOL, i really don't care if he shave his hair off, or if he suddenly reveals to the world that he's gay and is in love with Bard Pitt. I'd still love him all the same (and probably kill Brad Pitt). :ph34r:

AUUUUGHHHHHH!!!! my mom said she saw dvds of Que SeraSera in Divisoria and she's been meaning to buy me one but they have Chinese dubbing so yeah, i'll just wait for the korean subbed ones to come and then she'll buy me a dvd!~ even though it's pirated. HAHA.

OH MY GOSHNESS!!!! STOP POSTING ERIC PICS!!!!!!! you know i'm a secret eric lover at heart... :blush: you don't want me stealing eric... :ph34r:

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RIZZIESH!~ oh my goodness!~ i remember seeing that episode and i DIED laughing SO HARD!~ HAHAHAHAH!!!! wan a homo??? (woodong) and eric the sexay chef waiter whatever??? *hyperventilates*

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RIZZIESHH!~ OMO!~ really? in all actuality, before i went to bed last night, i made a wallapaper from sungie;'s "flower" pic!~ PUAHAHHAHA!~ and i plan on doing more.. :D wa.... i wasn't complaining, really.. i wish he could have talked more.. like tony, haha, tony was so talkative.. :D AUGHSIQMWIO!~ I LOVE EUSHA EUSHA!!!!! it makes me wanna dance!!!!! i remember when i was in a preschooler, maybe when i was six? there was a show here in the pgilippines and it was called "ANG TV" and their tag line was like "ANONG ORAS NA? ANG TV NA!~" which really didn;t make sense, haha. or did i remember it wrong? haha, probably. anyways, the show's theme song sounds like eusha eush!~ "saying doowadidididdididdum dididdoooo"

I'm looking forward to PO. (: I better start preparing... *goes to find Shinhwa images to PS* haha, let's hope that he doesn't become that... siiigh. If Dongwan was gay, he'd go for one of the Shinhwa guys, huh? Who'd he go for? :P It reminds me of Sang Sang Plus, when Andy & Minbong were on it, & they were asked: "if you're a female, which one of the Shinhwa members would you go for?" Keke. So funny. =D & you KNOWWW you love the Eric pictures. >;] He's a gorgeous man. You HAVE to watch QSS! It's amazing. *__*<3

Haha that's such a weird tag line. :P I've heard that song too, the "doowadididididum dididooo"... that's why when I heard Eusha Eusha, I was like, "WAHHH I KNOW THIS SONG!!" & I love it. (: It's so old school. PUahahaha.<3

I wanna see your Hyesung flower poster! (:

070702 YashimManman - Dongwan

Wahh, thank you so so much! :D I'm looking forward to watching these. Tony Ahn & especially KIM DONGWAN! >;] <3




Here's a random VIDEOOOO of Dongwan... it says "RNX Concert", & it was on June 23, 2007...


He's singing "Lately" & another song that I don't recognize. ^^ He sounded great, & I thought he controlled the higher notes well. The fans were crazy, LOL, got me kinda annoyed, only because I wanted to hear Dongwan sing. :P But I LOVE their enthusiasm. (: Cuz I'd prolly be like that too, if I were there! XD;

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