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Guest lenakeem

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Guest Jennie

Sorry guys, I have been busy recently and because of one particular fan of Shinhwa


, that has been delaying my posting, so I haven't post anything on this thread. I haven't abandon Shinhwa!


: It is because of you that I can't concentrate. Your chronicle of Shinhwa is just soooo good, I keep on reading it over and over again. At times when I finish reading it, I get mad at you because, it's too short. I guess you should just write a novel and maybe it might please me. I absolutely love every choice of quotes you had on Shinhwa, everything just fits. Lots of admiration of you, for the hard work that you did for the celebration, and Shinhwa, for all the good and bad times they have gone through. Reading your work, makes me appreciate Shinhwa more.

Hyesung holding a baby pics: Is me or what, but at first when I saw it, I was like it's Hyesung. But, had a couple of looks at it, and thought maybe it's not Hyesung. :unsure: I mean, by the look at it, Hyesung doesn't look that small. Yeah, the hair is almost like Hyesung, but I mean the body, doesn't. That person looks young compare to Hyesung.

But, if that is Hyesung, do you see two little cute girls surrounding him? That is the definition of cuteness right there!!

ERIC'S 9TH ANNIVERSARY MESSAGE: AHHHH, he already have a cover for this first album. And Hyesung, can I see yours, just to make life a little bite easier for me. April 27? Will be waiting!!

To All Shinhwa fans: Love you guys, Look at how much we been replying to each other post! So fast! I'm still trying to do catch-up.

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

this.. makes me feel old.. *sulk*

well... when i made that i was worried quotes alone couldn't deliver the emotions.. but it turned out just fine.. ^^ haha.. actually i just hoped i would get some 'awwww.. it's so sweet..' but it turned out i made a lot of people cry.. hahah.. well, shinhwa did.. *mission success!!* ^^

about the bumblebee pic.. that was so smart of me, wasn't it??? ^^ when i was going to put a pic for that quote, i immediately knew what pic fit the best!! n that's why i put it last.. suddenly i wonder what hyesung would think if he saw that.. ^^

the ricsyung one is only a plan.. i plan to do it sometime in the future.. but i guess it would need some analysis and a bit of psychology.. so i don't know how i'm gonna do that..

n i hate not being credited for something i did... *sulk* LOL.. i really don't care about it.. so don't worry about it.. hmm, maybe i should change my nick?? lol.

anyway, thank you guys for the responses... it really touched me.. some people said it reminds them of how much they love (or loved ^^) shinhwa.. some people said they're gonna use it to tell their friends about shinhwa.. and some people said it made them cry and laugh (like you guys ^^) and some people even bookmark the page!! ^^ and the one i'm happiest about-> a few people even said it made them appreciate shinhwa again.. ^^ i hope when they start to forget shinhwa and like another group, they will open that page again and remember all the good things about shinhwa... i'm so glad i finally can do something for shinhwa.. ^^ even if krizza got all the credits.. hahahah..

HAHA. it made you feel old?

i assure you, that what you did delivered the RIGHT emotions. i was actualy thinking of showing it to my friends who are non kpop fans. i know that if they read it, they would at least appreciate the friendship of SHINHWA, even if not their music. yet. haha.

LOL, what would sungie think? HAHA!~ he;d probabaly pout then laugh!~ and i wonder if what the others would say if they see that bumblebee part.. LOL!~ they'd tease sungie endlessly!` AHAH!~

only a plan? aw!~ i was really looking forward to it. don;t you worry. i'm willing to help you in this as much as i can. my course now has something to do with psycho, socio and anthro. so i can help you with the psycho thing. actually, i have already found some theories that explain some of the "couple" behaviors, especially ricsyung.

AND!~ don't you worry. not everybody thinks that i made it. :P only some who only knew me and not you, so don't you worry!~

OH!` i'm one of those who bookmarked!!! and i'm printing it too!!!!!! i wish shinhwa will be able to see that thread. they'll surely like it.

lol, i didn't got ALL the credits, haha.

thanks again!~

just remember than in all the shinhwa projects you will have in the future, the shinhwa family is here to help you ^__^

^ awww that's so sweet! :) *hugs krizza* XD im alexine btw. :x x__x krizza's rival friend. XD

and yeah.. please do us a favor and make one again next time! ^o^; seriously, it's so good and you can also get a thought from it! ^o^

:ph34r: YOU CUDDLE WITH ERIC!? :mellow:

*forces dongwan to come with me*


no no.. we'll all share! <3 since i love you guys and all. kakaka! :blush:

btw, someone told me that dw's gonna have a solo album. .___. :mellow: issit true? .__. as far as i've known before.. he wants to pursue his acting career than singing.. so.. someone enlighten me about this one..? well, this might be an old issue or something. -_- forgive me for not knowing, if that is. .__. i just had a japanese guys spree after shinhwa stopped their 8th jib promotions. :sweatingbullets: (see what shinhwa does to me if i don't see them working as a group!? LOL :P )

thanks! <3

LOL. i'm your rival?? i mean, friend.

YES. me cuddling with ERIC. don't tell the others. ahah.

YESSSS!~ you need to "force" dongwannie to come with you because he doesn't want to leave my side!~ PUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!

okay, fine. we'll share. *grumbles*

i kid. i love ya alexine!~

OH!~ yes, it;s true. he will be releasing a solo album this coming MAY!~ wait for it.

i'm gonna buy mine!!!!!!!!! lol, do you know that there's a place in vitocruz manila, near de la salle, where you can order korean stuff and takes only a week to arrive??? YES!~ if you need instructions, tell me. okies?

Hyesung holding a baby pics: Is me or what, but at first when I saw it, I was like it's Hyesung. But, had a couple of looks at it, and thought maybe it's not Hyesung. :unsure: I mean, by the look at it, Hyesung doesn't look that small. Yeah, the hair is almost like Hyesung, but I mean the body, doesn't. That person looks young compare to Hyesung.

But, if that is Hyesung, do you see two little cute girls surrounding him? That is the definition of cuteness right there!!

To All Shinhwa fans: Love you guys, Look at how much we been replying to each other post! So fast! I'm still trying to do catch-up.

it's hyesung. i think. but they really are together in that house, babysitting. it's been dubbed as the "ricsyung family picture".

i KNOW. haha. we're like this here back then. man, wish we reach 1000th page already.

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Guest cpopbaby19

^HOLLYYY! :w00t:


well, i don't know that place! T_T

do you have my cp number?

;) give me instructions.

how much is a cd?


thanks for answering that krizza. [; i can't believe dw's having an album! XD ahhh! i can see myself cuddling with the cd! :x :mellow:


BUAHAHAH! i own this page! XD

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*goes off to PS some eric goodies for herself*

anywyas, i love love love you xh for translating this! *hugs xh a million 5 billion times. ;)

wa!~ eric;s so cute!~ haha

it has everything, no lyrics, no accompaniment. 5 billion.


eric mode. eric mode!

i must claim eric now that rizziesh, nat, ginnie and linh are not here. PUAHAHHAHAH!~

*cuddles with eric*WAAAAA?

take HIM??

oh, you want to share? i am already sharing him with catty but we can share too!!!! also, i'm sagring with xtine, man, i am sharing with about 25387473247921-492384938438 million women on the planet. haha. so yeah, let's share.




Eric is crazy. When I saw it at oceans6, I seriously thought it was serious..Until he started saying things like 50 songs, 50 billion dollars and holding up that cover that looks nothing like a real CD cover!!!!!!!

That dork.

That Dork..with a capital D.

Nine years...and this dork still never change his ways.

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^ Andy's holding a cigarette in that one?! I have to go back and look ..cause I didn't notice it if there is one.

Ooh, in the chronicle when they were talking about how weird Eric and Jin are, ..they mentioned that the two like to sing about rice in Vietnamese?! They know Vietnamese?! LOL..I would love to hear that HAHA. Ooh, and folding their blankets into orgami...now that's WEIRD. So with the bumblebee!

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

AHAHAHA...being Viet myself, I'd love to hear them speaking Viet too...that would be hilarious.

Hyesung as a bumblebee!!!! I've been away from the thread for 3 days and holy crap its grown!!!! I can't keep track of everything.*head spinning* Thanks for the translations of the special msgs!!! Seeing as I can't understand korean for the life of me, its awesome to know what they are actually saying!!!

kriza_09, OH.MY.GOSH. You are THE COOLEST!!! That chronicle was soo good. I'm sure you spent ages on it and it definitely shows!!! The details, the quotes, everything! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I actually started tearing up reading it. BTW, is it alright if I save some of those pics onto my comp? I just realized there are quite a few of them I don't have or lost.

*waves to everyone*

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Guest chopsticksandspoon
^HOLLYYY! :w00t:


well, i don't know that place! T_T

do you have my cp number?

;) give me instructions.

how much is a cd?


thanks for answering that krizza. [; i can't believe dw's having an album! XD ahhh! i can see myself cuddling with the cd! :x :mellow:


BUAHAHAH! i own this page! XD


i'll just pm you tomorrow the instructionsand i'll tell you the legend about my cp. :P

I KNOW!~ i want it to be punkish rock!!!! haha!~ you cuddling with the cd? i'm planning on marrying it!~

darn you! i was THIS close to owning a page!!!!!




Eric is crazy. When I saw it at oceans6, I seriously thought it was serious..Until he started saying things like 50 songs, 50 billion dollars and holding up that cover that looks nothing like a real CD cover!!!!!!!

That dork.

That Dork..with a capital D.

Nine years...and this dork still never change his ways.

uh, what are you aheming about, dearest ginnie? :unsure:

anyways, ME TOO!~ i was totally excited and even thought the title of the album was good and then i read, 50 songs? no lyrics? no accompaniment? 50 million???? man, what a dorko.

yes ginnie, once a dorko, always a dorko.

but thats why we LOVE this dorko.

*hugs eric*


Hyesung as a bumblebee!!!! I've been away from the thread for 3 days and holy crap its grown!!!! I can't keep track of everything.*head spinning* Thanks for the translations of the special msgs!!! Seeing as I can't understand korean for the life of me, its awesome to know what they are actually saying!!!

*waves to everyone*

LOL. sungie in whatever costume cracks me up. haha. i still can't forget that one where he's a potato. haha!~

*waves back*

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Eric, whata major d o r k ! !

Hahahaha he's so damn funny.. Him and his cd..

What exactly is '5 billion' in U.S. dollars? Is

it really 5 billion in U.S. dollars or no?

I can't wait for the rest of the other members

to do vids.. From youtube, they only have

1 subbed vid of Hyesung's.. I'll just watch

the rest with the awesome translations from

here! Thanks!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon
Eric, whata major d o r k ! !

Hahahaha he's so damn funny.. Him and his cd..

What exactly is '5 billion' in U.S. dollars? Is

it really 5 billion in U.S. dollars or no?

I can't wait for the rest of the other members

to do vids.. From youtube, they only have

1 subbed vid of Hyesung's.. I'll just watch

the rest with the awesome translations from

here! Thanks!

LOL. he IS a dorko, i tell you!~

and dont; worry, i think eric is only joking around with his cd in that vid.

i've only seen sungie's and andy;s vids.

anyone have eric;s in youtube already?


as promised, i made myself an eric b-set. *sigh* ain't he the hottest?

(don't worry rizzies, nat, ginnie and linh, i'm not taking him away from you guys. ^___^)

okies, it's already 4am here and i need to see the doctor in... 8 hours. haha. and convince him that i am well again.

so then, i can go back to my ONLINE PROJECTS already!~ (like my fics, my grapgics request, my battles, project orange and project battle)

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Guest sunnydays.



Aww, haha, Hyesung & Andy. (: Those made me smile ~~ YAY, THE 9TH YEAR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN, FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME! LOL. But manggg, I dunno, just reading those sent happy shivers down my spine. (: That's so thoughtful of them to send out messages. I LOVE YOUUU SHINHWAAA, I WILL KEEP SUPPORTING YOU FOREVER. >w<; <3


hi everyone, i am shinhwa's Eric

on the 24th of March Shinhwa finally celebrates our 9th anniversary

from our debut on the 24th of march 1998, so much time passed us without us realizing it

and now its our 9th anniversary, its really amazing.

this autumn we will release our next album, coincidentally its also our 9th jib, its number '9' again

Before this i have said that i Eric will be releasing a new solo album,

it has finally been completed, and so i can release it for everyone to see

this is eric's official 1st album, its titles 'Have it all', which means that there is everything in this album.

i have a total of 50 songs in this album which i produced or composed it myself

the way i produced this album was by playing and producing simultanously, so some of the songs have no lyrics, and some have no accompaniment

but i still hope that everyone will love this, and next month you can expect to see it in the markets, the price of 1 cd is 5 billion.

thank you everyone.

credits: Goodemg + 米饭小团子&yujin@bestshinhwabestshinhwa+ me!


lol pls refer to the images abv for eric's msg also



OMG ERIC HAHAHAHA that made me laugh like crazy. (: Oh Eric... <3 He's amazing. LOLOL. At first i was like, "O__O wow 50 songs?! CAN THAT EVEN FIT IN ONE CD?!" but when I got to the 5 billion part... I knew he was being Alien-Eric. :P HAHAHA goshh, I love this guy. (: <3 ERICCC I WILL SUPPORT YOU LIKE CRAZY! >w<;

SAMSHIKUUU, thanks SO SO SO much for the translations. <3 I really appreciate it. >w<;; & thanks for the pictures... your'e the best!



*goes off to PS some eric goodies for herself*

anywyas, i love love love you xh for translating this! *hugs xh a million 5 billion times.

wa!~ eric;s so cute!~ haha

it has everything, no lyrics, no accompaniment. 5 billion.


eric mode. eric mode!

i must claim eric now that rizziesh, nat, ginnie and linh are not here. PUAHAHHAHAH!~

*cuddles with eric*


take HIM??

oh, you want to share? i am already sharing him with catty but we can share too!!!! also, i'm sagring with xtine, man, i am sharing with about 25387473247921-492384938438 million women on the planet. haha. so yeah, let's share.


WHAT ARE YOU DOIIIIIIIIINGGGG O________________________O


*snatches Eric away from you and pushes you into a boat that floats all the way to the... ARCTIC OCEAN!*

LOL. It's okay. You can look at him. But no cuddling. XD; LOL. But I can't blame you... Eric is too hott & awesome to resist. (; That's why i'm in Eric mode all the time. HAHA! Be careful mang, once Natz & Linh come here, who knows what they'll do to you... hahaha Ginnie & I let you off easily. (;




Eric is crazy. When I saw it at oceans6, I seriously thought it was serious..Until he started saying things like 50 songs, 50 billion dollars and holding up that cover that looks nothing like a real CD cover!!!!!!!

That dork.

That Dork..with a capital D.

Nine years...and this dork still never change his ways.

LMAO SAME HEREEEE! That was so hilarious. XD; I was like, "wow, 50 songs is a LOT..." but then ... yeah, he was just kidding. (: I love how he keeps like, a straight face in the video, too! haha, Oh Eric, he's so dorky! Haha, that's why we love him. (: <3


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Guest s3xyminwoo




I think it is Hyesung

Awww~ how cute ^^

I think/know that all the shinhwa members will become a great father (:

lol cos i am like some kinda pic-spam queen so normally i post my junk in the shinhwa pics thread hahaha

but now i am kinda spazzing the comp for everyone else who dares to visit he pg cos of my recent pic overload in the pg 24 of the thread for their anniversary :P


so i shall post here first heehee

i found this!


EDIT: found somemore


credits: bestshinhwa

Those sticker pictures are soooo adorable (:

I remember the last time i went to Korea, I took dozens of them with my cousins

And the pics of Minwoo and Eric is so funny

Haha, the Shinhwa members are always fooling around during interviews

And that makes everything even more enjoyable ^^

HAHAHA i found this... HAHAHAHA


credits: pic source + bestshinhwa

Hehe, I was that movie before

Was funny LMAO

that pic was photoshopped really well

Andy would look pretty as a girl -^^-

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Guest vietgirl604

NOT ONLY JINNIE!~ i swear, when i see minu with kids i feel a great wave of protectiveness surround me. haha. how corny. but oh so true.

all of them would make great daddies!`

I know what you mean when you say you feel protected when you ssee MinWoo with kids. Man, that guy is like the King of Kids HAHA..in a good way. He's so good with them and oh my gosh I swear it makes me want to be the mother of his children LOL..Seeing how good he is with kids makes me melt.

so i shall post here first heehee

i found this!


EDIT: found somemore


credits: bestshinhwa

LOL The Shinhwa's picture thread froze my laptop for like 10 mins when I was looking at the Chronicles and I was so sad. The sticker pics LOL MinWoo was soooOOOOooo pale! HAHA..so adorable though..he took so many pics with.. his dad?! But WOW. How Eric balanced that plate thing on the stick..AWESOME. Is there a video on this?! HAHA even though the camera is on MinWoo, Eric's trying to steal the spotlight HAHA.

HAHAHA i found this... HAHAHAHA


credits: pic source + bestshinhwa

THAT PICTURE IS HILARIOUS! I was like, oh..I know this drama..I have it then BAM, I realized it was Andy and HyeSung HAHA..that's really good photoshopping ..so cute!

you've said it lynda..

i can't imagine either folding your blanket like that..

Eric and Jin with their weird antics.. hehehe..

well, he is indeed holding a cigarette..


LOL yeah, they're the weirdest boys HAHAH but that makes them special and totally adorable. How can such manly hot boys be so weird and childish?! AWESOME...and aww, I can't believe Andy's holding that! He's the last one out of all of them that I would imagine seeing holding on. I say..IT'S A PEN!

oh, you want to share? i am already sharing him with catty but we can share too!!!! also, i'm sagring with xtine, man, i am sharing with about 25387473247921-492384938438 million women on the planet. haha. so yeah, let's share.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHARE WITH XTINE! lmao..remember what I said about me not sharing MinWoo with you because he's not your FIRST favorite?! Same goes to xtine! She likes MinWoo best so I have to share with her..you don't have to share Wan with her at all! NUH UH. LOL..but I would prefer her to like Wan most again then you can share with her then I'll have MinWoo to myself! He's my one and only, forever and beyond! HAHAHAH. Unless someone here likes him most too and wants a piece of him?! *looks around..* NO ONE. YAY! LMAO

ERIC's message: LOL He's sooo dorky! When I first read the translations I thought he was serious! HE was so serious looking in the video. When I watched the video, I couldn't understand a single thing SOOO..I kept looking at that CD he was waving up and down side to side every once in a while and I was staring at him BLINKING HIS EYES!! LOL..HE blinks so god darn HOT. I love it! HAHAH..I wonder who's going to go watch it again to watch him blink his eyes HEHE.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest kiwistar


whoa...Eric's new album!!!

50 songs??? That's like, 3-4 CDs????

*whoaaa* and i thought Epik High's 2 Cds was alot.

I hope it is VERY good!! Can't wait for all the CDs coming out next month ^_^

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Guest angel2nyt
Krizza!! :P lol i'm back with pics...these are some parts from eric's anniversary msg

yes it's out..i'm waiting for full chi trans b4 i'll translate it into eng^^

Eric: this is my debut solo album, its titles 'have it all' which means to have everything

there are abt 50 songs inside, all of which i produced or composed, although some still have unfinished lyrics etc.

pls support my everyone, each cd is worth 5 billion

credits: bestshinhwa

5 billion O_o LOL!

hahaha 5 billion


eric is so random and weird

nd that cd cover is so funny

and 50 songs


weird eric

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Guest nutzie

xh - hahaha the pic spam that you did, those are so cutee!! they take the weirdest photos ever!! even my cousin and i, we didn't go that crazy.. *glance glance* maybe we should.. *ahem* i remember one of the photo sticker that we took had "EM" under my face and "HS" under hers.. can you guess what those stand for? it's pretty easy =P hahaha.. eric's balancing act.. did he actually catch it?? he can compete with mc mong then [i think mc mong did something like that in one of the xman episodes =P] oh my, andy kidnapped hyesung, and he's gonna cook the crab together with.. the chicken?? would that even be edible?

saharial - i'm just wondering, since you have junjin in your avatar and signature, do you follow this thread closely? or do you just come by randomly? is that junjin with a cigarette in his hand in your siggie? *bawls*

alexine - unfortunately, i heard that while andy was filming the xman special [was it in shanghai or something? it's still the old xman] fans saw him smoke during the breaks >_<

xh - aahh, so that's what he was talking about.. that's soo eric!! no wonder he looks like he was gonna burst out laughing at the end of the video.. i just thought that was.. fishy.. [me!! okay random -__-] the cd cover looks real though, even though there's no writing or anything.. but 5 billion? i'm sorry eric, you can be the only one i love in this world, but i would have to sell the house and get disowned by my parents before i can buy your cd.. i can't afford it!!! but on a random note, his necklace is funky!

xtrammieex - if you could just backlog a few pages [i think it's on page 939/940] xh also posted the translations to hyesung and andy's messages..

krizza - somehow, i knew you're gonna migrate to the eric lovers clan sooner or later.. bwahahahah finally!! no, i don't mind you stealing eric for a cuddle, but remember, you have to share with us? otherwise you're kicked out of the clan *muahahahah i'm so evil* ginnie and riz let you off easy huh? i shan't do that then..

*rolls krizza down the cliff*

*byebye krizza~~*

just kidding =P

kriza - if you're gonna do the ricsyung one, krizza and i probably can help =P we love ricsyung ^^

kiwistar - hahahah eric was just kidding.. don't take him seriously =P

see, i promised myself on the way home that i would go straight to sleep, but somehow.. i end up here "._.

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i think some people are wondering what's going on with shinhwa sarang right now.

currently, we do not know why our domain http://s-shinwhasarang.net/forum has suddenly become a search engine or what not. we figure it can be some sort of hacker's pun because our domain has not yet expired, or something to do with our domain host.

with regards to the rumours about SS retiring, that is not the correct way to phrasing it. also, what has happened to the domain has nothing to do with the issue of the future transitioning of the board. there will be a change to shinhwa sarang shortly, but i will stress once more that it has nothing to do with this 'domain crash'.

as the administrator of shinhwa sarang, i will guarantee that we'll keep you updated with what's going on.

further explanation on the transition will be given once we are ready for the move.


Thanks for clarifying! I thought what happened to SS when it put me to the search engine.....how i miss my SHINHWA.

I'm happy that Eric's album is done!!

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Guest aindy
Eric: this is my debut solo album, its titles 'have it all' which means to have everything

5 billion O_o LOL!

at first i thought it's for real..

when he said 5billion.. :blink: haha..

Lynda, a pen? maybe.. hehehe..

that's what make all 6 of them special and unique in their own ways..

they're all natural inside and out.. and no doubt they're truly the legend.. :)

krizzy,got your PM.. well at least you're safe..

we can PM each other here..

May take out with proper credits

Shinhwa to attend 07’F/W SFAA Collection


Hello Everyone!

This Taste Maximum brought to you by Kim Gyu Sik.

Below is the info of the stage model and guests attending this fashion collection show. It will be held on 29th March (Thursday) 4pm at Hak Yeoul Seoul Trade Exhibition Hall.

Stage Model: Battle

Guest stars : Shinhwa, Sun Ho Young, Tei, Bobby Kim, Kim Heung Su, Chae Ri Na, Yuri, Kim Kyung Ho, Do Won Kyung, Yoon Hye Yeong, So Chan Hee, Kim Sae Rom,

Credits: sHaziE@shinhwachangjo.net (english translation),打糕@shinhwachina (chinese translation), ocean six (source).

speaking of shazie, i haven't heard from her here for a loooooong time..

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Guest cpopbaby19

i'll just pm you tomorrow the instructionsand i'll tell you the legend about my cp. :P

I KNOW!~ i want it to be punkish rock!!!! haha!~ you cuddling with the cd? i'm planning on marrying it!~

darn you! i was THIS close to owning a page!!!!!

uh, what are you aheming about, dearest ginnie? :unsure:

anyways, ME TOO!~ i was totally excited and even thought the title of the album was good and then i read, 50 songs? no lyrics? no accompaniment? 50 million???? man, what a dorko.

yes ginnie, once a dorko, always a dorko.

but thats why we LOVE this dorko.

*hugs eric*


LOL. sungie in whatever costume cracks me up. haha. i still can't forget that one where he's a potato. haha!~

*waves back*

okay then~

but..... :ph34r:



anyone show me pics? [; i can only remember andy being a kiwi! <3 kaakakaka the king of kiwis in kiwi land! 8D

alexine - unfortunately, i heard that while andy was filming the xman special [was it in shanghai or something? it's still the old xman] fans saw him smoke during the breaks >_<

WAHH! TT_TT; aiigooo. i hope he doesn't smoke now. :tears: it's too bad for their voice~ plus, aren't shinhwa supposed to prepare for their 9th album? this coming fall? right? :sweatingbullets: or did i hear another rumor! :mellow:


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