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Guest vietgirl604

23/3 [info] Shinhwa 9th Happy Anniversary

Take Out With Proper Full Credits


Translation :

This March 24th is Shinhwa's 9th anniversary.

For the fans who have given them endless love during the 9 years, which is not a short time,

we give to you Shinhwa's special messages.

From the 24th to the 29th, every day for six days, there will be a relay message from each Shinhwa member.

They will be revealed on the 22nd in the GoodEMG official site, so do not forget to come and see.

We ask from you more and unchanging interest even in the future.

Credits : GoodEMG + angelix @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum (english translation)

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=1011.0

Ah, I can't wait to see the messages! Revealed on the 22nd..?! I don't get it...

but ah, I woke up too early! LOL, I can still sleep for another hour. Nat, you haven't slept?! Man, Shinhwa's 9th sure is important!

It is 0 days, 1 hour, 21 minutes and 45 seconds until Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Seoul time)

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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amy - it's your birthday?? happy birthdayy!! oh my, it's so close to shinhwa's anniv..

^ Haha...it was. Thanks. I spent it writing an exam like I always do lolz :ph34r: My friends organized a mountain climbing thingy for my birthday this weekend...wwahhhhh...don't have the heart to tell them I'd rather not spend Shinhwa's anniversary straining my muscels. :wacko:

You're welcome about the KSA eps...got your message on youtube ^^ Am considering uploading Que sera sera. It's all Eric for now since sungie and minu just won't release anything new :tears: Minu's live works doesn't count since I've watched every fancam I could get my hands on :D

You are watching wannie's drama? How is it? Much as I love Wannie, I've watched the first few eps, but the story's just not pulling me in. Plus I'm not too attracted by the rest of the cast except for Wannie. SUch a shame since he's the most convincing when it comes to acting...though eric's catching up.


There's too much to catch up on and krizza and her long posts :crazy: lolz

Just gotta read and try to absorb everything ^^



EDIT: Haha....it's like new years in here, with all the countdowns :)

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I am HERE waiting for the time to officially celebrate the anniversary!

Thinking about Shinhwa and their nine years...truly amazing!

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Time until Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Seoul time)

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2007-03-23 22:58:59 (local time in Seoul)

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Guest missy2006

Ah, I can't wait to see the messages! Revealed on the 22nd..?! I don't get it...

but ah, I woke up too early! LOL, I can still sleep for another hour. Nat, you haven't slept?! Man, Shinhwa's 9th sure is important!

It is 0 days, 1 hour, 21 minutes and 45 seconds until Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Seoul time)

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes , 8 second until Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Seoul time)

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

Krizza,the owner of the store is what??

glad you've found the place that fast.. i had a hard time too looking for it..

hot, ate ai. the owner of the store is hot. lol. it was easy to find. i just got off on vito cruz, took a pedicab and boom! i was there! ^__^

i'm coming back there on wednesday next week to pick up my order. :P

i saw eric today again...he looked REALLY tired...but he was HOT

only gd pic i got..lol oly his back view T.T


he is still soo gd looking altho he looks exhausted...

everytime we hear an update from the extras working in the show its always him sleeping...he even slept sitting up straight..and his trustee ipod which i suspect fits abt a million songs nv leaves his ears when he is filming..i also heard that he did not speak to ANYONE at all today besides filming..ok maybe he did but not really conversations with friends i guess...he was really silent..

WA!~ the first time i saw the pic i was like.. OH GOD!~ ERIC LOOKS SO HOT IN WHITE!~


i wish eric will be able to rest even for a while... with the shinhwa boys, of course. :P lol, i remember minu saying that eric nowadays have perfected the art of sleeping anywhere. haha... also, eric strikes me as the silent type of person, who only opens up with close friends. wa...

labingtatlo: WOW! That is a lot of follow-up that you did. I won't you didn't get caught by your mom :blink: Hopefully you finished your psch. paper. I mean writing papers overall sucks, so good luck; I haven't even finished some of research paper. But that's okay, I have over a month to finish it :tears: . Here is my comment:

Mechanic Shinhwa: I'm starting to feel very smart all of sudden, from all of the positive comments that I have receive from you guys. :rolleyes: Don't worry, if you don't have a car, I can help you find a serious broken car and have Shinhwa fix it for you, okay?

Spending Money for Shinhwa: I'm telling you, buying Shinhwa stuff is like worth every dime. Like what you said, sometimes their stuff is soooooo good, that you have to complain that it's not enough for you.

Hyesung and the burger song: No wonder why he enjoys singing that song so much; but I think the members enjoy singing it also. They always follow along with Hyesung whenever he begins singing it. So Cute!!

Dongwan, Junjin, and the "Matrix" Movement: I saw that, oh my gosh, it was really funny, when Dongwan saliva went pass Eric and then Eric did the whole "Matrix" thing. LOL. Then, while, Junjin was talking about it, and when he saw the saliva thing pass cross him, did you see Junjin's reaction? So cute! Now, you make me want to see it.

OH!~ lol, i dunno why but i always seem to have long posts because of my replies, haha... that's why nat and the others dubbed long posts here as The Krizza. those weirdos. LOL. but i love weirdos... <3

i hope you finish your research paper too, well, my research apper in com isn;t done yet, and i[ve only finished one of my papers in psych, there are still about 5 to do... gah.

OH MY!~ you'd help me find a car. i'd want an orange car!!!!! PUAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!

i know. when i bought the dvd of their concert i was like.. heck!~ they're so damn good that this is not enough.. i want to see them LIVE! not just in DVD!!!! WAAA~! ill make that dream come true even if it's the last thing i do!!!

LOL. sungie invented LOTS of things. he made the crab dance, the sweeping floor dance, the "mommy-buy-me-that" dance, the daeebab song, and he and eric, the banana song.

WATCH IT AGAIN. i watched it again yesterday when you mentioned it. haha.

labingtatlo i wanted to make a dongwan-gif, but ended up making woodong ^-^


And someone able to recognise him? *lol* everything i do right now is about shinhwa XD


WA!~ i was just asking for a dongwannie gif but what did i get? A WOODONG GIF!~ man, i love you!~ you don't know how much i love wan.. and how much i need to love minu less to now make me love him more than wan. THANKS.

is that... minu?

Hi! I'm that fan in question... haha yep what happened was that my friend's boyfriend managed to sneak up (he was dressed rather formally and all since he had a presentation in school) and according to him, he went up to Eric (who was sitting on a couch), shook his hand (LUCKY GUY!), spoke to Eric and requested to have a picture taken... but Eric declined because no pictures were allowed...

And yes my friend's boyfriend was surprised that Eric could speak English. LOL!

(My first post in soompi! Even though I've been lurking around this thread for quite some time... I'm one of those silent fans :D)

WA!~ he's so darn lucky!~ too be able to talk to eric. man. if only... hehe....

you should post more often. we here are a friendly bunch!~

Krizza, you write too much. LOL. but it's good, I like reading your posts. >:] You're pulling the Krizza, tsk tsk tsk. LOL. I love you. (; <3 Haha~~ YEAHH SHINHWA FANS! It's so awesome when you meet Shinhwa fans... it's like, "hi, who are your favorite Kpop artists?" "uhh... Shinhwa..." "OMG ME TOO!!" "REALLY?" "YEAHH! OMG MY FAVORITE IS ERIC!" "REALLY? I LOOVE JUNJIN!!" etc etc. (: & then you start getting excited because it's Shinhwa you're talking about haha. ~ See, Shinhwa causes people to make new friends. (; Oh yeah, Shinhwa village! (: Shinhwa party every night. puahaha >:] LOL we'll have sleepovers at each other's houses. 8D LET'S CRASH AT LYNDA'S FIRST!

WA. i do write too much, huh? lol, most of the time, i don't make sense though. man, my thoughts are always scattered. OH!~ i didn;t actualy meet the daughter fo the couple. the daughter was teh shinhwa fan. BUT GUESS WHAT? i went there todsy to buy some choco pie and when i came in, the owner recognized me and said "OH!` wait! shinhwa! shinhwa! wait! 2 hours!" haha, i think he wants me to wait for 2 hours. i don't know for what though. then his son, went up the stairs and went down... and as i was paying for my choco pie and two ice cream (cause i brought one of my friends again, one of the two i brought with me the last time) as i was paying, the son came down and handed me a.... A SHINHWA FANSCLUB CARD!~ OH MY GOSH. the front was this weird changing thingy that reflects two pictures when you change the angle and the back is written with guidelines and whatnots with the name of the daughter. WAAAAAA!~ MY GOSHNESSS.. they gave it to me!~ i'm scanning it next time to show you guys. :P i agree. i have LOTS of new friends because of shinhwa. like you guys. i treasure you now so much too. :P


Ooh, the graphics battle is awesome! So pretty! And yes, double wedding. I was smiling reading your reply until I got to "..i might steal your groom." then the smile went RIGHT off. But HAHA if Andy and Eric saw that you said that about MinWoo they'll think you're SO WEIRD. But I bet they'd show MinWoo and laugh at him HAHAHAHS...that'd be hilarious. Yeah, I can imagine them calling each other and be like, "Happy Anniversary.." OR do a six-way HAHAH..that's so cute.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

THANKS!~ that graphic battle is possible becaus eof the many great shinhwa lovers who inhabits this thread. :P LOL. i would not steal your groom, i just might. but i really won't. wan's enough for me. more than enough. ^__^ i am SO NOT weird. i hope. :unsure: WA!~ now i really wish i didn't say that. -____- WA!` if they call each other and do a six-way convo... warfgh!~ that'd eb SO COOL!!!!!! man..

oh my God, reading krizza's post took up like 15 mins of my time this morning [i only had 1/2 hour before my class] and i was half speed reading too O_o" and don't tell me you're not commiting the krizza..

hahah.. she didn't say she would slip a coin in eric's underwear [wouldn't that just slip right off??], she said [because eric's worth more than the the prof she threw coins at] she would slip bills into eric's underwear.. and yes, i'm getting the bottom half.. kyaaa!!! even though i want the top half too >_< because that's where half the yumminess is.. maybe i can borrow it from her from time to time..

and i think the crabs that i ate might not be hyesung, cos he's bulking up, so he wouldn't be that small.. maybe it's his nieces and nephews =P

hahaha.. if you really count how many fans there are, we probably won't even get a glucose.. an ion maybe? i shall be a sodium ion from eric's body [because it's Na.. which is similar to my name =P]

WA!~ it took you that long? well, if it can make matters seem better, it took me 3 hours to write that post. :sweatingbullets: okay. i admit it, i commited the krizza. am guilty~~~~~ OH SHOOT MEEEE!!!~~~ wait, don't. i haven't seen shinhwa in person yet.


haha,. sungie bulking up is funy to hear. WARFG. lol, which remind sme, i bought crab paste just now. wa. i love crab paste!!!! i just hope none of sungie's relatives are included in that bottle of paste though. >O<

PUAHAHHA!~ that's chem nat!~ man, i hate chem. LOL. i'd be potassium though. lol, cause it's K. haha... what part of the bpdy has potassium anyway? man, i suck at chem.

labingtatlo Hmm, haven't heard of them but I might know their 'nicknames' online rather than real names. lol But yeah, this thread is much better to write in and enjoy. I just go to the Dbsk thread in here to check up on news.. I wrote in there like twice a few months back and still dont know what ever happened.. Oh well. There are most def those crazy young Dbsk fans who are kind of weird, I try to stay away as much as I can. Not to sound offensive or anything.. hehe.. Dont know if you guys heard of Asteria, but yeah I'm a member there. :) Dont know if good or bad news is spreading about us, but yeah.

Anyway, I really want to see Eric's new drama!! But I believe there aren't any eng subs yet, so I have to wait.. :/ Okay, I gotta go.. my little dorky nephew keeps turning off the monitor.. =P

OH!~ well, Mabe's name is Mabe and hannah's is MisS L.E so do you know them? in my opinion, if you post there, it might take you some time to find the replies because of the magnitude of people who post there HAHA. i hope you don't get lost! but when you really love something, you'd be willing to spend many countless hours for them in search for soemthing, you'd be willing to devote to them hundred percent fo your efforts, righty? wa. i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore. hhaa.... and don't worry, if there are bad news spreading around concerning dbsk fans, at least you'd know that you're not one of those "bad fans" that some talks about, right? :P because you're reallya good fan. supporting your first kpop love and all! ^___^

OH!~ i'm waiting for the subs eric;s new drama too!~

also to somdary, calm down. nobody;s saying bad things about us. ^__^

krizza sucks...


damn that post is so long(i love you and all but that was just making this a whole new career)


I SO DO NOT SUCK. -______-

and.. sorry if it was too long. :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

also, thanskf rot eh cute andy pics!~ lol. he;s so darn cute with haha!~


XH!~ thanks for those shinhw apics!~ eric looks so handsome in the second one!~ and they look SO CUTE in the third. wa. and so handsome in the rest. ^__^ thankies you great xh!~

MARIAN!~ i have that clip burned. haha!~ and i totally love sungie rapping there!~ he was so darn good!~

NAT!~ yes nat, you see me :P

MAL!~ thanks for the trans!~ :P wa. i can't wait!~ but the 22nd? i am so confused still!!!

AMY!~ i greeted you too!!! HAHA!~ did you see it? :P well, yes i am back and my long posts are too!~ also, i am staying up also. HAHA!~ korea is ahead by one hour from the philippines so it will be 24th here when my clock strikes 11pm tonight and right now, it's already 10:18pm, so it means.. 42 more minutes!!!!!! oh, now it's 41.


man, i have a test tomorrow and i'm staying up late for this! PUAHAHAHAH!!!!!

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Guest missy2006

29 minutes 20 seconds...

Kriza I wanted to quote you but that was a KRIZA POST :rolleyes: (SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU BACK!!!)

I've been lurking here since to hours ago (actually I lurk here everyday) waiting for the PARTY TO START....I'm glad I'm not the only one :D

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Guest kriza_09

waaaa... it's less than half an hour away!!!! and i haven't slept at all!!!! *stupid midterm, homework n project* >"< arghh i haven't finished the shinhwa project either.. but i have 10+ hours to finish it before the 24th (my time).. ^^

i'm so excited!!!! and it's not even my birthday.. lol..

ps. happy birthday crystalis.. may all your wishes come true.. ^^

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Guest nutzie

lynda - no i haven't slept yet.. well, i slept for 5 hours, and i woke up at 4.. well you know, afterall, this is my first time spending the countdown here.. and i kept telling myself to sleep more because i had to wake up later to spend it here, but i was just too excited =P

amy - hahaha poor you~ i bet mountain climbing is fun though, although i've never tried it before.. maybe you can climb on a small little rock, stay there and listen to shinhwa songs, and wait for your friends to come back.. hahaha.. you're uploading que sera sera too?? waahh!! *anticipates* dongwan's drama is not that bad.. i have to admit, the storyline gets pretty heavy and serious and some of the characters annoy me to the max, but because i'm weird, i get amused watching weird things.. well for now i'm only at ep 5, but mommie alice said that it gets better even though the beginning gets draggy, so i'm gonna keep watching, since i already downloaded up to ep 9 [or 10.. i can't remember -__-] i would prefer eric's drama over this one anytime [i'm not sure about bool sae, i didn't finish watching that =P] because they're lighter and easier to absorb, while this one's more like a soap opera kinda thing, every person has a different problem.. but you know, since it's dongwan, i'll just watch it, while waiting for que sera sera..

krizza - i want a shinhwa fanclub card too!!! hahah the crab paste.. poor crabs.. if you're potassium, then we can go through the Na-K pump together =P but i'll be in eric's body and you're in dongwan's body.. no wait, that's not gonna work.. visit me in eric's body and i'll visit you in dongwan's and then we can play around the Na-K pump together.. *whee slideee~~*

whee~~ there are about 16 minutes left!! i think not a lot of people would be here though O_o" they have school afterall.. lynda, it's just gonna be me and you *sobs sobs* or maybe not~ i see more people now =P

oh my God, there are so many people now *watches in amazement*

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Guest missy2006


I feel stupid now getting crazy over this....BUT I DON"T CARE!!!! it's SHINHWA's 9th ANNIVERSARY!!!

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Guest samshiku

lol over in my side of the world...it's still 1hr 2 min...and actually eric's flight will only take of at 1145 or so...which means that in seoul it wold have been ALR the 24th..which means tt if u look at seoul time eric spent anniversary in singapore^^

AHH i am happy^^ but i'm not sending him off :P

too tired and JUST had choir...

but oh well...can't wait for the BIG DAY!!^^

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

29 minutes 20 seconds...

Kriza I wanted to quote you but that was a KRIZA POST :rolleyes: (SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU BACK!!!)

I've been lurking here since to hours ago (actually I lurk here everyday) waiting for the PARTY TO START....I'm glad I'm not the only one :D



did i commit the krizza again?

oh my. but it's for shinhwa;s 9th so it doesn't matter!!!!

waaaa... it's less than half an hour away!!!! and i haven't slept at all!!!! *stupid midterm, homework n project* >"< arghh i haven't finished the shinhwa project either.. but i have 10+ hours to finish it before the 24th (my time).. ^^

i'm so excited!!!! and it's not even my birthday.. lol..

ps. happy birthday crystalis.. may all your wishes come true.. ^^

LOL!~ me too!!!!! i'm actually just eating my dinner now. LOL. dinner at 10:52? haha!~

OH!!!! i hope you get to finnish it. don't worry, you can!

also, goodluck on all of those stuff for school. school's evil.

LOL!~ the night before my birthday, i slept early.

i don't even wait for the new year.

but here i am.. staying up for shinhwa!~ (and doing some research for school on the side)

krizza - i want a shinhwa fanclub card too!!! hahah the crab paste.. poor crabs.. if you're potassium, then we can go through the Na-K pump together =P but i'll be in eric's body and you're in dongwan's body.. no wait, that's not gonna work.. visit me in eric's body and i'll visit you in dongwan's and then we can play around the Na-K pump together.. *whee slideee~~*

whee~~ there are about 16 minutes left!! i think not a lot of people would be here though O_o" they have school afterall.. lynda, it's just gonna be me and you *sobs sobs* or maybe not~ i see more people now =P

PUAHAAH!~ i think i'm too lucky to have come across such great korean people... LOL. i mean, i get a free shinhwa card????? WOW. it's 4th jib though, no andy. WAAA!~

OH GOSH!~ yesh yesh yesh!!!!! LOL. i'd be all over wan;s body, then once ina while, we'd have filedtrips in outside... haha!~ :P coolieo!~

WAAAAAAAA!!!! here it's 3 more minutes...... but i guess it's already 24th in korea now...



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Guest vietgirl604


Wow, this is my first time doing this and it feels GREAT! Ahh, 9 years already! SO EXCITING! I'm speechless and in need of sleep but what is Shinhwa doing this very moment? I hope they're calling each other HAHA. It's only 12am for them. And I see a whole bunch of you guys down there and posting AH, so many of us in this thread at the same time, HOW AWESOME.

I hope that all of us can be here again NEXT year, for the 10th..and aww, this is such a special day! I shall not cry, I shall not cry, I shall not cry...

I hope that we, as well as the Shinhwa boys/men LOL, can celebrate this day, 91 more times LOL. Well except some of us might be dead, but this day will forever be a special one! 9 years is simply amazing and I'm just sad that I didn't know about them 9 years ago..I would have been 5-6 years old then...

Haha, I keep refreshing this page to see what you guys have written, but you guys are probably posting something really long, huh?! LOL especially Krizza...I see like an essay coming HAHA.

S H I N H W A <3.

<3 lee minwoo. <3 eric mun. <3 andy lee. <3 shin hyesung. <3 park junjin. <3 kim dongwan.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest missy2006


WHOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!! :D


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Guest nutzie


*throws confetti*

let's pray that the shinhwa members will have great health and luck for the coming year.. let's pray that all of us can be here next year to celebrate again.. and let's cheer for all the accomplishments that the shinhwa members have gotten, and for the ones to come..

whee!! *runs around the thread*

eh? why does everyone else have big greetings? i shall increase mine =P

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Guest SuperMan6

6-1=0 =>6=1 !!..Happy 9th Shinhwa-nniversary..Shinhwa & Shinhwa Changjo 2gether Forever..Fightin!!

i've been a silent reader for veri long...jus becos i wanted to wait for tis moment..lets all celebrate!!!!!

p.s im a new member...haha...my name's Kelly..=)

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Guest vietgirl604

6-1=0 =>6=1 !!..Happy 9th Shinhwa-nniversary..Shinhwa & Shinhwa Changjo 2gether Forever..Fightin!!

i've been a silent reader for veri long...jus becos i wanted to wait for tis moment..lets all celebrate!!!!!

p.s im a new member...haha...my name's Kelly..=)

Oooh yay, that's awesome that you wanted to wait to celebrate this very SPECIAL moment. Post more here, yeah?!

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

why am i so darn excited?


lyrics of the songs shooting star,

and 2gether forever

9 years in the biz


In the time that we spent together

We have our own strength that we have protected

Shinhwa will never be defeated

We gather together under the name of friendship

Hold each others hands and climb up that high mountain

No matter how high the wall is

No matter who tries to block us

We are tied and tightened by a string that cannot be cut

Our once again best of the 1 to the 6 mixes

We will cover and carry everything and go forth to always be Shinhwa

Everyone wanted a happy ending,

but it isn't the end

A lot of time is ahead of us

Time is passing,

my heart is changing,

the waters and mountains are changing,

But friends are always friends.

My heart has found a refuge, a backup place

When you want to stop and rest along the way, take me out

So you can sit anytime and rest.

Earn your strengh as you look at me,

know that you can do it.

The time of 9 years is so fast

You and me, we're different from others

3285 days weren't a bore for us

There are no more hard days

Because we will overcome now~

Just like the times we spent together,

Just like the days when everyone smiled

Step and walk together, always go together

Make new stories in a longer time

We'll be together,

and forever We can do it

We'll be together

It's your eyes,

it's your hand,

it's your heart,

it's your love

We will stay by you

Now, lets be together

Together, forever

credit goes to aheeyah.com

this 9th year... i want their friendship to be stronger than ever.

i wish them happiness.

and good health.

but most of all, i wish the to be together forever.

PS: hello kelly!~

PPS: LYNDA!~ i so DID not write an essay! well, almost. but i thought against it. lol. who would want to read it?

AND OH!~ we NEED TO pursue our plan. well, mine. :P haha.

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