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Guest samshiku

xh - hahahaha you guys are so funny.. drinking banana smoothie ogling at eric.. that should be pretty amusing by itself.. i can't wait for the episode.. but i think i'm more excited to see the NG cuts.. it should be pretty hilarious.. the underwear pulling thing.. i would be really embarrassed if i was the girl [was it yoo mi?] he laughed straight at her face >_<" whew.. that little kid is so cutee!! hahahah.. i can so imagine a little head bobbing up down up down and eric laughing at the background.. if i were the toddler's mom, i would have swam and retrieved eric instead =P who cares about the kid.. you can produce another offspring with eric.. your pictures actually turned out pretty clear, considering it was your cellphone.. how did you find out that he was at rasa sentosa? i'm amused that the rest of the guests looked indifferent.. did they not see the bunch of camera crew and equipments? on the 4th pic, it looks like he was staring right at you.. well, i don't know for sure because of his glasses, but he was facing your direction.. did you wave at him? don't ever tell him our plan of kidnapping him.. he might run away from us =P

hahaha! i dunno if he looked at us cos of his shades..the girl was the other lead actress i didn see yoomi at all...

my friends stalked him and told me that he was there and that filming starts at 4pm..i was very blessed to reach there just in time for eric with only 5 min of waiting time^^

he was really nice..could tell that he had no 'superstar' attitude...

i had a video actually...let me see if i can upload it

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Guest s3xyminwoo

thnk yu samshiku for the HOT pics of Eric

he is so cute in his white trunks and towel LOL

gahh! i wish i was in sg rght now

in five more hours, i have to wake up and get ready for school =X

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Guest nutzie

okay this has nothing to do with eric being in singapore.. but i just have to spazz.. i've just finished the 2nd episode of dongwan's drama.. i'll put my spazzing in spoilers, just in case =P

it's funny how chan joo only listens to seuk joo, and he got hit when he raised his voice at tae joo.. i know i know, it's not supposed to be funny.. but i find it hilarious.. jung min is getting on my nerves.. she's too forward.. if i were seuk joo, i would have smashed her face on the ground.. seo young-seuk joo couple are so cutee.. seo young cries too much, but so do i.. when she was crying, i actually had tears in my eyes..

holy crap.. seo young got pregnant before they got married? and they said that the ahjumma took care of seo young since she was in high school, but she's seuk joo's aunt.. so what does that supposed to mean? i wish they'd explain it further..

i don't like chan joo.. there's something about hyun joo that makes me question her.. her expression gives off mixed feelings.. i don't know if she's happy that the savings book is stolen or whether she's upset by it..

i think dongwan acts pretty good.. i can guess what he's feeling most of the time..

that's it!!

whee~~ i own a page!!

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Guest Somdary

I need to watch Eric's first episode of "Que Sera Sera"!

Which I'll do tomorrow! ^_^

Can't wait! The kiss scene is going to make me melt!! AHHH ^^

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Guest theLEGEND
some of the pics i took..but not gd cos i used my phone T.T i didn have a real camera with me

OMG! You're so lucky to stalk him around with him half naked! Gosh.. I wish I can be there and stalked him around ><;;

okay this has nothing to do with eric being in singapore.. but i just have to spazz.. i've just finished the 2nd episode of dongwan's drama.. i'll put my spazzing in spoilers, just in case =P

it's funny how chan joo only listens to seuk joo, and he got hit when he raised his voice at tae joo.. i know i know, it's not supposed to be funny.. but i find it hilarious.. jung min is getting on my nerves.. she's too forward.. if i were seuk joo, i would have smashed her face on the ground.. seo young-seuk joo couple are so cutee.. seo young cries too much, but so do i.. when she was crying, i actually had tears in my eyes..

holy crap.. seo young got pregnant before they got married? and they said that the ahjumma took care of seo young since she was in high school, but she's seuk joo's aunt.. so what does that supposed to mean? i wish they'd explain it further..

i don't like chan joo.. there's something about hyun joo that makes me question her.. her expression gives off mixed feelings.. i don't know if she's happy that the savings book is stolen or whether she's upset by it..

i think dongwan acts pretty good.. i can guess what he's feeling most of the time..

that's it!!

whee~~ i own a page!!

Heyy.. nutzie~ Why don't you write your comments and opinions about Dongwan's drama in it's official thread? The people there are actually dicussing about this drama so much. I'm sure all your questions about this drama will be answered there. I'll see you there okay? >>Click Here<< :)

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Guest nutzie

hahaha.. i think i shall stay here and just shut up about it.. i only post on this thread [and 2 other threads, po fanfic and shinhwa battle] why? because it's hard to track my post if i post them here and there.. because i'm a freak =P

anyways.. i watched the trailer to que sera sera.. and it seems.. fun? hahahah.. i'm so tempted to watch it, but i can't do without subs >_<" i hope someone will be willing to sub it..

*skips out of the thread*

*skips back*

i still want to watch a half naked eric...


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wow.. i feel so bad. i think its been like a month or so since i've last posted. i know nothing of whats going on with shinhwa O_O

erics dramas out already?

how about dongwans? is it finished?

anybody wanna update me ;D

whatever happened to minwoos single/cd? did it come out yet?



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Guest vietgirl604

It get's me so angry whenever I see polls like the one below.


It's so predicate as to who's going to win.

Of course, we're all bias but I want to ____ my self! ㅡ.ㅡ;;

Well everyone is in the DBSG phase right now but if you subtract them, then Shinhwa is actually first. Well, that's how I think of it anyway! :)

it was very secretive..most of us fans only found out through his msg left on the QSS forum at 5.11am in the morning...

pics of him in airport


credit: oceans' six+shinhwachangjo

he headed for the beach right after..

AHH, he's so hot in those pics. Who can miss that tall, dark, handsome?!?!

I've been thinking, its well known that Minwoo and Junjin are "the dancers" of the group, if those two were to battle for bragging rights/pride for THE dancer of the group who would "stomp the yard" and who would "get served"?

All (constructive and positive) comments are welcome. My guess theres only one way to find out.

Uh, I think everyone can just have their own opinions and I wouldn't really want them to battle it out at all. I think they're both great but of course, if I like MinWoo more, then I'd say he dances better LOL. But JunJin fans would say JunJin..?! I don't know..it's all about opinion and I don't want neither of them getting bragging rights.

yes he was very cool n sexy in the shades by the pool minus the smoking will be a whole lot better and i sneaklily snap away his pics n recorded his antics today by the pool and im annoyed that most of the fans who turn up were china fans who were very rowdy...

He smoked?! I know they all smoke and all but I don't think they should smoke in front of their fans. It's like my dad smoking in front of me. He knows I don't like it but he does it..but when he remembers I don't like it, he doesn't. I don't think Eric should smoke in front of FANS---my opinion.

LOL wait.. didnt episode 10 have like the most kiss scenes? XD! and hes so excited about it? tehe and YAY! 8.8% rating so good so far ^^ especially on the first episode. maybe its because of the person who made this story is by MNIKSS?

LOL. Eric is so cute! He's excited probably because there's a lot of kissing scenes..OR NOT. He has a girlfriend...but he's still cute and adorable lmao.

HE WAS opposite the pool form us! eileen and i and other fans camped at the poolside bar and were even sipping a banana smoothie while watching that half-naked man..he SOO adorable

during filming the poor girl[actress] had to dive into the pool SOO many times and SWIM towards eric so that she may emerge 'sexily' from the pool...but SOO MANY shots were made that she almost collapsed...

cos there was this particular take where her underwear slipped down a little when she got out of the pool..she pulled it up rather sexily but eric just laughed into her face, which warranted a 'CUT!' from the director..she slapped eric on the arm a couple of times with bitterness lol...cos he literally SAT there basking under the sun during thw WHOLE filming process while she had to walk and swim and everything..

he was also rather amused with the little kids swimming around him...there was this take where this little toddler jumped into the pool while the cameras were rolling and he was bobbin gup and down in the pool in front of eric..the director had to yell cut again while the frantic mother jumped into the pool to retrieve her son. but throughout it all eric was looking at the scene with amusement..he even talked to the little boy! hahaha

and he was doing lotsa little odd actions..cos he wanted to tan, he spread his arms out like he was driving a jet and literally did wave his arms like he was driving one...and he was flapping his toes very enthusiastically also..i thought that he was flapping them at the little kids in the pool, like 'hi!!' *flap toes but eileen says maybe not cos his eyes were hdeen behind large sunglasses so we couldn't see his line of vision...

it was a fulfilling day^^

AHH, ERIC<3. He's so cute! I can totally imagine him laughing out loud after she tries to sexily pull up her underwear. He's so amazing...! I don't even know what to say about him, but "wow."

some of the pics i took..but not gd cos i used my phone T.T i didn have a real camera with me

THANKS FOR THE PICTURES. Gosh he's so hot..too bad he had that towel on, so I couldn't see as much LOL. But damn, he's so FINE.

hahaha! i dunno if he looked at us cos of his shades..the girl was the other lead actress i didn see yoomi at all...

my friends stalked him and told me that he was there and that filming starts at 4pm..i was very blessed to reach there just in time for eric with only 5 min of waiting time^^

he was really nice..could tell that he had no 'superstar' attitude...

i had a video actually...let me see if i can upload it

UPLOAD, PLEASE. Yeah, I doubt any of the Shinhwa guys have "superstar" attitude. 'Cause they're amazing like that.

-- LYNDA LEe minwoo

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Guest xmkaex
When i read your comments, i'm really wondering, what shinhwa changjo actually is...

shinhwa means legend/myth

and i think changjo means "create"

shinhwa changjo = create legend/myth

someone correct me if im wrong :sweatingbullets:




haha, i sound like a little kid

if u guys lazy to download and wanna watch x-man #2 with jindy then heres the link to watch it on youtube ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgnvadxe5aY

nutzie yes i did watch x-man but i didnt watch the star battle part yet i will in a sec though lol. i saw it on youtube with subs ^^ cuz someone was really nice to post it oooh thanks ill do spoilers when i have time lol xD

ahh its 12 at night here and i need sleeep so i'l reply tmrow

*kicks youtube*

lately youtube has been so slow on loading the videos T__T

thanks! i will watch it one way or another -__-"

--- EDIT x2 ---

this is a random one (:

just felt like doing it LOL

aww so cute and funny...

"until we are like 50"..lol

17/3 [trans] Eric's message on Que Sera Sera Official Site


Hello everyone, i am one of the actors in <que sera sera>, i am Mun Jung Hyuk. it seems like ages since i left a message on official sites. in the past when i was still filming "i run", i left a message too, but it seems like i got more reprimands too.in my 6 dramas 5 are in MBC. im nervous because tonight will be the first time que sera sera will be shown. i cant sleep, becase there are 3 days of filming.. im going to singapore in 2 hours. many thoughts now, i cant possibly write them all.

A wonderful director, a meaningful script, and the best help team in the industry, and the most potential actors and actresses, all these creme of the crop groups come together, it seems like everyone is waiting for the final work. whenever i think that everyone is waiting eagerly for my good results, and that i might do badly when everyone else does well, i have ths thought of quitting it all. on the surface, things that went according to my thoughts, none at all.

during "firebird", i couldnt reflect on my mistakes. but many people still loved and supported me; but lately, no matter be it me, audience, or anyone else, many people did not sleep nor eat well because of the drama.everyone thought the drama would turn out good, but it didnt. i was very sad about it. i was so confused, any sort of thoughts came to me. that even if everything was going well but the rating did not increase, it might be my fault. there were thoughts that, even if i did not participate in the drama it would still sell well.

lately i keep having these thoughts, the drama seems to be on a ship going on a voyage, the director is the ship master, and the rest of us are the helpers in the ship. and me, i am one of the people at the front of the ship steering hard. because i am at the front, everyone will look at me, and because i am at the front, i am special, i might affect the total outcome of the drama. but a swimmer is still a swimmer, everyone has the same goal, that is to land safely on shore. i, Mun Jung Hyuk will not think too much, i will work hard to be a good rower. please look forward to <que sera sera>.



an hour later im going to singapore~ film episode 10!

episode 10!!!!!! woo~

From, Mun Jung Hyuk

credits// 顺其自然》官网 + cherry@bestshinhwa中文网 + prizzyy @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum

Taken from this thread --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index.php?topic=968.0

puhahha eric has such a big imagination. lol.

i remember some of his old post...gosh they were so funny xD

i saw eric. half nekkid. by the pool.

half naked

it was a very comfortable stalking experience.

we ordered a drink by the pool and stared at the half naked eric (:

he was across the pool and he was so BIG and CLEAR.

he. is. very. handsome.

it was good ^^

maybe will update with more details later. am tired now. haahaa but in real life he is rather ET as well haahaa

some of the pics i took..but not gd cos i used my phone T.T i didn have a real camera with me

ahh you gals are so lucky. haha you guys got to stalk i mean secretly watch eric lol.

thanks for the pictures ^__________^

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Guest prizzyy

haha thanks malzzy for posting the news here ^-^

and thanks for the eric pics! thanks SO muchhh <33

for us fans who couldnt stalk him (although im in sg lol)


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Guest chopsticksandspoon


miss':bella, robotic, xh thanks for sharing shinhwa pics!

mal thanks for sharing shinhwa news!

thanks for sharing shinhwa clips!

PAGE 920

miriya, you can consider me a new fan too. except that, i'm not so new. don't worry, as time flies by you'll see what we mean when we say that we will love shinhwa forever. i know that you'll feel it too. just stay strong and love them as much as you can. cause shinhwa deserves all the love that the world can give them. okies?


oh gosh i want one!!!! a fan made it??? do you think she can make any more??? lol. she'll be sued though. haha. BUT GOSH IT'S CUTE!~

and wait.. is that andy carrying sungie??? LOL.

K4ice, we are one big family indeed. i have never felt such happiness when i read replies heres. i always smile nonstop. when we spazz, when we just plain convo... i've meet many great people here, all of who share my passion with shinhwa. also, i agree with them having overseas fanclub in other parts of the world like in china and japan. maybe us fans should take the initiative to do so. we can gather up, contatcs and all, sigh a petition, send it to GOODEMG. also, we're the same when it comes to "coming back to shinhwa". no matter how many dbsk, suju, ss501, BB clips i watch, at the end of the day, i still end up watching shinhwa clips. stay here more.. stay here always.. and make more new friends!~ it;s good to have someone to spazz with... :P AND MED SCHOOL? i was thinking of going into law school but.. haha. 1st year college and i'm already down with sickness. >O<

Jennie, LOL. i made you laugh so hard? PUAHAHHAHAH!!!! but it IS my dream. i've input it in my cellphone's calendar already (including minu's version).. from this year's birthday to the day he turns 35!~ the 35 one says : "2day, wan turns 35. if you aren't married to him yet by now, it only means one thing.. YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE ALREADY. bummer". also, i'm sorry but i don't have that clip. wa.

PAGE 921

riz, yes, they'll just bring us down. but you rizzieshsshs! and the rest of the shinhwa family, brings me high UP!~ *looks up* hehe

amy, I WILL!~ well, doesn't the LL thread here have it in HQ already? if it's not there, i can't. but if it's there, can't you download from there? if no, i'll download for you, upload it where you want me to then give it to you!~ AND ENCODE????? OH GOSH. YOU MEAN....??? THERE'S ALREADY A TRANS FOR IT AND YOU ARE GONNA SUB IT?????? WOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!! PUAHAHHAHAHAH!~ MAN, my mom's been asking if i have the other half ever since i let her watch my love letter of han jihye and ha ji won. how about han ga in? do you have it subbed for download? WA. WAIT. if kim min jung's is done already.. this means.... the han eun jung one will be NEXTTTTT!!! WOOTAGE. WAAAA.

nat!~ I SO DID NOT COMMIT THE KRIZZA!~ >O< no no no. btw, i'm so proud to be a shinhwa fan too. and i'm so happy to have met a family so willing to commit crimes just to kidnap shinhwa. now that's special!~ and LOL. i never thought of that.. if shinhwa will be able to read our posts here.. haha. man, we said that minu was good in bed... and that he's a great kisser... and that we're gonna kidnap them.. WAA!~ they'll know about the kidnapping..... maybe we should whiten out our plans from now on.. hehe.

xh, LOL. why thanks you lovely xh!~ and YAY! i'm right, it's andy carrying sungie!~ andy's SO STRONG.


joyce, i know about it joyce. the dbsk thread and the suju thread closed.. and i've seen a lot of warnings too. it's because of some childish fans that they have. i don't really care that we have lesser pages, i'm just contended with a place as happy as this where i cans ahre my fangirling. ^__^ don't worry, if we stick to the rules, we'll get to 1000th page safely.

lynda lee minwoo, lol. i already pmed you why you didn't get a pm! hehe. YES. wan is waiting for me to be of legal age. also, he wants me finished and out of college already... PUAHAHHAHAH. lol. i can't spell that darn fanclub name too. cassieopia? lol. i hope i got it right. man, and i call myself a college kid? yes, we love shinhwa. period. ^____-

emjay, LOL. yes, i am BACK. lol. i can't resist the urge to post when i'm online and is typing my paper. hahah... man, why do i have SO MANY appers to pass anyway? i'm sure they had to be a law somewhere forbidding this kind of torture!!!!! anywas, SMACK DONGWANNIE???? yeah, he was totally evil in it.. BUT SMACK THE PERSON I LOVE? heck no. wannie evil is a sexy wannie. ;)

moon-soon (joey), HECK. i'm just glad you didn't tell mom i posted. haha. she'll get angry again. warfg. and i don't need her angry at me when we will be spending tomorrow morning together with the orthopedia doctor or whatever. haha, she will not treat me to lunch!!! anyways, i will so graduate!!!!! i'm just absent nowadays because i'm sick. darn you. hehe, post more often young lady! or i'll tell mom a secret. hehe....

JOYCE!!! WAAA. you meannie!~ no one missed me??? *cries and runs to wannie;s arms, wannie hugs her and rubs her back* all better!!!!! and i'll be here then!!! BECAUSE.... i have my third departmental test in math then. HECK.

PAGE 922

EMJAY AND NAT!!!! don't kill yourself... without meeeee..... wa..... well, i haven't been in singapore yet but yeah. he;s just there... so CLOSE to the philippines and yet... maybe if i swim right now i'll reach singapore in... 2 days? 3? 10 years? 20? never? fine. never. whatever.

kriza_09, OH GOSH YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!!!!! and to show you how brilliant i think you are...


see? i think you're THAT brilliant. someone send this idea to GOODEMG please.

MAL!~ lol. thanks for the news... WARFGH. eric in singapore.. it's SO CLOSE HERE!!!!

PRISSSSSSS!!!!! puahhaahahha!~ yes. i will make my plan come true!~ i will invite you ofcourse!~ lol.. you can be a.. flower girl? lol. whatever.. but you'll be there, righty????? you have to be there!!!!

robotic, that's one of my most fave pic of shinhwa... ^___^

Maerong, LOL. i posted in that thread. i don't care about it much though. we all know sungie is the greatest, but some people think someone else is. we cant force them to like who we like... lol. as always, it's them winning.

xh, those ericcc pics........... WAAAA!!!!!! and also, thanks for the new batch of shinhwa pics in the thread.... i love going there... the pics.. OH MAN THE GIFS.... they just make me smile like crazy!~

PAGE 923

s3xyminwoo, WA. thanks for those!!!~~~ also.... you're using avatars i made!!! WAAA!~ haha, i'm just so happy. >O<

naomi, LOL. go to eric;s house and tell his parent's she's a friend? WA. if only they'll believe her.. she can be teh ticket to our successful kidnapping!~~

NAAATTTTT!~ stop being so cute!~ someone dressed as a crab?? HAHA. and then i see eric petting it cause he thinks it;s sungie,, OH MAN, RICSYUNG!~ LOL. i can provide ricesacks. hwo many do you guys need?

kriza_09, well, all i can say is that for new fans, it;s always a good lure to keep them happy with shinhwa funny , silly, cute, sweet and high moments. this also holds true for kpop fans but are not shinhwa fans. also for those who are not kpop fans at all. people, in general, are attracted to things that are happy. if they see our guys being dorks, this will immdeaitely catch their attention. BUT to bring the factor of their hardships and down times IS a great idea. i say you sandwitch these moments between happy ones. the first part should be full of happy stuff, to let them see how close shinhwa mebers are, how they're great, how they're our men. and then give thema smooth transtition to the hard times of our boys, let them see that they're agroup taht has undergone lots of stuff to be where they are today. then towards the end... give show them the happier and more sentimental times, hugging, holding hands, laughing... this will give the audience a feeling of sweet happiness because this last part will give them the thought that "yes, this guys are total goofballs, but they've gone through a lot of rough times too. and i'm sure that they will continue to stay as goofballs, and yet still support each other, love each other and never leave each other". the last part will tie everything in.

i hope i helped.

WeaponX, in my opinion, they're great in different fields so there's no use. minwoo's good in freestyle dancing, he can't control his body, it just flows with the music. junjin... he has immense control. good for poppin dances. ^__^

nat!~ thanks for the reports!~ lol. you're reporter nat now? "and this is nat, reporting live from the shinhwa thread. back to you, eric." LOL. OH GOSH WE WANT THE SAME CAR> i'm in love with cars that are small AND has a rounded front. ^___^


i'm so happy for eric. WA. he's got such GREAT comments ANd a good rating. ^__^ eric hwaiting!~

LOL. eric is happy to have the 700th post? and wants the 777th post too? HAHA. is this like us wanting to own the 1000th page? LOL.

first eric is all serious. man, compare the drama to a sailing experience? eric.. you're too deep. then he gets all childish about going to singapore. >O<

PAGE 924



OH MY GOD. XH WAS THERE???????????????


kriza_09, LOL. frogs into princes? LOL. and see? we think the same about the ship thingy. also, WHAT IS your name? i remmeber you saying then that it's not kriza cause kriza is the name of your team or.. wa. i forgot already. sorry... hehe


i swear, if i'm not in love with wan, and not lusting after minu, i'd abduct eric and bring him to my motherlaand and make him king of the alien specie!~ grawr. he's too cute... WAAA> this is why i love love love love him. >O< i can totally imagine eric.. wa. being so amused by everything.. warfgh. AND THANKS FOR THE PICSSSS!!!!!! gawsh he;s hot.

PAGE 925

naaaaatt.. i haven't watched that ep yet (finished up to ep 1) cause.. wa. i will.. i will. i refuse to though but i willl......... lol. we all want to see a half naked eric. who doesn't?

XTIINEEEEE!~ i just came back too. haha!~ all i can say is that.. eric's in singapore!!!!!!!!! lol.

lynda, you;re right... i think so too. shinhwa guys, superstar attitude? don't see it. lol




5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest prizzyy
PRISSSSSSS!!!!! puahhaahahha!~ yes. i will make my plan come true!~ i will invite you ofcourse!~ lol.. you can be a.. flower girl? lol. whatever.. but you'll be there, righty????? you have to be there!!!!


wow i think on that day you'll have to invite TONS of people! =D


i live around hyesung street by the way <33

i guess shinhwa village separates us ne? =DDDDD

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Dongwan's drama is not finished yet. Ep. 17 aired today and it's 20 episode.

Eric's started Saturday so there's Ep. 1 and 2.

wow.. i feel so bad. i think its been like a month or so since i've last posted. i know nothing of whats going on with shinhwa O_O

erics dramas out already?

how about dongwans? is it finished?

anybody wanna update me ;D

whatever happened to minwoos single/cd? did it come out yet?



You don't have to keep quiet about it. LOL! We can talk about it here. If you are only at Ep. 2, you have a loooooooooooooong way to go! LOL! It was kind of slow for me in the beginning but it's getting soooo gooooood, I can't wait to go home and watch it.

By the way, I'm going crazy at work because now they are really monitoring us on usage of internet so I can't get on it like before. Maybe once a day? Anyway, PLEASE before I go crazy, if you want to save a soul from going crazy (LOL!0 and give me all the news about Shinhwa, could you please e-mail me? I'll post my work e-mail on my info here. Thank you.

hahaha.. i think i shall stay here and just shut up about it.. i only post on this thread [and 2 other threads, po fanfic and shinhwa battle] why? because it's hard to track my post if i post them here and there.. because i'm a freak =P

anyways.. i watched the trailer to que sera sera.. and it seems.. fun? hahahah.. i'm so tempted to watch it, but i can't do without subs >_<" i hope someone will be willing to sub it..

*skips out of the thread*

*skips back*

i still want to watch a half naked eric...


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Guest susymoon

hi,can you guys help me?i need to get junjin mv´s/clips specially dancing and funny ones and not from youtube or clubbox please

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Guest square-boxes

KRizza!! i am xinhui btw ..using eileen's laptop haha

i saw him again today..

BEST moment was when he was moving location to the other part of the restaurant and he and the entire crew walked past us..i was seriously abt 8-10 inches away from him..HE WAS SOO HANDSOME.

and the statue coolies that cheryl saw us taking photos with rocked haha

and not to mention that eric halted the entire procession when they were moving site when he saw the baldy-statue. he paused and tapped very happily on the statue's head haha and beamed in amusement at the guy behind him haha

happy day again!!^^

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Guest Maerong
Please do not spam.

LOL. Try telling that to DBSG fans in their forum. Everytime I go there it's like that.. ^^

We'll do our best to follow the rules here!! FIGHTING <3

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Guest sunnydays.

flipside thanx for your comment.. video clips might be difficult to do since i don't know how to make videos.. the best i can do is to refer them to the videos on youtube.. lol.. but i'll make caps from their best perfs/MVs though it's kinda hard to capture their dancing since they move REALLY fast.. i usually make hundreds of caps from 1 video n i just choose the best from those.. but i have like 5-10 perfs for 1 song (20+ for brand new)..>"<

for the non-kpop fans group.. i was rather hesitant to include pics from their earlier days.. i'm worried they would be turned off by the pics and refuse to read until the end where the frogs turned into charming princes (sorry couldn't find a better analogy.. lol..)

now i'm afraid i might not be able to finish it by the 24th.. coz i have lots of school works to do and a big midterm on the 23rd.. >"< but i really want to make this as best as possible.. so the worst case is i have to post one part on the 24th and save the rest for later..

edit: because of this project i have learned how to make caps.. lol..

hmm.. the drama seems to be a really good production.. awww if the drama doesn't do well he's gonna blame it on himself.. >"< it's not trueeeee... i hope the drama will do VERY well... but most of the actors/actresses are new, aren't they?? ahh hopefully it will turn out fine..

Awww. x__x;; Well, take your time. (: I mean, if you really can't finish it by the 24th, it's fine to post up half on the day, and then the last half on another day. ^^; I'm sure the Shinhwa guys would appreciate it much either way, I'm sure they wouldn't want you losing sleep over it. Haha, it's the thought that counts, right? (: I can't wait to see it~ Good luck Kriza! Haha, yeah, caps sound good. O__O;; & then maybe with the caps you can provide the link. (: LOL haha! Well, I mean, for the non-kpop fans, you can always add a few recent pictures in the front... & have other things (such as music & their personality) lure them in. & then you hit them with their old pictures when they had funny hair. :D Actually, when I saw those pictures, it made me love them even more. SO hilarious. XD;

Good luck dear~ <3

riz - hahaha i totally forgot what i wrote for the eric story.. we should wait for linh to come back, and all of us can write a story about it.. hahahaha..

LOL. alright. >:] sounds like a plan!! Hahaha, "did you wave at him?" LMAO. Don't wanna blow our cover now. :ph34r:


see? i think you're THAT brilliant. someone send this idea to GOODEMG please.

Haha, omg Krizza! I REMEMBER THIS! Shinhwa village. (; I LIVE ON ERIC STREET! I'm neighbors with Natz & Linh. (: We should have kidnappingplanmaking friendly, Shinhwa-filled meetings in that middle, orange building. 8D LOL Krizza. (: <3



OMGGGGGGGGGGGG. O______________O He looks so nice. (; LOL. Hahaha, your account sounds so awesome~~ I am also curious, did you wave at Eric? How did he respond to the fans? hahaha, ohhh mang, it sounds like Eric to laugh at the girl like that. & that's soo cute, that litle boy who kept jumping in the pool! Haha. (: Eric sounded so laid back... I'm glad that he didn't yell at the little boy, like some actors would do. O__O Oh, Eric. *sigh* Thank you so much for sharing. (: <3


OMG!! 8-10 INCHES AWAY FROM ERIC?!?! OMGG! You should've pretend-fanted & landed on him. You could've touched him! LOOL!! OMGG... wowww, that's so awesome. >w<;; I'm seriously excited right now, even though I wasn't even there... haha~~ Wowww. OMG Haha I can so imagine him stopping everyone infront of a statue just so he can rub the statue's head & laugh at his weirdness. HAHA oh woww, Eric. (: <3 Thank you so much for sharing the experience! >w<;

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Guest chdairkld
LOL. Try telling that to DBSG fans in their forum. Everytime I go there it's like that.. ^^

We'll do our best to follow the rules here!! FIGHTING <3

^He does.

Shinhwa has the strongest bond ever, I had a Shinhwa revival last night. I got home from work and heard "YO"!!!! I spazzed and went through all my folders, starting with old clips and my favorite little clip of them drinking, kissing with cards and trying to sing and such. So much love!

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